Saint Gregory the Great Parish 85 Great Plain Road Danbury, Connecticut 06811 203 797-0222 Website: REVEREND ANGELO S. ARRANDO, PASTOR Rev. Raymond M. Scherba, Parochial Vicar Rev. Otoniel Lizcano, Parochial Vicar Deacons Robert Blankschen, William Murphy, Daniel Myott, Richard Kovacs The Eucharist Marriage Saturday Vigil: 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:45 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon Daily: 7:00 a.m., 8:45 a.m. By appointment; call the Parish Office. Arrangements must be made at least 9 months in advance for proper preparation. Ministry to the Sick Reconciliation Please inform us about parishioners who are hospitalized or homebound; Communion for the homebound can be arranged by calling the Parish Office. Saturday from 3:00 to 3:30 p.m. By Appointment, anytime. Baptism Please stop by the Parish Office during business hours to complete a registration form and be sure to introduce yourself to one of the priests after Mass. 2nd Sunday of each month. Prior registration is necessary. Parish Membership January 18th, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Please pray for all the victims of violence and all sick and deceased members of the parish. Mon. Jan. Tues. Jan. Wed. Jan. Thurs. Jan. Fri. Jan. Sat. Jan. Sun. Jan. MASSES FOR THE WEEK 19 8:00am Special Intention 20 7:00am Living Trust Fund Members 8:45am Special Intention 21 7:00am Special Intention 8:45am Rita Thal 22 7:00am Special Intention 8:45am Alice Gavagan 23 7:00am Special Intention 8:45am Special Intention 24 4:30pm Clara Sousa 7:30pm Special Intention 25 7:45am Special Intention 9:00am Jean Sharpe 10:30am Bernard Erdmann 12:00pm James & Deborah Walsh & The Winfield Family Please Note: On Monday January 19, there will be one 8:00 a.m. Mass. The parish office will also be closed. PRESIDER Sat. Jan. 24 4:30pm Fr. Angelo 7:30pm Fr. Otto Sun. Jan. 25 7:45am Fr. Angelo 9:00am Fr. Ray 10:30am Fr. Otto 12:00pm Fr. Ray HOMILIST Fr. Angelo Fr. Otto Fr. Angelo Fr. Ray Fr. Otto Fr. Ray CALENDAR Mon. Jan. 19 11:00am Sewing Group Wed. Jan. 21 11:00am Weekly Rosary 4: 15pm Faith Formation Classes Thurs. Jan. 22 6:00pm Sewing Group Sat. Jan. 24 3:00pm Reconciliation 8:00pm AA We hope that all parishioners will sign up for Online-Giving. “Before you were conceived I wanted you Before you were born I loved you Before you were here for an hour I would have died for you This is the miracle of life.” This beautiful sentiment is the ideal for all of us as we think about our mothers. However the hopes and dreams of many single mothers are complicated by society, fear, uncertainty, and rejection. Certainly the hopes and dreams of Mary, the mother of Jesus, were very much the same. Today her child is the hope of many and certainly our hope. The journey to birth is not always easy for many, many single mothers. Our decision to unite ourselves to the struggles and dreams of all mothers truly defines who and what we are as a person of faith. We cannot and must not allow ourselves to be bystanders in this life-giving challenge. A journey to life is indeed a pilgrimage of faith and we earnestly need you to join together as we make ourselves aware of the ever present gift of life. What you believe drives everything. The way you behave, the habits you form, the character that defines your core. It is not enough to believe something as right answer, you must believe it as a way of life. Watch the bulletin for more information on how each of us can truly make a difference and understand and believe “Every child born into the world is a new thought of God.” FAMILY BIBLES Family Heirloom Bibles: $60.00 Leather-bound Bibles: $40.00 Paperback Bibles: $10.00 ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SCHOOL Pre-K--Grade 8 Phone # 203-748-1217 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Mission Statement: St. Gregory the Great School, in cooperation with the parents, was established for the purpose of giving the students a God-centered, Catholic outlook on life. We are committed to academic excellence, self-discipline and Global Service. School will be closed on Monday, January 19th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Sunday, January 25th – Noon mass, recognizing volunteer of the year: Joann Borges 1:30 – 3:00 School open house Remembering Our Loved Ones Someone once said: “Flowers are for the living. Memorials should be eternal”. We believe in the Resurrection, life after death, & that we will spend eternity with Jesus and our loved ones. A gift in memory of a loved one, can be a fitting tribute and can help our Parish. Thursday, January 29th – School open house for new and current families. Come and observe our classrooms in progress. 