Page 16 Thursday, January 15, 2015 Susan M. Dougherty for The Westfield Leader and The Times HAPPY TO BE ON BOARD...Christopher Langhart poses with his family after being sworn in to the Westfield Board of Education last week. Mr. Langhart won his seat in the November election along with new member Peggy Oster and reelected member Mark Friedman. SP-F Public School Preschool Registration to Begin Jan. 26 SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD – The Scotch Plains-Fanwood School District will begin accepting applications for preschool for the 2015-2016 school year. The Preschool Program uses the Creative Curriculum, which fosters children’s learning through exploration and discovery. Preschool classes are comprised of general education students and students with special needs, as determined by a district evaluation. Applicants must be residents of Scotch Plains or Fanwood. Proof of residency status and an original birth certificate will be required for new students enrolling in the program. The child’s age as of October 1, 2015 will determine placement in a 3-year-old or 4-year-old class. Typically, 3-year-olds attend the morning session from 8:35 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. and 4-year-olds attend the afternoon session from 12:20 p.m. to 3:10 p.m. All classes meet five days per week. Tuition for the half-day program will be $310 per month and spaces will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. A 10 percent sibling discount is available. In addition, free/reduced tuition may be available for families who qualify per federal guidelines or a district review. Applications will be available at all district elementary schools and on the district website ( beginning Monday, January 26. For additional information, please contact the Office of State, Federal & Elementary Programs at (908) 8890559 or at [email protected]. SEA OF BLUE...Lincoln School in Garwood recently had its kick-off event as eager participants in the Healthy U initiative, which is designed to prevent childhood obesity by instituting behavioral changes in children ages 3 to 13. The program uses a multi-pronged approach to educate children on proper nutrition, increase their physical activity and engage parents to get more involved with their children to lead a healthier lifestyle. The CATCH (Coordinated Approach To Child Health) program for children brings schools, families and communities together to teach children how to be healthy for a lifetime. The healthy behaviors are reinforced through a coordinated approach in the classroom, cafeteria and physical education class. The CATCH Healthy U program is the result of a collaborative partnership between The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey and the New Jersey YMCA State Alliance which is comprised of all 41 YMCA member Associations throughout New Jersey. The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey has awarded $3.45 million in grants for the program, which spans from January 2008 through December 2015. College Club of FW-SP Offers 2015-16 Scholarships FANWOOD — The College Club of Fanwood-Scotch Plains has announced that its 2015-2016 scholarship application forms are available. They may be obtained from the Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School Counseling