2nd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 17th / 18th JANUARY 2015 Parish Priest and Dean of Brisbane West Deanery Very Reverend Fr Gerry Kalinowski [email protected] Parish Office Manager Michael Doherty Sacramental Co-ordinator Vanessa Sullivan [email protected] Parish Visitor Malia Mar [email protected] Youth Programme Facilitator Nadine McDonald [email protected] Parish Finance Officer David England Finance Assistant Alana McDonald Volunteer Office Assistant Sr Evelyn Page Parish Office 18 Clewley St, Corinda, Qld 4075 Hours: 9:00am-3:00pm (Mon-Fri) Ph: (07) 3379 1534 Fax: (07) 3379 7931 E: [email protected] W: www.corindagracevilleparish.org.au St Joseph’s Church Oxley Rd & Martindale St, Corinda Christ the King Church Churchill St, Graceville St Joseph’s School 28 Clewley St, Corinda Ph: (07) 3379 6937 Ordinary Time: Welcome to “ordinary time” – the Church is so creative with its descriptions of the liturgical seasons. Last weekend, the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, was the last day of Christmas time for the Church. Monday was the beginning of week one of ordinary time. As Elizabeth Harrington wrote last Sunday in Liturgy Lines: “When the liturgical calendar was reformed after the Second Vatican Council, what had previously been called Sundays and weeks ‘after Epiphany’ or ‘after Pentecost’ were instead designated as Sundays and weeks ‘in Ordinary Time’ and numbered from 1 to 33 or 34. The word ‘ordinary’ as used here relates to the word ‘ordinal’, as the Sundays and weeks are numbered in order.’ Liturgists worked hard in coming up with that! Through the yearly cycle, the Church unfolds the entire mystery of Christ. Ordinary time is devoted to celebrating the mystery of Christ in all its aspects. Year B in ordinary time is a semi-continuous reading of Mark’s Gospel. This week is a skip across to John’s Gospel as Mark didn’t write enough for 34 weeks of ordinary time. (That is why the other evangelists expanded on his source.) So an episode from John’s Gospel, then we will go back to chapter one of Mark until the season of Lent. Parish Calendars: all are eagerly looking forward to their new year’s present of a parish calendar. Yes the fridge and home notice board have been bereft of the adornment of a parish calendar for a few weeks. All is (hopefully) turning around as the parish calendar may be available this weekend, but more likely it will be printed by next weekend. A gift from the parish to your family to help them plan the events of the year, with the ambience of the anniversaries of the saints, and other things holy. Tuesday night Prayer Vigil: the Commission for Justice and Peace along with the parish has faithfully held vigil for those on death row around the world for many years. The news this week that the Indonesian President Joko Widodo has refused the clemency application for Myuran Sukumaran is cause for us to plead all the more earnestly for God to work in the hearts and minds of the lawmakers in Indonesia. Another of the Bali nine, Andrew Chan, remains on death row. As Fr Tim wrote in The Courier Mail Letters to the Editor 15/01/15, ‘every person has an essential and inalienable dignity. The death penalty deprives the executed of the possibility of repentance and conversion. What right does a civilised society have to take away these possibilities?” What right do any of us have in taking the life of another? The Prayer Vigil for those on Death Row is on Tuesday 20 January, 7pm at Christ the King Church Graceville. Restoring Order: Fr Augustine Obi is continuing his ministry as Chaplain to the Queensland University, and his pastoral connection has moved across the river from Corinda Graceville to Indooroopilly parish. As we return to ‘ordinary time’, the parish is being restored to its regular routines. Fr Paul Mercieca is returning to regular supply in the parish. I am very grateful for his generous, ongoing, and faithful commitment to the parish. It is terrific to have him back celebrating Mass with us on a regular basis. Christ the King School 7 Randolph St, Graceville Ph: (07) 3379 7872 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd 19 Randolph St, Graceville Ph: (07) 3379 8635 - Anne Delsorte Outside School Hours Care Clewley St, Corinda Ph:(07) 3278 5606 Julia Cumming Community Child Care Centre 12 Addison Rd, Graceville Ph : (07) 3379 3069 Brisbane West Deanery [email protected] www.brisbanewestdeanery.com.au Pope Francis will complete his Apostolic journey to Sri Lanka and the Philippines on Monday. The Pope has celebrated the Canonisation of Joseph Vaz in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Joseph Vaz was a priest of great missionary zeal who transcended religious divisions. Pope Francis has made a visit to a Buddhist temple, changing his schedule at the last minute to pay his respects at an important place of worship in Sri Lanka’s capital and to witness a key ritual for Buddhists. Over the weekend, he will