Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Lifelines We are a Community Centered in Christ, Committed to Equipping God’s People for Life and Service in God’s World January 2015 Volume 47, Issue 1 January Journey with Jesus Schedule Inside this issue: Pastor’s Article 2 WELCA 3 Adult Ed 5 Calendar 6-7 Youth Pages 911 Each Sunday, we will gather as usual with music, welcome, Word and prayer. When we get to the middle of the service, in lieu of a traditional sermon, everyone will be invited to choose from a variety of activities ranging from active to reflective, from solitary to cooperative. These activities are designed to lead you to interact with the Word in a new way. Choices include: CRAFT- at the front of the Sanctuary, materials will be available for anyone who would like to create a craft related to the day’s story. These will sometimes be incorporated to later aspects of worship. HANDS-ON - in the narthex area (right outside of the sanctuary), a different hands-on experience will be available each week to help make the Word of the day more real. Sunday, January 4th - We begin our journey alongside the Wiseman as they travel to meet the new King. Sunday, January 11th - We journey with Mary and Joseph as they take young Jesus for the presentation at the temple. Sunday, January 18th - We continue journeying with Mary, Joseph and Jesus as Jesus pauses to spend some time in the temple. Sunday, January 25th - We complete our journey with Jesus as He is baptized by His cousin. TAKE A SHEET - tables in the middle aisle of the sanctuary will have a variety of activity and coloring sheets of all levels for anyone who would like to experience the Word via paper and pencil (or crayon!). GAME - the atrium will be a buzz with active learning as we connect to the Word through tag, dance, parachute games and more. Special points of interest: New Bible Study offerings JJJ Nominating Committee seeking congregational leaders REFLECTION - images and scripture will be projected on the screens for anyone who is interested in reflecting on the Word in a visual manner. FAITH 5 - every bulletin will have a Faith 5 insert for anyone who is interested in having a small group discussion either here on Sunday or morning, or take the sheet home for Faith 5 discussion around your kitchen table. Bonus: the back of the sheet has more ideas of ways to extend learning/connecting/discussing at home. DISCUSSION/BIBLE STUDY- anyone longing for a more traditional, pastoral led learning experience is welcome to meet in Knutson Hall where a pastor will lead a relatively traditional Bible study discussion centered on the Word of the day. As our activity time comes to a close, we will re-gather as a worshipping community for prayers of the people, offering, and Holy Communion as we close our time of worship together. Communion in the Pew If it is difficult for you to come forward to receive communion, please speak to one of the ushers. They will make sure that communion is brought to you in the pew. Large Print Bulletins and Hearing Aids Available Several large print bulletins and hymnals are available at the Sunday services each weekend. They are at the Welcome Desk, or let the ushers know you would like one. We also have hearing devices to amplify the service so it may be heard more clearly. These are also kept at the Welcome Desk; stop by and someone will assist you. Nursery Care Just a reminder to parents that the nursery is staffed and available for your preschool children during both services on Sunday mornings throughout the year. Please Pass the... Welcome Pads! Please remember to fill out and pass the red welcome pads found on the end of the pews during the worship services. This is a way to get the names and addresses of visitors, prospective members, and people who would like a pastoral visit. Thanks! Cable T.V. Broadcast of Sunday Worship Services Our Savior's Sunday Worship services are replayed on the local cable access Channel 181 on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. Volume 47, Issue 1 A Few Words from Pastor Monson It was a Saturday in December and Christmas was not far off, so I decided to tackle one of the most daunting tasks of the year: the unpacking, unraveling, and putting up of our outdoor Christmas lights. You know how it goes: You have carefully packed away the strings of lights that actually did work last year, and so you take them out, only to have them somehow still end up in one big messy ball which needs to be pulled apart. Then you carefully put them on your outdoor shrubbery or on the house or wherever you put them, and you plug them in. Inevitably one or more strings, or maybe a half string of lights (how does that work?) won’t light. So you take them down and try turning a few bulbs to see if you can get them to work, but, of course, they don’t, so you throw them in the recycling and go to Shopko to get some more lights that won’t work next year! Well this