Word However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” -- the things God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 (NIV) j a n u a r y 2015 the Avenue Happy New Year, Beloved Church Family! Thanks be unto God for the wonderful blessing of yet another year! Through the many and varied experiences of 2014--some favorable, some overwhelmingly challenging and unfavorable--God has been faithful to us. The promise of His perpetual presence has sustained us when all else seemed to be against us. So, with joy we celebrate the reality that through it all, God has brought us into 2015. Among many other things, this month will provide us the opportunity to engage a brand new four-part Bible Study series entitled, Back to the Basics, which focuses on the foundational principles of our faith. Although not exhaustive, these four lessons will provide necessary information with which every believer should be armed as we maintain our witness in the world. I invite you to share with us in the sanctuary each Wednesday as we, together, review and ultimately retain necessary information about our faith. We are likewise excited about this year’s celebration of the birth of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Each year we seek to provide fresh and creative ways to celebrate such a significant individual in our history. Dr. King did so much to affect positive change in a world wrought with dysfunction that it is necessary for us to reflect his worth each year. We invite you to join us as we remember this great African-American clergyman and activist for non-violent social change. Given the whirlwind of social ills with which we were confronted in 2014, we must refresh our memories on the work of this tremendous man, who, of course, was a personal friend of our beloved Founding Pastor Emeritus Lawson. This year’s theme is, Continuing the Cause: Connecting Christ, Church and Community. In our effort to build a generous church, we will provide a bevy of services to the underserved and underprivileged men, women and children in our community. You will see a listing of those services later in this Newsletter, but we invite our entire church family to join us as we once again open our campus to the many brothers and sisters who choose to join us for this significant day of remembrance and service on Monday, January 19th. Finally, permit me to say Thank you! to the many members of our church family who ensured a Merry Christmas for the pastoral leadership of our church. I am grateful for the love you always extend to my family and me. That same love has been continually maintained for our Founding Pastor and his family. And you now extend that love to our Associate Pastor, and even the other members of our church leadership. You are a phenomenal church; and we are grateful for the privilege to serve you. I echo the sentiment of the Hebrew writer who emphatically proclaimed, God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them (Hebrews 6:10 NIV). We look forward to yet another productive and prosperous New Year! To God be the glory! With great expectation, M.D. Cosby 2 Happenings on the Avenue 3 Christian Life Advancement 4 January Birthdays 5 Adult Ministries 6 Young Adult Ministries 7 Children’s Ministries W h e e l e r Av e n u e B a p t i s t C h u r c h 8 Churchwide Events 8 MLK Day of Service 9 Prayer Guide 12 Church and Staff Resources Where we worship Jesus Christ and minister to the total person h a p p e n i n g s o n t h e a v e n u e — J A NU A RY 2 0 1 5 S u n d ay, Ja n u a r y 4 7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services 9am, 11am Sunday School 9am, 11am Financial Peace Class 4pm New Life Service m o n d ay, Ja n u a r y 5 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 6:00 PM Deaconess Board Meeting 6:30 PM Bells of Praise Rehearsal 6:30 PM Praise Dance Rehearsal t u e s d ay, Ja n u a r y 6 10:30 AM WA5Cs Host The Community Cloth 5:00 PM Parents Meeting for Cookie Sales 5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings 6:00 PM Capital & Infrastructure Subcomm. Mtg. 6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM First Tuesday on the Avenue 7:00 PM POD Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal w e d n e s d ay, Ja n u a r y 7 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 12:00 PM Noon Day Bible Study 1:30 PM Job Search Work Team 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study 7:00 PM General Bible Study 7:00 PM Youth Bible Study t h u r s d ay, Ja n u a r y 8 5:00 PM Band Rehearsal 5:30 PM Capital Programs - Building Comm. Mtg. 5:30 PM Building Committee Monthly Meeting 6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Meeting 6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study 7:00 PM Chapel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal f r i d ay, Ja n u a r y 9 9:30 AM Seasoned Saints Line Dancing & Exercise 5:30 PM Wedding Rehearsal Kimberly Barnett/Roger Watkins 9:00 AM Faith and Finances Conference 9:30 AM Cub Scouts Meetings 10:00 AMFresh Start Event and Training 10:00 AMPre-Marriage Session 10:00 AMPreceptor Meeting 10:00 AM5Cs - Honey Child Prenatal Program 12:00 PM Wedding - Kimberly Barnett/Roger Watkins 12:00 PM Christ Victory Steppers Rehearsal S u n d ay, Ja n u a r y 1 1 7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services 9am, 11am Sunday School m o n d ay, Ja n u a r y 1 2 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 6:00 PM Ruth Circle Meeting 6:00 PM Women’s Guild Exec. Board Comm. Mtg. 6:30 PM Bells of Praise Handbells Rehearsal 6:30 PM Praise Dance Rehearsal 6:30 PM Sister Chat Bible Study 7:00 PM InHIMM Men’s Ministry Fellowship t u e s d ay, Ja n u a r y 1 3 5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings 6:00 PM Capital & Infrastructure Subcomm. Mtg. 6:00 PM T. Davis Senior Mission Circle 6:30 PM Boy Scout Troop Parent Meeting 6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort - Bible Study Methods 6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Youth Ministry Volunteers Meeting w e d n e s d ay, Ja n u a r y 14 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 12:00 PM Noon Day Bible Study 1:30 PM Job Search Workshop 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study 7:00 PM General Bible Study 7:00 PM Youth Bible Study t h u r s d