CRESTVIEW LOCAL SCHOOLS SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: Kindergarten Registration Art Show Community Events FFA Flower Sale INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Dollars & $ense 2 HS News 2-3 Art News 2 Art Show 2 Crestview FFA 3 MS News 4 Youth Soccer 4 Volleyball Camp 4 ES News 5 Kindergarten Reg. 5 Booster Club News 6 Athletic News 6 Cafeteria News 6 7 Events & Community Events Public Library 8 Ohio Grange Donation 8 FFA Greenhouse 8 FFA Alumni 8 The CrestView A Community Information Service of the Crestview Local Schools VOLUME 2014-15,ISSUE 5 APRIL/MAY 2015 From the Superintendent’s Desk… Mr. Randy Dunlap While spring is the season of renewal and new beginnings, educationally spring time means conclusion and closure for students and staff. The academic year is often viewed as a marathon of sorts, yet as we reflect back we usually wonder where time has gone. Our seniors who are so excited to begin their next phase in life will soon reflect on how extraordinarily fast their high school experience passed. No matter how weary our staff is by the end of an overwhelming year, there is still that prevailing question of how it vanished so quickly. Educational expectations, procedures and assessments are all vastly different, as well they should be. The job market in the past was clearly visible and defined. Today we are educating students to enter a job market that is still appearing on the horizon. The top ten jobs in 2013 did not even exist in 2004. Sixty-five percent of our elementary students today will hold jobs that don’t yet exist. There are limitless problems to be solved that we aren’t even aware of, which will require us to use technology that does not yet exist. We must equip our students with the tools and skills to facilitate solutions. We can no longer work in the context of rote memorization and of quizzing students to get patent answers to prescribed questions. We educators must engage students in the process of critical thought and problem solving for inquiry, while guiding them to utilize available resources to find solutions to hypothetical problems. Currently there are approximately 100 billion Google searches every month. Ask yourselves, to whom these questions were addressed prior to Google? As a high school student, I could have never predicted what the world would resemble today. There were no personal computers, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), compact discs (CD), digital video discs (DVD), cell phones, iPads, iPods, Wi-Fi, Google, or many of the other things we take for granted on a daily basis. In 1984, it was estimated there were 1,000 internet devices; 1992, the number was 1 million; 2008, it was 1 billion; 2014, more than 10 billion! This increased technology has created a situation in which 90% of the data in the world has been generated in the last two years. In this culture and context we cannot expect our classrooms to resemble the classrooms from which I graduated. It is a very different climate with a whole new set of circumstances. We are moving from a model of sitting in straight rows completing worksheets and relying on the teacher for all new information, to a collaborative environment where current world problems are tackled and the most up to date information is available via the click of a button. In the year 1900, it was estimated that human knowledge doubled every 100 years; 1945, every 25 years; 2014, every 13 months; 2020, every 20 hours. We are truly living in exponential times. I am extremely excited about the students of Crestview having the technological tools to enhance their learning resources. Predictions are by 2049 a base level laptop computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the entire human species. I believe that there are so many wonderful opportunities from which our students can choose, some that have yet to be created. I have confidence that our students will be well prepared to compete in the global market given the access that they currently have to technology. With our current seniors preparing for college, this understanding of the growth of technology will be paramount. Currently the amount of new technological information is doubling every two years. For our seniors heading to college or technical school, this means that half of what they learn their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study. What impact will technology