year, guess what? All my lights worked! Actually that’s not exactly true; all of them worked eventually. There was one rogue half string of lights that wasn’t working but when all the other strings decided to cooperate this year this half string, decided to give in and work too. Now that’s what I call a miracle! OK, maybe it’s not exactly up to miracle status, but it reminds me of something that’s true about life in a faith community like Our Savior’s. Jesus says, “Let your light shine.” By that, of course, he means, “Be a blessing to others in thought, word and deed. Be a reflection of Christ who is the light of the world.” We all know that’s not always easy. Sometimes we are stressed out so we bark at people. Sometimes we are afraid so we lash out at others. Sometimes we are confused or uncertain or hurt so we do things or say things that are not helpful to others. Sometimes we are just plain sinful and we hurt ourselves or one another. That’s when our light is not shining. When that happens we really depend on those around us whose lights are shining. We depend on them to remind us that we have a good and merciful God who will take care of us, come what may, and because of that in any circumstance we can live in faith and joy. So when your light isn’t shining, look around. Notice people whose light is shining. Notice that Christ is reflected in them, and you too will be inspired to once again begin to twinkle in the night. And that really is a miracle. Blessings, Glenn Page 2 Women of the ELCA WELCA will not meet in January and February. WELCA Board will meet on January 12 at 1:30 p.m. Quilters will meet on January 12 and 26 at 9:00 a.m. Callers for January are Janet Gilbertson and Audrey Hastings (Leslie Shaw -- Valdahl) Welcome to Our Intern Intern Pastor Christy Shelinbarger begins January 6. During all worship services on Jan. 10 & 11 we will formally welcome her and invite you to greet her before or after worship. Those who worship on Saturday are invited to stick around for fellowship after worship, and our Sunday coffee time will serve as a meet and greet time with Christy. You may choose to shower her with a card that helps to introduce you to her as she begins the overwhelming task of placing many new names with faces. Thanks to those who will be supporting her through their service on the Internship Committee: Rick Pedersen (chair), Chris Anderson, Terry Eastlee, Kaia Kossman, Shar Westrick and youth members Baylee Phillips and Grace Shupe. Pastor Karen Behling will serve as the internship supervisor. Save the Date! On Sunday, February 8 at 4:00 p.m., Our Savior’s will host a viewing of the silent film Phantom of the Opera, accompanied by Rochester organist Andrew Galuska. Andrew is Director of Music and Organist at Christ United Methodist Church in Rochester, and has won prizes for organ performance and improvisation. The Phantom of the Opera will be fun for folks young and old! The performance is presented by the Our Savior’s Recital Series and the Southeast Chapter of the American Guild of Organists. Volume 47, Issue 1 Serving This Month Ushers Scott Johnson Joseph & Heidi Johnson Steve Johnson Ben Johnson Thor Berg Corey Haugen Matt Grav Darwin Sellers Dick & Pat Suskovic Dana Miller Jim & Jayna Heimark Sacristy Team Marsha Kuehne LaVonne Brinkman Nancy Christensen Communion Team Rick Knoll Keith Downey Worship Team rep Fellowship Team rep Acolytes Riley Haugen Boone Carlson Andrew Belden Baptism Reader Mike Forbes Bulletin Crew 1/2 - Dee Strupp & Agie Heichel 1/9 - Corrine Astrup & Peg Anderson 1/16 - Rod & Sandy Friedrich 1/23 - Karen Kinny & Jean Huemann 1/30 - Dee Strupp & Agie Heichel Page 3 Becoming a Member at Our Savior’s Are you interested in becoming a member at Our Savior’s? Do you know someone who would like to join Our Savior’s? Intro to Living Lutheran classes will begin on Wednesday, Jan. 7 from 7-8 p.m. and meet for six Wednesdays through February 11. A staffed nursery will be provided each week. Those transferring their membership from another Lutheran congregation are welcome, but not expected, to attend these membership classes. To learn more, look for the “Becoming a Member” brochure on the rack in the church library near the Welcome Desk and across from the church office. For more information or to transfer your membership, contact Pastor Karen Behling at 437-4516 or [email protected] Advance sign-up is not necessary for the classes, though it is helpful for making preparations. If you intend to participate in the classes, please sign up at the Welcome Desk near the church office. Lutheran Partners are part of the peace process When we partnered with Hope Lutheran in Fargo, ND and the Lutheran Partners in Global Mission to build a clinic and hospital in Gallo, Central African Republic in 2009 we had no idea how important that would be to the people of C.A.R. We expected that it would have a radical effect on the health and well-being of the people of the Gallo