KATY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014 - 2015 7th GRADE COURSE SELECTION WORKSHEET Student Name: Last First Parent/Guardian Name: Last First Address: KISD Student ID BirthDate Parent Email: Street City/Zip: Parent/Guardian Home Phone: Parent/Guardian Cell Phone: Parent/Guardian Work Phone: DIRECTIONS: Choose courses from each of the required areas of English and Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies and PE, and one elective. Mark selections with a check mark the space next to the course titles. Two (2) alternate electives should be listed in case a course has insuNiceint enrollment or if the student's schedule cannot accommodate a particular elective choice. Student and parent signatures confirm that all course guidelines have been reviewed and course selections have been made based on the student's individual strengths, interests and commitment. Final placement into courses is contingent upon campus approval GT placement requires the student to have met specific Katy ISD screening criteria. ENGLISH AND READING All 7th Grade Elective Courses Are for Junior High Credit Only J746 Theatre 2 1" (J648 Theatre 1) English and Reading must be taken at the same level. __ J702 English 7 __ J707 Reading 7 J750 J759 __ J704 English 7 PreAP __ J708 Reading 7 PreAP J760 G710 English 7 GT* J767 J768 __ J718 English 7 ESOL __ J717 Reading 7 ESOL Placement based on Director approval Art 2 1" (J650 BeRinning Art 1) Orchestra 2 1" Placement based on Director approval Band 2 1" (J660 Beginning Band 1) Placement based on Director approval Choir 2 - Girls 1" (J667 Choir 2) Choir 2 -Bovs 1" (J668 Choir 1) Placement based on Director approval MATH J700 (Career Portals) Family & Consumer Sci 1" J711 Math 7 J712 Math 7 PreAP G712 Math 7 GT* J740 SCIENCE J730 Science 7 J732 Science 7 PreAP G732 Science 7 GT* J755 Spanish 1, Part 1 Not for High School Credit. Approved application required. This is the prerequisite course j:or Spanish 1, Part 2 (High School Spanish 2), taken in 8th grade for high school credit. Publications 1 Approved application required. SOCIAL STUDIES LIST 2 ALTERNATE ELECTIVES BELOW J720 Social Studies 7 J722 Social Studies 7 PreAP G722 Social Studies 7 GT* PHYSICAL EDUCATION __ J780 PE 7- Boys f J781 PE 7 - Girls f __ J785 Athletics 7 - Boys f J786 Athletics 7 - Girls l" 1). 2) **Elective change requests made after the last day of the school year (Thursday, June 5, 2014) will be considered on a space available basis only. Please be advised that scheduling conflicts may prevent your student from getting his/her irst elective choice. Please list alternate elective choices. Required placement for students who did not pass the STAAR and/or based upon documented reading or math levels. Physical and coach's approval required for placement in athletics. J705 Reading7 Elective __ J703 Language Arts 7 Block J78B Lunch J709 Math 7 Lab J715 Math 7 Block J795 Advisory * All GT courses are based on PreAP curriculum, differentiated for GT student. GT course placement requires the student to meet specific Katy ISD screening criteria. 1" Course fees apply. See course descriptions in the 2014-2015Course Catalog for more information. Student and parent signatures are required as confirmation that all course guidelines and course selections have been reviewed. Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date KATY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 2014 - 2015 8th GRADE COURSE SELECTION WORKSHEET Student Name: Last First Parent/Guardian Name: Last First Address: KISD Student ID = BirthDate Parent Emaih Street City/Zip: Parent/Guardian Home Phone: Parent/Guardian Work Phone: I Parent/Guardian Cell Phone: DIRECTIONS: Choose one course from each oft he required areas of English, Math, Science, Social Studies and PE, and two electives. Mark selections with a check mark the space next to the course titles. Alternate electives should be listed in case a course has insujÿiceint enrollment or if the student's schedule cannot accommodate a particular elective choice. Student and parent signatures confirm that all course guidelines have been reviewed and course selections have been made based on the student's individual strengths, interests and commitment. Final placement into courses is contingent upon campus approval GT placement requires the student to have met specific Katy ISD screening criteria. ENGLISH All Elective Courses Listed Below Are for Junior High Credit Only J802 English 8 J846 Theatre 3 f (J648 Theatre 1) (J746 Theatre 2) J804 English 8 PreAP G804 English 8 GT* Placement based on Director approval 1 J850 Art 3 f (J650 Beginning Art) (J750 Art 2) 1 J859 Orchestra 3 f (J653 Orchestra 1) (J759 Orchestra 2) J818 English 8 ESOL Placement based on Director approval J817 Reading 8 ESOL 1 J860 Band 3 t (J660 Beginning Band 1) (J760 Band 2) Placement based on Director approval MATH J811 J812 0211 0214 1 J867 Choir 3 - Girls f (J667 Choir 1) (J767 Choir 2) 1 J868 Choir 3 - Boys f (J668 Choir 1) (J768 Choir 2) Math 8 Math 8 PreAP Algebra 1 0 Algebra i GT* 0 Placement based on Director approval J755 Algebra/Algebra GT are not PreAP and do not receive weighted grade points. Algebra placement will determined in the spring. J855 SCIENCE 1 J300 Publications 2 Approved application required. (Pre-requisite J755) Student Aide 1 J700 1 J873 1 J877 (Career Portals) Family & Consumer Sci f Tech Applications (1st semester) Tech Applications (2nd semester) Teacher recommendation required. J830 Science 8 J832 Science 8 PreAP G832 Science 8 GT* SOCIAL STUDIES J820 Social Studies 8 J822 Social Studies 8 PreAP G822 Social Studies 8 GT* Each Elective Course Listed Below Is for High School Credit 0 6318 Spanish 1, Part 2 (SPAN 1) 0 Prerequisite: J740 Spanish 1, Part I (not for HS Credit) 6319 Spanish 1(SPAN 1) 0 PHYSICAL EDUCATION J880 J881 J885 J886 Publications 1 Approved application required. 8353 Principles of Human Services 0 (PRINHUSR) __ 8619 Concepts of Engineering/Technology 0 (CONCENGT) PE 8 - Boys f PE 8 - Girls t Athletics 8 - Boys f Athletics 8 - Girls t __ 7511 Art1 0(ART1) LIST 3 ALTERNATE ELEC-rlVES BELOW 1) Physical and coach's approval required for placement in athletics. 2) __ J805 Reading 8 Elective J888 Lunch 3) Required placement for students who did not pass the STAAR and/or based upon documented reading or math levels. J895 Advisory • J803 Language Arts 8 Block * All GT courses are based on PreAP curriculum, di J835 Math 8 Lab J815 Math 8 Block .ÿntiated for GT student. GT course placement requires the student to meet specific Katy ISD screening criteria. t Course fees apply. See course descriptions in the 2014-2015 Course Catalog for more information. 0 High School credit courses. Semester averages in high school credit courses are calculated into the student's GPA. Student Signature J Date Parent Signature Date Student and parent signatures are required as confirmation that all course guidelines and course selections have been reviewed.
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