Canon Maggs CE Junior School Derwent Road, Bedworth, CV12 8RT 9th January 2015. Tel: 024 76 312220 Fax: 024 76 312923 Email: [email protected] Dear Parents/Carers, AMALGAMATION BREAKFAST CLUB We have had 2 parents meetings this week, one at Canon Evans and one at Canon Maggs. We are conscious that both meetings were held in the afternoon and this prevented some parents from attending. We are able to accommodate another meeting on Tuesday 13th January at 6.00pm for any parent who has a question or concern to raise. As you will appreciate, we are still at consultation as to whether or not the amalgamation should go ahead, so we are not in a position to answer questions in detail specifically about the new school. If the decision is made, we will know in March and plans and key decisions can then be taken. A meeting nearer the end of term will be held to address the key specific issues parents may have, we will then be better placed to answer them. If parents haven’t got a particular question but just wanted to attend to have a flavour of the meeting, a paper is to be issued after the consultation to show the issues raised and question asked etc. Just a polite reminder to those parents who send their children to breakfast club. We are having a few children arrive at 8.25 and still expecting breakfast. At this point we are clearing away and preparing to take the children onto the playground. We have no problem with when children arrive but breakfast can only be provided from 8.00-8.20 ideally. STAFFING Sincere apologies to the children and parents in Year 3 and Year 5 who have been affected by seemingly sudden staffing changes. We were informed this week that Mrs Maconnachie remains off school and will not return until May at the earliest and Miss West left school 2 days before the Christmas holidays due to circumstances beyond our control. We found ourselves in difficult staffing dilemmas and unfortunately had very little time to make new arrangements hence the very short notice given to parents. Both Mr Wood and Mrs Walsh have accepted contracts until the end of the summer term so again barring any unforeseen circumstances we are assured of continuity for both classes for the remainder of the year. I appreciate how unsettling this has been for our younger children in particular and then to face another period of adjustment. I would like to extend an invitation to the 3LW parents to meet Mr Wood next week informally over a cup of tea or coffee and likewise for Mrs Walsh’s class. Mrs Walsh’s class are invited to pop in for the last hour of the day on Thursday 15th January where children will showcase their work and you can meet Mrs Walsh. She will also be available for a chat straight after school for half an hour or so for those parents who just wish to introduce themselves and meet Mrs Walsh. Please make your way through the side gate on Thursday and you can enter the classroom via the fire door from 2.15pm. Mr Wood will be available for a chat on Wednesday straight after lunch for an hour from 1.15pm. This will take place in the learning centre where breakfast club takes place. We will bring your children over if this is helpful or some parents may prefer to talk to Mr Wood without their child present in which case they will remain in Music or PSHE. Mr Wood will also be available after school in his classroom for those parents who are unable to make it in the afternoon. Pupil Premium Funding & Free School Meals Every school receives funding for those children who are classed as pupil premium, this means that if your child is eligible for free school meals, even if your child doesn’t want to eat school dinners, then the school will benefit from that claim. The government takes this information from us on January 15th and we are therefore urging all of you to make your claims as soon as possible. It is very simple, all you have to do is claim online at this address: Or WE CAN DO IT FOR YOU. All you have to do is bring in the information required, and a member of staff in the school office will happily complete the application for you, however this must be done before 13th January. For us to complete an application you will need to provide us with: Your own name and date of birth, Contact details, National Insurance Number or National Asylum Seekers Number, Child’s name and date of birth. If you are making an application on behalf of someone else you will need to provide their details rather than your own. Some parents expressed concerns about ‘Skamps’ going forward. I