region; what we didn’t expect was that because of the major interest there now is around the world in keeping this hospital functioning, that we would also be part of the peace process. That’s right. Members of the staff of Lutheran Partners in Global Mission recently returned from Washington, DC where they were invited to provide input into the peace process for ending the civil unrest in C.A.R. This is a Godthing! God is at work through the Immanuel Health Center in Gallo, not only providing medical treatment for thousands of people, but also bringing the Prince of Peace to this warring country. Please pray for peace in C.A.R. Volume 47, Issue 1 Mission and Ministry Support A little progress was made: that was the report the Trustees received when they reviewed the November finances at their December 16th board meeting. For the month of November income totaled $80,578 and expenses apart from missions support totaled $68,145. This surplus enabled us to give nearly $10,000 to our mission partners and still have a small surplus of $2643 which was applied toward the yearto-date deficit. The year-to-date deficit as of November 30 stood at $34,191, and we still have obligations of $37,337 to our mission partners, so we still need a very good December to balance the budget and meet our mission goals. We have had a good response to the Trustees’ letter which went out in late November and a significant increase in income has been noted since then. Thank you to all who have made a year-end gift! News of Our Savior’s Funerals 12/12 Mike Bartlett 12/17 Ethel Norland 12/20 George Hokanson 12/22 Delbert Charlson Baptisms 12/7 Adalyn Jo Bordelon Parents: Brandy Ruroden & Taylor Bordelon Page 4 Opportunities to serve open now The Nominating Committee is already hard at work. They are making calls and inviting members of Our Savior’s to serve on various ministry teams and boards. We are blessed with a wonderful array of leaders in our congregation. If you’d like to be part of the leadership team at Our Savior’s, you may call the members of the Nominating Committee for more information. They are Dagna Simmons, Larry Waters, Judy Renwick and Tim Ross. Christmas Clean-up Men’s Brotherhood and the Visual Arts Committee invite you to help with Christmas clean-up on Monday, January 5 at 9:00 a.m. We will take down the crèche and the Christmas trees and box up Christmas decorations. Sign up in the atrium if you can come! Questions? Call DedaRae Graber (433-7897) or Sandy Folk (4339150). Grief Support Group A five-week support group for those who have experienced a loss will be offered at the Senior Center. The group will meet weekly beginning on Tuesday, January 13, 2015 and run through Tuesday, February 10, 2015. The sessions will begin at 10:30 a.m. with a different presenter each week and will be followed by the option of eating lunch at the Senior Center. All who feel this might be beneficial to their healing are invited to attend. The support group is open to the public at no charge. For more information, contact Mary at 433-5000 or 583-7561 or contact Pastor Karen who will be among the presenters. Volume 47 Issue 1 Wednesday Bible Study Join the preaching pastor for conversation about the upcoming texts for worship. This Wednesday study meets in the Conference Room from 5:45-6:45 p.m. Come early and enjoy supper. Serving begins at 5 p.m. and cost is $5 per person with a $20 family maximum. Friday Bible Study The journey through the book of Acts continues. Join the conversation led by Pastor Karen Behling and Intern Pastor Christy Shelinbarger. There is no study book to purchase and no expectations of homework – simply come to the Conference Room at 11 a.m. on Fridays (starting Jan. 9) for an hour of sharing questions and insights as we consider how the Holy Spirit is at work in today’s world. Pastor Monson to lead another Books & Brew Have you ever wondered where our ideas about hell came from? It turns out most of them didn’t come from the Bible. That’s what scholar Jon M. Sweeney argues in his book Inventing Hell; Dante, the Bible, and Eternal Torment. In January Pastor Monson will lead a book study on this fascinating topic each Thursday starting at 6 p.m. at Steve’s Pizza, downtown Austin. The study will conclude in mid-February after six sessions. Participants need to buy their own book on Amazon.com and be ready for the first meeting on January 8th. Anyone is welcome. See Pastor Monson for more info. Intro to Living Lutheran classes begin in January If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about Lutheranism, or is interested in exploring membership at Our Savior’s, the place to be is the Intro to Lutheranism class offered by Pastor Glenn Monson on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. starting January 7th. Using Daniel Erlander’s book Baptized We Live, we explore the Lutheran faith as a way of life: a way of seeing, hearing, teaching and following. If you’d like to be