WESTSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 3235 HIGHWAY 54 WEST BROWNSVILLE, TN 38012 731-772-3810 WEBSITE:WESTSIDEBROWNSVILLE.COM US STAMP Address label ———————————————————————————————————————————— PREACHER Larry Sweeney cell 780-8280 MISSION PROGRAMS Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort Nashville, TN Harding Graduate School Scholarship Program Memphis, TN In Search of the Lord’s Way Phil Sanders WATN Cable 12, Sundays, 8:30am Fishers of Men West Tennessee Children’s Home Pinson, TN Heritage Christian University Phillip Goad New Zealand Lance and Kristen Mosher LISTEN to Brownsville Radio 95.3 after 8am News Report for our WESTSIDE MINUTE each weekday and our 9:30 am sermon each Sunday morning. You can also CHECK OUT ..or JOIN, Westside Group on FACEBOOK MISSIONARIES Arthur David Liberia Rod Kyle New Plymouth, New Zealand Curry Montague Hungarian Mission Program Joseph Ruiz Mexico, Peru, The Philippines World Evangelism Ministry India Radio Fund Howell Ferguson Chimala Bible and School of Preaching, Tanzania http://www.bvbid.org ORDER OF WORSHIP SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SUNDAY Bible Classes 9:30 AM AM Worship Service 10:30 AM PM Worship Service 5:00 PM WEDNESDAY Devotional and Classes: 6:00 PM Announcements: Bill Jenkins Morning Services January 11, 2015 Song Service Allan Glidewell Evening Services January 11, 2015 Song Service Caleb Glidewell Opening Prayer Albert Jackson Opening Prayer Jack Fox VISITORS! You are our honored guests! We are so glad that you have come to share our worship to the Lord. Please stay and allow us to assure you of your importance to us, and then, return for another visit very soon. Please sign our guest book. Nursing Home Activities 1st Sunday Crestview 2:00 PM Sugar Creek 2:45 PM 3rd Monday Crestview 6:30 PM Speaker Larry Sweeney Scripture Morris Blatt “Devotional” Communion Paul Lewis Bobby Neal Mike Piercey Jimmy Naylor Speaker Howell Ferguson “Don’t Forget About Jesus” Closing Prayer Billy Connally Scripture Morris Blatt Closing Prayer Jack Brummett — Wednesday Services January 14, 2015 Song Service Zack Fox Prayer Jack Williams Devotional Larry Sweeney POWER FOR TODAY If you are not receiving your quarterly copy, please see Mary Lewis. January Announcements: Bill Jenkins Those to serve on January 18, 2015 Morning Services Opening prayer: Wally Delaney Closing prayer: Bill Jenkins DECEMBER TABLE: Paul Lewis, Bobby Neal, Mike Piercey, Jimmy Naylor Scripture Reader: Allan Glidewell Song Leader : C. Glidewell Those to serve January 18, 2015 Evening Services Opening prayer: Robert Neal Closing prayer: Mac Perry Scripture Reader: Allan Glidewell Song Leader: C. Glidewell For Laughs and Giggles.. but seriously...we need constant reminders that….. Anonymous “ U do 2 others what U want others 2 do 2 U .“ STATISTICS Sunday, January 4, 2014 Bible class AM Worship PM Worship Wed, January 7, 2014 29 48 23 26 — News of Family and Friends . REMINDER: If you have something or someone you want mentioned in the bulletin, PLEASE write it down and give to announcer or put it on the desk in office. You cannot expect anyone but yourself to remember it and get it right. Thank you. The Westside Church of Christ web page is up and running. The address “westsidebrownsville.com”. Ya’ll go check it out! The directory has been updated. Please notify Mary Lewis if your address has changed to update your power for today quarterly publication.