have written a letter to the parents of ‘Skamps’ children but it was only distributed on the last day of term. If you failed to receive one please ask at Skamps or at our school office. That letter goes as far as we can at this point to give every assurance that the provision will remain for the immediate future as it is clearly valued and some form of wrap around care is clearly needed to be provided for some families. BAKE SALE Some pupils held a bake sale today to raise money for Mary Ann Evans Hospice. The pupils involved were Katie Tonks, Debbie Brown, Harriette Foley and Lyla Merrick and the total raised was £13.26. BOOKMARK SALE Some children have held a bookmark sale today and more details will be on next weeks newsletter. CALCULATIONS EVENING We are having a calculation evening hosted by Mr Barnes on Monday 12th January from 6pm-7pm. This proved to be very valuable indeed and we had great feedback last year. If you would like to know more about how we teach calculations so you can best support your child please come along and find out more. ATTENDANCE Weekly class attendance week ending 19.12.14—Well done to 5JD with 98.7% attendance. INTERHOUSE CROSS COUNTRY All pupils will be taking part in the Interhouse Cross Country on the school field during Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on that day. Parents/carers/ grandparents are welcome to come along and watch. Year 6—1.20pm Year 4-1.50pm Year 5-2.10pm Year 3-2.40pm PARKING IN THE MEWS We have been notified by a resident in Potlydgate Court in the Mews that their car park gates will be locked at 9am and 3pm due to consistent parking of non-residents vehicles. Yours sincerely MRS M FALLON HEADTEACHER WHAT’S GOING ON THIS COMING WEEK! MONDAY 12th JANUARY 3.15pm-4.30pm – After school club. Could any new pupils who wish to stay for homework club, please make sure they have completed a permission slip available from the office. 3.15pm-4.15pm Mathletics today in the ICT room for pupils in years 3 & 4. 6.00pm—Calculations evening for parents of children in all year groups. 3.30pm—PTA meeting for existing and new members. Please come along if you are able to help in any way. TUESDAY 13TH JANUARY Woodwind lessons today for those children who are already registered. 6.00pm—Amalgamation meeting in the school hall. 3.15pm-4.30pm – After school club. Could any new pupils who wish to stay for homework club, please make sure they have completed a permission slip available from the office. Mondays Menu Cheese & Tomato pizza Or Chicken Tikka with rice and Naan Or Jacket Potato with various fillings Butterscotch Toffee Whip or Chocolate Oatcake Tuesdays Menu Alaskan Salmon Bake Or Pasta with Peas and gammon or Jacket Potato with various fillings Jam sponge with custard Muller Yoghurt WEDNESDAY 14th JANUARY Wednesdays Menu Pork Loin Steak, Apple sauce Keyboard and violin lessons today for those children who are already registered. Interhouse cross country for pupils in all year groups. Parents/carers are welcome to attend. Year 6-1.20pm, Year 4—1.50pm, Year 5-2.10pm and Year 3-2.40pm. 3.15pm-4.30pm – After school club. Could any new pupils who wish to stay for homework club, please make sure they have completed a permission slip available from the office. 3.15pm-4.15pm—Spellodrome in ICT room for all year groups. THURSDAY 15TH JANUARY Brass Lessons today for those pupils who are already registered. 3.15pm-4.30pm – After school club. Could any new pupils who wish to stay for homework club, please make sure they have completed a permission slip available from the office. 3.15pm-4.15pm Mathletics today in the ICT room for pupils in years 5 & 6. Or Cheesy Tomato Risotto Or Jacket Potato with various fillings Up Beet Chocolate Cake with chocolate sauce or Ice Cream Tub Thursdays Menu Spaghetti Bolognaise made with Organic Minced beef Or Crumbed Vegetable fingers Or Jacket Potato with various fillings Rainbow Flapjack or Raspberry Ripple Mousse FRIDAY 16TH JANUARY Fridays Menu Breaded Pollock Fillet Or Drum and guitar lessons in school today for those children who are already registered. Swimming lessons for 6TB . Children to be collected from the swimming baths at 3.10pm unless other arrangements have been made. Please note that if children have not been collected by 3.15, they will have to be returned to school with the other children. (2/8) Quorn Sausages with gravy Or Jacket Potato with various fillings Strawberry Slice with custard or Muller Yoghurt.
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