GERMAN INSTITUTE FOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING (DEUTSCHES INSTITUT FÜR BAUTECHNIK) Public Institution 10829 Berlin, 10th October 2006 Kolonnenstrasse 30 L Phone: +49 30 78730-296 Fax: +49 30 78730-320 Ref.: III 59-1.42.1-18/06 General Building Inspection License License No.: Z-42.1-217 Applicant: Gebr. Ostendorf Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 6 49377 Vechta Licensed object: Drainage tubes and fittings of mineral reinforced PP with the denomination "Skolan dB" in nominal diameters DN 56 to DN 200 of building material class B2 - standard flammable properties - as per DIN 4102-1 for domestic drainage pipes Valid until: 31st August 2011 The aforementioned object is hereby granted the general building inspection license. * This general building inspection license comprises nine pages and twelve appendices. ------------------------------------* This general building inspection license replaces the general building inspection license No. 2-42.1-217 dd. 5th September 2001 as well as the alteration of the general building inspection license no. Z-42.1-217 dd. 30th September 2003. 28337.06 Page 2 of the General Building Inspection license No. Z-42.1-217 dd 10th October 2006 I. GENERAL REGULATIONS 1. The general building inspection license is proof of the functionality and/or the applicability of the licensed object in accordance with the German Federal State Planning Department regulations. 2. The general building inspection license does not replace the legally required permits, approvals and certificates that are compulsory for executive building projects. 3. The general building inspection license is granted regardless of the rights of third parties, in particular private protective rights. 4. Regardless of the further-reaching provisions of the "Special Regulations", the manufacturers and distributors of the licensed object are required to make copies of the general building inspection license available to the user and point out that the general building inspection license must be on hand at the site of use. Upon request, copies of the general building inspection license must be made available to the appropriate authorities. 5. The general building inspection license may only be duplicated in its entirety. The publication of extracts requires the permission of the German Institute for Structural Engineering. Texts and drawings contained in publicity material may not contradict the general building inspection license. Translations of the general building inspection license must include the note "Translation of the original version has not been checked by the German Institute for Structural Engineering". 6. The general building inspection license is revocable. The provisions of the general building inspection license may be supplemented and altered at a later date, in particular if this is made necessary by new technical knowledge. 28337.06 Page 3 of the General Building Inspection license No. Z-42.1-217 dd 10th October 2006 II.SPECIAL REGULATIONS 1. Licensed object and field of application This general building inspection license applies to the manufacturing and use of drainage pipes without couplings and drainage pipes with a coupling on one side as well as fittings with couplings of mineral reinforced polypropylene (PP) as standard-flammable construction material of building material class B2 as per DIN 4102-11 in nominal diameters DN 56 to DN 200 with the denomination "Skolan dB". The drainage pipes and fittings must only be used for drainage systems within buildings in area "B" as per DIN EN 1451-12. The drainage pipes and fittings must be designed only for draining of waste water in accordance with DIN 1986-33 that does not have any higher temperatures than the ones specified in DIN EN 4764. If such drainage pipes are conducted through walls or ceilings, measures against the transmission of fire and smoke (section 3.2) have to be taken in accordance to building inspection regulations (e.g. DIN 4102-115). 2 Regulations for the drainage pipes and fittings 2.1 Properties and composition 2.1.1 General Unless specified otherwise, the requirements of DIN EN 1451-12 combined with DIN 19560106 apply. 2.1.2 Material The composition of the mineral reinforced Polypropylene corresponds to the formulation stored at the German Institute for Structural Engineering and the external monitoring institution. Material of uncontrolled composition must not be used. The use of non-virgin material of the same formulation from manufacturing plants of the applicant is permitted. 2.1.3 Density On examination acc. to section 2.3.2 the medium density of the drainage pipes and fittings of the processed mineral reinforced Polypropylene material PP showed a value of approx. 1.60 g/cm³ +- 0.05 g/cm³. ------------------------------------1 DIN 4102-1 fire behaviour of building materials and elements - part 1, building materials: terms requirements and examinations, sections 3 and 6; edition:1998-05 2 DIN EN 1451-1 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Polypropylene (PP) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system; German version EN 14511:1998; edition: 1999-03 3 DIN 1986-3 Drainage systems on private ground - Part 3: Specifications for service and maintenance; edition:200441 4 DIN EN 476 General requirements for components used in discharge pipes, drains and sewers for gravity systems; German version EN 476:1997; edition:1997-08 5 DIN 4102-11 Fire behaviour of building materials and building components; pipe encasements, pipe bushings, service shafts and ducts, and barriers across inspection openings; terminology, requirements and testing; edition:1985-12 6 DIN 19560-10 Pipes and fittings made of polypropylene (PP) for hot water resistant waste and soil discharge systems inside buildings - Part-10: Fire behaviour, quality control and installation recommendations edition:199903 28337.06 Page 4 of the General Building Inspection license No. Z-42.1-217 dd 10th October 2006 2.1.4. Colour The colouring of the drainage pipes and fittings is consistent. 