part of this study, the sign-up is at the main Welcome Desk, or just show up in the church Conference Room on January 7. There is no cost and no obligation to become a member of Our Savior’s. Page 5 Memorial Gifts DAVID McCONNELL Building Fund Dale & Ann Odegaard Rod & Sandy Friedrich Bob & Roberta Finneseth Paul & Marilyn Stenhjem Bonnie Ripple Ken & Carmen Tribbett Richard & Joann Aho Nordean Fox Duane & Marilyn Halverson Richard Heuton & Gale Siegfried John & Myrna Phillips Ron & Alice Anderson Don & Sharon Wagner Tom & Gwen Morem Richard & Jan Chuick Floyd & Carol Albers Ron & Margaret Seath Dorothy Anderson Beverly Bren Astrid Brown Don & Darlene Austin James Miller Steve & Cheryl Greenman Oliver & Sharlene Hagen Bruce & Pauline Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sammon George & Shirley Moore Charles & Lois Fawver Don & Colleen Gandrud Gary & Mary Leonard Gene & Alice Brennan Carol Wright Duane & Winnie Hanson Carol Johnson Chuck & Sandy Folk Gary & Darlene Nordland Kermit & Ruth Hoversten Lucille Hanson Page 6 Jan Cook Roger & Sharon Christensen Karen Kinny Ray & Carol Opsahl Ken & Doris Hagen Glen & Cheryl Gullickson Al & Mary Greenman Chuck & Norene Prunty Janet Gilbertson George & Janet Hokanson Leo & Ramona Kerling Dick & Pat Suskovic Hazel Haugen Jim & Shar Westrick Bill & Marjorie Schaffer Les & Betty Shaw Steve & Susanne Nelson Ramona Swenson Dee Strupp Charlie & Ardie Valdahl Wayne & Gerry Rustad John & Darleen Pacovsky Nancy Dobberman Ralph & Judy Pesonen Don & Marsha Leathers Margaret List Phil & Gail Minerich Orville & Ila Jones Marlys Kime John & Sue Mann Mitzi Schenk Mr. & Mrs. Nate Nemitz Youth Ministry Jeff & Leeann Ettinger Don Hodapp Camperships Bob & Norma Lindhart David & Angie Ruhter Mary Ann Goergen Dennis & Patsy Burreson Al & Mary Ann Bush Jim Churchill Pete & Mary Jo Fallmuth Mrs. Al Fleiner Lois Fossey John & Rita Ganser Daryl & LuAnn Madson Perpetual Fund Mr. & Mrs. Paul McConnell Lois McConnell Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ball Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thatcher Helen Thatcher Missions Tom Day Kaye & Maye Schultz Ron & Reiko Kime Audrey Hallum Jan Slack Rich & DedaRae Graber Baptism Bibles Mike & Sue Jordan Organ Scholarships Stuart & Barbara Meulpolder Norma Brown Lorene Ingvalson Jane Rosenberg Lorrayn Kubicek Terry & Jan Fox Don & Karen Brezicka Pete & Teri Vonruden Mr. & Mrs. Richard Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Ted Hinrichs Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kraft Kathy Kurtzeman Linda Lenz Dr. & Mrs. Duane Wallaker Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Childers Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Rossow Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lommen Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wellman Jane Schlange Dick & Gloria Nordland Mr. & Mrs. Kent Simonson Mr. & Mrs. Vince Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Dale Lewis Bradley & Lisa Parker Mr. & Mrs. Merlin Boes Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stenzel Mr. & Mrs. Dan Van Hooser Mr. & Mrs. Joe Swedberg Mr. & Mrs. Wade Westphal Mr. & Mrs. Jack Waller Dr. & Mrs. Fred Bogott Dr. & Mrs. Milt Stensland Charlotte Keller Gerald & Audrey Ward Dick & Jackie Robinson Evie Rindels John & Terry Gray Robert & Pauline Wells Paraments Bob & LaVonne Brinkman Undesignated Richard & Erlys Goslee Lifelines Mission News Global Health We will be traveling to Global Health Ministries in Fridley on Tuesday, January 27th. If you’ve never been there or are someone who is looking forward to returning we’d be glad to have you join us as we sort medical equipment, pack newborn or hospice kits, organize donations of goods, or help wherever is needed. We will leave at 7:30 and return by 4:30. If you would like to join us please let Alice know by calling 437-4516 or emailing [email protected] so that transportation can be arranged. Please remember to pack a sack lunch. Salvation Army Dinner We will prepare and serve the evening meal at the Salvation Army on January 15th. If you would like to help prepare the lasagna at 2:30 or serve the meal, arriving at 4:45 and finishing clean up by 6:15, please call Alice at 437-4516 or email [email protected]. Ministry of Hospitality Communities Welcoming people and connecting people to the life of the church is the role of the Ministry of Hospitality. Our Ministry of Hospitality Stewards for January and February will be contacting their community members during this month to fill the hospitality duties of Sunday Greeters, Welcome Desk, Coffee Servers, and Wednesday Supper Servers. They will be calling families with last names A- Beq, and Ber – Ceq. Please help our stewards by promptly responding to their calls and emails. Page 7 A warm January Welcome Join us as we welcome to Our Savior’s our new Children, Youth, and Family intern Melissa Hrdlicka who will be with us for the month of January! Melissa