Shomrei Emunah Weekly Bulletin January 17, 2015 26 of Teves 5775 CONGREGATION SHOMREI EMUNAH RABBI BINYAMIN MARWICK, RABBI Shabbos Mevarchim Parshas Vaera 6221 GREENSPRING AVENUE BALTIMORE, MD 21209 RABBI DR. TZVI HERSH WEINREB, RABBI EMERITUS Vol. 5 No. 13 410-358-8604 FAX 410-358-0664 RABBI BENJAMIN BAK, זצ׳ל, RABBI EMERITUS (1972-1989) Message from the President It happened again. The country may have changed, the language of the attackers may have changed, and the group claiming responsibility may have changed. But one thing hasn’t changed. The victims were killed because they were Jews. How many times can this keep happening? How many times can we keep refreshing a news website, hoping against hope that there will be good news? One person was killed because he ran in the store to buy challah erev Shabbos. How many times have any one of us done the same? How many times have I had to write that we should keep the families of the kedoshim in our tfillos? These tragedies keep hitting closer and closer to home. If you are continuing to read this, hoping to find a clear answer, there will not be any. Our faith in Hashem is that we are accepting of the seemingly bad, along with appreciating the good. Let us hope that we will see the end to these tragedies, and will be able to soon celebrate the coming of Mashiach. Have a great Shabbos, Chaim Announcing a New Shiur by Rabbi Marwick for Men 35 and Under Topic: Yesodos in Jewish Thought Based on Letters of Gedolim (Rav Kook, Rav Hutner and the ChaZon Ish) and Rishonim on the Parsha (Rashi, Ramban, Seforno, Chizkuni and more) Tuesday Nights 8:30pm Beginning February 3rd... See you there! Looking for Shammos/Building Manager We would like to thank Shraga Zirkind for serving as the shul Shammos for the past year. Shraga has accepted a new position, which will no longer allow him to serve as Shammos of the shul. We wish him well in his new job, and thank him for doing an incredible job helping the shul. We are currently interviewing for the position. If you are interested, please submit your resume to [email protected]. Join Shomrei Emunah's AIPAC Policy Conference Delegation There will be an informational meeting at the home of Noah and Ellen Lightman (5 Farringdon Court) on Wednesday, January 28th at 7:00 p.m. To RSVP, or if you have any questions, please contact Noah Lightman at [email protected]. To learn more about Policy Conference and AIPAC or to register for the conference (there are a limited number of reduced registration spots left) please contact Leah Berry at [email protected] or (410) 223-4190 or visit The Ner Tamid / Shomrei Emunah Blood Drive will be held on Sunday January 18th, from 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM in the main auditorium at Ner Tamid. To make an appointment for your life-saving donation, please contact Stan or Gwen Gelber at 410-653-0122. Walk-ins will also be welcome, but may have longer wait times. Mazel Tov Rena and Moshe LaBrie on the birth of a grandson born in Baltimore to Avigail and Raphael Gildengorn. Mazel Tov to grandparents Yosef & Esther Gildengorn of Brooklyn, and greatgrandparents Peshy and Mendy Vim and Norma and Fred LaBrie. Sandy and Aryeh Guttenberg on the birth of a grandson, born to their children, Shani and Yishai Seidman. Mazel Tov also to grandparents, Nita and Zev Seidman, and great-grandmothers, Irene Lowy and Chaiky Guttenberg. V2 SW Shabbos Mevarchim Parshas Vaera January 17 2015/26 of Teves 5775 Mincha: 4:50pm Shacharis: 7:00am 8:15am 9:00am Mincha: 2:00pm 3:10pm 4:40pm Maariv: 5:52pm Candles: 4:50pm Parshas HaShavuah: 8:30am Sof Z'man Krias Sh'ma: 9:50am Shiur: 3:40pm Daf Yomi: After Havdallah Shabbos Afternoon Shiur will be given by Rabbi Marwick on the Topic: “The Minhag to Recite Bameh Madlikin in Shul on Friday Night.” Donations Ron and Myrna Mitnick in honor of the engagement of Shalosh Seudos Sponsors: Bruce and Freda Goldman in memory of Freda’s father, Chiel Teigman, 27 of Teves. Pinchas and