10AM – 11AM PreSchool – 4th grades 11AM – Noon 5th – 8th grades The staff asks open house attendees to please be respectful of the teaching while observing classes in progress. Please do not socialize in the classrooms Evening Open House for New Families: 6:30- 8PM Science Fair – 6:30 PM – 8PM Second Sunday in Ordinary Time God knows each individual by name totally, intimately, always. None of us is ever ignored by him. Even the person of no particular significance in his neighbor’s eyes, the born loser who lives in the shadows of depression most of the time–even he (or she) is precious in the eyes of God, perhaps more precious than anyone can suspect. Some of us may feel a strong, but quite false, sense of our own identity. Our self-understanding derives too exclusively from our own achievements, failures, efforts and ambitions; God’s plan for us hardly enters the picture at all or we dismiss it as too uncertain, too “spiritual” and remote from daily life. Biblical faith, on the contrary, insists that God calls us into relationship with himself on a day to day basis, always offering us life, and always making demands on us to live our life worthily in his sight. Not only are we called by name to friendship with Jesus–we become “members of his body,” sharers in his spirit. The first words of Jesus to the disciples of John the Baptist took the form of the question, ‘What do you want?’, or, ‘What are you searching for?’ Jesus sought to engage with those who were searching. He enters our adult lives in response to our deepest longings. In our searching we can meet someone or some group who opens a door for us into a deeper relationship with the Lord. Through them God can reach us and touch our lives in a way he had never done so before. The Lord never ceases to call us through others into a deeper relationship with himself. The readings this Sunday invite us to be open to the many ways the Lord can draw us to himself, and also to the ways that he may be calling us to help him in drawing others to himself. May our lives be a living proclamation to the world of God’s love. FAITH FORMATION FAITH FORMATION NEWS For information regarding Faith Formation or Sacrament Preparation please call the Office of Faith Formation at 203-7435168 for further information. CELEBRATING THE LECTIONARY Celebrating the Lectionary is for all children at the 10:30am Mass. YOUTH GROUP The Youth Group will not be meeting this weekend. Please contact Rene Hellmann at 203-797-1641 for more information. SCOUT NEWS CUB SCOUT PACK 9 For info, call Cub master, Philip Adams at 203-546-0843. BOY SCOUT TROOP 9 If you are a boy between the ages of 11-17 and would like to join Scouting, email Armen Stauffer at http:// Please Note: Our Annual Open House is on 1/27/15 for boys who might like to join boy scouts. HOLY NAME SOCIETY Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults If you or someone you know: Were never baptized, Were baptized Catholic but never received First Eucharist or Confirmation, Were baptized in another Christian Church and now wishes to join the Catholic Church, Would like to learn more about the process of becoming Catholic as an adult, Are a practicing Catholic and would like to participate in the process as a sponsor, please call Mary-Ann Houser at 203-743-5168 x108 for information. The Women of St. Gregory We will continue to have our Monday at 11am & Thursday at 7pm weaving sessions in the Parish Community Room. Anyone can attend even if it is only occasionally. For information, contact Rosemary Bouffard at 203-744-6998. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet in the Parish Office Community Room Sat, February 7th at 9:30 a.m. For information, please contact Stephanie Martin at 203-743-3783 or v i a e m a i l a t [email protected] The Holy Name Society is our parish men’s group. Meets the 2nd Monday of the month. Next Meeting: Monday, February 8th Time: 7:00pm, Parish Office Community Room All men of the parish are asked to attend Please volunteer to become an USHER. For information, contact William Houser at 203-743-6125 or [email protected]. 6 Please notify the ushers when a Mass is being celebrated in memory of a loved one and request that you be the gift bearer at the offertory of that liturgy. NEW TO OUR CHURCH The worshipping community of St. Gregory the Great welcomes these newly– registered families to our faith community: M/M Juan Almonte Mr. Pak Ng M/M James Bombay Ms. Margaret Perakis Ms. Gloria Chiaia M/M Kevin Placella M/M Norman Coakley M/M Paul Prizio M/M Allen Day Frank Reyes & Jennifer Figuereo M/M Daniel Grossman Mr. Vincent Rovinski Ms. Megan Herman Ms. Kristina Villamana “Keeping the Homeless Warm” This winter plans to be a long and cold one. Danbury has many men & women who are homeless. In a continuing effort to do God’s work; St. Greg’s will continue to collect more hats, scarves and men’s thermal underwear to help keep the homeless men and women in Danbury warm during the