have on schooling? Technology has the potential to enrich and empower learning. I am also cautiously hopeful that individuals in our legislature will make decisions that are truly best for public education. They should be emphasizing student engagement and inquiry over standardized assessments and fully fund those initiatives on an equal level, not based on taxpayer abilities and living standards. I hope that the media will stop painting all public schools with the same negative brush. Rather, they should reflect on the powerful things we are doing to keep our students in a growth model and the improvement by our teachers as they become facilitators of knowledge. I know that the vast majority of American public schools are doing a good job of educating all of our youth. Students today are much smarter, have many more options, and are better prepared for success than I was over thirty years ago. I truly believe that all of this growth has little to do with assessments and evaluations. Rather, it is an acute interest by all parties, students and staff alike, to be successful and place their own stamp on progress and change for the future. PAGE 2 Dollars & $ense From the office of your Treasurer...Mr. Larry Lifer As the outside temperatures are FINALLY leaving those single-digit numbers all of us have so enjoyed over the past three months (yeah, right!), our thoughts turn to the newness of springtime and anxiously await that first daffodil or crocus to sprout from the ground. The piles of snow are finally beginning to melt and will hopefully be gone by the time this article prints. In the financial office of your District, springtime signals the start of planning for the upcoming school year. Many discussions occur on a variety of topics with many of the school personnel. Reviews of the current school year finances identify budget areas that may need closer scrutiny as next year’s budget is initially scratched out on paper. Eventually those numbers find their way into the accounting system. Just as many of you prepare for spring cleaning for your home, similar ideas happen here. Not so much about addressing the cobweb in the corner or the remains of winter on the windows, but cleaning up loose ends of purchases that have been made and ensuring we have collected all of the funds that are due the District. The newness of spring effects all of us in different ways. But the underlying feeling can’t help but to be filled with hope followed by a sigh of relief that the winter may be behind us. Anyone for a little “Snoopy Dance”? Please take some time to enjoy the beauty of springtime! If you have questions about this or any other financial topic, please contact Larry Lifer, Treasurer at 419-895-1700, ext. 17005, or e-mail [email protected] Ohio Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition CHS Art Students Selected We are excited to announce the results from the Ohio Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition regional judging that was held on March 7. Crestview High School placed 4th out of 20 regional high schools (Ontario, Mansfield Senior and Lexington placing above us). Fourteen student art pieces were selected to move on to state judging that took place on March 14. The following are to be congratulated for their hard work and dedication as they advanced to State judging: Alex Bishop (2 pieces), Carson Chronister, Colleen Cline (2 pieces), Celina Cole, Brook Davis, Kayla Eichelberger, Madeline Godsey, Sydney McLaughlin, Raven Rider, Samantha Salyers, Macie Schneeg, and Sara West. Congratulations to Raven Rider for making it into the state exhibition in Columbus. The Governor’s Show is the highest honor a high school art student can achieve. The exhibition is open to all of Ohio’s 1,112 high schools, both public, private and chartered by the State of Ohio Department of Education. From the 12,000 regional entries of the 15 regions, approximately 2,500 are selected to enter the state judging. State jurors then select 300 for the actual exhibition, with 25 of the 300 chosen to receive the Governor’s Award of Excellence. Regional winners will have their work displayed at the Mansfield Art Center’s Regional Show March 22April 19 with an opening reception for the show on Sunday, March 22 from 2-4:00 p.m. The Art Center is closed to the public on Mondays. The Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition in Columbus is April 12 - May 14. Savannah High