ay, Ja n u a r y 15 5:00 PM Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM Finance Committee Meeting 6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Meeting 6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort - Intro to Theology 6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study 6:30 PM WAICV - Golf Tournament Comm. Mtg. 7:00 PM Chapel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal 7:15 PM Board of Trustees Investment Committee f r i d ay, Ja n u a r y 16 9:30 AM Seasoned Saints Line Dancing & Exercise 6:00 PM “The Spark” Youth Worship Experience s at u r d ay, Ja n u a r y 17 8:00 AM Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby 8:00 AM Deacon Board Executive Committee 8:30 AM Transformation Meeting 9:00 AM Tutoring Ministry 9:30 AM 5Cs - Honey Child Prenatal Program 10:00 AMAlzheimer Support Group 10:00 AMEphphatha Ministry Meeting 10:00 AMStreet Witnessing 10:00 AMFamily Group 31 Bible Study 10:00 AMHealth Fair Planning Meeting 10:00 AM5Cs - Honey Child Prenatal Program 12:00 PM College Tour Interest Meeting 12:00 PM Christ Victory Steppers Rehearsal S u n d ay, Ja n u a r y 18 7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services 9am, 11am Sunday School 3:00 PM “The Bridge” College Ministry Meeting m o n d ay, Ja n u a r y 19 10:00 AMMLK Day of Service t u e s d ay, Ja n u a r y 20 5:00 PM Cade Circle Meeting 5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings 6:00 PM Capital & Infrastructure Subcomm. Mtg. 6:00 PM Deacons Meeting 6:30 PM Boy Scouts Board of Review 6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort Bible Study Methods 6:30 PM Evangelism Ministry Meeting 6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM POD Choir Rehearsal w e d n e s d ay, Ja n u a r y 21 10:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 12:00 PM Noon Day Bible Study 1:30 PM Job Search Workshop 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study 7:00 PM General Bible Study 7:00 PM Youth Bible Study 2 t h u r s d ay, Ja n u a r y 2 2 5:00 PM Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Meeting 6:00 PM Trustee Board Meeting 6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort - Intro to Theology 6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study 7:00 PM Chapel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal f r i d ay, Ja n u a r y 23 9:30 AM Seasoned Saints Line Dancing & Exercise 6:30 PM The Situation 6:30 PM The Situation - Young Adults s at u r d ay, Ja n u a r y 24 9:00 AM Cancer Ministry 9:00 AM Stephen Ministry Supervision Development 9:30 AM Cub Scouts Meeting 9:30 AM 5Cs - Honey Child Prenatal Program 10:00 AMFamily Group 11, 32, 37, 38 & 40 Bible Study 10:00 AMPre-Marriage Session 10:00 AM5Cs - Honey Child Prenatal Program 10:30 AM Chronicles Book Club 11:00 AM Family Group 1 Bible Study 11:00 AM Children’s Praise Dance Rehearsal 12:00 PM Christ Victory Steppers Rehearsal S u n d ay, Ja n u a r y 25 7:15am, 9am, 11am, 1pm Worship Services 9am, 11am Sunday School m o n d ay, Ja n u a r y 26 Campus Closed – Christmas Holiday t u e s d ay, Ja n u a r y 27 5:00 PM Girl Scout Meetings 6:00 PM Capital & Infrastructure Subcomm. Mtg. 6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort Bible Study Methods 6:30 PM M2W Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Unity Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM POD Choir Rehearsal w e d n e s d ay, Ja n u a r y 2 8 9:30 AM Seasoned Saints Exercise 12:00 PM Noon Day Bible Study 1:30 PM Job Search Workshop 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Service 6:45 PM AWANA Bible Study 7:00 PM General Bible Study 7:00 PM Youth Bible Study t h u r s d ay, Ja n u a r y 2 9 5:00 PM Band Rehearsal 6:00 PM Sunday School Teachers Meeting 6:30 PM Celestial Choir Rehearsal 6:30 PM CLASS New Teacher Cohort - Intro to Theology 6:30 PM “The Brook” College Bible Study 6:30 PM Celebration of New Birth Development 7:00 PM Chapel Choir Rehearsal 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal f r i d ay, Ja n u a r y 3 0 9:30 AM Seasoned Saints Line Dancing & Exercise 6:30 PM Chosen for Christ – Evangelism Ministry s at u r d ay, Ja n u a r y 3 1 10:00 AMSpiritual Gifts and Ministry Involvement 11:00 AM Children’s Praise Dance Rehearsal 12:00 PM Christ Victory Steppers Rehearsal Christian Life Advancement S u n d a y Sc h o o l C L A SS L i s t i n g s & L o ca t i o n s A d u lt 1/ C h o i r 9 :00 a . m . – 10:1 5 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 2 1 6 The Adult I/Choir class is a dedicated family of believers in Christ whose members enjoy gathering together for spirited teaching and discussion, as we study God’s Holy Word. We are a diverse group of men and women, singles, married individuals and couples. Fa i t h a n d W o r k s 9 :00 a . m . – 10:1 5 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 2 10 Faith and Works strives to be a living example of James 2:17 from which the class derived its name. This is a diverse group of believers in age and gender. The learning and applying of the lesson is through group discussion that aims to get to the heart of the WORD of God by listening and learning from each other. Men’s Cl ass 9 :00 a . m . – 10:1 5 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 2 07 The Adult Men’s class consists of men who are at various levels of spiritual maturity. The men in this class treasure the wisdom, application of scripture to their everyday lives and fellowship with other men of God. We know that iron sharpens iron. We welcome and encourage questions and comments from all members of the class. Spiritual Deliverance 9 :00 a . m . – 10:1 5 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 2 1 7 The Spiritual Deliverance Class is a unique blend of men and women. The class embodies a range of Christian maturity, from “emerging to mature” Christians. This class encourages interaction and involvement of the learners to foster spiritual transformation and develop strong witnesses for Christ. Women’s Cl ass 9 :00 a . m . – 10:1 5 a . m . l ChLC - Fe l l o w s h i p Ha l l ( L e f t ) The Women’s class utilizes varying teaching techniques that include women sharing in lively discussions of scripture and the assigned lessons. This class is comprised of a diverse group of married women, single women and single