2.1.5. Dimensions The dimensions of the drainage pipes and fittings have to conform to the specifications in the appendices 1 to 10. 2.1.6 Impact properties The drainage pipes and fittings show a breakage rate of ≤ 10% at 23°C 12°C acc. to the specifications in section 2.3.2 during falling ball tests with a falling height of 1.5 m. 2.1.7 Fire behaviour The drainage pipes and fittings have to conform to the requirements for standardflammablebuilding materials (building material class B2) acc. to DIN 4102-11. 2.1.8 Elastomeric gaskets and pipe connections The elastomeric gaskets to be supplied by the applicant correspond to the requirements DIN EN 681-17. The pipe connections correspond to the requirements acc. to DIN 40608. 2.2. Production, packaging, transport, storage and marking 2.2.1 Production The drainage pipes and fittings described in section 2.1 are to be produced in extrusion procedure adhering to section 2.3.2. During production the following production parameters have to be calibrated and recorded for each new batch and for each new starting of the machine: - stock temperature - stock pressure - screw thread temperature - screw thread revolutions - take-off speed - de-gassing - vacuum - dosage -dimensions 2.2.2 Packaging, transport, storage The drainage pipes and fittings are to be stored and transported in such a way that they do not suffer any deformation. The couplings of the drainage pipes have to be free on all sides. The stacking height of the drainage pipes at the construction site or in the interim storage facility should not exceed 1.50 m, even if separators are inserted. The drainage pipes and fittings are to be handled with care at temperatures around 0°C and below as their impact strength decreases. ------------------------------------7 DIN EN 681-1 Elastomeric seals - Material requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications - Part 1: Vulcanized rubber; German version EN 681-1:1996 + A1:1998 + A2:2002 + AC:2002; edition 2003-05 in connection with correction 1 to DIN EN 681-1: 2003-05: edition; 2003-08 8 DIN 4060 Joints of sewer and drain pipes with elastomeric seals - Requirements and testing on joints with elastomeric seals edition 1998-02 28337.06 Page 5 of the General Building Inspection license No. Z-42.1-217 dd 10th October 2006. 2.2.3 Marking The drainage pipes and fittings have to be marked by the supplier with the conformity symbol acc. to the conformity symbol decrees of the individual Federal States incl. the license number Z-42.1-217. The marking may only be effected if the prerequisites, as per section 2.3 regarding the proof of compliance, are fulfilled. The drainage pipes and fittings have to additionally be marked clearly visible and durable at least once as follows: - nominal diameter - angle (for bends) - manufacturing plant - year of manufacture - domestic drainage pipe (application area "B" as per DIN EN 1451-12) - building material class B2 - standard flammable properties - as per DIN 4102-1* 2.3 Proof of compliance 2.3.1 General Confirmation of the consistency of the drainage pipes and fittings with the regulations of this general building inspection license must be given for each manufacturing site in the form of a certificate of conformity on the basis of the company´s own production monitoring and regular monitoring by an external agency of the drainage pipes and fittings in accordance with the following regulations. For the issuing of the certificate of conformity and the inspection by an external agency including the inspections of the product performed in this regard, the manufacturer of the drainage pipes and fittings must seek the services of an appropriately recognised certification authority and an appropriately recognised inspection authority. The certification authority must submit, for information purposes, a copy of the certificate of conformity issued by the same authority to the German Institute for Structural Engineering. 2.3.2 Internal manufacturing monitoring Internal manufacturing monitoring must be initiated and performed at each manufacturing site. Internal manufacturing monitoring means the continued monitoring of production by the manufacturer by means of which he ensures that the building elements manufactured by him comply with the regulations of this General Building Inspection license. The internal production monitoring should contain the following details as minimum. - description and examination of the raw material and the components: The composition of the mineral reinforced polypropylene and its examination has to comply with the set specifications of section 2.1 and conform with the recipe specification stored at the German Institute for Structural Engineering and the external monitoring authority. The manufacturer has to ask for a certificate of compliance with order 2.1 as per DIN EN 102049 for each delivery from the pre-supplier as proof for the mineral bulking agent percentage. - controls and tests that have to be performed during production: The specifications of section 2.2.1 have to be adhered to. ------------------------------------9 28337.06 DIN EN 10204 Metallic products - Types of inspection documents; German version EN 10204:2004; edition;2005-01 Page 6 of the