January 2015 NYCESPA Newsletter.

Vol. 28, No. 2 - January 2015
New York City Elementary School Principals Association
LAVERNE NIMMONS, President-Elect
MABEL MUNIZ-SARDUY, Immediate Past President
A Message From The President
Dear Colleagues,
a great dinner at the Pine Grill in the Bronx.
It is our pleasure to congratulate our former New York
City Elementary School Principal Association (NYCESPA)
President, Mabel Muniz-Sarduy in her new position as
the Superintendent of District
28. We know that with her
President Liza
academic experience and
rich background, she will be
a great asset to that school community. We trust
they will recognize how fortunate they are to have
her lead them. Best wishes to Mabel in all her new
As Elementary School Principals, we are responsible for the social and emotional development of
children early in life. In agreement with Chancellor
Fariña’s parent engagement initiative, it is crucial that schools welcome parents as educational
partners. Working together, schools and parents
can enhance children’s education and provide an
enriched school community.
Utilizing Parent Coordinators, Parent Associations
and outside consultants to facilitate different workshops or meetings has helped to increase parents’
knowledge on supporting their children’s development. Our annual convention is another wonderful
opportunity for principals to provide parents with
I would like to introduce myself as the new Presi- additional knowledge in order to become proacdent of NYCESPA. My name is Liza Caraballo- tive and help create a positive impact on students’
Suarez, Principal of P.S. 120K, The Magnet School learning.
of Multicultural Education in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. As the NYCESPA Convention Vice President I would like to wish you a happy and healthy
for the past six years, I was able to bring a wide New Year. I look forward to seeing you at the
range of inspiring keynote speakers to our An- NYCESPA Convention on Saturday, February 7,
nual Convention at the Brooklyn Marriott. They 2015. Collaboratively, we shall continue to grow as
included Pedro Noguera, Bill Daggett, Mary Ellen professionals and prepare our students to become
McGraw, and Dr. James Warsord among others.
lifelong learners.
As a member of NYCESPA, one of the benefits I
have always appreciated is the professional development that is provided by the organization.
Last month we had an outstanding PD event on
the Quality Review process presented by Chris
Ogno, Principal of P.S. 247K, together with CITE
Representatives. In addition to their presentation,
hand-outs were distributed and time was allotted
for questions and answers. The evening ended with
Pierre A. Lehmuller, Newsletter Editor
40 Rector Street, FL 12, New York, NY 10006-1729
NYCESPA Office Telephone (646) 660-4883
Fax (212) 962-6130
NYCESPA Newsletter, page 1
Convention Update for Principals
Registration for the 82nd NYCESPA Convention
that will be held Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015 at the
Brooklyn Marriott is now open. For the first time,
you can complete the registration form online!
You must complete a PO/SIPP order through
FAMIS before registering online.
A few highlights awaiting convention attendees:
Breakout Professional Development Sessions
Here are just a few of the 18 topics:
• Self-help for principals: The Art of Delegation;
The Quality Review; Strategies for ELL learners;
Better Teacher Observations.
• 3 sessions dealing with ELA and Math
components of the Common Core.
• Sessions on Bullying Prevention and Quality
Recess Time.
• 3 sessions for parent leaders.
Keynote Speaker Pam Allyn
Our convention keynoter is Pam Allyn, the
Executive Director and Founder of LitWorld, a
global organization advocating for children’s
rights as readers, writers, and learners. She
is also the Executive Director and Founder of
LitLife, a national organization dedicated to
school improvement. Allyn is widely known as a
motivational speaker advocating for reading and
writing as human rights that belong to all people
and is an expert on the Common Core Standards.
Principal Only Incentives
• Free parking voucher for NYCESPA members.
• “Visit the Exhibitor” contest. Five lucky winners
will recieve a $100.00 gift card!
Special Gifts and Recognition
• Salute to our colleagues who are completing
5, 10, 15 years of service as an elementary school
principal. If you fit that category and haven’t
been notified, contact our Executive Director
immediately at [email protected].
