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Term 1 2014 2-4 Apr 6 April 11 Apr Year 6 Canberra WELCOME PICNIC – 1PM-4PM Easter Band Breakfast 7.45am 12.00 K-2 Easter Hat Parade Term 2 2014 28 April 29 April 3 May 7 May 13-15 May 19 May 28 May 31 May- 1 June 9 June 23 June 25 June 25 June Term 3 2014 School Development Day Term 2 begins for students Saturday Staff Development Day School X Country Carnival NAPLAN Opera House Strings Rehearsal P&C Meeting – Library Band Intensive Long Weekend Opera House Strings School Athletics Carnival P&C Meeting 8pm - Library 14 July 15 July 23 July 28 July – 1 August 31 July 1910 -2010 17 Aug CENTENARY 23-24 Aug 27 Aug 5 Sep 18 Sept Term 4 2014 6 October 7 October 22 Oct 26 Nov School Development Day Term 3 begins for students P&C Meeting 8pm - Library Education Week OPEN DAY String Workshop Band Camp P&C Meeting 8pm - Library Father’s Day Breakfast Artarmon Public School Concourse Concert Public Holiday Term 4 begins for students P&C Meeting 8pm -Library P&C Meeting 8pm - Library Buddy Classes – Origami 1910 -2010 CENTENARY McMillan Road, Artarmon, NSW 2064 Ph 9411 1950 / 9411 1996 (McMillan Rd) 9411 1062 (Abbott Rd) Fax 9415 1243 Email: [email protected] Website www.artarmon-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Kids Cottage 9777 1082 0419 604440 Fax 9419 4487 2 April 2014 RELIEVING PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE WELCOME PICNIC Our annual Welcome Picnic will be held this Sunday 6 April from 1:00pm – 4:00pm. This is always a very popular event that brings families to the school to enjoy an afternoon of games and activities and delicious foods from our multicultural families. It is also a great opportunity for parents and families to socialise. Activities will take place on the McMillan Road campus and will go ahead rain or shine! The Welcome Picnic will also help raise funds for the school. Please read the flyer attached in Newsflash for further information. YEAR 6 CANBERRA TRIP Year 6 students left today for Canberra where they will visit Parliament House, the War Memorial and other tourist attractions as part of their trip. Children return to school at 5:30pm Friday. Could I please ask parents that they are on time to collect students after a very busy three days. Thank you to Ms Alford, Mr Wallace, Ms Konia, Mrs Yee, Miss Burnett and Mrs Hoetzel for their efforts in taking the children to Canberra. CAMP QUALITY PUPPET SHOW This Friday the Camp Quality Puppet Show has been invited to perform for students in K-5. It is an educational program that delivers messages about supporting children living with cancer. Attached to Newsflash is further information from Camp Quality. Parents may wish to talk with their children as a follow up after the show on Friday. NEW BUILDING The installation of the new light-weight two storey demountable on the Abbott Road site commenced yesterday. The plan is for the building to be available in the first part of Term Two if all goes to plan. WORKING BEE Last week Elizabeth Rowe our P&C gardening committee leader organised two working bees to help beautify the school grounds. With a small group of helpers work was done on Friday and Saturday to improve our gardens. Thank you to everyone who gave time to help! Thank you to Gary who has been spreading the remaining mulch around our gardens. ELECTRONIC SIGN Parents may have seen our new electronic sign that has been installed in the same location as the previous one. It will enable the school to display various messages about upcoming events. The sign works on a timer system starting at 7.30am and finishing after the students leave in the afternoon. STATE KNOCKOUT TENNIS Congratulations to the State Knockout Tennis team who defeated Balgowlah North Public School in their round two fixture. The next round will be played in early Term 2. Well done team! R Shepheard Relieving Principal Strings News Important dates in your diary 8 May ( Thu ) – Mother’s Day Breakfast Concert 7:50-8:50 am 19 May ( Mon ) – Opera House Ensemble rehearsal at Croydon Public School 19 Jun ( Thu ) – Sydney Eisteddfod at The Concourse ( all Senior Strings students ) 23 Jun ( Mon ) – Opera House Ensemble rehearsal at the Opera House ( Daytime ) Acacia Concert at the Opera House in the evening 17 Aug ( Sun ) – Annual Strings Workshop 18 Sept ( Thu ) – APS Concert at The Concourse Mother’s Day Breakfast Concert It’s time for the mums sitting back, relaxing and letting the children to perform the music to you on 8 May (Thursday) 7:50-8:50am at the school hall. All family members are welcomed, a light refreshment with tea/coffee will be provided. Please note that the Strings Program will not hold any particular fundraising event this year, so A GOLD COIN DONATION in that morning will be much appreciated. Senior and Junior Strings will perform and there is no Junior rehearsal on that morning. Full Winter School Uniforms are strictly required. Rehearsals Senior Strings – Tuesday 25 March 3:00 – 3:50pm in the Band Room Opera House Strings – Tuesday 25 March 3:50-4:15pm in the Band