www.advmat.de COMMUNICATION www.MaterialsViews.com Asymmetric DNA Origami for Spatially Addressable and Index-Free Solution-Phase DNA Chips By Zhao Zhang, Ying Wang, Chunhai Fan,* Can Li, You Li, Lulu Qian, Yanming Fu, Yongyong Shi, Jun Hu, and Lin He* DNA nanotechnology has become an increasingly attractive field of research since Seeman’s pioneering work on self-assembled DNA nanostructures in the 1980s.[1] Because of the unparalleled self-assembly ability of DNA molecules, it is possible to bottom-up construct precise and uniform nanostructures which, given their complexity, are usually difficult to realize with conventional inorganic or organic nanomaterials.[2–8] DNA tiles are regarded as the most important building block in the bottom-up construction of nanoscale DNA structures, devices, and machines. For example, by using a DNA double-crossover (DX) tile, Winfree et al.[5] first designed two-dimensional (2D) DNA crystals that could be imaged with atomic force microscope (AFM). Ke et al. reported a 4 4 tile that could template the formation of conductive nanowires or protein 2D arrays.[9] Mao, LaBean and others[10–13] developed a series of motifs to create self-assembled 2D lattices. A number of other projects have been undertaken to control self-assembly with elaborate designs of finite-sized lattices,[14,15] algorithmic self-assembled patterns,[3,16] nanotubes,[17,18] or even 3D structures.[6,19–22] In this study, we aim to develop a nanoscale chip for DNA detection using self-assembled DNA structures. In 2006, Rothemund reported seminal work on ‘‘DNA origami,’’[4] which involves a long, single-stranded DNA that is folded into designed shapes with the help of hundreds of short ‘‘helper’’ DNA strands (also called staple strands). In principle, any nanoscale shape and pattern can be designed and fabricated via DNA origami. For example, we recently constructed a Chinese map in the form of an asymmetric DNA origami-based shape.[23] Given that DNA origami is exceptionally well suited for designing shapes of high complexity, it has been employed as a building block for spatially addressable patterning nanoparticles and proteins for potential applications in nanoelectronics and nanosensors.[24–27] DNA-based biosening is an increasingly [*] Prof. C. Fan, Prof. L. He, Prof. Y. Shi, Z. Zhang, C. Li, Y. Li, L. Qian Y. Fu Bio-X Center Key Laboratory for the Genetics of Developmental and Neuropsychiatric Disorders (Ministry of Education) Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200030 (PR China) E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Prof. C. Fan, Prof. J. Hu, Z. Zhang, Y. Wang Laboratory of Physical Biology, Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai 201800 (PR China) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201000151 2672 important area with numerous applications.[28–30] More recently, Yan and coworkers developed a DNA origami chip that allowed AFM-based label-free detection of RNA targets with high sensitivity and selectivity.[31,32] Their origami chip was of a simple rectangular shape, which had to introduce built-in ‘‘index’’ oligonucleotides in order to break the symmetry of the tile. In the present study we report the design of an index-free nanoscale DNA chip using the asymmetric origami map developed in our laboratory. Because of the asymmetric nature of the map, the position of each DNA probe is fully spatially addressable, obviating the need for index oligonucleotides.[23,33] To confirm this, we set up a coordinate system on the origami map, based on the folding path of scaffold strand. The x-coordinate is the number of units of eight bases (or three quarter turns) counting from the left side, while the y-coordinate is the number of folds of scaffold strands counting from the lower side. Each staple containing a probe can thus be located as a coordinate pair via its complementary scaffold. We first demonstrated that a protein label, streptavidin (STV), is an appropriate contrast label for AFM imaging. In particular, the biotin–STV binding is one of the strongest affinity pairs so far identified, and the use of STV for pixel contrast enhancement has been regularly employed in AFM imaging.[14,34–37] A staple strand tailed with a 30 -biotinylated 17-mer probe was incorporated into the tile (Fig. 1a), leading to a protruding probe positioning at the (29, 19) site of the map. STV was then introduced and incubated with the chip. AFM studies showed a clearly visible feature (a white bulge) which is characteristic of STV binding (Fig. 1b), suggesting that STV bound on protruding probes could serve as an effective imaging label for AFM. We then employed protruding probes without a biotin label to detect their biotinylated complementary targets. Given that STV can provide sufficient contrast for AFM imaging, we employed linear probes rather than the ‘‘V-shaped’’ probes employed in the previous report.