Office, at or PUBLIC NOTICE BOROUGH OF FANWOOD PLANNING BOARD Notice is hereby given that the PLANNING BOARD OF THE BOROUGH OF FANWOOD, after public hearing on November 19, 2014 granted approval for residential rear yard setback to allow the addition of a deck to the primary dwelling. the property in question is owned by Ms. Gloria Mazza, at 423 South Avenue, Fanwood, being Block 93, Lot 17. Documents pertaining to this application are available for public inspection at Borough Hall during normal business hours. Ms Gloria Mazza 423 South Avenue Fanwood, New Jersey 07023 1 T - 1/15/15, The Times Fee: $16.83 Scholarships are awarded annually to women who are either highschool seniors or college students, and who plan to pursue a baccalaureate degree at a four-year college. Scholarships totaling $31,000 were awarded for the academic year 20142015. To be eligible for consideration, high-school applicants must be residents of Fanwood or Scotch Plains. College applicants must be local residents of Fanwood or Scotch Plains at the time they graduate from high school. Scholarships are awarded based on three primary characteristics of the applicants: 1. financial need; 2. academic achievement; and 3. character of the applicant. Application materials must be postmarked on or before Sunday, February 15, 2015, to be eligible for consideration. The Catholic Academy that makes a difference in your child’s life. Open House Sunday, January 25, 1 – 3 PM 21st Century Learning Middle States Accredited Grades Pre-K through 8 Extended ded Care Programs Full Day Pre-K and Kindergarten Safe, Faith-filled Environment Class of 2014 earned over $200,000 in high school scholarships ips 2032 Westfield Avenue Scotch Plains, i NJ 07076 908.322.4265 St. Bartholomew Academy STRIVE BUILD ACHIEVE The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Westfield High School Principal, Peter Renwick, announces the first marking period honor roll for the 2014-2015 school year. Westfield High School recognizes student achievement every marking period at two levels: Honor Roll and Distinguished Honor Roll. Determination of inclusion on the Honor Roll is based on the following criteria: For the Distinguished Honor Roll, the GPA must be between 3.75 and 4.0 with no grade lower than a B. For the Honor Roll, the GPA must be between 3.5 and 3.74 with no grade lower than a B. Distinguished Honor Roll GRADE 9 Connor Abrams, Melanie Agne, Jason Alvarez, Yara Assadi, Marlo Avidon, Olabimpe Badmus, Yallen Bai, Harrison Bailey, Ethan Bandelli, Lee Beauchamp, Thomas Beck, Charles Billek, Cory Billings, Niklas Birse, Emily Bloomfield, Emily Boll, Natalie Bond, Nicholas Bond, Stephanie Borr, Kaetlin Boyle, Daniel Bracco, Hannah Brogan, Allison Bronander, Chloe Brown, Robert Brown, Tess Brown, Eric Brunt, Julian Bryen, Julia Buoscio, Ryan Burns, Joshua Camacho, Alexander Campbell, Matthew Canabarro, Michael Canabarro, Benjamin Cappiello, Grace Cash, Matthew Cetlin, Jessica Chicola, Ryan Chirichella, Brianna Cho, Nicholas Christopher, Jack Cifelli, Julia Clifford, Andrew Cohen, Asa Coleman, William Collum, Zachary Composto, Emma Conlon, Eve Crandall, Shannon Cutinello, Colin Daniel, John Dannevig, Madeline Davis, Jacob Dayon, Andrew Dazzo, Jonathan DeDomenico, Steven DiMaria, Matthew Doyle, Alexandra Dulski, Paige Dumont, Sean Dwyer, Lucy