mothers. Attendees of the Women’s class appreciate the friendship, fellowship, support and spiritual growth they receive as a result of participating in this class. a d u lt C l a s s 1 1 :00 a . m . -1 2 :1 5 p. m . l CLC - Ro o m 2 1 5 This is a combined (co-ed) adult group that is intentionally intergenerational, ranging from young adult to adult. This class focuses on the discovery, understanding, and application of the Word of God for the whole person. T O P I C A L A d u lt C la s s E S Vision Seekers 9 :00 a . m . – 10:1 5 a . m . l CLC - Ro o m 2 1 8 Geared to young adults, ages 21-35, the mission is to seek and see the deeper depths of God by seeking first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness, launching in the deep, increasing our individual study of God’s word and seeking God’s promises. L i v i n g Y o u r Fa i t h 1 1 :00 a . m . – 1 2 :1 5 p. m . l CLC - Ro o m 2 1 6 Using curriculum developed by WABC, this class deals with the nexus of your faith and everyday life. It examines the importance of incorporating our belief and faith into all of our life circumstances. New Life as an Insider 1 1 :00 a . m . – 1 2 :1 5 p. m . l CLC - Ro o m 2 1 6 This class is specifically designed for new believers in Christ. As a new believer you are no longer living in the world, but are now an insider connected to the body of believers everywhere. What does this mean to how you now live your life? This class will help you understand what you believe and how to articulate that belief. M i d d le Sc h ool - Hi g h Sc h ool C la s s e s God and Church 1 1 :00 a . m . – 1 2 :1 5 p. m . l CLC - Ro o m 2 1 8 For Middle School - High School ages, this class is a collaboration with Boy Scouts, but all students are welcomed. This class is taught 2nd through 4th Sundays in the summer and fall. 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 10 : 1 5 a . m . l C LC - Ro o m 2 0 9 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 10 : 1 5 a . m . l C LC - Ro o m 2 1 2 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 10 : 1 5 a . m . l C LC - Ro o m 2 1 1 1 1 : 0 0 a . m . - 1 2 : 3 0 p. m . l C LC - Ro o m 2 1 8 Interactive experiences where youth learn about Jesus and engage biblical truths that help them grow closer to Jesus and to be equipped for facing everyday life. It’s a fun way to get to know Jesus and other youth, while we grow spiritually. Grades 6-8 Grades 9-10 Grades 11-12 Grades 6-12 y o u n g C h il d r e n C la s s e s 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 10 : 1 5 a . m . l ChLC - Ro o m s 1 1 6 -1 1 7 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 10 : 1 5 a . m . l ChLC - Ro o m s 1 3 3 -1 3 8 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 10 : 1 5 a . m . l ChLC - Ro o m s 1 3 4 -1 3 5 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 10 : 1 5 a . m . l ChLC - FH (Ri g ht ) 9 : 0 0 a . m . - 10 : 1 5 a . m . l ChLC - Ro o m s 1 3 6 -1 3 7 Our focus is to teach children about God’s love and His amazing gift of salvation to prepare them to know Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior. We use age-appropriate lessons, games, crafts, and other creative ways to teach the Word of God. We help children build Bible skills that encourage them to memorize and apply God’s Word. Pre-School Prek - Kindergarten 1st and 2nd Grades 3rd and 4th Grades 5th Grade 3 Serving through ministries h a p p y b i r t h d a y , j a n u a r y bab i e s ! Afua Acheampong Abdelgadir Adam Heleniah Adams Adriene Adams-Shelby Charles Adedapo Hellen Adedipe Darryel Adkins Shanora Aikins Addison Aitch Reginald Aitch Rosemary Akachukwu Ruth Alao Genetha Alexander Tracy Alexander DeMarcus Alexis Aleice Allen Harold Allen Jacqueline Allen Jeremiah Allen Jessilyn Allen Michael Allen James Allison Kenneth Alston Robert Alston Reign Altice-Ekpin Angela Amos Angel Anderson Carrington Anderson Herbert Anderson Keith Anderson Russel Anderson Tophas Anderson Carolyn Andrews Tracie Andrews Ashley Anthony Jennifer Arceneaux Monica Archibald Marilyn Armah Bettye Armstrong Gloria Armstrong Dwain Atkins Milton Austin Stacey Auzenne Linus Ayozie Chastity Bailey Hazel Bailey Deandra Baker Asha Baldon Tysheen Ballard Kobe Banks Teta Banks Kimberley Barber Donna Barnes Kaleb Barnes Robert Barnes Aysia Barnett Christine Bartlow Doris Bassett Deborah Bates Terressa Bates Lorry Batiste Sherrie Batro Wendy Battles Taylor Beall Tripoli Beard Darrell Beck William Bedford Berita Bennett Brittany Bennett Jarred Bennett Sabrina Bent Levi Benton Julius Bertrand Angel Bias Jazmyn Bill Bertran Bilton Chris Bilton Brittney Bingham Shalisha Birmingham Jacob Black Jacqueline Black Karynne Black Marilyn Black Arthur Blakes Camyatta Blaze Cassandra Bledsoe Floyd Blount Charles Bogan Diana Bolden Tracy Bolton Marjorie Booker Zabrina Boothe Jamila Boozer Christopher Bowers Freda Bowman Kameron Brackins Janae' Branch Sherra Branch Sheryl Brandley Paris Bransford Bleighn Brantley Ronald Brantley Moneisha Bray Jamie Breech Phillip Breech Chiquita Briscoe Roshunda Brokenberry Donald Brooks Sara Brooks Evette Broussard Joseph Broussard Nehemiah Broussard Angela Brown Ayanna Brown Carolyn Brown Chandra Brown Clarence Brown Cornelious Brown Courtenay Brown Evelyn Brown Jennifer Brown Ka'Toria Brown Michelle Brown Mintha Brown RaShawnda Brown Rayetta Brown Daphne Brown-Pradia Fanny Browne Roberta Browne De'Ona Browning Charlton Bruff Ava Brunswick Brandt Bruton Nadaushia Bruton Angela Bryant Byron Bryant Gerald Bryant Jasmine Bryant Joseph Bryant Errin Bundage Teairra Bundy Jada Burks Melvin Burleson Vanessa Burton Paige Busby Cheryl Butler Doris Butler Donovan Byrd Tamara Byrd Cambel Cadien Christina Calloway Zan Campbell Johnese Cannady Vonceil Cannon Charles Capers Christopher Capistran Christopher Caraway English Carmouche Chris Carr Eric Carr Arlene Carrington Arnetta Carrington Jeremy Carson Alysha Carter Ashleigh Carter Donna Carter Ellen Carter Kermesha Carter Will Carter Machavia Carter-Smith Jeremy Cartwright Henry Cash Helen Cashaw Diane Cassimere-Stewart Americole Ceasar Charles Chaffer Delores Charles Kryshawna Charleston Ashley Chatham Vanessa Cheris Anthony Childress Ebon Christian Shetema Christie Arthur Christopher Denishia Clark Lenaise Clark Darisha Clary David Clausell LaTynia Clay Alexis Clayborne Pierre Colbert Bryan