winter months. There will be a basket at the side doors of the church marked “KEEPING THE HOMELESS WARM” The baskets will be there during January. Daily Bread Food Pantry Baskets are at Church entrances to collect your donations for the Daily Bread Food Pantry. The Food Pantry operates year round with your generosity. Please bring cereal, spaghetti sauce, macaroni & cheese, canned fruit & fruit juice for use by Daily Bread. Thank you for your continuing weekly donations of food. Your contributions help relieve the hunger that is with us year round. Family Game Night Join us on January 18, 2015 (snow date 1/25) 5PM-8PM for an evening of fun for kids of all ages. How brave are you? Are you coordinated? Test your taste buds and see how much weight can you lift at the same time. If you like Fear Factor, the Amazing Race, Top Chef, or American Ninja Warrior, then this is a night of fun that you, your family and friends DO NOT want to miss! If you are interested in helping the final planning or set up, contact Julie DeLuca at 203948-2807 or email her at [email protected]" Dinner will be “POT LUCK” Please bring a dish to share. Hospital Visitations & Home Visits Due to the Federal health privacy laws (HIPPA), hospitals can no longer issue names of admitted patients to area parishes unless it is requested by the patient. You or a family member must let the Admissions Office know of your desire to have us visit during your hospital stay. If you would like a visit at home or at a rehabilitation center, please call the Parish Office at 203-797-0222. The Emergency Overflow Shelter is looking for male volunteers over 21, that can stay with the guests overnight at the First Congregational Church in Danbury, 9pm–7am. For more information, please call Kathy at 203-798-1052 or 203-470-8825. Men’s Spirituality meets every Saturday morning at 8am in the church. Come join us! FAITHFUL DISCIPLES Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 As FAITHFUL DISCIPLES unfolds each of us will be challenged to renew and revitalize our faith and our faith understanding to make that faith not only relevant but also life-giving and salvific. Only when we are willing to go out of our way to invest energy into our weekly celebration of the Eucharist can we be drawn into the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. The choice is simple: to be active rather than passive members of our weekly celebration of the Eucharist. This is the beginning of our openness to the Spirit. In our generous giving of self we help release the powerful symbols through which the Spirit of Jesus reaches out to transform us. In the very act of self-giving, we help make each other even more vulnerable to the transforming word of the Spirit. In this openness we move away from magic and enter into authentic worship. Becoming FAITHFUL DISCIPLES keeps us ever mindful of our God’s promise, “You shall be my people and I shall be your God.” Pope Francis, echoing the call of Vatican II, calls us to make our faith relevant and life-altering. FAITHFUL DISCIPLES challenges each of us to assimilate into our lives and our weekly worship the relationship that God beckons us to embrace. This is precisely the process that the Church should have taken her members through over the last fifty years but unfortunately did not. Becoming FAITHFUL DISCIPLES calls us to an education that is a process – rather than end oriented – a need for a deeper awareness of our worship and our faith with understanding. This education, awareness and reflection has to happen on both personal and communal levels. I firmly believe that each of us has the talent needed for transforming our faith experience into a more life-giving experience. Becoming FAITHFUL DISCIPLES begins with each of us being renewed in our Baptism and the ongoing role Baptism must play in our everyday faith life. This is what today’s Gospel invites us to better understand. With a more authentic understanding of our Baptism we can grow into a better understanding of the role of Liturgy, our weekly worship, in the life of the Catholic Christian. The word “Liturgy” comes from the Greek meaning PUBLIC WORK. Our focus here is specifically EUCHARISTIC liturgy, our weekly worship. For far too many of us our Eucharistic liturgy each me is a “Me and Jesus” fest. Liturgy is a public work and it means we must see the work of Liturgy as the word of the entire Assembly and not just me and Jesus. Becoming FAITHFUL DISCIPLES continues to challenge us to look broadly at the liturgical reform called for by Vatican II – what were its hopes and its goals and how well have they been realized? What remains to be done as well? And most importantly, “How do I fit into all of this?” In turning to the Liturgy itself, FAITHFUL DISCIPLES will look at our worship first through the lens of ritual, the words and the