Earl, McKenna Edmondson, Shea Elliott, Katharine Encinas, Noah Ensslin, Emma Escaldi, Nicholas Estrada, Robert Faktor, Isabelle Feinstein, Emily Finn, Charlotte Fountain-Jardim, Sarah Fox, Lindsay Freidenrich, Chelsea Frisch, Jessica Fritz, Samantha Fritz, Greta Frontero, Xavier Gaines, Lindsey Garnhart, Ashley Gigon, Fiona Gillespie, Anna Glueck, Kathryn Gonzalez, Inna Gorelik, Josephine Greenwood, Evan Gruters, Alexandra Gulla, Annie Harrington, Erica Hayden, Kaeley Hazard, Rachael He, Stephanie Hoodja, Yenteen Hu, Kyle Huber, Claire Hunter, Bridget Hyland, Aryeh Iosif, Sara Isser, Emma Jackler, Andrew Johnson-Milstein, Sydney Keenan, Ryan Kirby, Michael Knapp, Ana Maria Kobori, Linus Koglin, Kylinn Kraemer, Zachary Kronheimer, Julia Kuhn, Abigail Lafemina, Darika Lara-Rodriguez, Isabel Lee, Ava Lehavi, Marissa Lehmberg, David Liang, Jordan Lipkind, Elena Lisci, William Magnanini, Keira Mangam, Ethan Manning, Joshua Markowitz, Hannah Martin, Anna Masciandaro, Nadia Matin, Allison Mattessich, Julian Mazzola, Timothy McAuliffe, John McCauley, Melina McDevitt, Olivia McElheny, Madison McKenna, Mia Melao, Joshua Mendelson, Noelle Mesbah, Matthew Meusel, Kenneth Meyer, Laura Meyer, Kayla Miedrzynski, Marissa Millwater, Matthew Mineo, Benjamin Mizrach, Catherine Moore, Peter Morariu, Catherine Moriarty, Olivia Morrison, Ophelia Murray, Asia Muselli, Haley Mykytka, Juliette Naeveke, Mark Natiello, Christopher O’Connor, Thomas Omberg, Drew Ortiz, Michael Paglialunga, Ryan Palmer, Sydney Paoletti, Leigh Papadopoulos, Gianna Parsekian, Madison Pena, Katherine Pink, Noah Plotkin, Alison Plump, Catherine Posyton, Claire Prevoznak, Hailey Priscoe, Dean Pucciarelli, Ryan Qin, Spencer Quinn, William Rackear, Isaiah Reese, Nathaniel Reyes, Brendan Riccardi, Sean Riccardi, Kayla Rinn, Jessica Ripperger, Matthew Rittendale, Lucille Ritter, Christine Rogers, Emma Rogers, Linzy Rosen, Abby Rothenberg, Damien Ruparel, Casey Ryan, Molly Ryan, Aman Sachdev, Jordan Sacher, Clara Saint-Denis, Perry Salberg, Madeleine Sanford, Nicholas Savorgiannakis, Noah Schwartz, Lauren Sgro, Vraj Shah, Lindsey Sharlow, Daniel Shenker, William Sherry, Jessica Shih, Isabella Silber, Jonathan Silva, Andrew Smith, Mackenzie Smith, Daniel Sokolin, Luke Spellman, Charles Spinardi, David Sprung, Caroline Stockwell, Timothy Storms, Joshua Stryker, Stefan Sujanthakumar, Sydney Swingle, Jacob Tananbaum, Rollins Terry, Juliana Tully, Kayla Tupper, Saranya Turimella, Gianna Tyahla, Jake Vall-Llobera, Erica Varga, Adriana Vergara, Matthew Viscido, Danielle Vo, Julia Vricella-Stokes, Christopher Wagner, Piper Wallenstein, William Walsweer, Sarah Ward, Steven Warren, Eli Weaver, Megan Webber, Spencer Weigand, Nicholas Weiner, Alex Wendel, Julia Whitman, Nicholas Wojno-Oranski, Jacob Wornow, Junlin Yi, Sophia Yodice, Kimberly Zimmermann. GRADE 10 Nina Alameno, Nicolina Albano, Benjamin Albert-Halevy, Mia Anderson, Madeleine Armstrong, Grace Ascione, Alisha Asija, Daniel Audino, Olivia Aurigemma, Charles Baldwin, Jared Bansky, Hal Barnes, Owen Bartok, Emily Beattie, Carly Bechtloff, Taylor Bechtloff, Matthew Bernstein, Dale Beyert, Stella Billek, Cullen Birkel, Kayla Bleich, Dana Boretz, Noah Bram, Grace Brindle, Elizabeth Brown-Cordero, Elizabeth Brucia, Eli Burk, Loukas Carayannopoulos, Ava Carey, Rafael Cestero, Zoe