School Alumni Association Offering Scholarships The Savannah High School Alumni Association is accepting applications from descendants of Savannah Academy and Savannah High School Alumni for the Alumni Scholarship Fund awards. Graduating high school senior or a graduate in the past three years with plans of pursuing higher education may apply and be eligible for one award. This year please use the Local Scholarship Application on the Crestview High School Guidance page. Scholarship applicants are required to write a 300 to 500 word history of an alumni relative to be submitted by May 1. All applicants must have a cover page with their name, address, phone number, planned field of study, and a list of the schools you are considering. The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage advanced education, family research, inter-generational communication and historical documentation of ancestors. Applications can be mailed to: Attn: Carolyn Glenn, 1575 State Route 96, Ashland, Ohio 44805. Applicants with questions may call Mrs. Glenn, of the Savannah Alumni Association, at 419-895-1162. Please join us for the Crestview High School Spring Art Show on Saturday, May 9, from 3-8:00 p.m. in the Crestview High School Media Center (This will be open during the CHS Dinner/ Jazz Concert that starts at 5:30 p.m.) and on Monday, May 11, from 3-9:00 p.m. (HS Band/Choir Concert at 7:00 p.m.) Many student art pieces will be on display. Come and join us for a wonderful evening of art and music! Our students have worked hard and we are very proud to have the art show and music department join together their events! THE CRESTVIEW VOLUME 2014-15,ISSUE 5 PAGE 3 Crestview High School From the desk of Mrs. Shannon Sprang, Principal 2015 Graduation Dates and Times There will be a mandatory meeting (including PCTC students) for the Class of 2015 on Wednesday, April 8 in the Crestview High School Auditorium at 8:00 a.m. LAST CALL FOR SENIOR PICS AND BABY PICS! Please email formal senior pics (head/shoulder) informal and baby pictures to [email protected] OR turn in prints labeled with your name to the class officers by the April 8 class meeting. MANDATORY GRADUATION PRACTICE: Thursday, May 28, 2015, 9:00-11:30 AM. Seniors are to be in the CHS Auditorium by 8:50 AM. (caps & gowns are not needed) SENIOR AWARDS PROGRAM: Friday, May 29, 2015, 7:00-9:00 PM. Mandatory Attendance. Seniors are to be dressed in gowns and lined up in the CHS 100 hallway by 6:40 PM. BACCALAUREATE: Saturday, May 30, 2015, 7:30 PM. (Attendance is not mandatory) GRADUATION: Sunday, May 31, 2015, 3-4:00 PM. Seniors are to be dressed in caps and gowns and in the CHS auditorium by 2:30 PM. In order to participate in graduation, a Senior must attend both practice and the Senior Awards Program. In an emergency absence situation, contact must be made with Mrs. Sprang prior to Practice, Senior Awards Program or Graduation. Absences because of work are NOT acceptable; please communicate these dates/times with employers ASAP and have the employer contact Mrs. Sprang if verification of mandatory attendance is necessary. All fees, class dues, and other financial obligations must be paid before the senior will be allowed to participate in practice and receive his/her diploma. All financial obligations, including those at Pioneer, must be fulfilled by 3:30 PM on Friday, May 22, 2015. A graduate will be excused from the graduation ceremony if a parent submits the request in writing to Mrs. Sprang by May 8, 2015. His/her diploma will be available in the high school office on Tuesday, June 1, 2015. Dress for practice, Senior Awards Program and Graduation must comply with the school dress code. For Senior Awards Program, casual business dress is required. For Graduation women should be in a dress/skirt and wearing appropriate dress shoes. Men should wear dress pants, button-down shirt, tie, and formal dress shoes. No athletic shoes, casual flip flops, shorts, or jeans are permitted at Senior Awards Program or Graduation. Only school issued awards are permitted to be worn with the caps and gowns. Class of 2015 Scholarships… It’s not too late to apply for college scholarships. Every week the Guidance office is receiving information on scholarships for college bound seniors. The monthly scholarship packet and local scholarship application is available on the Guidance tab of the Crestview High School web page and also in the Guidance office. Many