Room Junior Strings – Thursday 27 March 7:50 – 8:45am in the Hall Training Strings – Commence on Week 2 of Term 2, Tuesday 6 May 1:00-1:40pm in the Band Room For child safety reasons, all Strings rehearsal must be supervised by one parent, for Training Strings rehearsal, we need at least 2 parents supervision in Term 2. There will be a supervision roster for each term prepared by our coordinators. Please let your co-ordinator know after you have swapped with anyone. Senior Strings co-ordinator : Erica Clancy [email protected] Junior Strings co-ordinator: Robyn Louey [email protected] Training Strings co-ordinator : Mary McCarthy [email protected] Instruments Hiring issue If you have any hire issue or instrument repair enquiries, please send your concern to our hire co-ordinators: Atsuko Porman [email protected] Anney Cheung [email protected] Please let us know if you have changed your correspondent contact. Supervision roster Junior Strings rehearsal 3 April Sanny Chan --- Parent of Joshua Chui 10 April Edmund Hwu --- Parent of Christopher Hwu Senior Strings rehearsal 1 April Erica Clancy --- Parent of Charlotte Clancy 8 April Mary Jiang --- Parent of Jane Huang For enquiries: Edith Lau Convenor [email protected] BAND NEWS 2014 Dates for your Diary • • • • • Anzac Performance – Thursday, 10 April – 1.40pm - Senior Concert band Easter Band Breakfast – Friday, 11 April 7.50am – All bands Senior Concert Band Recording – Friday, 11 April – 9am Band Intensive - Saturday, 31 May and Sunday 1 June Band Camp - 23 & 24 August 2014. All bands including Training Band attend this camp. Your Help is Needed There are still some volunteer positions available in the band committee. We welcome more new parents to help make our band program run smoothly and urgently need the following positions to be filled: 1. Competitions co-ordinator 2. Fund raising co-ordinator Please email Rachel Yao at [email protected] if you are interested in these positions. Band Rehearsal / Supervision Below are the Band rehearsal times and supervision schedule. Please note the changes in rehearsal times next week due to the Year 6 Trip. Thurs 3 Apr Fri 4 Apr Mon 7 Apr Tues 8 Apr Wed 9 Apr Junior Band - 7.50am – Myung Hee Sohn Concert Band - 12.50pm - Libo Cao No Senior Band or Jazz Band Training Band – 7.50am - Tina Wu & Garry Zhou Junior Band 12.50 pm – NOTE: Changed to Wednesday Senior Band 7.50am - Margie Riquelme & Jarrod Smith Concert Band 7:50am –Ann Nyunt Junior Band 12.50 pm - Junko Kimura (TBC) Jazz Band 1 12.50pm – Katherine Morris Change of Contact Details It is really important if your contact details change, such as your email address, that you let us know, either through your band coordinator or the band convenor. We use email to communicate important information about upcoming events. Contacts: Band queries: Rachel Yao: [email protected] Tutor Co-ordinator: Suse Mitchell - email: [email protected] Instrument Co-ordinator: Aemy Khor - email: [email protected] Canteen News Canteen Ph: 9411 1425 [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/ArtarmonSchoolCanteen CANTEEN VOLUNTEERS – Please contact us to arrange your shift – you'll have fun meeting and working with other parents and your child will love to see you helping at the canteen. Day Current Vacancies 7 Apr 5 May (3 vacancies), 12 May, 19 May (4 vacancies), 26 May, 2 Jun (3 vacancies), 16 Jun (3 vacancies), 23 Jun (2 vacancies) Tuesday Vacancies Filled for Term 1 29 April (4 vacancies), 6 May, 13 May, 3 Jun, 10 Jun , 17 Jun, 24 Jun Wednesday Vacancies Filled for Term 1 7 May, 21 May (2 vacancies), 4 Jun, 18 Jun (2 vacancies), 25 Jun Thursday Vacancies Filled for Term 1 1 May (1 vacancy plus 1 packer), 8 May (2 vacancies), 15 May (1 vacancy plus 1 packer), 22 May (3 vacancies plus 1 packer), 29 May (1 vacancy plus 1 packer), 5 Jun (1 vacancy plus 1 packer), 12 Jun (2 vacancies), 19 Jun (2 vacancies plus 1 packer), 26 Jun (2 vacancies plus 1 packer) Friday 4 Apr 2 May (packer), 9 May (packer), 16 May (1 vacancy plus 1 packer), 30 May (1 vacancy plus 1 packer), 6 Jun (1 vacancy plus 1 packer), 13 Jun (1 vacancy plus 1 packer), 20 Jun (1 vacancy plus 1 packer), 27 Jun (3 vacancies). *NOTE On Thursdays and Fridays we often need help for a short time packing lunches. If you can’t do a whole shift (9.30 - 1.40) pm perhaps you could help from 12pm for 45 minutes? Monday THANKS SIZZLERS! Thank you to all the volunteer SIZZLERS who helped out at this term’s Sausage Sizzle! The Kindy kids who snagged a sausage especially enjoyed their first foray into the event and we hope to raise some important funds for the School P&C. Merit Badges KCB KWW KJC KGL KJD KKW KLM 1KS 1LW 1EC 1BK 1DG 1SG 2CK 2CC 2MC 2NH 2JC 2DS 3CA 3JH 3MM 3SK 3SW 4GS 4JL 4LK 4MR 5AS 5KA 5MN 5MS 5NR 5/6AB 6BY 6CA 6KH 6NK Justin Dahlfors Alasdair Kelly Maria-Isabella Delgado Lawrence Liong Sophie Clelanf Harrison d’Almedia Alisa Jaijong Matthew Wang Yukina Teitei Caitlin Janssen Phoebe Oswald Emily Francis Angela Rowe Brandon Talbot Amelia Miller Mia Haoui Joseph Kim Tom Byrne Emma Goorevich Syed Haider Leo Hart