To all IFA-Members UPDATE 12 January 2015 Dear colleagues, First of all: best wishes for 2015! We hereby update you on developments regarding our institute. Previous Updates and other news items can be found on our Blog. Content 1. News from the Board of Directors 2. Event & training agenda 1st semester 2015 3. General Members’ Meeting 2015 4. National Anti-Fraud Congress 2015 5. Honorary Registered Fraud Auditor 6. Call for members of ICT-Committee and Training Committee. 1. News from the Board of Directors Erratum regarding Update dated 22 December 2014 : our Board Member Martine De Rouck has been appointed independent member of the Board of Directors of Mobistar, not: Belgacom. 2. Event & training agenda 1st semester 2015 22-23 January 2015 Brussels Advanced fraud prevention and detection techniques IIA training, with access for IFA-members (10% reduction) 04 February 2015 Brussels (Diegem) ACFE General Members’ Meeting, Academic session and networking drink ACFE-event, with access for IFA-Members (as from 5.30 pm) 05 February 2015 Brussels (Diegem) Money laundering recent developments in legislation and topologies IFA-seminar 12 March 2015 Brussels Whistleblowing IIA training, with access for IFA-Members 31 March 2015 Brussels IFA General Members’ Meeting, with Academic Session and networking drink IFA-event (see hereafter) 23 April 2015 Brussels Court experts under fire in civil affairs IFA-seminar 05 June 2015 Brussels National Anti-Fraud Congress with networking drink IFA-seminar (see also hereafter). 3. General Members’ Meeting 2015 The General Members’ Meeting 2015 will take place in Brussels in the afternoon of Tuesday 31 March 2015. Statutory session The agenda will comprise a.o. an overview of the 2014 activities, approval of the 2014 financial statements, overview of 2015 planned activities and 2015 financial forecast. Academic session A business case of fraud auditing by Mrs. Inez Verwey PhD, further to her dissertation named “Differences between (public) auditors and fraud auditors in their ability to identify fraud risks and plan effective procedures to mitigate fraud risks” (2014) Networking cocktail The sessions will be followed by a networking cocktail. More information and registration soon via 4. National Anti-Fraud Congress 2015 The 3rd National Anti-Fraud Congress will take place in Brussels on 5 June 2015 jointly with the European AntiFraud Congress. Full-day program with several tracks followed by networking cocktail: 5. Central Hall Language: E With a.o. key-note speakers Messrs Giovanni Kessler (Director General OLAF) and Bart Tommelein (State Secretary for the combat of Social Fraud, Privacy and North Sea) Rooms 1 & 2 Language: E Tracks Technology and Europe, with speakers from (a.o.): Airbus, Cert-EU, Euroclear, Eurojust, European Court of Auditors, EY, Gloobal, Johnson & Johnson and OLAF. Room 3 Language: N/F Track Bankruptcy and Fraud in Belgium, with following speakers Frank Philipsen (ISIBBI), Michel Claise (Juge d’instruction), Patrick Waeterinckx (advocaat), Johan Lemmens (boekhouder-fiscalist), Prof. Dr. Ann Jorissen (Universiteit Antwerpen) and a receiver (tbc). Moderator panel debate: Johan Vlogaert (EIB). Honorary Registered Fraud Auditor Professor Michel J. De Samblanx RFA has been decorated Honorary Registered Fraud Auditor in accordance with art. 10.f of the articles of association. Mr. De Samblanx is co-founder (2001) and past-President (2001-2008) and Honorary Member (2008) of our institute. In 2014 he has retired as a professor from Universiteit Antwerpen and from Antwerp Management School. The Board has valued among other things the fact that Professor De Samblanx has established (2000) the Master in Forensic Auditing program at the Antwerp Management School, of which he has been Academic Director until his retirement (2014). Furthermore Professor De Samblanx has published a large number articles in the area of fraud auditing and he has been author, and has been author, co-author and editor of books in this domain. 2 6. Call for members of ICT-Committee and Training Committee and Training Committee We expect that IFA will make substantially more use of ICT including social media in the near future. Therefore we are looking for IFA-Members who want to join the ICT Committee and help us in driving this change process. Furthermore the Training Committee is looking for new members. The Commission members play an active role in the selection and the planning of IFA-training seminars and other events. Should you be interested please make yourself known at [email protected]. Do you have any recommendations or other suggestions for IFA? Please let us know! The Board of Directors IFA BELGIUM [email protected] 3
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