actions that make up our weekly celebration. This is a relatively new way for us to look at and to understand what it is we do each week and more importantly why we do it. Faithfully done, this will yield and promise to continue a significant understanding of many layers of activity that occur during Liturgy. We will also develop a metaphor based on things that we “do” during our liturgies. We will also have to understand what it means to be a member of an Assembly. We have to ask very honestly “What does it mean to be Assembly?” We come from any different places and many different walks of life. And yet, in the act of assembling for Liturgy, we are formed into a whole. I choose this phase carefully “we are formed” vs. “we become” because it speaks more clearly of the divine initiative at work in our lives. The “whole” is community, Assembly, it is Church, it is the Body of Christ. FULFILLING YOUR OFFERTORY COMMITMENT THROUGH ON-LINE GIVING Our parish is offering an additional option for giving to your church. Online-Giving is now available for parishioners who would like to make donations online. As technology continues to progress, there are more ways that these advances can be utilized for the well-being of our parish. While I understand this means of giving may be met with some hesitation, let me assure you that it is fully secure and private and you are in complete control of the process. Your information is solely yours and appears no where else but in your hands. The reasons for Online Giving are many: Consistent Collections Eliminates Writing Checks Flexible Options You are in total control Simple Enrollment Begin making your offertory contribution through Online-Giving IT’S SIMPLE TO SIGN UP. 1) Log on to our parish website: 2) Double click on 3) Double click on “Sign up for a New Account”. 4) Fill out the information and click “submit”. 5) Your account has been created. You will be directed to go to your email to verify your account. To do this, please open the email that will be sent to you and click on the link. This will make sure the email address you provided is valid. 6) This will bring you to the “Sign on” page. Simple log in with your new I.D. and password. 7) From here you can totally manage your account. To set up your Offertory Contributions simply click “Manage My Payment Method”. Fill out the requested information. 8) Once your payment method has been filled in click on “Give a New Gift”. Choose each category and choose “Recurring”. The account you designate will be made available to the Parish accordingly. I HOPE YOU WILL SERIOUSLY CONSIDER THIS OFFERTORY OPTION. May God bless for your ongoing generosity. Love, Fr. Angelo "Family FUN Game Night” It's not just for boards anymore!! January 18, 2015 5PM-8PM (Snow date 1/25) Enjoy an evening of fun for kids of all ages. How brave are you? Do you have good taste buds? How much weight can you lift at the same time? Are you coordinated? If you like Fear Factor, the Amazing Race, Top Chef, or American Ninja Warrior, then this is a night of fun that you, your family and friends DO NOT want to miss!! Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends, Neighbors, bring them all for a great night of fun and defiantly lots of laughter! Pot Luck Supper so bring a dish to share. If you are interested in helping the final planning or set up, please contact Julie DeLuca at 203-948-2807 or email her at [email protected] LECTIONARY CATECHESIS Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 Sam 3:3-10,19; Ps 40; 1 Corinthians 6:13-15,17-20; John 1:35-42 Somewhere in the dark nights of our lives, we hear the voice of the Lord speaking to us. God speaks in holy places. Sometimes God speaks in the sacred space where we worship. Other times God speaks in the holy temple within us. “Here I am!”, we reply, but often to the wrong person in the wrong situation. That is because we have not listened deeply enough. We fail to discern the One voice among the many. So we go back and listen again. “Speak Lord”, we say once more, “Speak Lord”, but add “Your servant is listening”. It is not enough to listen. When we have heard, then we must act. God does not need our pious sacrifices; God wants ears open to obedience. When we listen well, we can proclaim God’s justice to the people. We will not restrain our voices out of fear of criticism. Confidently, we will speak God’s words. Our willingness to obey puts a new song in our mouths: “Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will”. John the Baptist heard God speak and it drove him to do strange and wonderful things. John’s response seemed foolish to some. Why go outside the “holy” land into the desert? Is there not enough to do at home? Why immerse yourself in the muddy waters of the Jordan and invite others to do the same? There are other ways we can clean up our