Daily Notices - Culloden Academy

Christmas lunch will be on Wednesday 10th December
accompanied by all the usual festivities.
The Wonderful Dinner Ladies
THE CRUCIBLE - All those attending the trip to Eden Court to see the Crucible TODAY must be at
school for 6.15pm departure. Mr Moonan
NANOWRIMO CLUB – National Novel Writing Month has now come to a close and the pupils at
Culloden Academy wrote a whopping 169,507 words towards the global total of over 397 million. Four
pupils completed the task of writing a novel of 30,000 words in 30 days: Carla Macleod 3KS2; Bethany
Martin 6LG1; Theresa Peteranna 6LG2 and Jack Reid 6LG2. Please join me in congratulating them for a job
well done! Those who finished should see me about our finisher’s party to be held this week. Mrs Gowans
SENIOR BADMINTON - TODAY after school. All welcome. Mr Calder
FITNESS CIRCUIT TRAINING – Come and join us for circuit training TODAY 3.30-4.30pm in the gym
– delivered by Brodie Clark, qualified circuit trainer. The club is open to all S1-S6 pupils. You don’t have to
be super fit to attend this club as you can take it at your own pace. Please come in your PE kit and bring a
water bottle. Lynne Fraser, Active Schools Coordinator
DANCE TICKET SALE – Tickets will be on sale as follows: TODAY – S3/4; Friday 5th December– S5/6.
There will also be a general sale of tickets on Monday 8th December. All ticket sales will be in Rooms
100/101 at lunchtime. Thanks, Dani and Lydia
SKI TRIP 2015 – The latest payment was due last Friday so please see Mrs Johnston if you have not yet
paid. Thanks. Ski Leaders
S4/5/6 BLOOD BROTHERS - We are running a theatre trip to see the the highly celebrated play, Blood
Brothers on the afternoon of Thursday 5th February 2015. Parental consent forms are available from me
and should be returned by TOMORROW in order to guarantee a seat. All welcome. Mr Moonan
DANCE LEADERS LEVEL 2 - There is a Y-Dance Level 2 Dance Leaders course planned for
February/March in the area. Any Level 1 Dance Leader who has been delivering dance sessions is eligible to
apply for this course. Please register your name with Lynne Fraser, Active Schools Coordinator
TICKETS FOR THE SHOWCASE - These are on sale every day at the start of lunchtime in the Music
Department. Please come along and support all the pupils who are involved. Music and Drama Dept.
SOCIAL DANCE - PE - All classes apart from Certificate PE have started Social Dance so please
remember to bring a change of footwear to be able to do your best. Mrs Maclean
SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB – The deadline for both online and in-school orders is fast approaching! All
orders must be received by the library by Monday at the latest. Any cheques should be made payable to
CULLODEN ACADEMY. Thanks! Mrs Gowans
S2 YEAR GROUP COMMITTEE. Could the Year Group representatives from each S2 tutor group
please meet in Room 2 at 1.00pm TODAY. See Mr Taylor if you cannot attend. Names are listed below.
Ben Murphy
Angus Lawrie
Stuart Mackenzie
Catherine McNeill
Liam & Deryn
Aidan Suttie
Dylan Bowes
Shannon Pryde
Beth Maciver
Adam Crichton
Kim Davies
Jamie Mason Pate
Carys Johns
Andrew Kelsey
Molly Tough
Dylan Taylor
S4 BRIDGE TO EMPLOYMENT - Our next outing is Wednesday 10th December. See me for a parental
consent form. Mr Moonan.
*PRESENTATION - We have a holocaust survivor, Mrs Mala Tribich coming into school on Thursday
11th December. Mrs Tribich will share her testimony during blocks 4 & 5 with senior pupils. Pupils in S5 &
S6 who wish to attend must seek permission from their block 4&5 teachers before they sign up for the
talk with Mrs Gordon in room 123 by Tuesday 9th December. A register will be taken on the day too.
Pupils will be expected to remain in the talk for the duration of the testimony. It would not be appropriate
for people to be entering or leaving the theatre while Mrs Tribich is giving her testimony. Mrs Gordon
*HOUSE CAPTAINS – Could all House Captains please meet in the Conference Room at 8.55am. Thank
you. Mr Taylor
*SPANISH TRIP - Could all senior pupils who attended the Spanish trip to Edinburgh in October please
attend a very important meeting on Friday at interval in Room 6? If you cannot attend please see me.
Gracias! Mr McKnight