Cole Austin Coleman Earker Coleman Jasmine Coleman Jessica Coleman Patience Coleman Patricia Coleman Wesley Coleman Leneka Coles Ashlynn Collins Caleb Collins La'Trice Collins Michael Collins Roy Collins Duraunte Colly Tariq Combs De'Angela Comeaux Karynecia Conner Betty Craft Vernell Craig Deion Crawford Tessa Crew-Jones Marquitta Crichlow Maya Critchlow Morgan Critchlow Candy Cromwell Claudia Cross Chelsey Cummings Courtney Cunningham Brenda Curry Michelle Cutler RaSheena Dailes Lucretia Dailey Zuri Dale Jasmine Daniels Monica Daniels Tanisha Daugherty Gaylon Davenport Honor Davenport Freida Davis Gregory Davis James Davis Korliss Davis Pamela Davis Riane Davis Ronnie Davis Stephanie Davis Walter Davis Candace Day Castancia Dean Charles Dean Shannon Dean Penny Dease Lonnie Deggins Inalynn Deloach Daniel Deltanas Kevin Demery Samuel Demissie Walter Denson Maurice Dickens Joy Diggs Angela Dixon Erin Dixon Joshua Dixon Nikki Dolce Pedro Dominguez Evan Donaldson Lynell Dorris Ezekiel Dorsey Ruth Dory Cathryn Dosie Cheryl Douglas Laquita Douglas Robert Douglas Desa Dow ShonAlta Dow Alisha Dowd Brittney Dowdy Courtney Dowdy Demetrius Doze John Duffy Charlyssa Duffy-West Robbie Dunaway Amanda Duncan Doretha Duncan Kimberly Dunn Iris Dupas Timothee Durant Lola Durden Danielle Duren Virginia Durham LaChanda Durio Amy Earle Felicia Eaton Rian Eckroth Alicia Edwards Amburee Edwards BreAnn Edwards Ivory Edwards LaRonne Edwards LaShonda Edwards Marion Edwards Shanavia Edwards Dawn Elliot Byron Ellis Calesha' Ellis Chaney Ellis Erania Ellis Andrea Elmore Rodney Elmore DeAnna Emerson Oehenefego Enuwe Michael Ervin LaToya Escoe Cynthia Ethel Georgia Evans Clyde Ezeb Bianca Ezumah James Falls Cary Farley Ernest Faultry Rose Fears Lisa Felix Rodney Fielder Herbert Fields Lakeitha Fills David Fine Jo Fisher Carey Fleming Neomi Fletcher Danielle Flix Destani Flix Patricia Flowers-Green Janice Foley Wright Lawrencetta Fomby Simone Fonteneau Netherland Fontenot Bessie Ford Sandra Foreman Alesia Foster William Foster Jordan Foy Barry Franklin Joshua Franklin Monique Fraser Winsted Fraser Alicia Frederick Hermonia Frederick Kirk Fretty Leslie Fretty Arthur Gaines Grevon Gaines Martina Gallien Michelyn Gallien Zachary Gallow Malik Gamble Raven Gamble 4 Tondaleo Gamble Oskar Garcia Kia Gardner Ulysses Gardner Paul Garrison Marcy Gaston Catriona Gatson Dominikka Gearring Jon Gentry Betty George Nickalos Gibson Phyllup Gilbert Leon Gilchrist John Gilliam Sean Gilmore Rodney Glasper Terron Glasper Cleve Glenn Ja'Qwavion Glenn Donna Glover Ryan Glover Elyaine Gober Ella Goldsmith Leslie Gonsalves Jon Goode Lewis Goode Ashley Gordon Brandon Gordon Wanda Goss Steven Gossett Sterling Goudeau Vanessa Graham-Morgan Morgan-Me'Lyn Grant Reecee Grant Frankie Grate DeVoyce Gray Lorint Gray Carelton Green Charlesetta Green Laquaita Green Lauren Green Lue Green Sharon Green Shcorey Green Kesia Gregory Nathaniel Gregory Jessica Griffin Joveeta Guidry Todric Guillory Shalonvia Gundy Carolyn Guy George Hadnot Nicole Hadnott Kera Halbert Carolyn Hall Sakrystle Hall Selina Hall Robert Haller Mary Hallom Christopher Hamilton Marvin Hamilton Maya Hamilton Judy Hampton Jeremy Handy Taylor Hanewinkel Shamaine Hardeman Marc Harden Christopher Harper Dallas Harper Kaye Harper Regina Harper Patrick Harrell Andrea Harris Brenda Harris Corinne R. Harris Jaire Harris Juanita Harris Keron Harris Kristie Harris Laverne Harris Phina Harris Shundra Harris Vera Hart Christopher Haston Georgia Hatchett Karen Haughton Ahmad Hauley Cassandra Hawkins Danielle Hawkins Tawaki Hayden Betty Hearns Elaine Heath Roshay Heath Lasonde Helaire Joseph Hemphill LeMarcus Hemphill Alfred Henderson Claude Henderson Cloressa Henderson Mallory Henderson Richelle Henderson Carmen Hendrix Youlanda Herring Brian Hicks Camille Hicks Lisa Hicks Maurice Hicks Eric Higgins Jarrett Higgins Alycia Hightower Cheryl Hill Ivan Hill Rachel Hill Beverly Hinkle Norman Hodge Angela Hoffman Kristopher Holiday Austin Hollimon LaShonda Holmes Vada Holmes Glenda Holmes-Moore Nicholas Homer Christopher Hooper Adrian Hopkins Brittany Hopkins Whitney Hosey Nichole Hoskins Todd Houston LaTonya Howard Jennifer Hoyer Karen Hudson Terry Hudson LaQuisha Huff Aulbrey Hunt Denesha Hunt Inga Hunter-Hermes April Hurrington Alex Hyman Karen Hyman Paul Hypolite Jemeela Ingram Brandon Irby Desmond Jack Nefertitti Jackmon Ameerah Jackson B. Sherley Jackson David Jackson Donny Jackson Erin Jackson Hosea Jackson Jessica Jackson John Jackson Juan Jackson Kristal Jackson Latoya Jackson Rebecca Jackson Richard Jackson Rodrick Jackson Tiana Jackson Walter Jackson Zoe Jackson Jashmaine Jackson-Reed Brittany Jacobs Carolyn James John James Joshua James Maxwell James Anthony Jameson Cassandra Jefferson Krystol Jefferson Larry Jefferson Patrick Jefferson Sharon Jefferson Gwendolyn Jenkins John Jenkins Lionel Jenkins Eddie Jessie Marian Jeter Benjamin Johanson Barbara Johnson Candice Johnson Certeria Johnson Chancellor Johnson Chelsea Johnson Claudette Johnson Connie Johnson Detral Johnson Dominique Johnson Elisabeth Johnson Harry Johnson Jaia Johnson Jonathan Johnson Joshua Johnson Juan Johnson Kristin Johnson Lanese Johnson Marvin Johnson NeVasha Johnson Quincy Johnson Quinton Johnson Rani Johnson Renae Johnson Sandra Johnson Shemeka Johnson Shennel Johnson Sherrod Johnson Sylvia Johnson Tiffani Johnson Tonia Johnson Walter Johnson A. Jones Austin Jones Barbara Jones Carey Jones Dorian Jones Fred Jones Gabriella Jones Jessika Jones Jordan Jones K'Netha Jones LaToy Jones Lisa Jones Lucelia Jones Myron Jones Nia Jones Rochell Jones Santrice Jones Shakeyta Jones Sharronda Jones Shirley Jones Stacey Jones Sylvia Jones Tasha Jones Tonie Jones Vonne Jones Bennie Jordan Darcell Joseph Darnisha Joseph Kimberly Joseph Shameka Joseph Katrina Joyner Donnie Kearney JoAnn Keelen Ashlee Kegler Beverly Kegler Charles Kelley, II Charles Kelley, III Sharlette Kellum Norja Kemp Zerik Kendrick Patrick Kennerson Shirley Key Curtis Keys Vernita Keys Howard Kilgore Teofilo Killings Ieshe Killingsworth Leslie Kimble Marsha Kimmers LaMonica Kinch Stasha King adult ministries Ministries of the Month We’re taking the month of January to highlight our Economic and Social Support Ministries. Please stop by their tables following worship for more information. If you’re interested in becoming