October 2013 Message from the Headteacher It has been a very busy end to the term with Parents' evenings, Key Stage 1 visits to Rockingham Castle and a KS 2 sports event. We have been very pleased to welcome new families to our school and hope that they will enjoy their time with us at Oakley Lower School. We have a number of exciting activities planned for next term, including the Christmas Carol Services and parties which play such a significant part in the run up to Christmas, as well as the many events planned for the Oakley Lower Big Build and PTA events. We will keep you informed by newsletter and our website and look forward to seeing you at some of our forthcoming events. Macmillan Coffee Morning Oakley Lower and Oakley Preschool joined forces to bake some fantastically yummy cakes and cookies! A huge thank you to our brilliant bakers as well as to all those Mums, Dads and governors who gave up their time to help to host this event! It was good to see many of you ’Gift Aiding’ your donations this year. Thanks to everyone ‘s brilliant support we raised £168.60 for Macmillan nurses. Jeans for Genes Day Once again we participated in this annual fundraising event. The children spent time learning about this charity that aims to change the world for children with genetic disorders. Everyone enjoyed spending the day in denim and an impressive £191.37 was raised! Many thanks to everyone involved. Harvest Festival As part of our on-going links with the local community, some of our Year 4 children visited the residents from Oakley Day Care Centre straight after our Harvest assembly. The children enjoyed chatting to them and the members were extremely grateful for the impressive array of tins, biscuits etc that parents had so kindly donated. A big thank you to everyone who helped to make this possible. Sports Festival at Sharnbrook Upper Rockingham Castle Trip As part of their Castles project, the Year 1 and 2 children visited Rockingham Castle in Corby. Despite the weather, they had a wonderful time looking around the castle and seeing what if was like to live in medieval times. Some even had a go at putting on helmets and imagined themselves as medieval soldiers! Keep in Contact: Station Road, Oakley, Bedfordshire MK43 7RE. Mr Redford took 30 Year 3 and 4 children to a Sports festival this week where they had a fun morning playing tag rugby, goal ball and other fun sports activities. It was a very successful morning. Not only did the school came second in the Tag Rugby and Goal Ball competitions but Harry R was also awarded a certificate for showing ’Respect’ during the activities! Well done, everyone! Tel: 01234 822104 Fax: 01234 826472 Email: [email protected] Keep up to date with letters and newsletters on our website: www.oakleylower.co.uk Foundation Stage News! The children have settled well into Oakley Lower School. They have enjoyed making new friends and finding out more about each other from their ‘All About Me’ boxes. Our main topic this half term has been about ‘Ourselves’ where we have explored what we look like, our families, what we like to do and how we change as we grow. This week we have been finding out about ‘Diwali’, the Hindu festival of light. The children have been making rangoli patterns, their own clay diva lamps and tasting Indian foods during the week. We also enjoyed listening to Indian music and making up our own Indian dances. Key Stage One News! We began the term by finding a letter from Knight James and a mysterious egg that he asked us to look after. It has now hatched and we have learnt how to look after baby dragons. We have made some collage dragons in Art and have been learning how to use the pastels and art pencils to draw portraits. We have had some fantastic homework and spellings sent in and the children are really enjoying sharing what they have done. We have been learning about Ourselves in Science and have brightened up the classrooms with all of your lovely family photos. The trip to Rockingham Castle was a great success and it gave the children a real insight into life in medieval times. Key Stage Two News! Our Autumn term began with the children in Key Stage 2 becoming detectives and trying to find out who owned a suitcase that was found near the old railway station in Oakley. They used the clues to establish that it belonged to an evacuee from World War 2 which led us into our new exciting topic - Children in World War 2. The children have used a range of sources to discover many exciting facts about evacuation and the Blitz. In Literacy, they have written letters as evacuees, written stories set in an air raid and become newspaper reporters to create a newspaper report about the Blitz. They have used their knowledge about the Blitz to help them produce a Blitz collage in their art lessons. In science they have been looking at materials and their properties and investigated which material is best for making blackout curtains. The children have worked very hard this term and are now looking forward to their experiencing life as an evacuee at Stibbington. Dates for your diary 4 Nov—Teacher Training Day 5 Nov—Back to school 11 Nov—Willow class to sports festival at Lincroft 13 Nov—Asda Road Safety Awareness Day 6 and 7 Nov—KS2 Stibbington Trip 15 Nov—PTA Xmas Shopping /Coffee Morning 9-11 am 28 Nov—Y2 to Barn Nativity in Clapham 6 Dec— Oakley Lower Big Build Coffee Morning 9 Dec— Foundation Stage Nativity Play 9:30am 10 Dec— Foundation Stage Nativity Play 9:30 am 11 Dec— OLS Year 1.2.3 and 4 Carol Concert held in Lincroft School Hall 9:30 am 12 Dec— OLS Year 1,2,3 and 4 Carol Concert held in Lincroft School Hall 9:30 am 14 Dec— PTA Christmas Bazaar 20 Dec—Arena Theatre visit to school 20 Dec—Last day of term Keep in Contact: Station Road, Oakley, Bedfordshire MK43 7RE. Dinner Money Achievements School dinners cost £2.10 per day. Please remember to put dinner money in an envelope clearly named with your child’s name, class etc, with cheques made payable to Caterlink. The total cost of school dinners for next half term is £71.40 (34 days @ £2.10 a day). Thank you. Sarah Lovett, Headteacher Tel: 01234 822104 Fax: 01234 826472 Email: [email protected] Keep up to date with letters and newsletters on our website: www.oakleylower.co.uk Lots of children share their achievements with us on Friday assembly. However we felt that two children deserve special mention —Kian G J for catching an 8lb carp on a recent fishing mission and Grace P who is having a poem published in a Young Writers’ Anthology . Well done to both of them!
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