NYCESPA Newsletter, page 2
• One lucky principal whose registration is
received and logged in by January 16, 2015 will
receive a free night at the Brooklyn Marriott! The
winner will be afforded the opportunity to stay at
the Marriott Friday or Saturday night (Feb 6th or
Feb 7th). The winner will be notified via email on
Thursday, January 22nd. Remember, we must have
your registration in our system by January 16th to
be eligible for this drawing.
Time is short. Reserve your seats today. Register
online at www.nycespa.org or complete the
registration form on page 3 and fax/mail it today!
Nimmons Elected President-Elect
In accordance with the NYCESPA By-laws, the
Executive Board at its Nov. 12 meeting chose
Laverne Nimmons to fill the vacant office of
President-Elect. She will serve through June 30,
2016. Laverne previously served as NYCESPA
treasurer and the Executive Board will fill that
vacancy at its January 14 meeting.
NYCESPA Reception
at CSA Conference
NYCESPA president
Liza Caraballo-Suarez
welcomed 69 elementary
school principals to a
NYCESPA sponsored
reception prior to the
luncheon at the recent
CSA Conference on
Saturday, Dec. 6, 2014 at
the NY Hilton Midtown.
New York City Elementary
Principals Association
Ticket Reservation
Ticket Registration
The NYC Elementary
School Principals Association
82nd Annual
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Saturday, February
7, 2015, 8 am to 3:30 pm
8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
at the Brooklyn
at the Brooklyn
Bridge Bridge
first name
last name
1. Principal__________________________________
email address:
[email protected]
first name
last name
7. __________________________________________
N.B. Tables seat 10.
Free parking voucher for NYCESPA member only.
NYCESPA Vendor No. 131635275 - Use Sole Vendor tab.
method of payment:
____ Check/money Order
Purchase Order/siPP no.
____ Purchase Order
___ siPP
(attach copy to this form)
seating Preferences/special Dietary needs:
Tickets will be held for pickup at the Conference:
name of person completing this form:
email of person completing form:
Summary information
_____ tickets @ $110 = ________
Please note: returned checks are
subject to a $25 fee.
nO refUnDs will be given after noon., feb. 4.
return completed form and payment by
Jan. 30 to: nYCesPa
attn: Olivia francis-Webber
40 rector st., fl 12, new York, nY, 10006-1729
nOte: reservations made with a purchase order
may be faxed to: (212) 962-6240.
NYCESPA Newsletter, page 3
LitWorld Founder Pam Allyn Announced
as 2015 Convention Keynote Speaker
Child and All the Best Times to Read Them. Her
recently published book Be Core Ready and the
accompanying Core Ready Series are designed
to illuminate the Common Core State Standards
with practical and inspiring strategies for
classroom and community use. Her other books
include Pam Allyn’s Best Books for Boys: How to
Allyn is widely known as a motivational speaker Engage Boys in Reading in Ways That Will Change
advocating for reading and writing as human Their Lives and Your Child’s Writing Life.
rights that belong to all people and is an expert on
Pam Allyn, author
the Common Core State Standards. She is on the
and Executive
advisory boards of the Amherst College Center Director of the Litfor Community Engagement, James Patterson’s World and LitLife
ReadKiddoRead, Penguin Publishing’s We Give Organizations,
Books, and the Millennium Cities Initiative Social will address 2015
NYCESPA ConPam Allyn is the executive director and founder
of LitWorld, a global organization advocating for
children’s rights as readers, writers, and learners.
She is also the executive director and founder
of LitLife, a national organization dedicated to
school improvement.
Allyn’s work has been featured on Good Morning
America, The Today Show, Oprah Radio, and The
Huffington Post as well as in The New York Times.
She is the author of the award-winning What to
Read When: The Books and Stories to Read with Your
vention attendees.
AdvAnce your
while you advance
the greater good
[email protected]
Walden University is an accredited university that has been offering high-quality degree programs
for more than 40 years. With an online learning environment that encourages collaboration and networking,
Walden is the university of choice for more than 104,000 lifelong learners who want to make a greater impact
in their organizations and communities. at Walden, you can choose from more than 65 degree programs.
Walden University is accredited by the Higher learning Commission and a member of the north Central association, www.ncahlc.org.
NYCESPA Newsletter, page 4