involved in any of our Economic and Social Support Ministries, go to the William Alexander Lawson Christian or Community Life Center immediately following worship to sign up or to receive more information. The WABC Economic and Social Support Ministries are: • Avenues to Employment Ministry • Financial Empowerment Ministry • Legal Ministry • Matthew 25 others serve MARRIAGE MINISTRY The Christian Marriage and Couples Counseling Ministry is alive and well on The Avenue! We are delighted to announce that following the retirement of Rev. Dr. Warren Williams, the Rev. David E. Moore has been selected to pick up and run with the baton of our Christian Marriage Counseling Ministry. Pastor Moore, who also serves as the Pastor of Fil-Am Faith Baptist Church, is a longtime member and pastoral son of Wheeler Avenue. He and his wife of 40 years, Deaconess Kay Janelle Bryant Moore, are returning, in a part-time capacity, to give leadership to this most necessary ministry. Rev. Moore has been devoted to Christian couples counseling and pre-marital ministry for more than 20 years. He brings seminary training, a pastoral approach, spiritual insight, and biblically-based counseling practices and methodology to a service about which he is truly passionate. The Marriage Ministry will be composed of several components to include the following: • First Tuesday on the Avenue: Married couples’ enrichment and fellowship will continue with the dedicated support of Deacon and Deaconess Brian and Lisa Hicks. • Premarital Counseling Workshops will resume in January on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. • The required 6-session Premarital Counseling Workshops will be scheduled three times each year to support the varied and numerous wedding dates. • Individual Marriage Counseling sessions have resumed. Contact Rev. Moore directly at 713-579-2780, ext. 350 or via email at [email protected] for available times and dates. Stay tuned for ongoing email blasts and content related to marriage health and fitness. We are deeply committed to supporting the health and vitality of all engaged and married couples, young and old, at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church. For more information about the Christian Marriage and Counseling Ministry, contact Rev. David E. Moore at 713-579-2780 x350 or via email at [email protected]. Seasoned Saints Ministry Monthly Activities of the Seasoned Saints Ministry are as follows: Mondays Wednesdays Fridays 10:30 a.m. - Aerobics 11:30 a.m. - Seasoned Table Talk 10:30 a.m. - Aerobics 12:00 p.m. - Bible Study 9:30 a.m. - Line Dancing 10:30 a.m. - Aerobics 11:30 a.m. - Bible Study 5 Serving through ministries young adults and youth ministries Serving through ministries children’s ministries Praise Dancers Rehearsals are Mondays, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., in the William A. Lawson Community Life Center, Room 207. Please contact Sis. Erica Henderson ([email protected]), if you are interested in ministering with the WABC Grace Praise Dancers. cherub choir (Children, ages 2-10) Rehearsal is held every Tuesday, excluding the Tuesday following the Third Sunday, at 7:00 pm in the choir room and every Saturday immediately preceding the Third Sunday of the month at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. CHRIST VICTORY STEPPERS Christ Victory Steppers practice on Saturdays from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the William A. Lawson Community Life Center, Worship Center. For more information, contact Loren Hickerson at [email protected] or 615-202-7077. children’s church Children’s Church services are at 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. in the Christian Life Center. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Sis. Harlisha Homer at: [email protected]. h a p p y b i r t h d a y , j a n u a r y bab i e s ! Tiffany King Justin Kiper Mary Kirksey Dominique Knox Marcus Knox Steven Knox Kristina Koonce Tiffany Landreth Shantese' Lane Jeane Lang Jasmine Larry Louis Latimer Christina Lavergne Alysia Leavell Marva LeBeau Sylvester LeBlanc Britannye Ledbetter Ayanna Lee Eric Lee Leslie Lee Marian LemonDansby Rosald Lettsome Christine LeVeaux Nashton Lewally Amber Lewis Andrea Lewis Anitrea Lewis Don Lewis Jahvon Lewis Keneda Lewis Lionel Lewis Marie Lewis Shearone Lewis Stanley Lewis Sean Lightfoot Michael Lively Chandra Livingston Sue LivingstonJohnson Ashlie Llorens Logan Locke Lianita Lockridge Janeen Lofton Nickolas Longino Edward Lord Ryan Lord Batrina Louis Courtney Love Cynthia Love Candance Lovings LaKeisha Lovings Kiara Lowery Michael Lucas Cheryl Lugo Myles Lugo Jessica Lusk Phillipi Lytle Jere Mallet Mikaila Mallet Rena Mallet Denise Malveaux Debora Manuel Erma Marks Steven Marks LaTonya Marsh Grace Marshall Bionca Martin Dayshia Martin Felicia Martin Kenyata Martin Xiomara Martinez Anita Martins Frank Matthews Lois Matthews Tamra Maxwell Shirley Mayes Pamela Mayon Sheniquia McAfee Lisa McBride Megan McBride E. McCain Grenier McClain Tamela McClam Rayna McClinton Teronda McClure David McCowan Brandon McCoy Brandon McCoy Jessica McDade Ashlee McFarlane Charles McGaffie Cynthia McGaskey Nichole McGhie Elliott McGilbra Melba McKenzie Eddrea McKnight Horace McKoy Malik McLemore Donald McNeil Diamond McNutt Andreya McPherson Crystal McPherson Beverly Melontree Bettie Menter Patricia Metoyer Kamron Metts Jaime Middleton Jehan Middleton Bennie Miles Doris Miles Robert Miles Eric Miller Michael Miller Brandon Mimes Jasmine Minnix Jordan Misher Michael Misher Rachel Misher Telley Missouria Ashley Mitchell Lena Mitchell Terena Molo Johnny Molock Danyu Monroe Shaun Moody Cecil Mooney James Moore Kay Moore Phillip Moore Rashida Moore Edna Morales Tonya Moreland Amanda Morgan Darlene Morgan Marla Morris Rhonda Morris Takeisha Morris Kandace Morrow Erin Morthel Tonya Moses Criesha Moshay Joshua Mosley Robert Muhammad Doris Mullins Laura Mullins Robin Mullins Zach Mullins Antoine Murphy Demetrius Myles Christopher Nauls Kevin Neal Tyrica Nealey Edian Nelson Staci Nelson Taylar Nelson Tyrone Nelson Renata Nero Ricky Nero Kymese Newman Chris Newsome Cedric Nichols Eleanor Nicholson Brandon North Roland Norton Brooke Norwood James Nunn Winifred O'GilvieGuidry Morganne O'hemeng Karen O'Neal Nnenna Ochuru Charles Oke Mark Okin Nwabundo Okongwu