WESTSIDE CHURCH OF CHRIST 3235 HIGHWAY 54 WEST BROWNSVILLE, TN 38012 731-772-3810 WEBSITE:WESTSIDEBROWNSVILLE.COM US STAMP Address label ———————————————————————————————————————————— PREACHER Larry Sweeney cell 780-8280 MISSION PROGRAMS Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort Nashville, TN Harding Graduate School Scholarship Program Memphis, TN In Search of the Lord’s Way Phil Sanders WATN Cable 12, Sundays, 8:30am Fishers of Men West Tennessee Children’s Home Pinson, TN Heritage Christian University Phillip Goad New Zealand Lance and Kristen Mosher LISTEN to Brownsville Radio 95.3 after 8am News Report for our WESTSIDE MINUTE each weekday and our 9:30 am sermon each Sunday morning. You can also CHECK OUT ..or JOIN, Westside Group on FACEBOOK MISSIONARIES Arthur David Liberia Rod Kyle New Plymouth, New Zealand Curry Montague Hungarian Mission Program Joseph Ruiz Mexico, Peru, The Philippines World Evangelism Ministry India Radio Fund Howell Ferguson Chimala Bible and School of Preaching, Tanzania http://www.bvbid.org ORDER OF WORSHIP SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Announcements: Jack Brummett SUNDAY Bible Classes 9:30 AM AM Worship Service 10:30 AM PM Worship Service 5:00 PM WEDNESDAY Devotional and Classes: 6:00 PM Morning Services December 21, 2014 Song Service Caleb Glidewell Evening Services December 21, 2014 Song Service Allan Glidewell Opening Prayer Bobby Neal Opening Prayer Jack Williams Scripture Allan Glidewell VISITORS! You are our honored guests! We are so glad that you have come to share our worship to the Lord. Please stay and allow us to assure you of your importance to us, and then, return for another visit very soon. Please sign our guest book. Communion Larry Sweeney Jack Fox Albert Jackson Mike Thomason Speaker Larry Sweeney Nursing Home Activities 1st Sunday Crestview 2:00 PM Sugar Creek 2:45 PM 3rd Monday Crestview 6:30 PM “Going Beyond the Manger” Closing Prayer Robert Neal Speaker Larry Sweeney Other Person Centered (Part 2) Scripture Allan Glidewell Closing Prayer Jason Woods — Wednesday Services December 24, 2014 Song Service No Service Prayer No Service Devotional No Service POWER FOR TODAY If you are not receiving your quarterly copy, please see Mary Lewis. January Announcements: ???? Those to serve on December 28, 2014 Morning Services Opening prayer: Jack Brummett Closing prayer: Doug Taylor DECEMBER TABLE: Larry Sweeney,Jack Fox,Albert Jackson,Mike Thomason Scripture Reader: Jason Woods Song Leader : C. Glidewell Those to serve December 28, 2014 Evening Services Opening prayer: Wally Delaney Closing prayer: Billy Connally Scripture Reader: Jason Woods Song Leader: A. Glidewell For Laughs and Giggles.. but seriously...we need constant reminders that….. Anonymous “ Some Christians are like wheelbarrows, they have to be pushed.“ STATISTICS Sunday, December 14, 2014 Bible class 35 AM Worship 57 PM Worship 34 Wed, December 17,2014 30 — News of Family and Friends . REMINDER: If you have something or someone you want mentioned in the bulletin, PLEASE write it down and give to announcer or put it on the desk in office. You cannot expect anyone but yourself to remember it and get it right. Thank you. The Westside Church of Christ web page is up and running. The address “westsidebrownsville.com”. Ya’ll go check it out! Please notify Mary Lewis if your address has changed to update your power for today quarterly publication.# sent to your home by Westside. Please keep those in the nursing homes and shut-ins, in your thoughts and prayers. Remember there will be no service on Wednesday the 24th. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. WESTSIDE PRAYER LIST Kristina Woods Darwin Johnson Yvonne Mathias Minnie Kate Johnson Mike Piercey Genrose Lovelace Louis&Bonnie Pearl Gordon Rushmore Lavenia Emison Ann Jackson Helen Faught Jenny Neal Family and Friends Prayer List Amy Fox Norville Joyce Femin Gayle Kyle Niles McClain Melvin Bond Mary Drinkard Anna Smith Jerry Simmons Giula Flanagan Doug Faulkner Tim Rodgers Pam Rodgers Crestview Sugar Creek Minnie King Diane Hart Bertha Read Mae Mathias Mary Lucille Moses Margaret Bass Carolyn Freeman Eleanor Edwards Pearl Gordon Alamo Sylvia Hart Bells Shelia Weir DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS 05 MORRIS BLATT 06 JANET BARNETT 08 KRISTINA WOODS 10 EMILY MILLER 10 BROOKE DELANEY 12 JUSTIN MATHIAS 12 ASHLEY MATHIAS 14 ZACK FOX 16 BOBBIE CONNALLY 23 MARY LUCILE MOSES 23 JERRY MYERS 24 LINDA MADDOX 24 REGINA RAINS 26 MARGARET AIKEN 29 MARY LOUISE LEWIS 31 AJ COULSTON 31 FARAH AUSTIN What About Christmas? Here are some undeniable facts about Christmas: NURSING HOME SINGING 1st Sunday of Month Crestview 2:00 Sugar Creek 2:45 Third Monday of month November 17, 2014 Nursing Home Singing Crestview @ 6:30pm WE WELCOME ALL TO ATTEND AND FELLOWSHIP WITH US! 1. There is no proof that Christ was born on December 25, but the glorious good news is in the fact THAT HE WAS BORN as our Savior, that he came down from heaven to seek and to save the lost (Luke 2:8-12). 2. Christ should be just as precious to us as if he had been born on December 25. In fact, he should be more precious to us than if he had been born yesterday. If he had been born only yesterday, we would know nothing of his wonderful life, his miracles, his teachings, his death for our sins, his resurrection and ascension into heaven. We would know nothing about the New Testament Church, and the spreading of Christianity upon the earth, as in the Acts of the Apostles. In fact, if Christ had only been born yesterday, we would not yet have the New Testament and Christianity. 3. Another fact worthy of consideration is the fact that we can rejoice in Christ, as Christians and believers in Christ, on December 25, just the same as on the other 364 days of the year. We do not have to cease to be happy in Jesus at “Christmas” (Phil. 4:4). This would make Christmas the same as all other days of the year. 4. Instead of revealing the date of the birth of Christ, God has revealed the day on which he was raised from the dead – the first day of the week (Mark 16:8-9; Luke 24:1-47). God does want us to celebrate this day. It is a day called the “Lord’s day” (Rev. 1:10; 1 Cor. 16:2; Acts 20:7). In it we are especially rejoiceful and glad. 5. We should show our faith in Christ, in his birth, in his life, in all he did for us, and is doing for us, in every proper way; but we should not deceive others into thinking we are celebrating December 25 as the birthday of Christ, for there is no good reason to believe it is the date of his birth. 6. But when all the facts are considered, there is nothing to prevent our enjoying the holiday season just ahead called “Christmas.” We may give and receive gifts in this season, or at any other season of the year, on December 25 or on any other day of the year that we wish – on our birthday, or that of others. In fact, we could “rejoice with them that do rejoice” at Christmas or any other time. There is not enough happiness in the world anyway. We can, however, do all this without celebrating Christmas as the “birthday of Christ.” 7. Finally, if is proof of the divinity of Christ to find him so popular in the world nineteen hundred years after his birth that the civilized world wants to celebrate his birth, whether it knows the date or not. Thank God for our Lord and his coming into the world, regardless of the exact date of his arrival by virgin birth. We shall, therefore, go on teaching his truth, whatever is proper and fitting, regardless of “Christmas.” --Gus Nichols
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