Toby Fader in memory of Toby’s mother, Esther Briks, 29 of Teves. Notes for this week: Chaburah following the 8:15am davening. Please join us for a very special davening this week beginning with mincha at 4:25, followed by a musical Yedid Nefesh. Carlebach Kabbalas Shabbas will begin at 4:50 in the G. Leonard Rubin Bais Medrash and should finish within an hour. Bring your family and friends for warmth and ruach! Questions? Contact [email protected]. Rosh Chodesh Shevat is this Wednesday, January 21. The Parshas HaShavuah Shuir this week will be given by Abe Schwartz. Next Week: Shabbos Parshas Bo Mincha: 5:00pm Memorial Donations Avraham Frydman in memory of his father, Yisroel ben Avraham, 28 of Teves, donation to Shomrei Emunah. Elchonon and Feiga Oberstein in memory of Meyer and Pauline Oberstein, donation to the BYTF. Walk softly and carry a big stick. Lessons the Chofetz Chaim takes from parsha Shemos.(better late than never). Come learn with us. The men's chabura on Shmiras haLoshon . Sundays, 8:45 to 9:15. Classroom 1. Shmiras HaLoshon-it's a life changer. Yahrzeits Candle Lighting: 4:58pm Daf Yomi Brian Spern in memory of his father, Cantor Lawrence Spern, 22 of Teves. Ethan Spiegler in memory of his father, Joel Spiegler, 27 of Teves. Robin Kravetz in memory of her grandmother, Alice Deutch, 27 of Teves. Toby Fader in memory of her mother, Esther Briks, 29 of Teves. Eva Katznelson in memory of her mother-in-law, Ida Katznelson, 3 of Shevat. Lester Vogel in memory of his mother, Eidel Sonya Vogel, 3 of Shevat. Robin Ethan Freda Avraham Elchonon Elchonon Toby Yosefa Michelle Pnina Rosalie Ruth Eva Lester Kravetz Spiegler Goldman Frydman Oberstein Oberstein Fader Schwartz Schwartz Dixler Rapoport Klein Katznelson Vogel Grandmother Father Father Father Mother Father Mother Father Father Father Mother Mother Mother-in-law Mother 27 Tevet 27 Tevet 27 Tevet 28 Tevet 28 Tevet 28 Tevet 29 Tevet 29 Tevet 1 Shevat 1 Shevat 2 Shevat 2 Shevat 3 Shevat 3 Shevat DAVENING TIMES Shachris Rosh Chodesh Sunday Monday ETT: 6:24am ETT: 6:24am 6:20 (MS) 6:20 (BM) 6:50 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 7:20 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) 9:00 (MS) Reuben Pazornick to Elizabeth Fishel of London, England, donation to Shomrei Emunah. Shlomo and Barbara Horowitz in honor of engagement of Reuben Pazornick, son of Marvin and Mindy Pazornick, to Elizabeth Fishel, donation to Shomrei Emunah. Jules and Caren Szanton in appreciation of Rabbi Marwick, donation to Shomrei Emunah. David & Shoshana Friedman wishing mazel tov to Marvin and Mindy Pazornick on the engagement of their son Reuben to Elizabeth Fishel, donation to Shomrei Emunah. Peter and Rosemary Warschaswski wishing Mazel Tov to Aryeh and Sandy Guttenberg on the birth of a grandson to their children Shani and Yishai Seidman, donation to Shomrei Emunah. Sylvia and Robin Karlin in honor of engagement of Reuben Pazornick, son of Marvin and Mindy Pazornick, to Elizabeth Fishel. Tuesday ETT: 6:23am 6:30 (BM) 7:00 (MS) 7:30 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Wednesday ETT: 6:23am 6:10 (BM) 6:40 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Thursday ETT: 6:22am 6:20 (BM) 6:50 (MS) 7:20 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Friday ETT: 6:22am 6:30 (BM) 7:00 (MS) 7:30 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Deutch Spiegler Teigman Frydman Oberstein Oberstein Briks Swiatycki Kampler Shimoff Greenberg Klein Katznelson Vogel This Week 1/18-1/22 Legal Holidays S, Tu, W, F Mon, Thu Rosh Chodesh Sunday Weekday 6:20 (MS) 6:10 (MS) 6:05 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) MS - Main Shul, BM - Bais Medrash, SH - Social Hall, ETT - Earliest Talis/Tefilin Alice Yosef Chiel Israel Pauline Meyer Esther Chaim Paul Eliot Bessie Muriel Ida Ida 6:10 (BM) 6:40 (MS) 7:15 (BM) 8:00 (MS) 8:30 (BM) 9:00 (MS) Mincha/Marriv: 4:55pm (MS) Additional Mincha: Sun: 12:50pm (MS) Additional Maariv: 7:15pm (BM) 