act. But John listened to God’s voice instead of the voices of protest. John not only listened, he looked. As he watched Jesus walk by, he wanted others to see what he saw. “Look!” he cried. “There is the Lamb of God”. We look hard, but try as we might, we cannot see what John sees. Jesus sees us despite our blindness. “What are you looking for?” He asks. We cannot say for sure. We are afraid of what we might find. “Come and see”, Jesus tells us. We will be unable to discover what we seek all at once. It will take a lifetime of listening, seeing and following the One who calls. For Reflection: Do I take time to listen to God’s voice? What is God telling me? How will I respond? SOCIAL CONCERNS Drinking age Act - 30 years ago, President Ronald Reagan signed the Federal Uniform Drinking Age Act of 1984, which mandated that all states adopt 21 as the legal drinking age over five years. By 1988, all 50 states had moved the minimum drinking age to 21. Mothers Against Drunk Driving were able to convince politicians that a vote against the bill was a vote in favor of drunken driving, and they gained passage in both the House & the Senate. According to the MADD website, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that the law has saved about 900 lives a year. Drunken driving deaths have decreased over the last three decades in large part because we now throw the book at drunken drivers in this country: All 50 states currently define a driver’s having a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher as a crime; 42 states suspend drivers’ licenses on the first offense. Every state now has some type of ignition interlock law, requiring devices to be installed in the vehicles of convicted drunken drivers that prevent a vehicle from starting if the driver breathes into the device & produces a breath-alcohol level above a preset limit. Thanks to MADD, drunken driving isn’t the problem it used to be. Keep talking to your children about drinking, drugs & driving. If you’re interested in Social Concerns, contact S. Martin @ 203-240-7072 or @ [email protected] St. Gregory the Great Information Center Parish Office—203-797-0222 E-mail address [email protected] Bulletin Notices: [email protected] Please submit bulletin notices ten days prior to publication. Office Hours: Mon.– Fri, 9:30 am — 3:30 pm Parish Secretaries: Mary Lou Cuff & Rachel Gaulard Corporate Trustees: Roger Gavagan, Anthony Lucera Office of Faith Formation—203-743-5168 Director: Mrs. Mary Ann Houser E-mail address: [email protected] Assistant Administrator Mrs. Darlene Rabito E-mail: [email protected] Youth Ministry: Mrs. Rene Hellmann, 203-797-1641 E-mail: [email protected] 7—8 Coordinator: Ms. Peggy Forster E-mail: K—6 Coordinator: E-mail: Catholics Coming Home: Celebrate the Lectionary: Pre-Baptism: Pre-Cana: R.C.I.A. [email protected] Mrs. Janice Rudisill [email protected] Deacon Bill Murphy, 203-744-3927 Mary Tracey, 203-790-4223 Call Parish Office, 203-797-0222 Call Parish Office, 203-797-0222 Bruce & Patty Barrows, 203-746-3232 St. Gregory the Great School—Region IX—203-748-1217 Principal: Sister Mary John O’Rourke Secretary: Mrs. Terri Kennen Parish Ministries Altar Care: Altar Servers: Bereavement: Choir: E-mail: Eucharistic Ministers: Hospitality: Lectors: My S.M.I.L.E. Shut-Ins: Ushers: WeCare: Mrs. Ruth Lucera, 203-794-1045 Deacon Bill Murphy, 203-744-3927 Fr. Ray. 203-797-0222 Ms. Jenny Li - 203-285-8356 [email protected] Deacon Bill Murphy, 203-744-3927 Mrs. Kathleen Kelly, 203-792-1833 Deacon Bill Murphy, 203-744-3927 Rosemary Bouffard, 203-744-6998 Deacon Bob Blankschen, 743-3091 Mrs. Mary McCormack, 792-7611 William Houser, 203-743-6125 Barbara Bozeman, 203-748-1813 Parish Contacts Alcoholics Anonymous: Calendar: e-mail: Catholic Singles: Finance: Holy Name Society: e-mail: Parish Advisory Council: Pro-Life: Scouts (Girl): Scouts (Boy): Scouts (Cubs) Seniors: Women of St. Gregory: George, 203-792-5976 Barbara Bozeman, 203-797-0222 doubleb43@comcast. net Fr. Angelo, 203-797-0222 Stephanie Martin—203-743-3783 William Houser, 203-743-6125 [email protected] Peter Buzaid, 203-743-5504 Rose Mary Peat, Claudette Novella, 203-746-9771 Keith Vinchkoski, 203-794-9094 Philip Adams, 203-778-9856 Fr. Angelo, 203-797-0222 Rosemary Bouffard, 203-744-6998 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Gregory the Great Church #257600 85 Great Plain Road Danbury, CT 06811 TELEPHONE 203 -797-0222 CONTACT PERSON Mary Lou & Rachel SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0 Windows XP Pro PRINTER HP Laserjet 1200 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 5:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION January 18, 2015 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 10 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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