scholarships only require a short essay and transcript. After-Prom… The After-Prom committee has been working hard to ensure that the kids have a safe and fun-filled night. The After-Prom will be held on April 11 at Ashland University’s Rec Center from 11:00 p.m. - 2:30 a.m. Tickets went on sale March 27 at a cost of $8 per person. A waiver from Ashland University must be completed before purchasing tickets. See Mrs. Purvis in the Guidance office for tickets. Franklin B. Walter Recipient… Congratulations to senior, Abby Motter, who was recently honored as the Franklin B. Walter award winner representing Crestview High School. The award recognizes outstanding academic achievement. Crestview FFA News! Crestview FFA Week - Despite the cancellations due to snow Crestview FFA still made the best of FFA week! On Monday members participated in a brand battle, where students wore apparel in support of their favorite farm machinery brands. Tuesday, the chapter did a twist on their traditional food drive; students were able to bring in a donation or canned food items and in return were permitted to wear sweatpants or their favorite hat. Sixty-five people school wide participated! Wednesday, FFA members wore their favorite FFA t-shirt. In addition to this we held our annual staff breakfast. Students arrived to the school early and prepared pancakes, French toast, sausage, and omelets for the staff before the school day started. The community lunch which was originally planned for Thursday had to be rescheduled for a later date due to a calamity day. Flannel Friday and Greenhand day also had to be rescheduled due to another calamity day. Although we did not have school for two days, the Crestview FFA still had a successful week. Public Speaking - Brynn Witmer and Abby Motter traveled to Plymouth to compete at the Sub-District Public Speaking Contest on February 9. At the competition, Brynn placed 2nd out of 6 in the FFA Creed and Abby placed 1st out of 5 in Advanced Prepared. Both members advanced to the District contest at Buckeye Central on the 24th. At this contest Brynn placed 4th out of 8 and Abby placed 3rd out of 9. Unfortunately, Abby and Brynn did not place in the top 2 of their classes, so they could not move on to State Speaking Contest. Congratulations to both ladies! Sign up for “Remind” to have high school dates/ times texted or emailed directly to you. Visit: or text 419-516-0912 with message @d000d to join! PAGE 4 Crestview Middle School From the desk of Mr. Eric Yetter, Principal Crestview Middle School has successfully completed the first portion of the new state assessments. Our priority is to take a potentially disruptive testing process and create a schedule that least interrupts instruction. We are able to accomplish this through creative scheduling and flexibility on the part of our teachers and staff. Crestview's teachers, cafeteria workers and custodians have worked together to make this process a success. Our students should be commended for their effort and focus throughout the process. We are all very proud of their approach to this challenge. We will complete the testing process in late April and early May. The End-of-Year tests will take place on the dates listed below. As with the first round, testing is only a portion of the student day. The testing times are significantly shorter than the old OAA. Unfortunately, there are more sessions, but we have made every effort to ensure students still receive instruction in all classes each day throughout the testing window. Thank you for encouraging your students to give their best as we tackle this process. April 22 April 23 April 28 April 29 April 30 May 6 May 7 6th Grade Math PARCC 6th Grade Math PARCC 4, 6 Social Studies AIR 5, 8 Science AIR 4-8 ELA/L PARCC 6-8 ELA/L PARCC 4,5,7,8 Math PARCC 4,5,7,8 Math PARCC Noah Blum qualified for the Regional Spelling Bee!! Crestview 8th grader and Richland County Spelling Bee champion recently qualified for the Regional Spelling Bee that took place on March 14th. He advanced through six rounds of competition. The winner from Regional qualifies to compete in the Scripps National Bee in Washington D.C. Our Middle School track team will compete at home two times this season. On April 7th we host a Firelands Conference quad meet, and on April 29th we will host the John Murray Invitational. Volunteers are always needed to help with events and concessions. Contact the Athletic Department