Nwadiogo Okongwu Tiffany Orrange Aghabie Osarenkhoe Brittany Osazuwa Richard Osborne Hattie Owens Tyler Owens Kerry Palmer Trela Parker Jaimie Parks Jaylen Parks-Johnson Maya Parris Christopher Passmore Reginald Patrick Audrey Patterson Cora Patton Danielle Patton William Patton Karen Paul Dazmond Payne Laura Peeples Daina Pelham Symone Pellerin Amyori Pellum Erica Peterson Ny`Asia Peterson Devin Petithomme Janine Pettiford Mechelle Phillips Corey Pierce Eddie Pierre Russell Pierre Rudolph Pierson Katelyn Piert-Provo Payton Pinkard Sean Plaskett Raigon Plummer Sherry Plummer Reginald Pomfrey Kerry Porche` Brian Porter Kayla Porter Eric Potter Christopher Powell Darren Powell Zonobia Powell Djuna Prater Robert Preston Aaron Proctor Reginald Prudhomme Carol Pryor Asya Purnell Martina Quivers Dedrick Rasco Jeremy Ratcliff Aaron Ray Kimberly Ray Shunn Rector Damian Reed Audrey Reese Brittney Reese Lana Reese Janice Reid Rodney Reynolds James Rhodes Hope Richard Antoinette Richardson Byron Rimm Misty Rivon Betty Roberson Edward Roberson Blaire Roberts Judy Roberts Sheryl Roberts Tiarra Roberts Deja-Amari Robinson Erica Robinson James Robinson Johnnie Robinson Lewis Matthew Robinson Press Robinson Theresa Robinson Shina Rogan Orson Rogers Terry Rollins Brenda Romeo Gabrielle Rosiji Thaddius Ross Phillip Rudd Alesha Rushing Patrick Rushing Raquel Rushing Prentice Russell Pamela Ruth David Rve Edgar Sadberry William Salter Sydney Sam Darious Sampson Edie Sampson Glenn Sanders LaToya Sanderson Damesha Sandles Charles Sapp Loren Saulsberry Alyssa Savage Terrick Scales Journee Scott She'Landa Scott Sterling Scott William Scott Wayne Seals Jacqueline Sejour Chester Servance Joy Sewing Cassandra Shaffer Robert Shaw Debbie Shelby Tyrone Shelby Ivy Sherman Erwin Sias Shonte Sifford Lagretta Simien John Simmons Mark Simmons Lloyd Simon Melanie Singleton Frances Small Anthony Smith Brian Smith Darryl Smith Edna Smith Jason Smith Jed Smith Jerry Smith Joshua Smith Joshua Smith Kelli Smith Kreshon Smith Leslie Smith Marcel Smith Marilyn Smith Qiana Smith Robert Smith Roddrick Smith Rowland Smith Shanisha Smith Trimesha Smith 6 (continued from page 4) Trumaine Smith Val Smith Keisha Smoke Robert Spears Haley Spencer Vernisha Spencer Taylor Spikes Angelica Spivey Christina Spriggs Tamica Spurlock William Stallings Robert Stamps Kervin Stanford-Jones Dexter Stembridge Darius Stevenson Chrishton Stewart Cynthia Stewart LaMonica Stewart Tanya Stratford Jalene Stuckey Boniswa Sundai Matthew Sutherland Erin Sweed Christa Sweet Cornelius Sweet Genea Taft Jesse Taylor Laureen Taylor Michone Taylor Rickelle Taylor Michael Teague Teacomsia Teno Tonya Texada Noah Thierry Avis Thomas Cormean Thomas Farche Thomas Jeffery Thomas John Thomas Laurence Thomas Leonard Thomas Markela Thomas Peaches Thomas William Thomas Darren Thompson Hubert Thompson Patricia Thompson James Tidwell Carol Tillman Korey Timmons Jacquelyn Toman Kaari Topps Joseph Towsend Jade Trader Lawrence Traylor Linnie Traylor Shawna Traylor Rodrick Trimont Treszley Tucker Elderine Turner Gabrion Turner Teri Turner Toby Turner Parveen Tykiska Chermaine Tyler Nancy Udunka Roger Umstead Tyra Underwood Stella Uwakwem Alba Valladares Christina Vallot Candace Vaughn Lynette Vaughn Willie Veasey Euniqua Wade Andre' Wagner Kacie Waiters Margie Waldrup Carlo Walker Damion Walker Evelyn Walker Jalen Walker Jody Walker Kathryn Wallace ShaToya Wallace Yolando Walls Frank Walter Deanovoy Ward Jonathan Ward Jennifer Ware Lauren Ware Linda Ware Rashad Warren Ashley Washington Boe Washington Brian Washington Brittany Washington Cameron Washington CaSonda Washington Marcus Washington Quince Washington Tameike Washington Techer Washington Ileta Watkins-Coleman Ambra Watson Ethel Watson Jason Watson Rachel Watson AnJwel Webber Stacy Webber L. Weddington Sabrina Weightman Andrea West Isaiah Wheatfall Brian White Chantranet White Connie White Ebony White Jamie White Leland White Mary White Sonia White Theodore White Kenneth Wiggins Danielle Wiley Remington Wiley Charles Wilkins Karen Wilkins Akilah Willery Brian Willery Alpha Williams Brittany Williams Broc Williams Carme Williams D`Andre Williams Edgar Williams Erma Williams Felicia Williams Gina Williams James Williams Johnny Williams Josiah Williams Joyce Williams Kimberly Williams Kristina Williams Lisa Williams Lorraine Williams Nykia Williams Regan Williams Shakira Williams Tamika Williams Tenishia Williams Walter Williams Wanda Williams Latrevia Willis Maceo Willis Theresa Willis Ky Willson Joseph Wilridge Clemogene Wilson David Wilson John Wilson Oddyson Wilson Jason Winton Brenda Woodard Faith Woodruff Allyse Woods Jimmie Woods Jordan Woods Keith Woods Adrian Woolcock Lewis Worthy Janelle Wright Jonlissa Wright Vanessa Wrigley Bryce Wyatt James Wyatt Lynetta Wyche LaDonna Wynn Kenneth Yepp David Young Kimberly Young Lajerricka Young Veronica Young Sydnecia Zenon Children’s Church Drop-off 2 and 3 year olds: Christian Life Center, Room 117 4 and 5 year olds: Christian Life Center, Room 138 1st – 5th Grade: Fellowship Hall (Left) ACOLYTES If your child is interested in lighting the candles during any of the four worship services, please contact Sis. Harlisha Homer at: [email protected]. KIDCHECK KidCheck is available for Wheeler’s children. In order to use the check-in system, you must register your child/children. Parents may do so by going to go.kidcheck.com or clicking on the KidCheck link on the Wheeler Avenue website. scenes of our children at our 2014 christmas production Celebrating Christ, the Savior, the Lamb, the King the children’s ministRy needs your help! Children’s Ministry needs teachers, assistant teachers, helpers, and parent volunteers! For more information, and to begin your training, please contact Rev. Alexander E.M. Johnson at 713-579-2703 or [email protected]. 