Chadowitz, Joseph Chen, Erica Cheung, Hsiao-Yi Chiang, Patrick Chirichella, Soo Min Chung, Katherine Clancy, Olivia Clausen, Emma Cravo, Stefan Crigler, John Cunningham, Matthew DeBenedetto, Amanda DePinto, Samantha Della Fera, Shannon Devitt, Christina DiBella, Kyle Dombroski, Joshua Ebel, Michael Echausse, Nicole Eisenberg, Marie Eisenhauer, Melissa Endy, Abby Erasmus, Haley Farella, Mark Fico, Spencer Fishman, Katherine Foley, Hannah Frankel, Sara Frankel, Allie Freer, Thomas Fuccillo, Michael Gagliardi, Skylar Geoghan, Charlotte Gilbertson, Gabriel Givelber, Brendan Glenn, Jaret Gold, Sofia Gonzalez-Nolde, Sydney Gordner, Samantha Greenaway, Lucy Hale, Olivia Hamilton, Michael Hauge, Beau Heffron, Maggie Hinel, Emily Holtzman, Sophie Hurwitz, Jenna Iorio, Sara Israel, Alexandra Jackman, Madelyn Jacobs, Ashley Jaime, Alistair Kapadia, Hayley Kasko, Riley Kopser, Olivia Kuzman, Rafaela Laitamaki, Javier Lara, Amy Liang, Emmy Liederman, Nicholas Maher, Philip Martini, Carl Mazzara, Julia Mazzucco, Jesse McBrearty, Cameron McLaughlin, Griffin Morgan, Meme Morgan, Kelsey Moum, Lea Moynihan, Ryan Murphy, Victoria Napolitano, Hailey Nettler, Christopher Ng, Nicholas Nolan, Benjamin Norton, Coston O’Brien, Josue Olivera, Matthew Omberg, Andrew Orenberg, Emily Oster, Ethan Otis, Marie-Elena Pafumi, Sean Pass, Elizabeth Penn, Charlotte Perez, Emma Pettit, Natali Pinho, Casey Popowski, Cindy Qiang, Zoe Rader, Noah Reich, Kevin Reinhard, Sofia Reverendo, Samantha Ricci, Alexis Riley, Danielle Rinaldi, Owen Ripperger, Michael Rodriguez, Charles Rule, John Sanders, Cameron Scalera, Leigh Scarano, Chloe Schafer, Margaret Schantz, Olivia Scheuermann, Matthew Schiff, Eleanor Scott, Caroline Seery, Christina Seery, Jack Shirk, Hannah Siegel, Aditya Singh, Sarah Slavin, Rebecca Smoot, Elizabeth Sottung, Emma Stern, Eric Storms, Kyra Sullivan, Natasjia Taylor, Jason Telsey, Brooke Tepper, Jacob Triarsi, Kevin Tsui, John Tyahla, Matthew Varano, Grace Venezia, Paige Venturino, Daniel Vergilis, Paul Vernick, Darlena Vo, Kevin Wang, Max Wasilewski, Miranda Whelan, Katherine Whipple, Megan Why, Jake Wolynez, Arthur Xiao, JulianaYang, NicholasYoussef, Philip Zanfagna, Natalia Zeller MacLean, Andrew Zhou, Eli Zidel. GRADE 11 Devin Anderson, Ryan Anderson, Matthew Baker, Jake Barrow, Caroline Barry, Chloe Beauchamp, Dylan Belka, Noelle Blackford, Kevin Bronander, Sarah Broughton, Katherine Brown, Mitchell Bryk, Lauren Busardo, Matthew Busardo, Christina Caggiano, Daniel Alex Campbell, Courtney Casale, Claire Cassie,Albert Chen, Gabrielle Cofone, Isabelle Cohen, David Collins, Owen Colwell, Greta Crandall, Jack Curry, Ryan Dang, Ryan Daniel, Theodore Dannevig, Marina DeCotiis, Kayla Derman, Jessica Doyle, Sidharth Eleswarapu, Edward Encinas, Alan Fang, Carlie Fasano, Jack Fico, Jared Foley, Danielle Gabuzda, Samantha Gargiulo, Isabella Gelfand, Jonathan Gorczyca, Mary Gouldson, Molly Green-Gorelick, Veronica Grycan, Frankanthony Guerriero, Bridget Harrington, Eloise Hendricks, Jordan Hindes, Kenneth Hoerle, Abigail Hurwitz, Maya Jonsson, Stephanie Jung, Samuel Karnofsky, Mara Kaveney, Ann-Sophie Koglin, Kevin Law, Nicholas Lawrie, Brandon Leuthold, Raquel Levy, Mackail Liederman, Jesse Liu, Michael Masciale, Kyle McIntyre, Hannah McLane, Kayla McMillan, Alyssa Meek, Megan Melillo, Ben Meltzer, Felicia