if interested. Upcoming Spring trips at the Middle School include 6th Grade Outdoor Ed. at Camp NuHop, and the 7th/8th Grade Washington DC trip. Our 6th graders will leave on Tuesday morning, May 5th from the Middle School and the 7th/8th graders will depart late Sunday night, May 17th. If you have any questions regarding either trip, please contact the middle school office. THE CRESTVIEW Middle School Choir & Band Concerts The 4th Grade Music Program is set for Thursday, April 23, 2015. The MS Band Concert is scheduled for Monday, May 4, and the MS Choir Concert is scheduled Wednesday, May 6. All concerts will be in the High School Auditorium and are set to begin at 7:00 p.m. Please come and join us in this spring celebration of music. Crestview Youth Soccer Club Fall 2015 & Spring 2016 Sign-Up Soccer sign-ups for Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 are coming up soon! You must attend a scheduled sign up to register your child for the 2015-2016 Soccer Season. $70 registration fee. Important—All participants must bring a copy of their birth certificate. Mark your calendars with date and time: Saturday, May 30, 9:00 a.m. - Noon at Weller Township Hall. Contact Amy Callahan at 419-512-0212 with any questions. 2015 Lady Cougar Volleyball Camp Grades 1-6 Attention all 1st-6th graders, it’s time for some volleyball FUN-damentals! Camp dates will be: May 20, 21, & 22. Time: 3 - 4:30 p.m. The camp will be held at the Crestview HS gymnasium. Instructors are the Crestview volleyball coaching staff along with high school players. All girls in 1st-6th grades are welcome. All camp attendees will receive a camp T-shirt. Cost is $25 per player. Look for camp sign-up forms coming home with your child. Any questions please feel free to call Coach Ritchey at 419-5222718 or Coach Cartwright at 419-512-4924. VISIT THE SCHOOL’S WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE DISTRICT! LOG ON TO: VOLUME 2014-15,ISSUE 5 PAGE 5 Crestview Elementary School From the desk of Mrs. Kristi Barker, Principal Thank goodness for spring! We have endured a hard cold winter and the students have done their best to stay focused as the staff continues to work with them toward our learning goals! We celebrated the 100th day of school and students participated in activities to understand the value of 100 as well as the historical connections of what the world was like a century ago and what it might be like in the future. Valentine’s Day is always a treat at the elementary as students and parents are very creative with the boxes they design. We appreciate the overwhelming turnout as families came in to celebrate in our classrooms. Dr. Seuss’s birthday is also an annual celebration in our building. Students read a multitude of this timeless author’s classics as well as some of his works that are not quite as well known. The building ended the week with trying “green eggs and ham” for lunch and dressing like their favorite Seuss character . Looking into the next few months we will be welcoming new families during kindergarten registration in April and screening in May. Please refer to the additional article for details about this process. Many classes will be participating in a variety of field trips. MATH NIGHT will take place April 16th and we will be ending the year with our annual “field day” event so look for details to be coming home with your student (s) on all of these upcoming events. Your child’s current teacher will work with the principal to make the best possible placement for next year. Trust that we will take into consideration your student’s academic needs to maximize their learning potential. We also will be having multiple teachers joining different teams next year, therefore. specific teacher request are not recommended. If you feel there is specific information we need to know in order to fit your child’s learning needs please email such information to [email protected]. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR Children who will be eligible to attend kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year must be 5 years of age on or before August 1, 2015. Kindergarten Registration will take place April 6-24 in the board of education office. Parents must call the board of education office to make an appointment for registration. If you miss registration please call as soon as possible to set up an appointment to register. Kindergarten Screening will take place the second week of May 2015. In order to prepare for screening, it is very important to get your child registered early. Please mark these dates on your calendar if you have a student who will be entering kindergarten in the fall. We need to get all students registered and screened in order to plan for the 2015-2016 school year. Any questions may be directed to the elementary office at 419-895-1700 ext. 16000 or to the board of education office at 419-895-1700 ext. 17002 or 17000. Kindergarten Parent Meeting will be held during the screening appointment time at Crestview Elementary. During this meeting families will have a chance to meet with the principal to learn more about our kindergarten program and answer any questions. STUDENT ARTWORK CHOSEN FOR 2014 YOUTH ART MONTH EXHIBITION Please join us congratulating two elementary students for their artwork which is on exhibit in Columbus. Maria Welch, third grade, has work displayed at The Young Peoples Art Exhibition at the Rhodes State Office Tower in Columbus. Maria created a shield design using colored pencil. Hayden Kidney, third grade, has work on display at the State Teachers Retirement Systems Building in Columbus. Hayden created illuminated manuscript “K” using colored pencil and sharpie marker. Both exhibitions are sponsored by the Ohio Art Education Association. Art works from across the state of Ohio are currently on display in both exhibitions. I am very pleased and proud of these of these young artists who are representing Crestview. The visual arts play a critical role in the lives of our students at all levels allowing them opportunities to create, problem solve, critique and communicate. It is my pleasure to follow and encourage all of my students on their creative journey. PAGE 6 Booster Club News… Special thanks to all those folks who have supported the Booster Clubs this past school year. Without these Booster Clubs we cannot achieve the success that Crestview enjoys. We are most appreciative of all the hard work that the Booster Clubs give each year. We encourage you to become involved with your child’s education and any of the Booster Clubs. Crestview Athletic Boosters—The Crestview Athletic Boosters and the Crestview Board of Education are continuing to move forward with the construction of the new MultiPurpose Athletic Facility. We are hoping to break ground in June. Our Golf Outing will be held at the Shelby Country Club once again this year. The date of the outing will be on June 27th. Get your teams together now and register for this fun event. Thank you to last years hole sponsors: Simonson Construction, Harris Welding, Trent Insurance Group, Bohland Jewelers, Buckeye Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge, Rinehart-WalterDanner and Associates, Jorden and Amanda Seiter, Dearman Moving & Storage, Hergett Machine, Kuhn Costume Rental, R.C. Kuhn & Sons, Skybox Packaging, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Newswanger Meats, and E.R. Boliantz Packing. Our Community Day will be here before we know it. The date will be October 3rd. We will have another fun-filled day of football and lots of activities for the whole family to enjoy! So mark your calendars now to come out and support your Crestview athletes! Mulch Sale Delivery—Mulch will be delivered on April 11 & April 25 for those who ordered. We thank you for your support of Crestview athletes. Next meetings will be on Monday, April 6 and May 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School library. Please come and join us! Cafeteria News! As the end of the school year approaches there are a couple of items to take note of in the building cafeterias. All lunch charges be paid by May 4. Also, there will be no more charges allowed as of May 4. Please make sure your child has money on his or her account. If you’re not sure if your child owes money, please call 419-8951700, extension 17002 and we can give you that information. There may be changes to the published menus. Due to the number of calamity days, there are items we need to use before the end of the school year. Building principals should be announcing any menu changes during the morning announcements. The Cafeteria Staff would like to wish everyone a safe and happy summer and thank you for supporting the school breakfast and lunch programs. THE CRESTVIEW Crestview Athletics Congratulations to the following Winter Athletes on their post-season awards: Coach Aaron