celebrate Mass in Manila and will visit survivors of Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines. Rest in Peace: The Funeral Mass for Noni Darch was celebrated at Christ the King last Wednesday. Noni and her husband Jack (deceased), were long time parishioners, raising a family of 12 children. Noni was involved in many parish ministries, in roles as various as treasurer, Eucharistic Minister and Pastoral Council member. Noni touched many lives through her ministry with Care and Concern, which she loved dearly. Noni lived in Bentinck St, Sherwood for over 60 years. The parish offers our prayers and sympathy to her children and their families. “Lord, look kindly on Your servant, Noni, whom you have embraced in eternal life. She has been a guide to us in our lives. As she served You faithfully throughout her life, give her the fullness of peace and joy. Help us, Lord, to receive and understand your Gospel, so that we may find light in this darkness, faith in our doubts and comfort for one another in your saving words.” Fullness of God’s life: Over the break the parish also celebrated the funerals of Val Partridge and Enid Esdale. “God, all compassionate, the death of our sisters Val and Enid recalls our human condition and the brevity of our lives on earth. But for those who believe in your love death is not the end; nor does it destroy the bonds that you forge in our lives. We share the faith of your Son’s disciples and the hope of the children of God. Bring the light of Christ’s resurrection to this time of testing and pain as we pray for Val and Enid, and for those who love them.” May Val and Enid enjoy the fullness of God’s life, and their families be comforted in their sadness. Preparation and Planning: the year is racing away. Lent will soon be here. For those who are planning Lenten discussion groups can you please be in contact with Michael at the parish office to assist us in our organisation of resources. Ash Wednesday is 18th of February. Nothing like an invitation by Jesus to, “come and see” to inspire us to join in as his disciples in learning more about ‘where Christ lives.’ Upcoming Dates: The year is well under way and the parish is operating at full pace. Some important times and dates are: : Australia Day Mass: 9am Monday 26th January - St Joseph’s Church First Day of School: Wednesday 28th January CWL Meeting: 9.30am Tuesday 3rd February - Parish Centre Graceville Care & Concern: 1.30pm Wednesday 4th February - contact Patra on 3379 8653 Parish Youth Team: 7.30pm Thursday 5th February - Parish Office Corinda Liturgy Team: 10.00am Saturday 7th February - Parish Office Corinda We warmly welcome into our Parish Family and the Family of God the following children, who are being Baptised in January: Aoibheann Anne Bennison Rush and Anna Elizabeth Mather We look forward to seeing the newly baptised and their families worshipping with us each weekend. New Year Resolution Suggestions from Pope Francis “Take care of your spiritual life, your relationship with God, because this is the backbone of everything we do and everything we are” “Take care of your relationships with others, transforming your faith into life and your words into good works, especially on behalf of the needy.” “Watch out for anger that can lead to vengeance; for laziness that leads to existential euthanasia; for pointing the finger at others, which leads to pride; and for complaining continually, which leads to desperation.” NEWS FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE...... Cathedral of St Stephen Volunteer Guides and Welcomers. Do you enjoy meeting people? Do you love your Cathedral? Do you revel in good art and juicy history? Talk with us about becoming a volunteer welcomer and guide at the Cathedral of St Stephen. The commitment is approximately three hours per month on roster and booked tours according to your availability Monday to Friday, mornings or afternoons. The rewards are beyond measure - a wonderful opportunity to delve into the rich history, art and significance of the Cathedral and Precinct and to share it with others. Everyone you meet, greet and guide will become an ambassador for this historic architectural gem which is the Mother Church of the Archdiocese. An information session will be held on Thursday 5 February and a comprehensive five day training program will begin on 12 February and continue each Thursday until completion. Contact the Cathedral office on 3324 3030 or e-mail [email protected] by 30 January if you’d like to share in this mission! Would you like to travel overseas to see the life-changing work of the Church first hand? In 2015, you are invited to join Catholic Mission’s Brisbane Director, David McGovern on an immersion trip to India. Taking place in the first part of the year, the 10 day journey will expose you to the missionary work of the Church and the lives being changed. It will show that “the word that goes from [God’s] mouth does not return empty” and that