# sent to your home by Westside. Please keep those in the nursing homes and shut-ins, in your thoughts and prayers. Please remember there will be a fellowship meal today. And our guest will be Howell Ferguson. Following the meal will be the evening worship service at 1:30 ,following that there will be a Men’s Business Meeting all men are to attend. Lads to leaders and leaderettes .And those who are attending the convention there is a sheet on the bulletin board that has a list of names who are attending , or signed up to judge . If you are planning on attending and your name is not on the list Please see Jason and he will sign you up. Thanks NURSING HOME SINGING 1st Sunday of Month Crestview 2:00 Sugar Creek 2:45 Third Monday Nursing Home Singing Crestview @ 6:30pm WE WELCOME ALL TO ATTEND AND FELLOWSHIP WITH US! WESTSIDE PRAYER LIST Kristina Woods Darwin Johnson Yvonne Mathias Minnie Kate Johnson Mike Piercey Genrose Lovelace Louis&Bonnie Pearl Gordon Rushmore Lavenia Emison Ann Jackson Helen Faught Jenny Neal Family and Friends Prayer List Amy Fox Norville Joyce Femin Gayle Kyle Niles McClain Melvin Bond Mary Drinkard Anna Smith Jerry Simmons Giula Flanagan Doug Faulkner Tim Rodgers Pam Rodgers Crestview Sugar Creek Minnie King Diane Hart Bertha Read Mae Mathias Mary Lucille Moses Margaret Bass Carolyn Freeman Eleanor Edwards Pearl Gordon Alamo Sylvia Hart Bells Shelia Weir January BIRTHDAYS 01 PAM STEWART 03 JACK FOX 05 GENROSE LOVELACE 06 KAYLA RICH 08 ASHLYN WOODS 09 BOBBY NEAL 12 RISA CAMPBELL 13 MARION EASTMAN 18 TABITHA PARSONS 18 DANNY DARNABY 18 TEDDY FRYE 21 SCOTT CHRISMAN 25 JOEY COULSTON 25 PAUL LEWIS 25 BONNIE DARNABY 27 D.B. FOX 29 JENNY NEAL 29 MIKE PIERCEY 30 CHRISTOPHER STANLEY 30 JESSISE DELANEY Encouragement: A Weighty Subject Jean Nidetch had a problem. As a 214 pound homemaker she was desperate to lose weight. She finally went to the New York City Department of Health for help and was given a diet designed by Dr. Norman Jolliffe. After two months of faithful adherence to the diet she grew discouraged. She still had more than fifty pounds to lose. In the midst of her depression she embarked upon an idea. She invited six of her overweight friends to her home to share the diet and talk about strategies to stay on it. Today, almost fifty years later, more than two million members attend over 30,000 Weight Watchers meetings in 30 countries every week. In an interview she was asked what it was that caused her to be so successful. She gave her response in the form of a story. When she was a teenager she used to walk across a park where she could see mothers huddled together talking while their toddlers sat on swings. The poor kids had no one to push them. “So,” she said, “I’d give them a shove. And do you know what happens when you push a kid in a swing? Pretty soon he’s pumping, doing it for himself. That’s my role in life…I’m there to give others a shove.” All of us need a “push” in life. We all have occasions when we get down and discouraged. We’ve had those moments of frustrating failure and we need a shove to pick ourselves up and go on. Or, we have worked, planned, and carried that important project through to its conclusion and there was no one there to say, “You did a great job!” That may be the toughest pill to swallow! That’s when we need an encourager…a person who sees, feels, and understands. We don’t need a critic or a passive bystander. We need someone to stand in the gap that will speak and act. The church is designed by God to be a family of encouragers. We don’t live the Christian life in isolation. We can’t! Let’s face it…we NEED each other! The writer of Hebrews was a great encourager. He wrote his “word of exhortation” (13:22) to people with “feeble arms and weak knees” (12:12) who needed to be reminded that God “will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you helped his people and continue to help them” (6:10). This encourager encouraged us to “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (10:24). The writer calls for a creative spirit of encouragement in God’s family. He suggests that we spend time in reflection, evaluation, and appreciation of others so that we can know how to build them up. Let’s start today! --Tim Woodward
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