Goon District 6 Coach of the Year Renee Stimpert District 6 Player of the Year (1st Team Firelands Conference) Lexie Shriver District 6 1st Team (2nd Team Firelands Conference) Caitlyn Fulk District 6 Honorable Mention (2nd Team Firelands Conference) Megan Hill District 6 Honorable Mention (Honorable Mention Firelands Conference) Macie Restille District 6 Honorable Mention Ben Olewiler 2nd Team District 6 (1st Team Firelands Conference) Sawyer Radcliffe 2nd Team Firelands Conference Colt Cross State Wrestling Alternate With the winter athletic season in the rear view mirror it’s time to look ahead for a much anticipated spring. Crestview High and Middle School will be hosting two track and field invitationals. The Forrest Pruner Invite on April 24 and the John Murray Invite on April 29. Many hands make light work! If you are interested in helping with one or all of these events please contact CHS Athletic Director, at 419-895-1700, ext. 19401. Want to help pave the way for the success of future generations of Cougar Athletes? The Crestview Athletics Boosters are calling on all current and former students, athletes, friends, families, parents, administrators and community leaders to help pave the way to a successful athletic achievement. With the purchase of a personalized, engraved brick, your Cougar Pride will be permanently set and prominently displayed at the new Multi-Purpose Athletic Facility behind the home football stands. All involved can honor a child, family member, recognize a graduate, remember a loved one, show support of an organization, or advertise a business with a purchase of a brick. Your purchase will not only become permanent part of CHS, but will help to support our student athletes for years to come. Please check the school web site for additional details for the Brick Drive or call the Athletic Department at 419-8951700, extension 19401. The Crestview Athletic Department would like to thank the Crestview Board of Education, Athletic Booster Club and Cougar CLAWS Youth Program for their generous contributions towards the purchase of a new wrestling mat and the booster club purchase of new girls’ basketball uniforms! Please Note: Some dates on the district calendar may have changed since printing. Please check with coaches for current and correct dates. Crestview Middle School Conference meet was moved from May 19 to May 14 at Mapleton. CMS Track Banquet will be May 15 at the middle school. GO COUGARS! VOLUME 2014-15,ISSUE 5 PAGE 7 Crestview Community Information April / May 2015 Schedule of Events April 2-3 April 6 NO SCHOOL! SPRING BREAK 3:15 PM CPC @ ES Library 7:00 PM Athletic Boosters Meeting @ HS Lib. April 8 8:00 AM HS (9-12) Required Class Meetings April 11 6:00 PM HS Grand March @ HS 7:00 PM HS Prom Dinner/Dance & After-Prom @ AU April 14 12:30 PM Senior Citizens Luncheon @ HS 7:00 PM Music Boosters Meeting @ HS Music Room April 16 6:30 PM 52nd FFA Banquet—HS April 20 6:00 PM Board of Education Meeting April 23 7:00 PM Gr. 4 Music Program @ HS Auditorium April 24 Gr. 4-12 Interims Due 5:00 PM Forrest Pruner Crestview Track Invite-Senior Night April 29 4:00 PM MS John Murray Track Invite April 30 Grade 3 OAA—Reading April 30– May 2 State FFA Convention May 3 May 4 May 4-8 May 5-8 May 6 May 7 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 14 May 17-21 May 18 May 19 May 22 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 2:00 PM National Honor Society Inductions 3:15 PM CPC @ ES Library 7:00 PM MS Band Concert @ HS Auditorium 7:00 Athletic Boosters Meeting @ HS Library Teacher / Staff Appreciation Week 6th Grade Outdoor Education Week @ Camp Nuhop 7:00 PM MS Choir Concert @ HS Auditorium Newsletter Deadline (June issue) 7:00 PM HS Underclassmen Awards @ HS 3-8:00 PM Spring Art Show @ HS Library 5:30 PM CHS Music Dept. Dinner/Jazz Concert—HS HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY 3-9:00 PM Spring Art Show @ HS Library 7:00 PM Grades 9-12 Band/Choir Concert @ HS 12:15 PM Senior Citizens Luncheon @ HS Commons 7:00 PM Music Boosters Meeting 7:00 PM ABC (SAIL) Student/Teacher Recognition @ HS 4-7 PM FFA (Richland Co. Tag In) - HS Ag Parking Lot CMS Washington DC Trip 6:00 PM Board of Education Meeting 6:30 PM HS Music Awards Elementary Field Day NO SCHOOL! - Memorial Day Savannah Memorial Day Parade 6:00 PM HS Spring Sports Awards Grades 4-6 Awards Assemblies (8:00 AM Gr. 5 / 8:45 AM Gr. 6 / 11:45 AM Gr. 4) Grades 7-8 Awards Assemblies (8:15 AM Gr. 7 / 9:15 AM Gr. 8) 11:15 AM - Grade 8 Celebration Last Day of Classes for Students! 