Saksham Bheda James Liu Tamara Parsons Alex Dransfield Dev Sardana Jenna Kim Zoe Markman Kevin Fu William Bingham Ben Firth Joshua Chang Jennifer Wang Grace Morrison Eddy Zhang Tian Whitehead Divya Kallayil Bernice Wu WINNING HOUSE You Can Do It Awards Organisation Oliver Turnbull Corben L’Homme Alvin Ou Brian Wei Sneha Jayaweera Maahi Rastogi Grace Jankyn Elliot Wong Daniel Park Zhan Luo Laeph Hopper Jennifer Ou Sophia Grubisic Annabel Ly Rhea Jain Ronica Li Felix Lin Isabella Pellicano Charlie Maple-Brown Ethan Shamesh Aryn Ratwatte Ingrid Huang Minchae Kim Jieming Bei Chan Yang Park Oliver Chen Melanie D’Cruz Angela Kim Monique Sang Maxine Wu Vanessa Altes Sophie Shen Julia D’Angelo Soo-Ji Hwang Athena Liang Shari Oh Byron Sun Bernice Wu GILMORE Dear Artarmon Parents, Hopefully you received the following email last week regarding Parent Voluntary Contributions. If you didn't, please take a moment to sign up to the P&C website so we can stay in contact! http://www.artarmonpandc.org.au/newsletter Parent Voluntary Contribution 2014 Through the generous support of parents, the Parents and Citizens' Association has contributed to the superior quality of education at Artarmon Public School. Voluntary contributions collected by the P&C from parents are given to the school to supplement the basic level of resources provided by the NSW Department of Education. The amount is spent by the school on additional staff for learning assistance, classroom learning materials, library books plus sport programs and technology. The P&C is using TryBooking in 2014 as it reduces the workload required to process voluntary contributions. If you would prefer to make cheque payment this can be put in a school payment envelope and handed into the front office. The amounts on the Donation page are suggestions and you can pay more or less. If you are unable to make a Voluntary Contribution please continue through TryBooking as you are able to select this option in the Tickets section and by doing so will ensure you are taken off the reminder list. In 2013, $102,000 was raised through voluntary contributions and in 2014 we are again targeting $100,000. Progress towards this goal will be communicated through Newsflash and via the giant thermometer in the School Hall. To get to the Trybooking site please click here http://www.trybooking.com/77415 Or go to the homepage of the Artarmon P&C website http://www.artarmonpandc.org.au and click on the Yellow tab called Pay Voluntary Contributions. Many thanks Karen Pearson Artarmon P&C President [email protected] A huge thank you to those who came along and did gardening to tidy up Artarmon school grounds and gardens. ARTARMON SCHOOL BAND 2014 EASTER BREAKFAST Proudly sponsored by: Artarmon Featuring performances from all bands including the DEBUT performance of the 2014 Training Band Date: Friday 11th April Time: 7.45 am to 8.50 am Where: Primary School Hall Cost: Adult $10 Correct money on the day would be appreciated. In December 2013, Dr David Young & Associates (in Chatswood) was awarded Dental Accreditation by Quality in Practice (QIP) for the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards. Dental Accreditation provides an opportunity to validate quality and safety measures through an independent third party. Achieving Dental Accreditation reassures patients that they are receiving the best quality care, under the most stringent infection control procedures. Information for Parents Dear Parents, The Camp Quality Puppets have been invited to perform at your child’s school on: Friday 4 April It is an educational program using puppets to deliver a fun and positive message about supporting children living with cancer and other serious illnesses. There is no charge to the school or the children. The information shared aims to help children heighten their awareness of the need to care for and support others who may look, or be a little ‘different’, particularly because of physical problems, such as hair loss, because of cancer treatment. Children frequently ask very thoughtful questions. We are able to answer most questions to satisfy their ‘need to know’ and concerns that they may have. We do not have the authority to answer complicated medical questions. If they occur, we will refer the child to make enquiries of a medical practitioner. This program links well with Community Awareness and Personal Development in the school program, and is most certainly not limited to schools with ill children. The contents relate very much to our children’s contribution to a more caring society. Over 3,000,000 children have seen our puppets, and have been delighted as the characters come to life, relating very well, the information given to the children on their own level. Puppets have for many generations, been a fantastic communication tool. We trust that your children will benefit from the lessons they will learn through listening to our stories. If you need to know detail of the program, please do not hesitate to call our team on 02 9876 0565
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