General Building Inspection license No. Z-42-1-217 dd 10th October 2006 - Supporting documents and tests that are to be effected on the ready building product: The requirements of DIN EN 1451-12 combined with DIN 19560-106 and variant from that the requirements of the following sections have to be checked: - 2..1.3 Density The compliance with the limit values of section 2.1.3 regarding the density is to be checked as per DIN EN ISO 1182-1*0 procedure A per machine and dimension for pipes every two production hours and for fittings every four production hours. - 2.1.4 Colour The continuous colouring of the pipes and fittings as per the requirements in section 2.1.4 has to be checked at least every two production hours for the pipes per machine and dimensions and at least every four production hours for the fittings. - 2.1.5 Dimensions. The requirements of section 2.1.5 are to be checked per machine, dimensions for pipes every two production hours and for fittings every four production hours. The following dimensions have to be checked in particular: - outer diameter d1 - wall thickness s1 - coupling wall thickness s2 - coupling depth t - width of mill f - thickness of mill wall s3 - coupling length behind the mill u . - 2.1.6 Impact behaviour The impact behaviour of the drainage pipes and fittings has to be checked based on the following specifications ( 1 x per production week from each extrusion machine and injection moulding cell) if the specification set in section 2.1.6 is adhered to. The impact behaviour has to be tested for resistance to external blows by the round-theclock method acc. to DIN EN 744** adhering to the specifications in table 1. Each artefact should be exposed to only one resistance test to external blows. a) Impact resistance of the drainage pipes The test has to be done using sample pieces of 200 mm +5-0 mm length with a falling weight of 1.5 kg and a drop height of 1.5 m. The specimen are to be marked lengthwise with lines as per the following table 1. The test samples have to be conditioned at 23 °C ± 2 °C for at least two hours prior to testing. At the same temperature, each test sample has to receive a blow to the centre axis, as per table 1. ------------------------------------10 DIN EN ISO 1183-1 Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method (ISO 1183-1:2004); German version EN ISO 1183-1:2004; edition:2004-05 11 DIN EN 744 Plastics piping and ducting systems - Thermoplastics pipes - Test method for resistance to external blows by the round-the-clock-method; German version EN 744:1995; edition: 1995-08 26337.06 Page 7 of the General Building Inspection license No. Z-42--217 dd 10th October 2006 Table 1 Nominal width number of lines DN at test sample 56 4 70 4 90 4 100 6 125 6 150 8 200 8 If the permitted breakage rate is exceeded, the test has to be repeated using pipes from the previous production of this dimension (20 new pipe samples).The total breakage rate of the first and second test together is decisive. If the breakage rate is exceeded yet again, the complete production volume between the last passed test and the test not passed is to be rejected. b) Impact behaviour of fittings The impact behaviour of the fittings has to be tested by a drop test as per DIN EN 1206112. 10 fittings have to be taken as test samples. 5 of these fittings have to be stored for at least 2 hours at a temperature of (231- 2) °C. At the same temperature each of these 5 fittings has to hit an even concrete floor in free fall from a drop height of (1 1 0,05) , each of them joggled differently. If there is no breakage, the test qualifies as passed. However, if 1 fitting breaks, the test has to be extended to the remaining 5 fittings. If the breakage is higher than 10% of all test samples, the product volume in question until the last passed test has to be rejected. - 2.1.8 Elastomeric gaskets In order to check the conformity with the specifications of section 2.1.8 for the elastomeric gaskets, the applicant has to check for every delivery that the elastomeric gaskets and/or the accompanying documents carry the CE-conformity symbol as well as the specific information as per DIN EN 681-17. - 2.2.1 Production The observance of the specifications for manufacturing in section 2.2.1 are to be checked continuously during production. - 2.2.3 Marking The observance of the specifications for marking in section 2.2.3 are to be checked continuously during production. The results of the internal production control are to be recorded. The records must contain at least the following information: - description of the building product and/or the starting product and the components - type of control or test ------------------------------------12 28337.06 DIN EN 12061 Plastics piping systems - Thermoplastics fittings - Test method for impact resistance; German version EN 12061:1999; edition:1999-03 Page 8 of the General Building Inspection license No. Z42-1-217 dd 10th October 2006 - date of manufacture and testing of the building product and/or the raw material - result of the checks and tests and, if applicable, comparison with the requirements - signature of the person responsible for the internal production monitoring The records must be stored for at least five years and submitted to the external monitoring agency. They must be submitted to the German Institute for Structural Engineering and the highest responsible building authority upon request. If the result of testing is insufficient, the manufacturer must undertake, without delay, allnecessary measures to rectify the fault. Building products which do not fulfil the requirements must be treated in such a way that there is no possibility of mistaking them for conforming products. If technically possible and as a requirement to prove that the fault has been rectified, the test in question should be repeated once the fault has been rectified. 