7:00 PM Senior Awards Night 7:30 PM Baccalaureate @ HS Aud. 3:00 PM Class of 2015 Graduation @ HS Gymnasium CRESTVIEW EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION The Crestview Educational Foundation will soon be celebrating its 5th year anniversary by fulfilling its promise to award one $1,000, one $750 and five $500 scholarships to members of the Class of 2015! The Foundation will also be awarding in the fall of 2016 three teacher grants of $250. If you are interested in contributing, you may send any amount to The Crestview Educational Foundation, P.O. Box 1701, Mansfield, OH 44901. If you have any questions contact Steve Willeke 419-895-1005 or Mary Stimpert 419-895-1505. Savannah Lions Breakfast Saturday, April 4 6:30—11:00 AM The Savannah Lions will be holding their monthly breakfast on Saturday, April 4, 2015 from 6:30-11:00 AM. Donations will be accepted. Proceeds will go towards the Cheyenne Spidel Fund (Ashland Co. Fair Entertainment Pavilion Project). Franklin—Weller Township Fire Department Pancake Breakfast and Ice Cream Social Dates Come join us for a pancake breakfast on Saturday, April 11, from 7-11:00 AM at 505 Boyce Road (Corner of Ganges Five Pts and Boyce Roads). The Annual Ice Cream Social will be held on Saturday, June 13, from 4-7:00 PM, and will be held at fire station as well. Proceeds go directly to help support the Franklin—Weller Township Fire Department. Contact Mike Bailey at 419-565-2777 for more information. 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR IS NOW AVAILABLE! Visit the Crestview schools’ web site for a copy Log on: Go to District home page Click on Information tab Click on the Forms and Information tab NONPROFIT ORG ECR WSS U.S. Postage Paid Mansfield, OH Permit No. 730 Crestview Local Schools 1575 State Route 96 Ashland, Ohio 44805-9262 POSTAL CUSTOMER Phone: 419-895-1700 Fax: 419-895-1733 Ashland County residents may call: 419-281-6206 or 419-281-3576. Excellence In Education Go Cougars! Crestview Local Schools is an equal opportunity provider and employer Mansfield/Richland County Public Library Crestview Branch 419-895-0010 Mon., Tues., Thurs.11 AM—8 PM Wed. & Fri. 11 AM—5 PM Sat. 9 AM—3 PM Book Drop is available 7 days a week *Sign up is required for all programs Crafternoon (Children) April 11 Maker’s Night (Adults*) April 14 Post-It Holder 4 (Teens) April 21 Lost In Space (Children) April 23 Crafternoon (Children) May 9 Outlet Cover (Teens) May 12 Altered Book Craft (Adults*) April 14 10a.m.-2:00 p.m. 6-7:30 p.m. 4-7:00 p.m. 6-7:00 p.m. 10a-2:00 p.m. 4-7:00 p.m. 6-7:30 p.m. Ohio State Grange Makes Donation of State Flags To School Building Principals On March 11 a donation of three Ohio State Flags was presented to Crestview Local Schools. Mrs. Dorothy Eckert, Director of Community Service for the Ohio State Grange, presented each building principal with a state flag. This was to be her last community project as director. Mrs. Eckert will be retiring from this position this year. The Ohio State Grange has made several donations of the Ohio State Flag over the past several years. Crestview Local Schools sincerely appreciates this donation from the Ohio State Grange. Crestview FFA Spring Flower Sale Greenhouse Opens May 4 Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10 AM—6 PM Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10 AM—3 PM Flowers available: Combinations of hanging baskets, Wave Petunias, Supertunias, New Guinea Impatiens, Million Bells and more. Four Inch Pots: Waves, Supertunias, Bacopa, Verbena. Specialty Containers: Wave Petunias. Flats: Petunias, Impatiens, Dusty Millers, Dahlia’s, Marigolds, Lobelia. Crestview FFA Alumni Membership Application/Renewals We will be updating our Alumni records this spring and are seeking new members to join us in our efforts to support the Crestview FFA program. If you are already a member, please take the time to update your contact information and pay annual dues. We appreciate your continued support of the Alumni and the FFA program! Name (s): Address: Current membership status: I would like to pay: $150 Lifetime Dues $15 National/State/Local Dues (annual membership) Mail or contact: Heather Motter, Crestview Alumni Secretary 2600 Baseline Rd., East. Shiloh, Ohio 44878 Email: [email protected]
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