FMFC FLYER The Fort Myers Flying Club NEWSLETTER Sebring U.S. Sport Aviation Expo JAN 14-17 2015 Sebring, FL Inside this issue: President’s Message ....... 1 Calendar of Events .......... 2 Study Group ................... 3 Board Meeting Notes ...... 3 Pinch Hitter Program ...... 4 Ground School ................ 4 Glad you asked ............... 5 Maintenance report ........ 5 Contact........................... 6 LAST MONTH Aircraft hours: 3521Q 944CC 9490X TOTAL 39.1 36.3 40.7 116.1 Top Flyers: Derek Slabosz11.1 Dale Givens 9.1 Alex Petrikas 6.3 January 2015 President’s Message The FORT MYERS FLYING CLUB by Dean Martin During the General Meeting in December I was elected to serve on your Board of Directors and at the organizational Board of Directors meeting I was elected to serve as your President for 2015. Thank you for this opportunity. Our Board of Directors is comprised of 11 members and terms are 3 years. 4 members are elected on 2 successive years and 3 members the year following. At the next election that will be held at the December 2015 meeting we will be electing 3 Board members. This is your club and it is not too early to consider serving on your Board of Directors. I would like to recognize the departing members of our Board; Larry Kirchner, David Burns, Larry Denmark and President Terry Voorhees for their service to the club. Because of their efforts in addition to the remaining 7 members of the Board our club is financially strong, membership is high and our aircraft are in great condition. Thanks to those that have agreed to serve in the various capacities on the board. All board members and officers are listed in this newsletter. During the January meeting we will be hearing from Al Ledet, V.P. and Program Chairman about various programs that will be presented during 2015 and from Marc Scott outlining some of the seminars and activities he will be organizing. 2015 looks to be another great year for the Fort Myers Flying Club. Be safe, remember the most hazardous part of the flight is the drive to the airport. General Meeting 01/13 RSW Training Center 7PM Ross Costa from TRACON T-Shirt Sign Up Meet New Officers Be sure to checkout the Club website at! MARK YOUR CALENDARS! JAN TUES 13—FMFC General Meeting, RSW Training Center Ross Costa from the RSW Tracon, Presentation and Q&A 14-17—Sebring Light Sport Expo - Sebring Airport. Gates are open from 9a-5p and there's a variety of static displays, training/seminars, demo flights, aircraft sales and more. Tickets are $20 day of show or $16 if pre-purchased online. There are also discounts for EAA/AOPA and Youth. WED 21—FMFC Board Meeting, KFMY BASE OPS FEB SAT 7—GPS Seminar - Base ops, 9-11am. Bring your laptop computer and copy of the GPS simulator if you like. has a link to the simulator and how to install using compatibility mode (windows 8) SAT 14 Sweet Heart Fly-out, River Ranch FL Valentines is right around the corner again, and of course we would like to take care of our Sweet Hearts! Skip is once again planning on a Valentine’s Day Breakfast with our better halves and the preliminary selection is River Ranch! Sign up at the General Meeting or text Skip at 239-691-6698 TBD Fly out to Piper Plant in Vero Beach FL . We would like to organize a fly out in the near future. Maximum of 10 persons can attend in each group. 4 in the 182, 3 each in the 172/Archer. Expenses split by those in attendance. If interested, please email [email protected] Date to be determined. TBD TRACON/RSW Tower Tours Interested in attending, please email Marc at [email protected] Dates and times are TBD- but likely it will be a weekday between 8 to 9am start with an hour tour. Small groups, so first come first serve. Multiple dates if high interest. Also we will schedule time at the Page tower as many have not seen that yet. MARCH 14 (tentatively) FMFC Poker Run Cards should be out by the beginning of February exact dates to follow. We're changing it up this year to encourage more folks to fly to the airports. The airports have been Venice, Arcadia, Punta Gorda, Labelle and the last card was purchased