[31,32] We designed eight probes split into two groups, i.e., one group (four probes) which had their 30 -end (red dots in Fig. 1c) and one group which had their 50 -end (green dots in Fig. 1c) exposed to solution. As a result, when the 30 -biotinylated target hybridized with the probes, the biotin label and subsequent STV binding was placed either proximal (red dots) or distal (green dots) to the nanochip surface. Our AFM studies showed that the probes could bind to the targets via specific DNA hybridization, leading to visible STV features in the case of proximal biotin (Fig. 1d). We found that not all positions with probes led to consistent hybridization and STV binding. There are at least three possible explanation for this: i) DNA hybridization efficiency, ii) biotin–STV binding efficiency, and iii) ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 2672–2675 www.advmat.de www.MaterialsViews.com the influence of the force of AFM tips on samples. While all these effects may influence the signal readout, we note that the tip-induced effect should be taken into careful consideration. It is worthwhile pointing out that we had to optimize tip–surface interactions in order not to either damage the tip or scratch bound proteins. Indeed, we found that STV features might disappear under non-optimized imaging conditions, and a similar phenomenon has been reported in other studies.[24,38,39] The recently developed super-resolution microscopy might provide an alternative way to study these effects.[33] Interestingly, we found that the group with proximal biotin led to significantly clearer STV bulges than the group with distal biotin (Fig. S3 of the Supporting Information), which is in fact contrary to our intuition. Since the biotin label is relative small, the hybridization efficiency is similar in both cases, while the STV binding is more difficult in the former case due to the steric effect. We also ascribe this counter-intuition phenomenon to the tip–surface interaction. While double-stranded DNA is basically stiff, it may dangle at the surface, particularly when a large STV protein is sitting at the top of the duplex. Such dangling is likely to significantly affect the imaging process.[4,40] Consequently, we always employed proximal biotin positions in subsequent experiments. Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 2672–2675 ß 2010 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim COMMUNICATION Figure 1. a) Scheme showing that streptavidin (STV) serves as the AFM label for a staple strand tailed with a 17-mer 30 biotinylated ssDNA probe. The AFM image in (b) shows that the biotin–STV binding is visible. c) Scheme for DNA hybridization of biotinylated targets at the DNA origami chip. Green or red dots show the biotin tags are at either 30 - or 50 -end, leading to biotin–STV binding at different positions. d) AFM images show the successful hybridization in pre-designed positions. Three representative zoom-in images are shown at the bottom. The significant probe position effect in the previously reported origami chip was ascribed to the different electrostatic effect at different positions of the tile.[41] We therefore designed two types of probes in order to test such a position effect, namely four probes located near the edge of the map with the four other probes close to the middle of the map (Fig. S4a of the Supporting Information), thus the former was expected to have less electrostatic repulsion than the latter. However, it was interesting that we did not find such significant position effect in our map-based nanoscale DNA chip (Fig. S4b). Among 110 tiles with middle probes, there were 104 tiles on which at least one white bulge can be seen, while 116 of the 122 tiles with edge probes had at least one STV bulge. No significant difference was found (Fisher’s exact test, one-sided, p ¼ 0.43). We also put the same probes at the two columns simultaneously (left column: X ¼ 31; right column: X ¼ 43), and again no significant difference in hybridization efficiency was found (Fig. S4c). We reason that the linear probe employed in this work led to smaller electrostatic repulsion or steric hindrance than the V-shaped probe.[41] This improvement means that a large portion of staple strands in the middle can be used in our chip design, which is important for realizing high-density DNA detection with the nanoscale chip. However, we note that the distribution of binding numbers (out of the four sites) could still be dependent on the position, and on the target sequence and length as well. Given that the origami chip could specifically detect DNA hybridization, we further explored its ability to perform multiplex detection. Two groups of probes with two different sequences were placed at the surface of the chip forming two columns (left column: X ¼ 21; right column: X ¼ 31). Importantly, we found that the bulge feature of STV appeared only in the left column in the presence of the target 10 specific for probe 1, while the target 20 only led to the appearance of STV in the right column (Fig. 2). This high specificity demonstrated that the origami DNA chip was suitable for multiplex DNA detection with minimal sequence perturbation. It is important to detect unlabeled rather than biotinylated targets in practical DNA assays as it reduces the time/cost of target modification. In order to achieve this goal, we designed a ‘‘sandwich-type’’ hybridization detection strategy that is usually employed in conventional DNA chips to detect DNA targets. Protruding probes on the origami tile with specially designed sequences serve as the capture probe with biotinylated probes as the reporter probe, both flanking the DNA target that has two different regions complementary to the probes (Fig. 3a). In the presence of the target, the reporter