PHYSIO | Muscular System Unit Review Worksheet

Name: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________ Period: ________
PHYSIO | Muscular System Unit Review Worksheet
Directions: Treat this like a test and answer as much as you can without ANY help. See how much you actually
know by highlighting/starring what you don’t (yes, you have to do this and I will be looking for it).
Spend most your time reviewing what is highlighted/starred.
1. The interaction between which two systems allows for movement? _____________________________
2. Fill in the following table:
Involuntary/ Voluntary
Skeletal Muscle
Cardiac Muscle
Smooth Muscle
3. List and describe the 5 functions of muscular tissue:
a. _________________________________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________________________________
d. _________________________________________________________________________________
e. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. List the components of muscle tissue from largest to smallest:
Muscle  __________________  _________________  _________________  _________________
5. List the components of muscle connective tissue from smallest to largest:
Sarcolemma  _________________  ________________  ________________  ________________
6. Muscle are well supplied with ____________________ and ______________________________________.
7. This is made by mitochondria & is needed in great supply for muscle contraction to take place? _________.
8. Define the following terms:
a. Transverse Tubules (T tubules):
b. Sarcolemma:
c. Sarcoplasm:
d. Myoglobin:
e. Terminal Cistern of SR:
f. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum:
9. Explain how actin, myosin, and sarcomeres are related.
10. Explain the causes of muscular atrophy and muscular hypertrophy.
11. What is muscle tone? Give an example.
12. For the following steps of the NMJ, decide which order they belong in, then rewrite them in the correct
a. Nerve impulse (AP) travels through axon and arrives at axon terminal
b. Calcium ions (Ca2+) released into axon terminal
c. Ca2+ causes vesicles holding ACh to fuse with axon terminal membrane and to release ACh into the
synaptic cleft via Exocytosis.
d. ACh diffuses across synaptic cleft and binds to membrane receptors on the sarcolemma.
e. Binding of ACh to its receptors opens ion channels.
f. Na+ moves into muscle fiber making the charge inside the membrane positive. K+ moves out of muscle
fiber making the outside of the membrane negative.
g. Creates a new nerve impulse (AP) along the sarcolemma
13. For the following steps of E-C Coupling and Muscle Contraction, decide which order they belong in, then
rewrite them in the correct order:
a. Myosin binds to actin and forms cross bridges.
b. Nerve impulse (AP) causes calcium ion gates to open and release Ca2+ from the terminal cisternae of
the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
c. Ca2+ binds to troponin and removes the blocking action of tropomyosin
d. Nerve impulse (AP) travels along the sarcolemma and down the T tubules
e. Binding sites for myosin heads on the actin are exposed
f. Myosin heads pull along actin and move the thin filaments towards the center of the sarcomere a
power stroke is created = muscle contraction.
g. Ca2+ flows into the Sarcoplasm
14. For the following steps of Muscle Relaxation, decide which order they belong in, then rewrite them in the
correct order:
a. Blocking action of tropomyosin is restored, inhibiting myosin-actin interaction
b. Calcium ion channels close on the SR and Ca+2 is actively pumped from the sarcoplasm into the
sarcoplasmic reticulum.
c. The enzyme, acetylcholinesterase (AChE), in the neuromuscular junction, breaks down remaining
acetylcholine in the synaptic cleft.
d. Relaxation occurs.
e. Sodium ions are not released into the muscle fiber stopping the generation of a muscle action potential
which would travel through the T tubules.
15. Fill in the following table:
Types of Skeletal Muscle Fibers
Slow Oxidative Fibers
Fast Oxidative
Glycolytic Fibers
Fast Glycolytic Fibers
How is ATP made?
Type of contraction
16. Explain the proportions of the 3 types of muscle fibers in regards to the various muscles found in the body.
17. For the following, name the muscle fiber type (SO, FOG, or FG). Choices may be used more than once.
a. Found in high quantities of people who excel in activities like weight lifting and sprinting: ________
b. Found in high quantities of people who excel in activities like long distance running: ____________
c. Largest in diameter: __________
d. Has many capillaries (which leads to an efficient and increased blood supply): __________
e. Smallest in diameter: __________
f. Generates ATP by aerobic respiration: __________
g. Myoglobin content is low: __________
h. Has glycogen stores: __________
18. What can cause a gradual transformation of FG fibers into FOG fibers? How exactly would the
characteristics of these fibers change?
19. What physiological benefits do skeletal muscle fibers receive from endurance exercise?
20. Define flexibility:
21. What limits a muscle’s ability to stretch?
22. How can you improve a muscle’s range of motion and how long does it take?
23. List 4 things that are important when stretching:
Fill in the blank for types of muscle contractions:
24. In an ________________________________ there is ______________________ in the length of a muscle,
but __________________ in tension.
25. In an ________________________________ there is ______________________ in the length of a muscle,
but the muscle develops tension.
26. For the following decide if the movements are isotonic contractions or isometric contractions:
a. Lifting a glass off the table = __________________________________
b. Holding a glass in the same position = ___________________________
c. Lowering your body into a push-up = ___________________________
d. Holding your body in planking position = _________________________
27. As humans age beyond the age of 30 what happens to our skeletal muscles?
a. What can be done to prevent this change?
28. Skeletal muscles are considered an organ, why?
29. Explain the following statement “Skeletal muscles do not attach directly to bone.”
30. Explain RICE therapy.