2.3.3 External inspection At each manufacturing site the internal production inspection must be performed regularly by an external monitoring agency at least twice a year. Within the scope of external monitoring, the requirements as per DIN EN 1451-15 in combination with DIN 19560-106 and variant from that the requirements of the following sections are to be checked: - 2.1.2 material - 2.1.3 density - 2.1.4 colour - 2.1.5 dimensions - 2.1.6 impact behaviour - 2.1.7 fire behaviour - 2.1.8 elastomeric gaskets - 2.2.1 production - 2.2.3 marking The sample-taking and checks are incumbent on the approved monitoring authority. The results of certification and external inspections must be stored for at least five years. They must be submitted by the certification authority/inspection authority to the German Institute for Structural Engineering and the highest responsible building authority upon request. 3 Provisions for the design 3.1 General Unless specified differently as follows, the specifications of DIN 1986-10013 in combination with DIN EN 12056-114 apply for the design. The laying instructions in annexes 11 to 12 are to be adhered to. ------------------------------------I3 DIN 1986-100 Drainage systems on private ground - Part 100: Additional specifications to DIN EN 752 and DIN EN 12056; edition; 2002-03 in combination with correction 1 to DIN 1986-100:200203;edition:2002-12 I4 DIN EN 12056-1 Gravity drainage systems inside buildings - Part 1: General and performance requirements; German version EN 12056-1:2000; edition:2001 -01 28337.06 Page 9 of the General Building Inspection license No. Z-42.1-217 dd 10th October 2006 3.2. Measures against the transmission of fire and smoke If pipe systems made of pipes acc. to this general building inspection license are conducted through ceilings or walls that demand building inspection requirements regarding fire resistance time, the building inspection regulations for - the building inspection guidelines for fire protection regulations regarding the design of pipe systems or for encasement of flammable pipe conduits have to be adhered to or - organise pipe penetration seals acc. to the thereto granted general building inspection licenses - carry out further sealing measures whose suitability is proven by a general building inspection license based on checks as per DIN 4102-115 - The building law regulations and the technical regulations for the use of flammable building materials in building construction remain unaffected. 3.3 Information on laying The drainage pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP are not intended for laying in soil. Kersten 28337.05 certified Socket shape A spigot end pipe socket wall thickness nominal diameter Insertion length of spigot end outer diameter permitted deviation inner diameter of socket collar length of socket length behind mill wall thickness General dimensions for pipes and fittings Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP width of mill depth of socket Inner diameter of mill Annex No.1 To general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering Socket shape B spigot end socket pipe wall thickness nominal diameter Insertion length of spigot end outer diameter permitted deviation inner diameter of socket collar length of socket wall thickness length behind mill depth of socket width of mill Inner diameter of mill General dimensions for pipes and fittings Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.2 To general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering socket shape socket shape socket shape socket shape socket shape missing dimensions see annex 1 and 2 dimensions for bends Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.3 To general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering socket shape socket shape socket shape missing dimensions see annex 1 and 2 dimensions for branch pipes Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.4 To general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering sleeves for SKAM missing dimensions see annex 1 and 2 dimensions for slip-on sockets Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.5 To general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering socket shape missing dimensions see annex 1 and 2 dimensions for push-on sockets and double sockets Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.6 To general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering socket shape missing dimensions see annex 1 and 2 dimensions for reducer Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.7 To general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering missing dimensions see annex 1 and 2 dimensions for socket plugs Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.8 To general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering access opening missing dimensions see annex 1 and 2 dimensions for access pipes Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.9 To general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering siphon bend reducer HT 75 to SKOLAN 70 Missing dimensions as per DIN V 19560 - 10 Reducer HT 50 to SKOLAN 56 dimensions for siphon bend and reducer to HT Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.10 To general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering Laying instructions for drainage pipes and fittings of mineral reinforced PP within buildings 1. Socket joints Socket joints