8:15pm (MS) 9:00pm (MS) 10:00pm (BM) Shul Notes Aliyos If you have a Bar Mitzvah or Aufruf coming up, please contact David Bienenstock at [email protected] to arrange your Aliyos. Message From The Chessed Committee: A family in the community is in need of Shabbos meals. Please see "take a meal" form or contact [email protected] or Rochel Katz at [email protected] or call 410-292-4113. Did you know? Gifts can be made to Shomrei Emunah with a stock donation? Shomrei has an account with Morgan Stanley and Vanguard to accept all stock gifts. Check the donations tab at for more information or call Shira at (410) 358-8604. Special Chessed Opportunities: Larry Soltz is in Tudor Heights and would appreciate visitors. For more information contact Rabbi Marwick at [email protected] YOUTH NEWS Shabbos Youth Programs Babysitting - Classroom 2 , Time: 9:00 - end of Shul Beginner’s Minyan (1st-3rd Grade) - Classroom 1,9:30 - end of Shul Younger Girls Groups (1st-3rd Grade)-Board Room,10:00-end of Shul Older Boys Groups (4th-6th Grade) - Tower Classroom 1,10:25 Older Girls Groups (4th-6th Grade) - Kallah Room,10:00-end of Shul Youth (Teen) Minyan - Classroom 3, 9:15 The youth department would like to remind all parents to remain on the shul premises if your children are participating in youth groups. Happy Birthday to all Shomrei Youth with January Birthdays!! Aura Yehoshua Binyamin Rafi Nava Shoshana Meir Shaindel Zahava Avrunin Avrunin Bernstein Feldman Goldenhersh Jacobs Lasson Reitberger Rosenbaum Ezra Heshi Ami Gavriel Meir Atara Shalom Ayala Eli Shira Rosenbaum Rosenberg Roth Siff Sobol Stein Traub Wolf Zahtz Is your child’s birthday in January and not on this list? Fill out the youth survey on the Shul web site! Rabbi Shlomo Stein ZT”L Avos Ubanim Program Motzei Shabbos: 6:45pm in the Bais Medrash Pizza! Soda! Raffles! Prizes! To sponsor please contact Chaim Spero or Dov Ocken Last Week’s Sponsors: David and Debbie Finkelstein in memory of our teacher and mentor Rabbi Shlomo Stein A”H. You were an inspiration to us and all of klal Yisroel. Thank you Mrs. Stein for all that you and the family did for us when we were first starting out as a new couple 30 years ago. This Week’s Sponsors: Shimmy and Chaya Weichbrod in memory of Evelyn Kossman, Chava bas Yisroel. Please Daven for a Refuah Sheleimah for: Chaim Sender ben Miriam Sarah Ahuva Bas Chana Rochel Yitzhak Meyer ben Tziviya Yosef Yitzchok Ben Miriam Refael Chaim Yeshaya ben Chaya Dovid Yehoshua ben Leba Malka Yeshaya Shalom ben Malka Gittel Menachem Mendel Yisroel ben Feiga Important Note: To add a name please contact the office by email: [email protected]. The list will be cleared every Rosh Chodesh. LEARNI NG O PP OR TU NITI ES WITH RAB BI MA RWI CK ! Sho mrei P ost - Ca rp ool Shi ur fo r Wom en a w eek ly d isc ussi on o f con tem porar y issu es con nec te d to th e Pars ha. Me ets T ues days a t 9:1 5am . Pleas e co nt ac t Rab bi Mar wic k wi t h any q ues tio ns . Thursday Morning Shiur on Co nte mp ora ry H al achi c Issu es a t 9:1 5am For more i nfo rma tio n co nt ac t D a v i d B i e n e n s t o c k a t Zeidy 12@ a ol. com . “Piz za & P ars ha” f or St ude nts & Yo un g Pro fessi on als ag es 17 - 29 t hi s progr am is d edi ca ted L ’i lu i Nis hma s Gil ad Sc hwar t z a nd is f u nde d i n p ar t by a gr an t from th e Lo uise D. an d Mor ton J. Mac ks Cen ter f or Jew is h Education through its Jewish Ed uca tio na l En ha nce me nt Prog ram . For 5 77 4, the seri es is spo nsor ed b y the May er Fa mil y. H alachi c T he mes fr o m t he Pa rsh a Shiu r Th e s hi ur di d no t m ee t t his pas t we ek . The Rav’s Mishnayos Shiur! At te nti on Boy s in 5 th , 6t h & 7t h grad e. T his w eek @ 3: 10 pm in th e Bais Me dras h. Lea rn in g M ase che s She kal im. Community Notes Beginners’ Gemora Class Starting Sunday, Januray 18th. Rabbi Ayson Englander will guide you through the language& logic of the Talmud, step-by-step, sp that you can gain the skills to learn on youe