FMFC FLYER The Fort Myers Flying Club NEWSLETTER February 2015 President’s Message Inside this issue: President’s Message ....... 1 Prez Notes & Comments . 2 Honor Flight.................... 3 Calendar of Events .......... 4 Poker Run ....................... 5 Study Group ................... 6 Board Meeting Notes ...... 6 Pinch Hitter Program ...... 7 Ground School ................ 7 Glad you asked (Cuba) .... 8 Maintenance report ........ 8 Contact........................... 9 LAST MONTH Aircraft hours: 3521Q 944CC 9490X TOTAL 50.8 37.6 27.9 116.3 Top Flyers: Greg Frost 7.8 John Meiser 7.0 Jeff Gerrero 6.0 General Meeting 02/10 RSW Training Center 7PM Tower Talk with Bob Schutlz The FORT MYERS FLYING CLUB by Dean Martin Recently while at a neighbors watching Green Bay be eliminated from Super Bowl contention I had an opportunity to speak with a American Airlines Captain. This gentleman has worked for American more than 25 years and is only 2 or 3 years from the 65 year old mandatory retirement age. He is type-rated to fly the Boeing 757 and 767. This individual is based in Miami and generally flies to South American destinations including Peru, Colombia, and Brazil. He had recently returned from Dallas where he had spent 3 days doing recurrent training that included 2, 4 hour sessions in a simulator and 1 day of class room instruction. The simulator sessions included failures of equipment and numerous emergency situations as well as take offs, approaches and landings. He told me this program of training is a requirement and the cycle is completed every 9 months. Here we have a person that is intimately familiar with the aircraft that he flies hundreds of hours each year and he trains. Moving this to our general aviation sector we are required to have a Flight review, once every 2 years and this process generally requires less than 4 hours. Based on the previous scenario, I will be spending more time with a flight instructor! Dean Martin President Fort Myers Flying Club Be sure to checkout the Club website at! Page 2 FMFC FLYER President's Notes and Comments On Friday January 23rd I attended the Lee County Port Authority, Page Field Runway Safety Action Team Meeting. Introductions were by Barry Bratton, Director, Page Field. Bob Schultz, Tower Manager provided an update on traffic during 2014. Jose E. Figueroa, Regional FAAST Team Manager, FAA gave a slide presentation on incursions and incidents in the southwest Florida Region. Scott Shedek, Senior Engineer, Engineering and Construction provided an in depth construction plan for Page Field. Currently an engineering study is under way, should be completed late in the year, for runway and taxiway resurface, renewal or replacement. This study includes straitening the dog-leg intersection at Detla-Alpha-Alpha2, on the way to runway 5 Renaming Delta1-Alpha4-Charlie4-Echo to Echo and then extending Echo to the end of runway 13. Ellen Lindblad. Director, Planning and Environmental Compliance described a current project at Page, Wildlife Hazard Assessment that is funded by federal funds. Scott Sheets, Senior Manager, Maintenance and Operations, provided an update on Page Field Safety Initiatives. As with any government project, the implementation of construction depends on funding. To those of you that have asked "what are you standing beside in your photo" [see page 1] Thank you for noticing. I have been involved in the metal casting industry for more than 45 years. The device shown is a model of a cupola. The cupola is used to melt iron for the casting process. A standard cupola is 8 to 25 feet in diameter and 50 to 80 feet tall. Scrap iron, scrap steel and pig iron along with coke, limestone and flux are charged into the cupola. A blower is used to assist the combustion of the coke, the iron is reduced to a liquid state generally in the range of 2700 degrees F to be used in the casting process to make items such as engine blocks, gear cases, pumps, brake discs and other industrial products. Did you know the Cessna 172 is the #1 produced aircraft with more than 43,000 delivered. The Boeing 737 is the most popular commercial aircraft manufactured with 8000 delivered since inception and 4000 currently on order. -Dean Martin President—Fort Myers Flying Club ATTENTION — NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION DATE MOVING — ATTENTION You may or may not have noticed but traditionally the Flyer (Your FMFC newsletter) is published on the Sunday before the monthly General Meeting, which is held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. The Board of Directors have decided to move the publishing date to the first week of the month. This will allow for less time in-between communications. Starting with the March issue of the flyer, expect the newsletter in your mailbox a little earlier. ATTENTION — NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION DATE MOVING — ATTENTION Page 3 FMFC FLYER WWII—Honor Flight Terry Voorhees, former President of the Fort Myers Flying Club is shown presenting a check in the amount of $1000.00 to Mr. Henry Recosa, Vice President Southwest Florida, Honor Flight Inc. as Dean Martin, Chairman of the Page Field Day Raffle and current FMFC President looks on. Our donation will assist in sending WWII Veterans on the next Honor Flight to Washington DC scheduled for May. 16 Million served in WWII. At this time it is calculated there are approximately 855,000 living WW II Veterans. 