His will is indeed being carried out, with the generosity of our donors and the faithfulness of missionary nuns, brothers and priests. For details, such as exact dates, a full itinerary and costs, please contact the Brisbane Office of Catholic Mission, during office hours, on 3336 9239. David McGovern, Director Follow me on Twitter @livedogster PARISH NEWS ....... PARISH YOUTH NEWS ....... Sacristans Needed We require Sacristans to help at St Joseph’s Church. Teams of two offer about 1 hour per month fulfil this role. The work may be done at any time that suits you. If you are interested please see Fr Gerry or contact the parish office. Movie Event ~ Tuesday 20 January, 4.30pm After a having a wonderful time seeing Exodus earlier this month, we have decided to arrange another movie night for youth and young adults in the parish. This time to see The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies 3D. I'm sure you are all aware of the Biblical themes and references throughout JRR Tolkein's writing! Details: Tuesday 20 January, session time is 4.30pm at Event Cinemas, Indooroopilly, tickets are only $13.50. We will meet in the foyer just before the movie to pick up tickets. Afterwards, we can have a chat about the movie over dinner. RSVP on the event on the parish youth facebook page. www.facebook.com/CorindaGracevilleCatholicYouth or contact Nadine McDonald on 0404 221 144 or at [email protected] Young adults 18-35 as well as high-school aged youth are encouraged to attend. Prayer Vigil for those on Death Row 7.00pm Tuesday 20th January All are welcome to come along for half an hour, once a month, and pray in solidarity for those who live on Death Row in prisons around the World. Solo Seniors Thursday 22 January: Art Gallery - Catch the 9.30am train from Corinda - 2nd Carriage! Friday 30 January: Morning tea at Helen’s 10.30am. Please bring a plate. Phone 3879 8577 or 3392 8159 for more info. Australia Day Mass 9.00am Monday 26th January St Joseph’s Church, Corinda Parish Bus Trip to Binna Burra, Lamington Plateau, Canungra, Beechmont, Numinbah Valley, Mt Warning. Wednesday 11th February 2015 Departs Corinda 8.15am ~ Departs Canossa 8.30am Fare: $40 includes morning tea. Bring or buy your own lunch. BOOK NOW! Bookings: George Cole 3379 7570 or Herman’s Tours 3379 6255 NOTE FROM CATHOLIC WOMENS LEAGECORINDA GRACEILLE PARISH BRANCH Our Branch of the CWLA is looking for new members. The current Members are keen to share their amazing organisation with other women in the Parish We are an autonomous group of women who work locally, nationally and internationally for the cause of women and families and for peace and justice for all. It is a group where women meet together to serve others and support each other in a spirit of faith, fun and friendship. If you would like to find out more about us or attend a meeting you would be most welcome. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month in the Parish Centre, 19 Randolph Street, Graceville, commencing 9.30 am. For more information please contact President Clare Winter on 3379 2805 CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD is a faith formation process for children aged 3-12, where the child has the opportunity to encounter God and build his/her own personal relationship with God, through the use of many beautiful hands on materials based on the Scriptures and the Liturgy. The Atrium of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is located at 19 Randolph Street, Graceville. Enrolments for 2015 are underway. Groups are held on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays both during the day and after school. To book your children into any of the groups please call 3379 8635. If no one is available please leave a message. NEWS FROM THE DEANERY…... DARRA-JINDALEE CATHOLIC PARISH Employment Opportunity PASTORAL MINISTRIES COORDINATOR The Darra Jindalee Catholic Parish is seeking applications for a part-time position of Pastoral Ministries Coordinator and Religious Worker. (Flexible working hours). The successful applicant will be responsible for coordinating the Sacramental Program, Sunday School and State School Religious Instruction across the Parish. Commencement date: 2 February 2015 Applications close: 23 January 2015 A full description is available from the Parish Office at 3715 8517 or email [email protected] Application should be submitted with a current resume and a covering letter outlining suitability for the position to:Rev Daniel Carroll PP, Darra Jindalee Catholic Parish, PO Box 113, Sumner Park QLD 4074 or by above email. Applications should include the name of two referees one of which preferably should be a Parish Priest. We pray for the good health, strength and healing of Tony Angwin, Bishop Ray Benjamin, Fleur Bennell, Trevor Butler, Judith Cremin, Bernie Denham, Antony Doran, June Duncan, Grace Fanton, Betty Ferguson, Chris Ferguson, Joy Follent, Clare Foster, John Gagen, Irene Hannon, Rose