Mermer, Carlee Miller, Michael Mizus, Gali Moritz, Sarah Morton, Nicholas Mueller, Julia Myers, Maria Nemeth, Jack Oates, Kevin Palmer, Anthony Pericolo, Nova Qi, Jenna Reed, Hailey Reilly, Bryanna Reinhardt, Christopher Rinaldi, Jacob Ritter, Tyler Roth, Hope Rothenberg, Andrejs Rumpeters, Holden Sabato, Thomas Sabato, Nicolas Salvato, Deanna Sanchez, Claudia Sarkos, Lauren Schnepf, Haley Sharlow, Ryan Siegel, Devin Simpson, Julia Simpson, Christina Sloan, Elizabeth Smith, Helen Sparrow, Sarah Steiner, William Stern, Robert Suriano, Gary Taks, Blake Taylor, Shelby Taylor, Allyson Tazbin, Evan Trott, Megan Troutman, Paige Whitman, Connie Wu. GRADE 12 Marissa Alvarez, Lauren Androconis, Sameena Asija, Patrick Aslanian, Elise Ballan, Tyler Bansky, Nicholas Barroqueiro, Benjamin Bass, Sophie Bass, Alexander Bennett, John Birle, Megan , Blutfield, Miranda Bonina, Seth Botos, Victoria Breza, Julie Brownstone, Eliza Bryen, Bianca Buecklers, Taylor Bulger, John Bunting, Christopher Caminiti, Nicholas Cannone, Madeline Capodanno, Eamon Caton, Elena Chermak, Amanda Cheung, Amanda Christian, Daniel Coelho, A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION Caitlin Collins, Grace Cook, Nicholas Costa, William Crenshaw, Daniel Cronin, Katherine Crowley, Benjamin Cymbala, Lauren D’Amico, Michael Dazzo, Kayleigh Denner, Joseph Detrano, Nicole DiGiorgio, Daniel DoCampo, Amanda Durante, Kevin Echausse, Bryan Evans, Adam Federbusch, Justin Fernandez, Max Flysch, Emily Forcht, Erin Frankel, Jane Franks, Rebecca Freer, Matthew Friedman, Jackson Frontero, Gregory Gao, Jared Geoghan, Hannah Goldring, Nicole Graf, Christina Griesmer, Erin Hart, Molly Hart, Rachel Hayden, Raquel Henriques, Austin Hinel, Benjamin Howell, Isabelle Ick, Alexandru Ionescu, Leah Iosif, Kevin Irving, Bryan Jackler, Kyle Jason, Brian Johnson, Carly Kalis, Benjamin Kim, Christopher Kim, Katherine Ko, Alison Krakauer, Conor Krueger, Corinne Kuntz, Andrew Kuznetsov, David LaVelle, Matthew Lanzano, Jorge Ledesma, Frances Ling, Maria Lizzo, Rachel Logan, Angel Lopez, Michael Maguire, Jameson Maher, Natalie Marcotullio, Leandra Margolies, Sara McCutcheon, Judy McDonald, Johanna Mermer, Mary Meyo, Jamie Miller, Mia Miller, Erica Millwater, Ariel Moise Kleinman, Julian Mone, Griffin Mooney, Maya Moritz, Kelly Morrison, Rita Murphy, Jacqueline Napolitano, Melanie Nettler, Anna O’Brian, Charlie O’Brien, Samantha Paoletti, Corinne Petersen, Anthony Pirrone, Emily Posyton, Emily Pritsker, Jacob Rabinowitz, Chelsea Rader, Anna Reid, Jack Reinhard, Kyle Rittendale, Jenna Rizkalla, Jordan Robertson, Thomas Rohwetter, Christopher Romano, Claudia Romeo, Alexandra Rood, Jack Rose, Mariah Russo, Emily Schuman, Logan Schwartz, Lillian Scott, Alison Serpico, Georgia Slater, Juliette Smith, Anastasia Smolenski, Bobbi Snyder, Melanie Snyder, Caroline Stocking, Lindsey Strauss, Hermes Suen, Emily Sullivan, Meghan Summers, Michael Tivenan, Kristen Toth, Nina Wang, Elli Warsh, Mallory Weisse, Emma Williams, Olivia Windorf, Eli Wirtshafter, Andrew Zale, Katelyn Zelko, Alexander Zornitsky. Honor Roll GRADE 9 Michael Alpizar, Leah Andrews, Georgos Angelides, Matthew Barmakian, Rutger Barraza, Christopher Beaulieu, Eric Bebel, Ryan Bebel, Camden Beinhaker, Jordan Binkowitz, Aidan Boland, Alexandra Borg, Matthew Bromberg, Emily Broughton, Jack Butera, Liam