The Parish Church of Saint Thomas of Canterbury Brentwood WEEKLY BULLETIN THEBAPTISMOFCHRIST–11thJanuary2015 We welcome, in the name of Jesus Christ, any newcomers to our church today. Please make yourself known to one of the priests or the people who gave you the service books. Younger children may be taken into the crèche in the Church Centre for a time-out as necessary (through the doors on the right near the organ). After the 10.00am Mass please come through to the Church Centre for tea or coffee and to meet other members of the congregation. At holy communion, if you do not normally receive the blessed sacrament you are invited to come to the altar for a blessing, carrying the yellow booklet as a sign; and we do ask everyone to try and keep a time of quiet prayerfulness during this part of the service. 8.00am MASS 6.00pm CHORAL EVENSONG Readings as at 10.00am Responses: Ferial Psalms 46 47 Readings: Isaiah 42: 1-9 Ephesians 2: 1-10 Office Hymn: 48 Canticles: The Berkshire Service - Malcolm Archer Anthem: As water to the thirsty - T Brian Coleman Hymns: 425 431 Organ: The Holy Boy - John Ireland 6DP$GDPV 10.00am SOLEMN MASS Introductory Rite (yellow booklet page 4) Entrance Hymn: 137 Kyrie: William Harris in F Gloria: John Merbecke Collect: Eternal Father, who at the baptism of Jesus revealed him to be your Son, anointing him with the Holy Spirit: grant to us, who are born again by water and the Spirit, that we may be faithful to our calling as your adopted children; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Liturgy of the Word (page 7) First Reading: Genesis 1: 1-5 Responsorial Psalm 29 - David Rooke +HOHQ%RRWK Please join in the response: The Lord will bless his people with peace Second Reading: Acts 19: 1-7 Gospel Acclamation: Plainchant Gospel Reading: Mark 1: 4-11 Intercessions: And just as he was coming out of the water, JesussawtheheavenstornapartandtheSpirit descending like a dove on him. And a voice came from heaven, “You are my Son, the Beloved;withyouIamwellpleased.” ͳͳͲƬͳͳ 6(59,&(67+,6:((. 0RQ 7XH 1R0DVV DP 0DVVHilary :HG SP 0DVV3ORXJKPDQ¶V/XQFK 7KX DP 0DVV )UL DP 0DVV 6DW DP 0DVVRI+HDOLQJ 6XQ DP DP SP SP 6(&21'681'$<2)(3,3+$1< 0DVV 6XQJ0DVV &RYHQDQW5HQHZDOVHUYLFHDW %UHQWZRRG&DWKHGUDO &KRUDO(YHQVRQJ .DUHQ*UHJRU\ 0DUWLQ2[OH\ Liturgy of the Sacrament (page 10) Offertory Hymn: 58 (tune 12) Offertory Anthem: Spirit of the living God - Daniel Iverson Sanctus Benedictus & Agnus Dei: William Harris in F Communion Motet: Listen sweet dove - Grayston Ives Communion Hymn: 342 (tune Trentham) V®Ù Rã®ÙC½Ù¦ù Father Colin Hewitt Father Ossie Trellis 225700 215954 C«çÙ«óÙÄÝ Tony Painter John Gowlett 261102 218084 C«çÙ«CÄãÙ Open: MondayͲFriday Saturday PٮݫO¥¥® 201094 9.00amto3.00pm 9.00amto12noon 201094 Concluding Rite (page 14) Final Hymn: 55 Organ: Wie Schön leuchtet der Morgenstern - E F Richter6DUDK6WRQHKRXVH Open:Tuesday&Thursday9.00amto12noon alsoopenduringtheMinistryTeamSurgeryheldon Wednesdays7.00pmto8.00pmforenquiries, includingBapƟsmsandWeddings NOTICES AND INFORMATION Aȱ veryȱ warmȱ WELCOMEȱ toȱ Saintȱ Thomasȱ ofȱ Canterburyȱ Churchȱ Ȭȱ theȱ Anglicanȱ Parishȱ Churchȱ forȱ Brentwoodȱ Townȱ Centre.ȱ ȱ Pleaseȱ joinȱ usȱ forȱ aȱ cupȱ ofȱ teaȱ orȱ coěeeȱ afterȱ theȱ 10.00amȱservice.