on the day of the poker run. This year, we'll be adding in Sebring as a wild card destination. You will collect all 5 cards in the air and then purchase the 6th card the day of the event. You then have the ability to discard 1 card to get the best hand. Team up, get some folks in those planes with you and go have some fun with it! More details in the Feb Newsletter Q: How do I keep track of the Club’s Events? A: Visit our calendar website, Page 3 FMFC FLYER Aviation Study Group Jan 31—9AM Base OPS The Aviation Study Group will meet on Saturday January 31 in the seminar room (upstairs) at Base Ops FBO at 9 AM. This group brainstorms and discusses techniques for IFR (and VFR) flying challenges in a scenario-based format. This is not an IFR ground school, but is an opportunity to discuss topics of interest in real life operations. The group chooses topics for discussion from the IFR Mastery Series as a starting point but then expands the discussion from there. This month’s scenario will be “Approach to Meena”. Please advise me if there is a particular subject (approaches, navigation, etc.) you would like to discuss and we will find a video that emphasizes this area, if possible. CFII Nancy Moore moderates the discussions. Please bring an IPad or laptop if you use either of these for reference or flight planning. All pilots are welcome. Coffee and donuts will be available. If have any questions, please contact Ellen Herr at 239 560 8526 or [email protected]. Board Meeting Synopsis On December 17, 2014, the board met at Base Ops FBO at Page Field. The club’s financial status continues to be good with a charge for the replacement engine for 21Q noted. The process of application for next year’s aircraft insurance has begun, and will be renewed in February with Dorning coordinating with our broker. The club has 157 members that flew 93 hours this month. Three new members joined this month. N3521Q’s engine replacement had begun, and use of the plane will be limited until the new engine has been broken in. N944CC has had several problems with the brakes which have been repaired. GPS and Foreflight classes will be arranged during the first quarter of 2015, and a TRACON tour will be scheduled when possible. The Toys for Tots donation was delivered. DelRosario has addressed problems with the club office internet service has been intermittent due to problems with the Port Authority router in the building. Newly elected board members Ledet, Bliek, Martin and Bentley were seated and outgoing directors Burns, Denmark, Kirchner and Voorhees were thanked for their service. New officers for 2014-5 were elected: President (Martin), Vice President/Program Chair (Ledet), Secretary (Herr), Treasurer(Denmark), Membership Chair(Dorning).Aircraft Maintenance Officer(Carroll), Communications Director (DelRosario), Legal Officer(Adamski), Disciplinary Officer (Petrikas), and Activities Director (Scott) will serve a one year term. Burns encouraged club members to support the Ford Trimotor Tour announced for March 19-21, 2015 at Page. EAA 66 would appreciate our patronage and assistance with this event. The next board meeting will be held at January 21, 2015 at 6:30 PM. Members are encouraged to contact any board member with questions or concerns about club operations. FMFC FLYER Page 4 Pinch Hitter Course We have an improved margin of safety when the person sitting in our right seat has some knowledge of our aircraft, how it flies, how to fly it, how to navigate, how to communicate, and get it on the ground with minimum damage. We have the help of a co-pilot when everything is normal. In the case of an incapacitated pilot, such a right-seater can save two lives. For several years there has been a “Pinch Hitter” course authored by ASI and offered via a DVD from Sportys. Such a course is not, however, complete without some hands-on time in an aircraft. This course is being offered to FMFCers. This would involve one or more of our instructors teaching the course. It would start in January 2015 and run for approximately 8 weeks and consist of 4 hours of ground and 4 hours