The Village Shul Weekly Update.. Week of December 26, 2014-January 2, 2015 5-12 Tevet, 5775 In This Issue Mazel Tov to Ellie Korenblum and Avi Morgenster n on the birth of a grandson, Leo/Ari Korenblum , son of Henry and Chloe Korenblum ! The Village Shul extends condolence s to Lyla Schwartz, Brian and THE VILLAGE SHUL MISSION STATEMENT "The mission of The Village Shul & Aish HaTorah Learning Centre is to create a community where each individual can experience Jewish living to enhance personal growth, and where membership is outwardly focused in effecting positive change in the world, according to the vision of Rabbi Noach Weinberg zt"l, our founder." VILLAGE SHUL EVENTS PARASHAT VAYIGASH DECEMBER 26-27, 2014 5 TEVET, 5775 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 Robbie Schwartz, Rabbi Shalom and Debbie Schwartz, David and Judy Schwartz and Rabbi Stuart and Fanny Schwartz and families on the recent passing of their husband, father, grandfathe r and greatgrandfathe r Frank Schwartz, Ephraim ben Noach A"H. The Village Shul extends its condolence s to Marina and Jon Geist on the recent passing of Marina's father Leonid Krasner A"H. The Village Shul Kiddush 4:29PM Mincha/Candle-lighting SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27 7:40AM Pre-Shacharit Class on the Philosophical Outlook of Rav Dessler with Rabbi Yosef Posen 8:30AM Shacharit Services begin 10:10AM Stairway to Heaven with Reb Zale Newman: "The Blessing for Our Body" 10:30AM Rabbi's Message with Rabbi Ahron Hoch: "Chanukah's Emphasis on Beauty" 11:10AM Issues @ 11 with Rabbi Tzvi Sytner: "When I Wake Up, Before I Put On My Makeup, I say A Little Modeh Ani: How Those Words We Say Can Completely Change Our Day!" Advanced Ethics Class with Rabbi Yosef Posen: "The Showdown Between the Two Kings: Joseph and Judah" last Shabbat was sponsored by Josh Protter in honour of the Yahrzeit of his father Reb Yosef Hillel ben Reb David A"H. The Village Shul Kiddush this Shabbat is sponsored by Jonathan Gross in honour of the Yahrzeit of his mother Tzipporah Gross A"H. Seudat Shlishit is available to be sponsored this Shabbat. Reb Zale Newman's Stairway to Heaven class this Saturday, December 27, 2014 is sponsored 12:00 PM Communal Kiddush 4:14PM Mincha followed by Seudat Shlishit 5:25PM Ma'ariv 5:35PM Havdallah/Shabbat Ends YEAR END NOTICES The year end is almost here! Please make certain that you have paid your balance due before the end of the year to receive your 2014 tax receipt. Call the office today to make your payment: 416-785-1107 X 307. FAST OF THE TENTH OF TEVET THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 2015 Please note that next Thursday, January 1, 2015 is The Fast of the 10th of Tevet. Fast Begins at 6:39AM Shacharit is at 8:00AM (New Year's Day) by Laura Silver in memory of Reb Zale's father Cyril Newman, Reb Yisrael Newman A"H. Rabbi Posen's Parsha class on Sunday, December 28, 2014 is anonymousl y sponsored in honour of Philip Davidovits for all the good that he does in the community . Men's Morning Learning on Wednesday , December 31, 2014 is sponsored by David Rygier and Frida Hulli in honour of the Yahrzeit of Frida's father Moise Mincha is at 4:20PM Maariv is at 5:30PM Fast ends at 5:35PM PLEASE NOTE THAT THE OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY. REBBETZIN FAIGY HOCH'S CLASSES RESUME IN JANUARY MONDAY, JANUARY 5 - MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 2015 WHERE: At the Hoch home - 754 Briar Hill Avenue WHEN: MORNING CLASSES: 9:30-10:00am THE LAWS OF BLESSINGS 10:00-11:00am TORAH PERSONALITIES EVENING CLASSES: 8:00-8:30pm THE LAWS OF BLESSINGS 8:30-9:30pm TORAH PERSONALITIES NEW & UPCOMING Moghrabi, Moshe ben Yitzchak A"H. Thank you to Debbie Antebi for greeting shul-goers on Shabbat. Thank you to our Security Volunteers for taking out time to keep us all safe. Weekday Services for the week of December 28, 2014 Sun Morn: 8:00AM Mon-Wed Morn: 7:00AM Thurs Morn:8:00A M (New Years DayFast of Tenth of Tevet) Fri Morn:7:00A M Sun-Wed Eve: 4:30PM Thurs Eve: SCHOLAR-IN-RESIDENCE WEEKEND RABBI MORDECHAI TORCZYNER Friday, January 16, and Saturday, January 17, 2015 A SHABBOS OF INCREDIBLE INSPIRATION RABBI ARI SYTNER Saturday, February 14, 2015 PARENTING EXPERT RABBI YITZCHOK FEIGENBAUM Saturday, March 14, 2015 UPCOMING MEN'S NY TRIP THURSDAY, MAY 14 - SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 Details to follow. 4:20PM (Fast of Tenth of Tevet) Please do your best to help out with our daily Mincha/Ma'a riv! Your attendanc e at Minyan is needed!! SPONSORS HIPS Sponsor a day/week/m onth of learning, a Kiddush or Seudat Shlishit on behalf of a loved one or to honour a special person. Please call the office for details. SPECIAL ANNOUNCE MENTS: The Village Shul Community wishes a refuah shleimah (speedy recovery) to members of our community that are ill. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the cholim
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