Hodgman, Lisa Hopgood, Veronica Howard, Juliette Jamieson, Zelda Joseph, Marge Kent, Monica Lampe, Cheryl Matheson, John Maxwell, Gordon McCormack, Annie McMullen, Brian Mealey, Monica Morrison, Mario Nacole, Jonathan O’Brien, Patricia O’Brien, Terry O’Donohoe, Paul Ogden, Paul O’Sullivan, Barbara Overell, Emma Parer, Mary-Pat Parer, Naomi Parer, Roland Peterson, Daphne Quinn, John Quinn, Carmel Radford, Les Raymer, Theresa Raymer, Ron Riley, Olive Schmidt, Bill Seymour, Fr Brian Taylor, Annette Thrum, Fiaz Uddin, Paul Vickers, Margaret White, Bill Willliams, Colleen Williams-Kee, OLSH Sisters Lucy, Valerian, Bernadetta, St Bernard & Damian. May those who have died recently rest in peace, especially Valerie Partridge, Enid Esdale, Noni Darch, Bryan Simon, Frank Bowling, Victor Bolton, Linda Hall We pray for those whose anniversaries occur about this time, especially Elizabeth Jenkins, Bridget Carmody, John Peter Byrne, Elizabeth Callender, Michael Callender HYMNS AND RESPONSES FOR SUNDAY MASSES WEEKDAY LITURGIES Monday 8.30 am St Joseph’s – Liturgy of the Word with Communion Wednesday Note: No 8.30 am Mass at St Joseph’s on 21 January Thursday 9.00 am St Joseph’s – Mass Friday 9.30 am Christ the King – Mass Saturday 7.00 am St Joseph’s – Prayer of the Church with Communion RESPONSORIAL PSALM: "PSALM 40: HERE I AM" Here I am, Lord, here I am. I come to do your will. PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS: "I WANT TO WALK AS A CHILD OF THE LIGHT" SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 6.00 pm St Joseph’s Sunday 8.00 am 9.30 am 6.00 pm St Joseph’s Christ the King Christ the King Saturday 5.00 pm – 5.30 pm St Joseph’s SACRAMENT OF PENANCE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Sacrament of Baptism for Children is celebrated by appointment on the following Sunday’s of the month 2nd Sunday 11.00 am St Joseph’s 4th Sunday 11.00 am Christ the King All enquiries to the Parish Office PRAYER GROUPS Tuesday 7.45 pm 4 Merring St, Oxley (ph. 3379 6780 / 3379 7402) Wednesday 9.00 am Parish Centre - 19 Randolph St, Graceville Friday Community of the Risen Lord Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group Christ the King Church, Graceville 7.30 pm Praise, Worship & Message - every Friday Adoration - 2nd Friday of the month “The Flock” Young Adults (aged 18-35) - 0428 811 751 or visit Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/CorindaGracevilleCatholicYouth CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUPS Tuesday 5.30 pm 34 Mortlake Rd, Graceville (ph. 3379 2581) Thursday 9.00 am 34 Mortlake Rd, Graceville (ph. 3379 2581) LITURGICAL CALENDAR (Printed so that users may live daily in the spirit of the Prayer of the Church) SECOND WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME 2nd SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME 1 Sam 3:3-10, 19; 1 Cor 6:13-15, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 MON, 19 JAN Heb 5:1-10; Mk 2:18-22 TUE, 20 JAN St Fabian, pope, martyr - Optional Memorial St Sebastian, martyr - Optional Memorial Heb 6:10-20; Mk 2:23-28 WED, 21 JAN St Agnes, virgin, martyr - Memorial Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Mk 3:1-6 (Alt. 1 Cor 1:26-31; Mt 13:44-46) THU, 22 JAN St Vincent, deacon, martyr - Optional Memorial Heb 7:25 - 8:6; Mk 3:7-12 FRI, 23 JAN Heb 8:6-13; Mk 3:13-19 SAT, 24 JAN St Francis de Sales, bishop, doctor of the church SUN, 18 JAN - Memorial Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Mk 3:20-21 (Alt. Eph 3:8-12; Jn 15:9-17) THIRD WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME SUN, 25 JAN 3rd SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Jonah 3:1-5, 10; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 18 Clewley St, Corinda Qld 4075 P (07) 3379 1534 COMMUNION: "TABLE OF PLENTY" Refrain: Come to the feast of heaven and earth! Come to the table of plenty! God will provide for all that we need, Here at the table of plenty. 1. O, come and sit at my table Where saints and sinners are friends. I wait to welcome the lost and lonely To share the cup of my love. (Refrain) 2. O, come and eat without money; Come to drink without price. My feast of gladness will feed you spirit With faith and fullness of life. (Refrain) 3. My bread will ever sustain you Through days of sorrow and woe. My wine will flow like a sea of gladness To flood the depths of your soul. (Refrain) 4. Your fields will flower in fullness; Your homes will flourish in peace. For I, the giver of home and harvest, Will send my rain on the soil. (Refrain) COPYRIGHT ACKNOWLEGMENTS "Psalm 40: Here I Am" by R. Cooney, © OCP Publications; "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light" by K. Thomerson, © Celebration; "Table of Plenty" by D. Schutte, © OCP Publications; Australian Agent Word of Life. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Licence No. 186E. Clip Art, © LiturgyHelp. F (07) 3379 7931 E [email protected]
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