7 churchwide events Hour of Power Prayer Service Join us every Wednesday during the month of January at 6:00 p.m. in the sanctuary as we offer prayers of praise and petition to our God. The WABC Business Directory is Here! We want to be those who support our own, so make your way to the Chronicles Bookstore in the William Alexander Lawson Christian Life Center to get your free copy of our latest Business Directory. You may be surprised about some of the great opportunities that can be found right here within your own church! The directory is also available online at: http://www. wheelerbc.org/Documents/WABC_Business-Directory-2014.pdf. INREACH is coming January 31, 2015! Gain INSIGHT about spiritual gifts. Get INSTRUCTION on how to develop spiritual gifts. Gather INFORMATION on how to use spiritual gifts as a servant of God’s church and in His world! Watch for church campus postings for further information throughout the month of January. Questions may be directed to Rev. Dr. Patricia Williams at [email protected] or 713-579-2718. 2015 PRAYER GUIDE MATTHEW 25 NEEDS A VOLUNTEER RECEPTIONIST The Social Services Department of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church is in search of a Volunteer Receptionist. Must be able to receive clients at front desk, answer incoming phone calls, schedule appointments and be computer literate. Hours are Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. For more information, contact Rev. Bonita Barnes at 713-579-2725. MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY OF SERVICE Continuing the Cause: Connecting Christ, Church and Community Join us Monday, January 19, 2015 from 10:00am-2:00pm as we flood the campus of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church with services and sessions for our brothers and sisters in and around the Third Ward community. Services offered will include medical screenings, vaccinations, a food bank, and a supply giveaway for school-aged children. Visitors will be able to attend various presentations and seminars explaining health insurance options, mental health awareness, financial empowerment, income tax assistance, crime and safety, drug awareness, and life development, as well as an “ask-a-lawyer” panel. For job seekers, this event will also include a career fair featuring five or six local companies. We will conclude with a rally to focus our efforts on Continuing the Cause. You don’t want to miss this impactful event! J A N UA R Y 2 0 15 Dear Congregants, Well Church, we have entered into the year of 2015 with great excitement and expectations. No doubt most of us have made new commitments and are expecting some new beginnings. As we move forward in this new dawning, let’s commit ourselves anew to prayer, corporately and personally. Below you will find our Prayer Guide for the month of January. • Monday through Saturday between 12 noon and 1 p.m. • We are returning to our Wednesday fasting between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. • Let the Holy Spirit lead you in your time of prayer. This is meant only as a guide for bringing a unified focus. • Saturday’s prayer focus is for the city, state, nation, and world. Please be watchful of what is happening in all of these places so that you can pray into those situations. PR AYER GUIDE January 5, 2015 – Monday Jeremiah 29:11 – I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for His plans. 2. Pray that you will hear His direction for you. 3. Pray for WABC’s plans and your commitment toward them. January 6, 2015 - Tuesday 2 Corinthians 5:17 – Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for fresh starts. 2. Pray that you will continue to be one with God. 3. Pray for WABC’s new and fresh start for the building and your commitment toward it. January 7, 2015 – Wednesday Lamentations 3:22-23 – Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (NIV) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for the greatness of His love and compassion. 2. Pray that you will mirror God’s love and compassion toward others. 3. Pray for WABC’s capital campaign and your part in it. January 8, 2015 – Thursday 1 Peter 1:3 – What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we’ve been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for the newness of life that we have in Jesus. 2. Pray that you will know how to live this new life now. 3. Pray for WABC’s future plans for building and your part in it. January 9, 2015 – Friday Ephesians 4:23-24 – And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you. (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for the preaching and teaching of His word. 2. Pray that you will know God’s character and allow it to be produced in you. 3. Pray for WABC’s capital campaign and your part in it. For more information, contact Sis. Andrea Tucker: [email protected]. 8 9 PRAYER GUIDE JANUA R Y 20 1 5 PRAYER GUIDE J A N UA R Y 2 0 15 January 12, 2015 – Monday Proverbs 3:5 – Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. (MSG) January 22, 2015 – Thursday Psalm 20:4 – May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. (NIV) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for His faithfulness. 2. Pray that you will be God dependent and not self-reliant. 3. Pray for WABC’s trust in God to build; pray about your commitment. Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for speaking to the hearts of His people. 2. Pray that your desires and plans come from the Lord. 3. Pray that WABC’s desires and plans are God’s and pray for your commitment toward them. January 13, 2015 – Tuesday Proverbs 3:6 – Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. (MSG) January 23, 2015 – Friday Romans 12:2a – Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God that he speaks to us. 2. Pray that you continue to follow His leading. 3. Pray that WABC will remain on track and that you will keep your commitment. January 14, 2015 – Wednesday Psalm 96:1-2 – Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. (NIV) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for salvation that is found in Christ Jesus. 2. Pray that God will give you an opportunity to share the good news of the Gospel. 3. Pray that in midst of building, WABC will worship the Lord; pray for your commitment. January 15, 2015 – Thursday Ecclesiastes 3:1 – There’s an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth: (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for His perfect timing when He sent Jesus into this world. 2. Pray that God will help you to wait on His timing. 3. Pray for WABC’s timeliness in our building and your timeliness in your commitment. January 16, 2015 – Friday Psalm 90:12 – Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (NIV) Suggested Prayer Direction 1. Thank God for His goodness in the land of the living. 