of air time. Ground classes would be every other week, with air time in between. The cost would be only the aircraft time. This could be a great belated Christmas present for your right-seater. To that end, please contact Dave Bliek, one of our CFI’s, at 239-431-0628 or [email protected] to indicate interest or obtain more detailed information. FLIGHT INSTRUCTION CLASSES INSTRUMENT GROUND SCHOOL Base Ops Page Field Mondays, JAN 19 thru APR 20, 2015 6:30-9PM $125.00 + Text PRIVATE PILOT GROUND SCHOOL Cape Coral High School Tuesdays, JAN 20 thru MAY 5, 2015 6-9PM $135.00 + Text Cypress Lake High School Thursdays, JAN 15 thru APR 30, 2015 6-9PM $135.00 + Text ED FINK MASTER CERTIFIED FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR CALL 239-489-0443 Lee County Adult/Community Education Page 5 FMFC FLYER “Glad You Asked!” Members Forum MEMBER QUESTION: I have been advised it is a good practice when leaving my car in the hanger to not lock and leave the keys on the seat. Why? Maintenance 3521Q: New Engine Auto Pilot Taxi Light 9490X: ANSWER: Great Question! The Fire Chief and Airport Administration have stated that in case of a fire or other incident your car can be moved to prevent loss. *** Thanks, and We’re Glad You Asked!”*** Send your questions to [email protected] Member Photos Annual New right strut fairing New cowl flap bushings Nose tire Nose strut rebuilt Instrument filters Alternator belt LH elevator tip rivets replaced LH main tire LH brake pads Gear strut fairing repaired AD Seat tracks by Charlie Carroll 944CC: Annual Instrument filters Nose tire R&L fuel cap seals Stabilator trim cable replaced Nose wheel bearing and race Landing light Right side PTT switch & Wire Thanks for all the calls! This keeps the planes in excellent shape. There have been many knowledgeable calls. Thanks for your attention To detail! Please keep it up. Remember if you see the littlest thing that looks different, CALL ME (239-281-3710) and we'll look at it. Safe Flying---Charlie T-SHIRT TIME New Year, New Shirt We will be taking orders at the Jan 13th General membership meeting. T-shirts $10.00 Polo shirts $35.00. Name embroidered Polo additional $4.00. You will be billed on your monthly statement. Please see Charlie for more information While 21Q is away, the 4CC and 9OX will play! Photo by Tyler Baston Got an in-air photo from one of our Club planes or event that you want to share with other members? Email it to [email protected] Page 6 MEETINGS General Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00PM @ RSW Training Center Mailing Address: 605 Danley Drive, # 10 Ft. Myers, FL 33907 Board Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 6:30PM @ Page Field Base Ops Conference Room FMFC Website: Authorized Club CFIs Frank Cerny 239-565-9763 Ed Hemsath 239-949-6330 Rhonda Culmer 239-292-9602 John Petrikas 239-565-8440 Dave Bliek 239-431-0628 www. H Ron Black 586-703-7751 Fort Myers’ Oldest Flying Club Skip Bentley 239-691-6698 Like us on Facebook! Ed Fink 239-489-0443 Al Ledet 239-272-1289 Follow us on Twitter! Len DeNardo 239-849-7984 Board of Directors Tyler Baston 239-910-6654 Name Position Phone Email Dean Martin Al Ledet Ellen Herr Johnny Dorning Charlie Carroll Waner Del Rosario Stephen Petrikas President Vice President Secretary Membership Chair Aircraft Officer Communications Disciplinary Officer (239) 848-2069 (239) 272-1289 (239) 560-8526 (239) 634-3422 (239) 281-3710 (239) 677-4903 (239) 851-2307 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Marc Scott Steve Hall Skip Bentley Dave Bliek Activities Director (239) 357-6720 (239) 253-0285 (239) 691-6698 (239) 431-0628 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Legal Officer Treasurer (239) 482-8206 [email protected] (239) 229-8759 [email protected] [email protected] Other Positions Bob Adamski Larry Denmark *** OUR AIRCRAFT *** Cessna Skyhawk 172 N3521Q Piper Archer 181 N944CC Cessna Skylane 182 N9490X $ 65 per hour + 10 gal fuel per hour $ 65 per hour + 10 gal fuel per hour $75 per hour + 13 gal fuel per hour
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