Minor in Fashion Merchandising Requirements Worksheet 2014

Minor in Fashion Merchandising
Requirements Worksheet
2014-2015 Catalog
Name: __________________________________________________________________Student ID: _________________________________
Need to
Course Number & Title (units)
Complete ALL of the following courses:
FMD 155: Introduction to the Fashion Industry (3)
FMD 252: Analysis, Evaluation & Comparison of Ready-to-Wear (3)
FMD 296: Computer Applications for Professionals (3)
a 'C' or better in FMD 155; Computer Proficiency Exam passage OR
a 'C' or better in IS 233
FMD 351: Fashion Promotion & Sales (3)
a 'C' or better in FMD 155, 296
FMD 355: Fashion Buying (3)
a 'C' or better in FMD 155, 258; Computer Proficiency Exam passage
OR a 'C' or better in IS 233
FMD 455: International Fashion Retailing (3)
a 'C' or better in FMD 351; senior standing
†Prerequisites are subject to change; consult the University Catalog ( www.csulb.edu/catalog ) for the most recent updates
Register for the CPE at www.csulb.edu/cba/cpe OR complete IS 233 with a 'C' or better or 'CR'
Total units required for FMD minor: 18-21
Total units required for FMD minor with prerequisites: 24-27
Minimum of 4 semesters required to complete FMD minor
CHHS AARC 6/12/2014