202,000 died in 2014 and we are losing this group at a rate of approximately 500 per day. Of the 855,000 WWII Veterans Florida has the 2nd largest population at 79,925, led only by California at 85,435. As quoted by Tom Brokaw we are witnessing: "The passing of the Greatest Generation". Read an article on the Newstaar about the FMFC helping Honor flight: Learn more about Honor Flight the organization at Page 4 FMFC FLYER Events Tuesday Feb 11th 7pm Monthly General Meeting RSW Training Center This month we will have Tower Manager Bob Schultz, Speaking about airport and airpsace Saturday Feb 14th Fort Myers Flying Club Members: Fly your Sweetheart out this Valentine’s Day! Sign up Today, Wheels up round 8, Land by 9ish, Sweetheart of a deal Breakfast Reservations at 9:30 !!! Contact Skip Bentley for more information: 239-691-6698 [email protected] Wednesday FEB 18—6:30p Monthly Board Meeting Page Field Airport Base Ops Saturday FEB 28—9am Aviation Study Group See Page 6 for details Saturday FEB 21 RSW tower and TRACON tour for Saturday Feb 21st is currently full, but I would like to get the names of anyone else interested and organize a second date. Also, will be coordinating with Page Tower to get some folks up to see that as well. The look from the other side of the window is invaluable and really helps you understand what the towers have to work with and how they are giving us instructions to keep us safe. They are there to help....lets take a look through their eyes. MARCH—TBD Piper fly out- some members have already expressed an interest in visiting the piper aircraft manufacturing plant in Vero Beach. We would like to pick a date in March to go. They are open Monday-Friday only, so it will not be a weekend day. If you are interested and haven not already contacted me, please email me at [email protected] and I will get you on the list. This is first come first serve. Page 5 FMFC FLYER More Events Saturday March 14th POKER RUN! Poker run-- all of the cards are in place. Grab a plane and go out and get your best hand! The game will be held at the EAA building on March 14th. As always we will have food available for purchase and the games start at 1pm. There will be a pre-flight contest put on by Charlie & our friends at Switlik as well. If you're unfamiliar, the team over at switlik takes one of our aircraft and well, makes some modifications. The challenge it to see how many we can find. This years winner will receive an ipad kneeboard made by iProAviator and will fit either the iPad or iPad Air (sorry, mini version is not available at this time). This really is a lot of fun and a chance to meet others in your club. Looking forward to seeing you out there! Find out more information at Q: How do I keep track of the Club’s Events? A: Visit our calendar website: Page 6 FMFC FLYER Aviation Study Group FEB 28—9AM Base OPS The Aviation Study Group will meet on Saturday February 28 in the seminar room (upstairs) at Base Ops FBO at 9 AM. This group brainstorms and discusses techniques for IFR (and VFR) flying challenges in a scenario-based format. This is not an IFR ground school, but is an opportunity to discuss topics of interest in real life operations. The group discussion will focus on weather and flight planning at this meeting. Please bring your suggestions for the website you find most useful for weather information. Please advise me if there is a particular subject (approaches, navigation, etc.) you would like to discuss and we will find a video that emphasizes this area, if possible. CFII Nancy Moore moderates the discussions. Please bring an IPad or laptop if you use either of these for reference or flight planning. All pilots are welcome. Coffee and donuts will be available. If have any questions, please contact Ellen Herr at 239 560 8526 or [email protected]. Board Meeting Synopsis BOARD MEETING SYNOPSIS On January 21, 2015, the board met at Base Ops FBO at Page Field. -The club’s financial status is good, and the club’s insurance has been renewed with no premium increase. -The club has 159 members that flew 116 hours this month. Five new members joined this month. -N3521Q’s engine replacement has been completed, and returned to service. -944CC’s brakes are working properly. -The club will reupholster 90X’s front seats after season. -The rotating beacon of each aircraft has been taped in the “on” position to help the pilot remember to turn off the master switch after each flight. The need to recharge the battery and the resulting inconvenience to the next pilot has made this necessary. -GPS Seminar will be held February 7, and two TRACON tours will be scheduled, one on a weekend and one during the week. -Del Rosario would like to move the release date for the newsletter to the first Sunday of each month, to improve communication with members. Although this can pose some logistical challenges