ȱ ɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆ BIRTHDAYS:ȱ CongratulaƟons to David Doyle and Marcus Harvey, whose birthdays are TODAY, and to Mark Larter, Benjamin Cooper, Loƫe Palmer, Eve Ramm,CameronOxley,DanielO’Reilly,MariaEndacoƩ, LesleyLynn,KarenPainterandCharliePhillips,whoall havebirthdaysthiscomingweek. CALLING ALL CHILDREN WITH GOOD VOICES! ȱ VюѐюћѐіђѠ:ȱȱ ȱ We currently have vacancies for both boy and girl choristers aged from seven years. If your son or daughter is interested in joining please speak to Sam Adams or Sarah Stonehouse for more information. ȱ A Service of Thanksgiving For Roland Platt ɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆ ȇ61ȇȱ CLUB:ȱ on Thursday 15th January the coach will leave the Church Centre at 10.30am — (CHANGE OF TIME!) for our visit to the Variety Lunch and Show in Southend. It would be appreciated if those who have not yet paid could see Pat or me after Mass today. If you would like to go on this trip please sign the reserve list in case Thank you. someone is unable to go on the day. Julie Grange ɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆ AȱNђwȱYђюџ’ѠȱRђѠќљѢѡіќћȱ Inȱ2015ȱ eȱhopeȱtoȱpayȱourȱVoluntaryȱContributionȱȱ toȱtheȱDioceseȱinȱFullȱȱȱ (24/07/1951 to 29/12/2014) will be held here in church Saturday 17th January 2015 at 2.00pm 7KHVHUYLFHSXWWRJHWKHUE\5RODQG¶VIDPLO\ LVRSHQWRHYHU\RQHWRDWWHQG 5HIUHVKPHQWVZLOOEHVHUYHGDIWHUZDUGV No flowers please ,QPHPRU\RI5RODQGWKHIDPLO\ZLOOEHVXSSRUWLQJ 0DULH&XULH6W)UDQFLV+RVSLFHDQGWKH -DPHV0\DWW0HPRULDO7UXVW 7RGRQDWHSOHDVHJRWRKWWSURODQGSODWWPXFKORYHGFRP :KDW¶VRQWKLVZHHNLQWKH&KXUFK&HQWUH 7KLV \HDU 7KH %UHQWZRRG 'HDQHU\ 6\QRG KDV ZRUNHG RXW D SD\PHQW RI DURXQG WR EH SDLG IURP RXU SDULVK DQG FRQJUHJDWLRQ 7KLV DPRXQW LV H[SHFWHG RQ WRS RI RXU HVVHQWLDO UXQQLQJ FRVWV PDLQWHQDQFH PLVVLRQ DQG LPSURYHPHQWV VXFK DV WKH LQVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH QHZ DXGLR V\VWHPWKLV\HDU Monȱ12ȱ 3OHDVH UHFRQVLGHU LQFUHDVLQJ \RXU ZHHNO\ JLYLQJ RU RIIHU WR UXQ DQ\ IXQGUDLVLQJ LGHDV \RX PD\ KDYH WKXV FRQWLQXLQJ WR PDNH \RXU FKXUFK D VXFFHVVIXO 'transforming presence' LQ %UHQWZRRG Mothers’ȱPrayerȱMeetingȱ Funeralȱ Scoutsȱ SongCycleȱrehearsalȱ Tueȱȱ13ȱ Massȱ BeaverȱScoutsȱ Cubsȱ ToddlersȱServiceȱfollowedȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱbyȱplayȱinȱtheȱhallȱ Massȱ Ploughman’sȱLunchȱ ChoirȱPracticeȱ MinistryȱTeamȱSurgeryȱ Massȱ–ȱ1662ȱ VideoȱClubȱ Bellringingȱpracticeȱ Massȱ Caféopeneachweekday9amto3pm(Sat9amto12noon) ɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆ SIFȱ SIGNINGSȱ ǯ Wedȱ14ȱ Ǧ 12th January Ǧ ͳͳǤͲͲͳʹǤ ɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆɆ AĉěĆēĈĊNĔęĎĈĊ Sunday(18thJanuary) The annual service to renew the Covenant between St Thomas of Canterbury Parish Church and the Roman Catholic Cathedral parish will take place in Brentwood Cathedral at 4.15pm. Our Parish Becket Singers will be combining with the Cathedral Choir. We hope St Thomas’ will be well represented. Refreshments will be served after the service Thuȱ15ȱ Friȱȱ16ȱ Satȱȱ17ȱ MassȱofȱHealingȱ ThanksgivingȱServiceȱ 9.30amȱ 3.00pmȱ 7.30pmȱ 7.45pmȱ 9.30amȱ 5.00pmȱ 6.15pmȱ ȱȱ 9.45amȱ 12:15pmȱ 12.45pmȱ 6.45pmȱ 7Ȭ8.00pmȱ 9.30amȱ 7.30pmȱ 7.45pmȱ 8.00amȱ 9.30amȱ 3.00pmȱ Please let Fr Colin have any items you would like includedinnextweek’sBulleƟnbytheeveningof Tuesday 13th January, or you can email them to chrisƟ[email protected]. Please take this sheet home with you as a reminder of what is happening in our church You can find more information on our website:
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