own! Sunday evenenings, 9-10pm (Marriv at 10pm). Class held at Yesodei HaTorah’s Joseph Meister Beis Medrash, 2416 Taney Road (corner Greenspring). For more information & to register, call Rabbi Tzvi Goode at 443-660-7008 or email [email protected]. Mesila of Baltimore Announces: A FREE 2-Part Seminar Helping You Acquire the Skills to Manage a Financially Balanced Life. *Get Practical Guidelines for Achieving Financial Stability. *Discuss the Importance of Communicating about Finances. *Discover a Framework for Creating and Maintaining a Budget. January 11, 2015 and January 18, 2015 - 7:008:30 PM at Kol Torah,2929 Fallstaff Road Baltimore, MD 21209Dinner provided on 1/11 & FREE babysitting available upon request. Please RSVP by 1/8 to Nisa Felps: [email protected] Nefesh of Baltimore welcomes all mental health professionals and students to an inaugural Melava Malka on February 7th, 2015 @ 8pm-10pm at Bnai Jacob Sharei Zion. This will be a great opportunity to network with local mental health professionals. We will be having a lively panel discussion addressing the challenges and rewards Jewish Orthodox mental health professionals face. The panel will be led by seasoned clinicians such as Dr. Hinda Dubin, Dr. Morris Lasson, and Dr. Neil Weissman. Make reservations online at or by calling 443-687-7121. Early Registration by January 16th, 2015. Please join the Jewish Genealogy Society of MD on Sunday, January 25, 2015, at 1:30 p.m. at the Pikesville Library’s meeting room for our next program: “Ask the Experts!” Panelists who are experienced in Jewish genealogy research will help guide you on ways forward in research and will give advice on places to look to break through a brick wall. Please send questions to [email protected] by January 18; a selection of those questions will be addressed by the panel. Please be specific in what you are looking for and what you have already tried. Give as much background information as possible. In addition, we’ll have an open floor at the end for additional questions. Khal Machzikei Torah (6216 Biltmore Ave) is starting a new Morning Kollel for Baal Habatim & Seniors led by Rabbi Nechemiah Goldstein. Shiur P'sicha Rosh Chodesh Shvat, Wednesday, January 21 at 9:45 am. Daily Program: 9:30-11:30am - Shiur, Chavrusa Learning & Refreshments. For more information please call: 410.358.1019 The Baltimore Shidduch Group will be meeting Monday, January19th at the home of Mrs. Chaya Hyatt - 3204 Fallstaff Road from 8-10 pm. Come for yourself, or to present someone else. For more information please email [email protected]. The Baltimore Women’s Orchestra Third Annual Winter Concert will take place on Monday evening, Feb. 2, 2015 at The Park School’s Harvey M. Meyerhoff Theater on Old Court Road. Student tickets are free of charge, and adult tickets are only $18. This year’s concert will feature a world class guest artist, the former principal cellist of the Jerusalem Symphony, Ina-Esther Joost Ben-Sasson. Tickets can be purchased by contacting Chani Caplan at 443-825-9695 or [email protected]. For Women Only. All are welcome to an inspiring evening of zemiros and divrei Torah with the Stropkover Rebbe, Friday night, Parshas Vaera, January 16 at 8:30pm at the home of Dr and Mrs Shlomo Arno 6007 Stuart Avenue. Please call 410 412-4229 or 347 781-6994 for more details. Looking to restart female basketball at night to be determined-game is fun and chance to unwind.Please call Miriam@410 358-9366 with a yes! You are warmly invited to the monthly Melava Malka-Hisorirus for Chodesh Shvat at the home of David Meltzer this Motzoi Shabbos Parshas Vayera, hoRav Nesanel Kostelitz shlita will speak and baal menagen is Yakov Ehrman. Sorry, men only. Washing at 9.15 and benching at 10.15 sharp. Hope to see you! AFFORDABLE ASSISTED LIVING "STERLING H OSPITALITY" PROVIDES LOVING CARE WITH DIGNITY 7015 PARK HEIGHTS AVENUE EMAIL: [email protected] OR CALL 410-318-8999
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