are to be executed as follows: - Prior to installation check the position and condition of the lip seal in the mill of the socket pipe .Clean mill, socket pipe and lip seal - if required. - Clean spigot end of pipe and/or fitting. - Apply lubricant supplied from the plastics manufacturer evenly on the spigot end. Do not use oils or grease. - Insert spigot end into the socket pipe until it is centrally against the seal - Take change in length into account. If socket pipes are used this is not necessary. If the pipes are arranged vertically, the individual lengths have to be secured immediately after installation with pipe clips to prevent any slipping. Spigot ends can remain completely inserted in the socket pipes. When making up the joint with slip on sockets, the following must be kept in mind: - Check condition of the sleeve and/or the lip seal. If required clean fitting and sealing element. - Clean spigot end of pipe - Push sealing sleeve on spigot end. - Apply lubricant abundantly on the inside of the sleeve socket, the slip-on sleeve and sparingly onto the collar of the sleeve. - Push the slip-on socket until it starts to resist and check the correct fit of the sealing sleeve. - Additional measures for incorporation of changes in length are not required. - The sleeve of the slip-on socket must only be pushed onto pipe ends, never on spigot ends of fittings. When making a joint using a reducer DN50/58 it has to be kept in mind that the elastomeric sleeve is taken out of the reducer and pushed on with the correct side onto the spigot end of the pipe and/or fitting in question. Afterwards lubricant has to be put on the sleeve and the reducer pushed on. After this, the plug connection has to be carried out, also using lubricant. 2. Cutting the pipes to length The pipes can be cut to length with commercial pipe cutters. If required, a guided saw ( e.g. mitre gauge) has to be used. The cutting edges are to be de-burred. Fittings must not be shortened. 3. Installation Drainage pipes are to be installed in such a way that they are not inhibited by changes in length. For the installation of the drainage pipes only pipe clamps with inserting tapes must be used that are designed for the outer diameter of the pipes and fittings and that embrace the pipe completely. Inserting tapes made of soft PVC must not be used. The conduits have to be installed free of tension. Each pipe has to be fixed using 1 fixed clamp. Further pipe clamps that fix pipes in considerable distance to the fixed clamp have to be loose clamps. Fittings and/or fitting groups must always be fixed with fixed clamps. Changes in length within buildings have to be calculated with at least 3 mm/m - the distance between pipe clamps in the case of horizontal piping is approx. 10 x the outer pipe diameter, in the case of vertical installation 1 to 2 meters, depending on the outer diameter. - pipe clamps are to be mounted at building components with high surface weight 2 loose clamps are recommended for drop pipe lines in buildings with normal storey height (storey height approx. 2.5 meters). Requirement: The ceiling openings serve as fixed points. A loose clamp has to be fixed near the slip-on socket (here: connection element between pipe and fitting). The second has to be fitted at the specified distance laying instructions Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.11 To general building inspection license No. Z42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for - A loose pipe clamp and a fixed clamp per pipe length are recommended for drop lines in open climbing shafts and high rooms (storey height over 2.5 metres). The fixed clamp is to be placed directly above the fitting and/or the slip-on socket at the lower pipe end. The loose clamp has to be installed at a distance of max. 2 metres above the fixed clamp. In multi-storey buildings, drop lines as from DN 100 have to be secured against subsidence by additional supports. Pipe pieces with fittings or short pipes are to be fixed at such short intervals with pipe clamps that the pipe and fittings cannot be shifted (fixed clamps).In cases where connection elements other than slip-on sockets are used (e.g. sleeve socket ), one fixed clamp and one loose clamp have to be installed per permitted max. pipe length (3 m), adhering to the following sketch. 4. Ceiling pipes Pipes installed through ceilings must be damp-proof and sound-insulated. Should melted asphalt be putonto floors, the piping sections have to be protected by means of protective pipes or by wrapping with insulating material. Furthermore the information in section 3 of the General Building Inspection license have to be adhered to. 5. Installation in concrete The drainage pipes can be directly set in concrete, provided that adequate care is taken. The thermal changes in length of the pipes have to be considered. The pipe line parts are to be fixed in such a way that a change in length is prevented during the cementing process. In order to prevent the concrete mixture from seeping into the socket gap, it should be sealed with adhesive tape; open piping components are to be closed. 6. Installation in brickwork Pipe lines can be installed in permitted gaps as per DIN 1053 - I. If they are plastered-in, a plaster support or casing has to be installed or the line has to be wrapped all-round with flexible material such as corrugated cardboard, mineral or glass wool. laying instructions Pipes and fittings made of mineral reinforced PP Annex No.12 to general building inspection license No. Z-42.1-218 dd________ German Institute for Structural Engineering
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