Campanile, James Cerria, Thomas Cugno, John Devanney, Tanner Devin, Nicole Dispenza, Jack Dobosiewicz, Andrew Eliades, Grace Elliott, Joseph Ensslin, William Evans, Alexis Fasano, Matthew Feinberg, Samantha Forcht, Julia Friss, Carson Gama, Jack Garceau, Kadin Goldin, Lucy Gretsky, Olivia Harrison, Charles Heyder, Julia Hinderliter, Tyler Hoffmann, Caitlin Hogge, Ally Hornstein, Russell Hughes, Benjamin Kevelson, Mohammad Sa’id Kharboutli, Emma Koznecki, Tate Kronick, Audrey Leonard, Jake Lerie, Daniel Lisak, Jason Little, Joseph Lotano, Madelyn Love, Hayley Luerssen, Muriel Maloney, Emilia McCormack, Olaf Michalek, Olivia Milford, Evelyn Miller, Morgan Miovski, Elizabeth Mooney, Olivia Mueller, Robert Norris, Henry Ohlig, Emily Palumbo, Alexandra Piscitelli, Nina Pitre, Stuart Pollock, Margaret Read, Avigail Reiss, Allison Rever, Gianna Ricerca, Matthew Rizzi, Julia Robb, Fiona Rodger, Ryan Roth, David Sampson, Evan Schaefer, Harry Schlenger, Erica Schoenfeld, Emma Shakal, Molly Sheil, Matthew Shendell, Leah Sherman, Lauren Singer, Elizabeth Skoletsky, Justin Smith, Jonathan Stiles, Maxine Stone, Sean Taylor, Devon Tikku, Tessa Verga, Alan Wagner, Mark Walter, Jordan Warner, Sarah Wasserman, Devin Wendel, Joseph Wirtshafter, Amanda Wisniewski, Karolina Zboralska. GRADE 10 Luke Altman, Joelle Ballecer, Catherine Barry, Spencer Beals, Evan Binder, Marcus Budashewitz, Alyssa Capone, Quinn Clarke-Magrab, Aaron Coleman, Katherine Colleran, Francesca Colucci, Sara Correa, Mark Daaleman, Jacob Davis, Damian DeCandia, Nicholas DePinto, Claudia Dougherty, Daniel Duffy, Jack Edmondson, Lauren Fernandez, Karen Forbes, Sara Gargiulo, Caroline Gilman, Rebecca Goldberg, Samantha Gould, Emily Greaney, David Greenburg, Elizabeth Haley, John Heimall, Sara Hipschman, Lauren Ho, Christopher Hoerrner, Jarod Hooey, Matthew Hopen, Lila Hutchins, Juan Ibanez, Abigail Jones, Tylah Jordan, Matthew Kaufman, Owen Kessler, Max Kleiman-Lynch, Victoria Knaul, Trevor Koleszarik, Mark Kostyack, Daniel LaMastra, Evan Latowsky, Jack Lavelle, Matthew Mackin, Philip Martinez, Caroline Martini, Sarah Mastrocola, Jack Miller, Lindsay Miller, Zachary Model, Michael Mohr-Ramirez, Garrett Mooney, John Mulvanerty, Brianna Muselli, Isabel Otis, Chris- tian Panarese, Christopher Parmelee, Alana Payne, Daniel Piscitelli, Hannah Prieto, Aleksandr Prystupa, Zachary Rabinowitz, Connor Ragoza, Emily Riordan, Logan Robertson, Zackary Rodrigues, Alessandra Sabba, Henry Sacco, Emily Sackett, Benjamin Salerno, Sarah Schneider, Kathleen Seaman, Kyle Shirk, Braden Siegel, Vivek Sreenivasan, Paul Stefanov, Sean Stirrup, Morgan Sturdevant, Laura Surace, Brittney Tiffault, Olivia Turner, Elizabeth Villane, Keelyn Weber, Molly Whitehead, Jakob Wolf, Isabelle Wright, Emily Zager. GRADE 11 Robert Abbott, Elizabeth Allen, Isaac Amador, Andrew Annitsakis, Nicholas Antonelli, Catherine Bergin, Jonathan Bergman, Madeline Berry, Ryan Bowman, Sarah Boyle, Cameron Bremer, Samuel Brown, Anna Browne, Michael Carides, Christopher Cerrachio, John Ciarrocca, Brendan Collum, Benjamin Cook, Santiago Correa, Isabella D’Olier-Lees, Sarah Davis, Isabella DePalma, Daniel Evans, Lucas Fan, Celine Fitzpatrick, Madeline Flaherty, Alexander Frisch, Kyle Gabriel, Rachel Geskin, Kelly Giacone, Jessica Gold, Matthew Greeley, Hannah Haar, Alexander Hall, Tadj