with compiling the hours flown monthly on each aircraft, the club will make change the date. -The CFI meeting to discuss club procedures in aircraft operations will be held January 29. -Ledet proposed developing an Online Forum for the club where members can ask other members or a CFI questions about flight planning, aircraft operation, etc. Ledet and Del Rosario will work on this project. -A suggestion was made to have a raffle of one hour of flight time (done at the general membership meeting) with profits used to purchase equipment, such as a Stratus. This will be discussed at the next board meeting. The next board meeting will be held at February 18, 2015 at 6:30 PM. Members are encouraged to contact any board member with questions or concerns about club operations. FMFC FLYER Page 7 Pinch Hitter Course—LAST CALL!! We have an improved margin of safety when the person sitting in our right seat has some knowledge of our aircraft, how it flies, how to fly it, how to navigate, how to communicate, and get it on the ground with minimum damage. We have the help of a co-pilot when everything is normal. In the case of an incapacitated pilot, such a right-seater can save two lives. For several years there has been a “Pinch Hitter” course authored by ASI and offered via a DVD from Sportys. Such a course is not, however, complete without some hands-on time in an aircraft. This course is being offered to FMFCers. This would involve one or more of our instructors teaching the course. It would start in Spring 2015 and run for approximately 8 weeks and consist of 4 hours of ground and 4 hours of air time. Ground classes would be every other week, with air time in between. The cost would be only the aircraft time. This could be a great belated Christmas present for your right-seater. To that end, please contact Dave Bliek, one of our CFI’s, at 239-431-0628 or [email protected] to indicate interest or obtain more detailed information. FLIGHT INSTRUCTION CLASSES INSTRUMENT GROUND SCHOOL Base Ops Page Field Mondays, JAN 19 thru APR 20, 2015 6:30-9PM $125.00 + Text PRIVATE PILOT GROUND SCHOOL Cape Coral High School Tuesdays, JAN 20 thru MAY 5, 2015 6-9PM $135.00 + Text Cypress Lake High School Thursdays, JAN 15 thru APR 30, 2015 6-9PM $135.00 + Text ED FINK MASTER CERTIFIED FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR CALL 239-489-0443 Lee County Adult/Community Education Page 8 FMFC FLYER “Glad You Asked!” Members Forum Maintenance by Charlie Carroll MEMBER QUESTION: 944CC: 9490X: The Great Cuba Question! Now that the United States and Cuba are beginning to normalize diplomatic relations, can we fly the club planes to Cuba? Auto pilot Electric trim 50 Hour Arm rest Seat 3521Q: ANSWER: With Cuba being only 217NM away it sounds like an amazing trip. Unfortunately private planes are still blocked from entering Cuba at this time. Read this avweb article for more information: Mineral oil removed, use regular Aviation oil Taxi light Auto pilot Electric trim Thanks for all the calls! This keeps the planes in excellent shape. There have been many knowledgeable calls. Thanks for your attention To detail! Please keep it up. Remember if you see the littlest thing that looks different, CALL ME (239-281-3710) and we'll look at it. Safe Flying---Charlie *** Thanks, and We’re Glad You Asked!”*** Send your questions to [email protected] GPS Semimar Will this be your path for the poker run? Got an in-air photo from one of our Club planes or event that you want to share with other members? Email it to [email protected] Page 9 MEETINGS General Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00PM @ RSW Training Center Mailing Address: 605 Danley Drive, # 10 Ft. Myers, FL 33907 Board Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 6:30PM @ Page Field Base Ops Conference Room FMFC Website: Authorized Club CFIs Frank Cerny 239-565-9763 Ed Hemsath 239-949-6330 Rhonda Culmer 239-292-9602 John Petrikas 239-565-8440 Dave Bliek 239-431-0628 www. Skip Bentley 239-691-6698 Fort Myers’ Oldest Flying Club Ed Fink 239-489-0443 Like us on Facebook! Al Ledet 239-272-1289 Len DeNardo 239-849-7984 Follow us on Twitter! Tyler Baston 239-910-6654 Board of Directors Name Position Phone Email Dean Martin Al Ledet Ellen Herr Johnny Dorning Charlie Carroll Waner Del Rosario Stephen Petrikas President Vice President Secretary Membership Chair Aircraft Officer Communications Disciplinary Officer (239) 848-2069 (239) 272-1289 (239) 560-8526 (239) 634-3422 (239) 281-3710 (239) 677-4903 (239) 851-2307 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Marc Scott Steve Hall Skip Bentley Dave Bliek Activities Director (239) 357-6720 (239) 253-0285 (239) 691-6698 (239) 431-0628 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Legal Officer Treasurer (239) 482-8206 [email protected] (239) 229-8759 [email protected] [email protected] Other Positions Bob Adamski Larry Denmark *** OUR AIRCRAFT *** Cessna Skyhawk 172 N3521Q Piper Archer 181 N944CC Cessna Skylane 182 N9490X $ 65 per hour + 10 gal fuel per hour $ 65 per hour + 10 gal fuel per hour $75 per hour + 13 gal fuel per hour
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