probe, along with the target, is brought to the proximity of the tile via the capture probe/target/ reporter probe sandwich hybridization. STV is then introduced to provide a contrast label for AFM imaging. As shown in Figure 3, this sandwich detection also led to clearly visible STV features in the presence of the target, while non-complementary sequences did not result in any observable features. In summary, we have demonstrated a solution-phase, spatially addressable DNA origami chip for DNA detection. This nanoscale DNA chip offers several advantages. First, it is an asymmetric tile that allows index-free detection without having to involve position index labels. Second, we employed linear probes rather than ‘‘V-shaped’’ probes, which led to a much smaller position effect. Third, the sandwich detection strategy is able to detect unlabeled 2673 www.advmat.de www.MaterialsViews.com COMMUNICATION Chinese map is not indispensable, and in principle any asymmetric origami shapes can be use for index-free DNA detection. The relationship between the origami shape and optimal distribution of probes is worth studying in future. Our origami chip still possesses some disadvantages. For example, hybridization efficiency is still not satisfactory, thus a column of identical probes have to be employed in order to assure sufficient binding. AFM imaging still has limitations as it does not allow rapid monitoring of DNA hybridization. Despite that, given the rapidly increasing ability to construct complicated DNA selfassembled structures[6,20] and hybrid nanobio complexes,[42–48] we expect that this origami chip will find important applications in nanotechnology-based DNA detection.[49–53] Experimental Figure 2. Schematic demonstration (left) and AFM images (right) for multiplex detection. Four probes in (a) are complementary to target 1 and four probes in (b) are complementary to target 2. Each probe is represented by a pair of coordinates. All eight probes were placed on the tile simultaneously. Upon the addition of the specific target, STV bulges are only observed at specific positions in AFM images. Scale bar: 250 nm. long-piece DNA targets, without having to use two pieces of protruding capture probes (as in the ‘‘V-shaped’’ probes), which potentially means that the origami chip with the sandwich strategy can accommodate twice as many capture probes as the ‘‘V-shaped’’ probes. Since biotinylated oligonucleotides (reporter probes) are commercially available at reasonably low cost and have been widely used in DNA assays, the added cost and design labor are also relatively small. In addition, the sandwich detection strategy is fairly generic and can be easily extended to virtually any DNA detection. However, we note that the use of the shape of Materials: All staple strands were purchased from Generay, Inc.[54] and were used without further purification. M13mp18 viral DNA was purchased from New England Biolabs, Inc. (Catalog number: #N4040S) and no digestion by restriction enzyme was performed. The biotinylated ssDNA strands were purchased from Takara, Inc. and STV was purchased from AMRESCO, Inc. (Catalog number: E497). Assembly and Hybridization: M13mp18 DNA was mixed with over 200 short DNA oligonucleotides with a molar ratio of 1:10 (1.6 nmol L1 M13mp18 DNA, 16 nmol L1 of each short strand) in a 100 mL buffer (1 TAE-Mg2þ). Anneal the mixture from 94 to 4 8C in a PCR machine (ABI 9700) at a rate of 0.1 8C/10 s. Then the biotinylated target strands of the same amount as the probes were added, and incubated for 0.5 h at 37 8C. After hybridization, STV of twofold concentration of the biotinylated target strand was added to the mixture. The mixture was incubated for another 1 h at room temperature before imaging. AFM Imaging: Samples were prepared by deposition of 3 mL onto freshly cleaved mica. Imaging was performed in Tapping Mode under 30 mL 1 TAE/Mg2þ buffer on a Digital Instrument Nanoscope III a Multimode AFM (Veeco) with J scanner, using an NP-S oxide-sharpened silicon nitride tip (Veeco). The tip–surface interaction was minimized by optimizing the scan set-point. Acknowledgements Z.Z., Y.W., C.F., and C.L. contributed equally to this work. We thank the financial support from National Natural Science Foundation (20725516, 90913014). C.F. and L.H. also acknowledge support from Ministry of Science and Technology (2007CB936000, 2006AA02A407, 2006CB910601, 2006BAI05A05, 2007CB947300, and 07DZ22917), Ministry of Health (2009ZX10004-301), the Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (B205), the Shanghai Municipality Science & Technology Commission (05JC14090, 0952nm04600) Supporting Information is available online from Wiley InterScience or from the authors. Received: January 14, 2010 Revised: February 1, 2010 Published online: May 3, 2010 Figure 3. Schematic demonstration (a) and AFM images (b) for the sandwich strategy for target detection. Specific white bulges are found in the AFM image, suggesting the sequence specific hybridization at the nanoscale DNA chip. Scale bar: 250 nm. 2674 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] N. R. Kallenbach, R. Ma, N. C. Seeman, Nature 1983, 305, 829. M. N. Stojanovic, D. Stefanovic, Nat. Biotechnol. 2003, 21, 1013. P. W. Rothemund, N. Papadakis, E. Winfree, PLoS Biol. 2004, 2, e424. P. W. 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