Hayward, Luke Hiltwein, Lexi Holzer, James Hoodja, Paul Jakobovic, Carly Kandel, Natalie Karter, Nicholas Kay, Jessica Keenan, Shanna Kelly, William Kelly, Catherine King, Emily Kirschner, Jake Klofta, Thomas Kohler, Austin Kreusser, Justin Lankler, Brian Lawrence, Madeline Levy, Briana Litchholt, Elise Lloyd, Liam Loughlin, Olivia Luzzi, Matthew Macik, Erin Mackenzie, Erin Malley, Rachel Mattessich, Paige McCann, Brigid McCusker, Nicholas Mele, Lillian Metzger, Michael Mobarakai, Evan Moore, Emily Mordkovich, Owen Murray, Lukas Naeveke, Andrew Natko, Kathleen Nogan, Timothy Norris, Michael O’Connor, Rowan Oberman, Leon Pantelmann, Alyssa Pascoguin, Grace Pfeifer, Danielle Pinney, Emilee Ramirez, Jenna Rediker, J. Mack Rembisz, Nicholas Rizzi, Brett Robertshaw, Evan Rooney, Fiona Rosenthal, Madeleine Rosenthal, Christopher Sabatino, Alexandra Sacher, Alexandra Safonov, Claudia Savickas, Brooke Schaeffer, Dylan Scott, Erica Simmons, Douglas Smith, Pavel Stepaniouk, Emma Stierhoff, Alexa Stiles, Camryn Sullivan, Kelsey Swingle, Aaron Tavasi, Scott Tupper, Aaron Vann, Michael Vricella-Stokes, Gillian Wadman, Matthias White, Dakota Williams, Allison Worms, Diana Wu. GRADE 12 Sabra Anderson, Liam Boland, Yasmine Boto, Valeria Bouchoueva, Samantha Bromberg, James Brucia, Stephen Bubniak, Jessica Bungerz, Kimberly Burns, Lisa Calello, Paige Carlin, Kirsten Caughey, William Chandler, William Chen, Bryan Chou,Alyssa Cox, Taylor Cummings, Joseph DeRosa, Bianca DeVito, Mae Devin, Francesca Dos Santos, Colin Dursee, Lauren Echausse, Sean Elliott, Shelby Estevez, Zoe Federbusch, Seth Fraenkel, Andrew Frantz, Catherine Frey, John Fuller, Kyle Giordano, Harry Glasser-Baker, Jaime Gunchar, Kaelyn Heard, Eric Herber, James Hunter, Bryn Johnston, Caroline Kacmarsky, Jacob Kania, Sarah Kasko, John Kirkland, Jacqueline Knapp, Jessica Koenigsberg, Koryn Kraemer, Kaitlyn Larkin, Jonathan Lee, John Lindros, Jian Hong Liu, Andrew Malacrea, Joseph Mandel, Olivia Manning,Andrew Marino, Scott Messing, Julisa Metellus, Kevin Miller, Mary Kate Miller, Helen Mizrach, Chloe Monaco, Cera Montez, Nicholas Moynihan, Briana O’Brien, Leah Pesenson, Christopher Pettit, Meghan Pettit, Amanda Pinho, Jason Previlon, Jennifer Raba, Annie Resnikoff, Samantha Riley, Amy Rosenzweig, Michela Sabba, Samuel Salberg,Victoria Scognamiglio, Russell Seeger, Dana Seigelstein, Caitlyn Serafin, Ellie Shirk, Amanda Stein, Jillian Stock, Christopher Sullivan, Samantha Velez, Dominique Vo, Kelly Webber, Amy West, Christopher Why, Harry Williamson, James Yannazzno III. St. Paul’s Day School to Host Open Houses WESTFIELD – St. Paul’s invites families interested in learning more about St. Paul’s Day School to visit their beautiful three acre campus nestled in a residential neighborhood at the edge of downtown Westfield. Open Houses and tours of the facility will be held the week of Monday, January 26 for the 2015-16 school-year. Programs are offered for children turning two by Wednesday, October 1, preschool, junior kindergarten and an outstanding full day kindergarten. Tours are given from 9:30 to 11 a.m. and again from 12:45 to 2:15 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday that week. Please call (908) 233-5417 to make arrangements, email [email protected], or visit
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