will be staying in three host homes within our congregation, and we’re excited to have her with us this year! Melissa comes to us from DePere, Wisconsin as a Sophomore Management and Ministry major at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, bringing with her experience as a guide from Camp Amnicon (just off the shores of Lake Superior in northern Wisconsin) and a passion for ministry with kids and families of all ages. She’s a Packer Fan (of the Green Bay variety) who loves bad jokes and poetry (fun combination), and we’re looking forward to working with her in January! Be sure to introduce yourself and make her feel welcome! Just a reminder Lindsay will be on maternity leave beginning January 8 and going through the month of February. She will be checking her email occasionally, but if you have any questions or concerns regarding Youth and Young Adult Ministry, please contact the office or Marcia Pedersen at [email protected] All Around the World On Sunday, January 11th, as part of our January Journey with Jesus, we are inviting people to wear clothing from all around the world to help us remember that Jesus came for ALL people and loves ALL people. So dust off your sombrero, locate your sarong, polish the clip for your kilt, or mend your Norwegian sweater because you are going to want it on January 11th! Faith Night at the Bruins Mark your calendar to join us for a fun-filled night of hockey and fellowship with the Austin Bruins and OSLC. Derrick, Jessica, Alexis and Jet Crews will be hosting a group from OSLC at the January 21st Bruins game vs. the Brookings Blizzard. In addition to the action on the ice, there will be Christian music and an inspirational speaker. All of this for the discounted price of $9/adult and $6/student or senior! Reserve your spot in the office by Sunday, January 18th. Lifelines Schedule Reminders 1st Grade Lord’s Prayer Event Grade 2 “We Worship” Event Wednesday, January 21st from 5:30 – 7 p.m. This is a fun learning experience for all 2nd graders and parents as we bring the Sanctuary and many elements of Lutheran Worship to life. We will follow this up by attending worship on Souper Bowl Sunday, February 1st. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend. We look forward to seeing you there! Mark your calendars and make plans to attend this event to take an experiential trip into the Lord’s Prayer. This is an awesome, handson way to experience this prayer in a different light. To celebrate this event and share it with the OSLC congregation, the 1st graders will lead the Lord’s Prayer during worship services on Sunday, January 25th. Watch for more details in the mail and we hope to see you there. Wednesday, January 28th from 5:30 – 7 p.m. For the month of January, Sunday School will be taking place IN worship! We are excited for our family-friendly, interactive worship series beginning January 4th. Join us for January Journey with Jesus either service, every Sunday in January. As we do every Sunday, we will begin each service gathering together as a worshipping community, but we know you will notice and we hope you will enjoy the intentionally planned opportunities for engagement for worshippers of ALL ages. Wednesday School resumes January 7th. Traditional Sunday School classes resume February 1st. Grade 4 “We Believe” Event Wednesday, February 11th from 5:30-7 p.m. Have you ever wondered why our church is called Lutheran? Do you know who Martin Luther was? Come learn more about what Martin Luther and the Lutheran church are about at this “Amazing Race” style event. You’ll be glad you did! Souper Bowl Sunday is coming! Once again this year, Our Savior’s Sunday School will be participating in the “Souper Bowl of Caring”. The date will be Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st, 2015. All money and canned goods collected will go directly to our local Salvation Army food shelf. Sunday School children will be dressed as chefs and football players, ready to collect your donations that day. If you would like to assist with collection this day, please see Marcia Pedersen. Page 8 Money will be donated early in March to take advantage of a donor supplement arrangement during Minnesota Food Share Month. We will also be collecting specific food items that are used in various school backpack programs throughout the year. Those items are16 oz. jars of peanut butter, breakfast items such as small cereal boxes, Pop-tarts and breakfast bars, granola bars, and individual canned meals such as Hormel Short Orders. Lunch-sized paper bags are available at the SS Welcome Desk listing suggested items that can be taken with you to fill and return with items of your choice. Watch for details and take advantage of an opportunity to give to those in need! Lifelines Wednesday Night Recharge! Recharge starts up again January 7 at 8 p.m. Come join us for a 12-week study of the Bible! This study will run through the end of March. We will be using Echo: The Story from Sparkhouse! Check it out at wearesparkhouse.org under the Youth tab. This first Wednesday in January will also be your opportunity to meet our January CYF intern from Luther College! Look forward to seeing you all there! ELCA National Youth Gathering Beginning January 4, 2015 during the coffee hour between services our 6 intrepid young women who will be attending this year’s ELCA National Youth Gathering will be fundraising for their trip to Detroit in July. Come chat with the girls to find out more about the Gathering and learn more about each of them. The fundraiser will be a display board of envelopes ranging in amounts from $1-$100. Please give if you are able to help these wonderful young women reach their financial goal and to support them in this wonderful ministry. Check out the ELCA Youth Gathering page on Facebook or on the ELCA website for more information. Questions can also be directed to Lindsay at [email protected] Confirmation Update Parents and students in grades 7 and 8 are asked to come to an important meetWeekly ing on Wednesday evening, Confirmation Classes resume January 14th at 7:30 p.m., on Wednesday, where we’ll talk a bit about January 7th, 2015. Confirmation Camp, what to expect and the registration process. Good Earth Village has changed to a sliding-fee payment scale, a completely different pattern than in the past, so this meeting is extremely important if camp is on your radar for summer. Tentatively, our week for Confirmation Camp for summer 2015 is planned for Sunday through Friday, June 14 19. As you’re looking ahead to this exciting week, please know that the church pays for approximately 50% of camp expenses for Confirmation Camp. If you feel as though you may need additional assistance, please contact Marcia Pedersen. Money shouldn’t be a reason to hold you back from experiencing the Confirmation Camp experience at Good Earth Village. Think warm, think summer, think Good Earth Village! Believe it or not, registration is underway for summer programs at Good Earth Village and we’re excited to have representatives from GEV with us as visitors on Sunday, January 19th. Programs are available for students as young as Kindergarten, and new camp experiences are available this year through High School. Confirmation Camp, which is the week of June 14 - 19, is also a requirement for those entering grades 8 and 9 in the Fall of 2015 (see information on Youth Page). Programs do fill up quickly and prompt registration only ensures your spot at camp and also makes it easier for you and a friend to attend the same week. Online registration is available and deposits must be made at the time of registration. Registrations must be sent directly to Good Earth Village for all campers including Confirmation Camp, with a $150 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit ($50 for Trailblazers/Settlers or $15 for Adventurers.) The remaining balance is due at the camp office on or before June 1st. Registration forms contain more information and are available outside the Youth Room and at the Sunday School Welcome Desk. Keep in mind that camperships are available through Good Earth Village or through OSLC…ask Marcia about additional information. Complete information, including online or printable registrations, is available at www.goodearthvillage.org Volume 47, Issue 1 Page 9 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Austin, Minnesota 55912 Permit #332 1600 W. Oakland Ave. Austin, MN 55912 Address Service Requested www.oursaviorsaustin.or www.oursaviorsaustin.org g We’re on the Web!! Our Savior’s Staff Pastors: Intern Pastor: Glenn Monson Karen Behling Christy Shelinbarger CYF Director: Dir. Of Faith Formation: Dir. Of Youth & Young Adults: CYF Admin. Assist: Marcia Pedersen Billie Jo Wicks Lindsay Colwell Emily Blain Director of Missions & SM: Office Manager: Membership Secretary: Building Supervisor: Alice Tylutki Deb Johnson Carole Mueller Dana Miller 507-437-4516 Organists: (fax) 437-1874 Worship Accomp./10:30: Janet Gilbertson Ruth Monson Nancy Arneson Worship Services: Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 9 & 10:30 a.m. Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00 - 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. Email: [email protected] Lifelines is published monthly for members and friends of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Austin, MN. Notices for the February Lifelines must be submitted to the church office by January 20. Articles received after this date will not run or will run the next month. All articles are subject to editing for content or length. Worship Coordinator: Wedding Coordinator: Choir Directors: Sanctuary Choir: Gospel Ensemble: Our Savior’s Singers: King’s Kids: Resound!: Savior’s Soundwaves: Brian Johnson Ruth Monson Christine Seppenan Ruth Monson Kaye Perry Holly Dalager Nancy Dolphin Ann Flisrand Kim Richardson
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