EU ENERGY LAW & POLICY DAY 1 : TUESDAY FEBRUARY 10, 2015 09h15: Registration and welcome coffee 09h45: Keynote presentation ANNE HOUTMAN (loco DOMINIQUE RISTORI) - Principal Advisor to the Director-General, DG ENER, EC “EU Energy Law & Policy; priorities for the coming years” 10h15: Opening remarks JEAN-MICHEL GLACHANT - Holder of the Loyola de Palacio Chair - Director of the Florence School of Regulation main event moderator HELMUT SCHMITT VON SYDOW Professor, University of Lausanne and European College, Parma Chief Editor, European Energy Journal ( EEJ) 12h30: JORGE VASCONCELOS - Chairman, NEWES (New Energy Solutions) - Consultant to the European Commission II. COMPETITION LAW IN ENERGY MARKETS session moderator: L. HANCHER “The new state aid policy and its role in Europe” 11h00: ALBERTO POTOTSCHNIG - Director, ACER 14h45: LARS KJØLBYE - Partner, Latham & Watkins, Brussels CELLINE GAUER - Acting Director, Dir. B, Markets & Cases, DG COMP, EC “Cross-border cooperation of regulators” 11h15: JAN PAPSCH - Policy and Legal Officer, Wholesale markets; electricity & gas, DG ENER, EC “Keeping energy prices in check and achieving a greater degree of security of supply by using art. 101 & 102, Merger and State Aid control by the Commission” “The implementation of the Third Legislative Package” 11h30: Coffee and tea break 15h30: LEIGH HANCHER - Of Counsel, Allen & Overy, Amsterdam “The IEA recommendations on the future EU energy policy priorities” 10h15: JÖRG KÖHLI - Team Leader, Safety of Offshore and Gas operations, DG ENER, EC “Safety of offshore activities’” 10h30: MANFRED HAFNER - Professor at John Hopkins University SAIS and Sciences Po Paris SPECIAL OFFER The regular registration fee for this two day event is only €999 (in stead of €1.199) if you register before 1 January 2015. Special rates apply to in-house lawyers, government employees, students, and academics. Check the registration form on p.4! The Hotel. BRUSSELS Boulevard de Waterloo 38 1000 Brussels (Belgium) The event takes place at the prestigeous “The Hotel” (the completely renovated former Brussels Hilton). The conference room offers a stunning, unique panoramic view over Brussels, as it is situated at the 26th floor of the building. Participants who want to stay at the hotel are offered a special room rate of 200 euro / night (including breakfast, excluding city tax) (limited offer). 14h45: ANA AGUADO - Secretary-General, EDSO for Smart Grids, Brussels 15h00: BERND RAJAL - Partner, Schönherr, Vienna 10h45: Comments and discussion 11h15: Coffee and tea break “Obstacles in PCI project permitting” 15h15: LEONARDO MEEUS - Professor Energy Markets, Vlerick Business School, Brussels - Professor, Florence School of Regulation, Florence IV. SUSTAINABLES “Renewable penetration on smartgrids and supergrids” European Energy Journal 14h30: JEAN-ARNOLD VINOIS - Honorary Director, DG ENER, EC “Smartgrids” “Mediterranean perspectives” 12h30: CHRISTOPH WOLFF - Managing Director, The European Climate Foundation media partners: session moderator: J.-A. VINOIS “Investments in infrastructure’” “National Action Plans – legal status, problems and potentials” 17h00: Drinks offered by: 13h00: Comments and discussion V. INFRASTRUCTURE 12h15: DÖRTE FOUQUET - Partner, Becker Büttner Held, Brussels - Director, European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF) 16h45: Conclusions of the first day “Consequences of new climate perspectives and action plans for electricity customers” 13h30: Lunch “The new climate perspectives” 15h45: ENRIQUE GONZÁLEZ DÍAZ - Partner, Cleary Gottlieb, Brussels 16h00: Comments and discussion “The costs (economic, political, technical and social) of a non-efficient internal energy market” 09h45: WALTER PEERAER - Chairman of the Executive Board, Fluxys 11h45: ARTUR RUNGE-METZGER - Director, International and Climate Strategy, DG CLIMA, EC “Abuse of dominance positions” 12h15: HARIS BOKO - Chief Advisor, Energy Institute, London 12h45: GIUSEPPE LORUBIO - Head of Retail Customers Unit, EURELECTRIC session moderator: D. FOUQUET “Fourth package of legislation” 12h00: SYLVIA BEYER - Country Desk Officer, International Energy Agency (IEA) session moderator: M. HAFNER “Security and external relations: from Energy Community to Energy Union” 14h30: NICOLA PESARESI - Head of Unit, State Aid Strategy, DG COMP, EC session moderator: J.-M. GLACHANT III. INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL SECURITY 10h00: DIRK BUSCHLE - Deputy Director, Energy Community 13h30: Lunch I. THE INTERNAL ENERGY MARKET DAY 2 : WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 11, 2015 “Security and the role of the international industry and pathways to a resolution of Europe’s energy crisis” “Reinventing the single market” 12h45: Comments and discussion “10 years of EU Law & Policy Conference: 10 years energy policy in Europe – a retrospective (2006 -2015 and a forecast)” 10TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE introducing: “Regulation of projects of common interest: cost benefit analysis, cross-border cost allocation, TSO incentives, Connecting Europe Facility’ ” 15h30: JOHN RATLIFF Partner, WilmerHale, Brussels “Insider trading and market manipulation in the European wholesale energy markets – REMIT” 15h45: Discussion including Q&A 16h30: Conference conclusions programme updates: EU ENERGY LAW & POLICY YEARBOOK 2014 For the fifth year in succession the EU Energy Law & Policy Yearbook will be published, in close cooperation with the European Energy Journal. It will cover all major Law & Policy developments in EU Energy, including Framework 2030, Internal Energy Markt , Climate Change, Security of Supply, Energy Efficiency and will present all relevant viewpoints of all Energy related stakeholders. Contributions from among others Dominique Ristori, Daniel Dobbeni, Konstatin Staschus, Bart Castermans, Stephan Kamphues, Alberto Pototschnig, Ana Aguado Cornago, Peter D Storey, Hannah Katharina Mueller, Christine Jenkins, Alan Riley, Ole Gunnar Austvik, Lena Sandberg, Leigh Hancher. A very practical update and a real ‘must read’ for all working in the Energy field. ALL PARTICIPANTS REGISTERED BEFORE 1 JAN 2015 WILL RECEIVE A FREE COPY OF THE YEARBOOK! publication date: Feb 2015 - isbn: 9789491673252 - 680 p. paperback - RRP: €95 (exVAT)
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