2. Pray that you will have the wisdom of God. 3. Pray that WABC will be wise in her spending and that you will fulfill your commitment wisely. January 19, 2015 – Monday Proverbs 16:9 – We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it. (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for fulfilling His plans. 2. Pray that your plans and God’s plans are the same. 3. Pray that WABC’s plans are realized as well as your commitment toward them. January 20, 2015 – Tuesday Philippians 3:13 – Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, (NIV) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for progress. 2. Pray that God will help you walk humbly before God and people. 3. Pray for WABC’s continued forward movement; pray for your commitment. January 21, 2015 – Wednesday Philippians 3:14 – I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (NIV) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God that He never changes. 2. Pray that you will be able to discern God’s way and submit to His perfecting. 3. Pray that WABC will keep God as her focus; pray about your commitment. January 26, 2015 – Monday Romans 12:2b – Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for being molded and made into the image of Christ Jesus. 2. Pray that you will mature in the faith as you submit to God’s forming. 3. Pray that God will bring the best out of WABC and out of you as we build. January 27, 2015 – Tuesday Isaiah 40:31 – But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind. (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for the strength that is found in Christ Jesus. 2. Pray that you will have perseverance. 3. Pray for WABC’s steadfastness in the building process; pray for your commitment. January 28, 2015 – Wednesday Ezekiel 36:26 – I’ll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I’ll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that’s God-willed, not self-willed. (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for His commitment to the Body of Christ. 2. Pray that you will not be self-willed. 3. Pray for WABC’s commitment to follow God’s will; pray for your commitment. January 29, 2015 – Thursday Ezekiel 36:27 – I’ll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for the Holy Spirit. 2. Pray that you be filled with and led by the Holy Spirit. 3. Pray that God continues to make it possible for WABC to build; pray for your commitment. January 30, 2015 – Friday Revelation 21:5 – The Enthroned continued, “Look! I’m making everything new. Write it all down—each word dependable and accurate. (MSG) Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God for making everything new. 2. Pray that God will help you to know and record His vision for your life. 3. Pray that the vision for WABC’s building continues to make progress; pray for your commitment. Suggested Prayer Direction: 1. Thank God that He keeps His promises. 2. Pray that God will help you to remain resilient in difficult times. 3. Pray for WABC’s goal to build be realized and your commitment toward those goals. 10 11 worship services Sunday: 7:15 a.m.* 9:00 a.m.* 11:00 a.m.* Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Children’s Church: 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. *Sign language provided for the hearing impaired Watch Sunday Worship and Bible Study Live Online: http://cdn.streamingfaith.com/oc/wheeler-avenue-baptist/ C ONTACT US Rev. Dr. Marcus D. Cosby, Senior Pastor Rev. Alexander E.M. Johnson, Associate Pastor for Worship & Ministry Rev. William A. Lawson, Founding Pastor Emeritus Rev. Lekesha R. Barnett Minister to Singles and Young Adults [email protected] Rev. Dr. Patricia Williams Minister of Congregational Care and Development [email protected] Deacon Maurice Carr Church Business Administrator [email protected] BOARD CHAIRS Deacon Tophas Anderson, III Deaconess Penelope Nobles Trustee Shirley C. Evans Sis. Audrey Cosby Interim Director of Middle School Ministry [email protected] Rev. Jacques Denkins Minister to Seniors [email protected] MEMBERSHIP CONTACTS Rev. Bonita Barnes Matthew 25 Urgent Needs Ministry 713-579-2725 [email protected] Deaconess Paulette Frederick Budget & Finance Manager [email protected] Sis. Carolyn Clark Scheduling of Weddings and Building Use Requests; On-line at www.wheelerbc.org 713-579-2720 [email protected] Minister Leon C. Lewis Minister of Music [email protected] Sis. Audrey Cosby Baby Dedications 713-579-2724 [email protected] Rev. Joshua Mitchell Minister to Youth & College Students [email protected] Sis. Ramona Parker Chronicles Bookstore 713-579-2753 [email protected] Rev. Lana Reese Minister of Prayer [email protected] Rev. Lana Reese Prayer Requests 713-741-4611 [email protected] Sis. Andrea Tucker Administrative Assistant to the Pastor [email protected] Sis. Shirley Wilkerson Membership Updates and Baptism Information 713-579-2778 [email protected] Deacon Vernon Umstead Human Resources & Technology Manager [email protected] Rev. Dr. Patricia Williams Homebound Care and Hospital Visits, Bereavement and Grief Counseling, Funeral Notices and New Member Inquiries 713-579-2718 [email protected] Rev. Dr. Barbara Williams Minister of Christian Counseling [email protected] CHRONICLES BOOKSTORE Visit the Chronicles Bookstore today to purchase: Sunday Worship Service CDs: $5 Sunday Worship Service DVDs: $10 50th Anniversary Concert CD featuring the WABC Mass Choir: $15 Wednesdays in the Word CD Series: $20 Wednesdays in the Word DVD Series: $30 50th Anniversary Worship Service DVD: $15 Bookstore Phone Number: 713-579-2753 Bookstore Hours: Monday, 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 1 p.m. - 7 p.m. Friday: 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. The Avenue Word is a monthly print and online publication of the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, 3826 Wheeler Avenue, Houston, Texas 77004. www.wheelerbc.org Rev. David Moore, Minister of Christian Marriage and Counseling [email protected] LIKE us on facebook www.facebook.com/WheelerAvenueBC W h e e l e r Av e n u e B a p t i s t C h u r c h FOLLOW us on Twitter @WheelerAvenueBC www.twitter.com/WheelerAvenueBC Follow us on Instagram @WheelerAvenueBC 3826 Wheeler Avenue Houston, Texas 77004 713.748.5240 www.wheelerbc.org
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