Why do you think we are
talking about a Membership
Covenant at MAC?
What is the purpose of
Why is it difficult for some
people to commit to a
My spiritual needs are met
at MAC
Take this quiz (check those
areas that are true in your life).
___ My faith is involved in
every aspect of my life.
___ Because of my faith, I have
meaning and purpose in my
___ My faith gives me an inner
___ I am a person who is
spiritually committed.
___ I spend time in worship or
prayer every day.
___Because of my faith, I have
forgiven people who have hurt
me deeply.
___ My faith has called me to
develop my given strengths.
___ I will take unpopular
stands to defend my faith.
___ I speak words of kindness
to those in need of
You’re Invited Next Week as Pastor Wilma continues
our series on Engaged Church with Give.
Bill Levin
Senior Pastor
770-778-4017 • [email protected]
Jeff Wood
Associate Pastor • [email protected]
Welcome & Prayer • Ted Dubs
Hymn #167 • Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!
Call for Offering • Kathy Turner
Hymn #529 • Under His Wings
Prayer • Jo Dubs
Special Music • Jan Levin
Message • Get
Bill Levin
Wilma Zalabak
Associate Pastor • [email protected]
Ted Dubs
Associate Pastor • [email protected]
Wilma Zalabak, organist
John Edison, hymn leader
Calvin Cummings
Worship Leader • [email protected]
Jackie Payne
Administrative Assistant/Membership Clerk
[email protected]
Monday - Thursday: 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday: 8:00AM - 12:00PM
1330 Cobb Pkwy N • Marietta, GA 30062
[email protected]
Phone - 770-427-7668 • Fax - 770-428-6793
Shawna Wood
Children’s Corner Director • 770-427-0783
Bev Amlaner
Carman Adventist School Principal • 770-424-0606
Matt Jones
Atlanta Adventist Academy Principal • 404-699-1400
The joy and blessing of Sabbath concludes
tonight at 5:47PM and begins next Friday at 5:52PM.
Welcome & Announcements
Songs of Worship
Songs of Worship
Message • Get
Worship Host: Saba Lindo
Speaker: Bill Levin
January 10, 2015
We’re glad you’re here, and if we don’t already, we’d
love to get to know you better. To help us do that,
please take a moment and fill out a Connection Card
found in the back of the pews. You can turn this into
the offering plate or to one of the pastors.
Young Adult Ministries (YAMS): You can’t escape life’s
interruptions, but you can change your perspective on
them. Join us for Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted,
a 6-week study on Jonah and learn how to see life’s
interruptions as divine interventions, Friday nights at
7:00PM in the AAA Building.
Fellowship Potluck: You are invited to this month’s
Fellowship Potluck on January 17 after 2nd service
in the Family Life Center (gym). This is a great way to
mingle and meet new people. Bring a dish to share.
Pastor’s Class: Pastor Bill teaches a Sabbath School
Class in room 207 at Carman on Adventist beliefs and
Christian lifestyle. If you believe God is leading you to
learn more about who He is, how He works and how
you can know His will, this class is for you.
Living Your Strengths Class: Pastor Wilma
will be beginning a new Strengths
group on Tuesday, January 20 at
6:30PM in the Cradle Roll room
at the church (Room 102). This
is a fine opportunity to grow in
relationships with people and with
God. The materials cost $30. See
Pastor Wilma to sign-up: 770-5464573 or [email protected].
2015 Big MAC Daddy Challenge: Join
us next Saturday night, January 17 at
6:00PM in the Family Life Center as the men
of MAC compete in a series of challenges
to see who will win the title of the Big MAC Daddy.
Concessions will be sold by Children’s Corner. To sign up to
compete or be a judge, email Brian Pruett at dabengals@
Prayer Requests:
• Ben Knowles’ stepfather has cancer.
• Jean & Athalie Fleurancois’ nephew passed away.
Giving: Today’s conference offerings will be given to
Conference Advance. If you’d like your offering to be given
to this, please specify so on your tithe envelope. All loose
or unspecified offerings will be given to our Local Church
Budget. You can turn in an envelope or give back online at
• Given to Church Budget last week: $2,252.25
• Needed each month: $33,000.00
High School Retreat: All Adventist students, grades 9-12,
not attending Adventist schools are invited to this year’s
High School Retreat at Cohutta Springs, February 6-8. Save
$10 per student if you register by January 18. Register
online at Brochures are available on the
Youth Ministries bulletin board.
Prayer Conference: You are invited to this year’s Prayer
Conference - Elevate - on February 20-22 at Cohutta
Springs Conference Center. Pick up a brochure on the Adult
& Family Ministries bulletin board.
Pray One Million: What would happen if every
Adventist in North America would spend a
few minutes each day praying for one specific
person? If just half of us made that commitment,
we would storm the gates of Heaven. Visit www. to see how you can join others
from around the North American Division.
Attention Parents – If your little one becomes restless, we have
the following options available for your family:
Children’s Training Room: located behind the AV booth
Mothers’ Nursing Room: located inside the women’s restroom, this
room is for mothers and infants/small children only.
What Do I Get?
Mark 10:17-22
The Rich Young Ruler asked
Jesus, What do I get for serving
in Your Kingdom?
• What was his attitude?
• What was his motive?
• What was he committed to?
Peter asked Jesus, What do I
get to equip me to serve in Your
• What was his attitude?
• What was his motive?
• What was he committed to?
What motivates you?
In your core being, what is the
change agent that brings you
to act on something?
What (motivating) role have
you allowed Christ to play in
your life?
When your life is all said and
done, what sentence will be
written about you?
At MAC, I know what is
expected of me.
We stand for something and
that is why our Membership
Covenant is important.
Continued on the back...