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We are not liable for complete omissions. Any discrepancies must be brought to our attention within 30 days of the first day the ad runs, in order to receive consideration for credit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PACKAGES FROM $6,000. CUSTOMERS, INCOME, OWNERSHIP. CALL: 718-322-3800 ParamountBiz.COM LEGAL SERVICES AUTOS WANTED SERVICES PSYCHICS SHEIKH OUMAR Spiritual Healer and Clairvoyant Specilaizing in: Relationships, Marriage, and Loved Ones, Break Black Magic. Quick Results. Call: 646-239-4298 Results in 3/7 days www.psychicoumar.com 212-316-0567 #+))+9;3 9- '9))453 !2.4+;/0 -95 9,5 ()+/;.3 J @,2:K=!HK(,2"6!K,">=(; A 4I.. J @I=">=!H/ 6HH(L#2K: J D!=:(2& B,)# 6G!:#"D#&.#HK 4C<< (!":6$8*8%!" ! &9</1&937+.4) =+3+.3 )& *('%( +"$(#!% !-$$,'% + 1&/*#%.') 0("( !$%% "#&& 5*+$$*86F9-%07*%-3'''1EI::.#=?=,!=/#1H,) Sell your car on vehicles.classfieds.nypost.com BUSINESS SERVICES WE DO SMALL BUSINESS LOANS In 24 hours. Bad Credit OK Call 718-599-1925 !7.@=8 ">@?-. #=8) %7.:< &-7/:=8-, +4. ':7,,=+=-/ ;>5:=37@=48 &7@- */ &-7/:=87,01 !50 +.'6$/)1 !50 %"'- #*41 !50 +('- .3&"52 #*41 !50 +('- +"3&"52 9- 9=:: (- ':4,-/ 48 !48/7<1 $78>7.< 26@?0 %.$# , (&-+*!) ".$$&$' #"" !$ #&""" % % )*'( +$)) *#- (/ *$*"! ') ! &! +%#"% -,.%0/" "!(&'%(&,%,% EMPLOYMENT GENERAL HELP WANTED ADMIN ASST F/T - needed for Chelsea seafood co. data entry/good phone manner/filing/detail oriented required. Email resume to: [email protected] Asst. Architectural Designer. Manhattan. Draft architectural schematics, create specs, use LEED to measure structures, etc. Master’s degree in Environmental Architectural Design or related field w/ exp. Send resume to HR Dept. OLI Architecture PLLC, 6 W. 18th St., #2A, New York, NY 10011. Computers: 2nd Lead Developer sought by mobile game dvlpr & publisher in NY, NY. Integrate graphic, sound, & networking components in mobile phone video games. Port existing mobile phone video games & production handsets to other mobile phones incl Android devices. Create scripting systms & tools using Lua & Python Script to allow dsgnrs to manage game properties & behavior. Maintain, debug, & optimize the game engine & adapt it to new dsgn or porting reqmts. Reqs: Bachelor’s deg in Comp Sci, Comp Info Systms, Comp Engg, or closely rltd & 1 yr exp in job offd or as Sr. Prgmr in mobile game dvlpmt industry. Mail resume to: HR Dept., Gameloft, Inc., 45 W 25th St, 9th Fl, NY, NY 10010. (%!"! '+ )$$&# *,## ,5M697N+9$E+130$ 'ANNA; <> AJ &2I1))G1.&.& F& *9DM/ ,D+ 8 @30H ;9/"M5$H35- J: KI+CE '% + %R01J5G QD5"R CR8R3"& L)QA1 A@@A$Q:IA )1 [@ ZTZMTZ? )\a ])C $<)\=A G:Q<[KQ \[Q:$A8 ,^^ :\1Q:QKQ:[\1 )3A !%b' [3 R'F, :\1K3Aa8 L)QA1 ])C $<)\=A )@QA3 Q<A )$$[K\Q :1 [YA\Aa8 RT, ]A)\1 3)QA1 )3A \[Q )I):^)&^A [3 \[Q [@@A3Aa )Q Y3A11 Q:]A8 +:A^a1 3AY3A1A\Q )\\K)^ YA3$A\Q)=A C:A^a X,N+W Y):a &C Y)3Q:$:Y)Q:\= :\1Q:QKQ:[\18 !AA1 ])C 3AaK$A Q<A A)3\:\=1 [\ Q<A )$$[K\Q8 , YA\)^QC ])C &A :]Y[1Aa @[3 A)3^C G:Q<a3)G)^8 *)\_1e H<3:@Q1 )\a $3Aa:Q K\:[\1 Y)C Q[ )aIA3Q:1A :\ Q<:1 =K:aA G<:$< :1 $[]Y:^Aa &C *)\_3)QA8$[]2e ) YK&^:$)Q:[\ [@ *)\_3)QAe b\$8 c M-Z?8 <1 -00R-K 53 G75J G-)4R$ (-44 PPP6IHP69E9FL <1 KR01KG -3/ 53-((DK-(5RJ$ (-44 PPP6N.269HFHL ! .$$)3%%-#)+&$(,-$0'0&$(4+/ +**')(%$ &+",(#! nypost.com PLACE AN AD FINANCE & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DOGS DOGS English Bulldog - Baby For Sale,Shes 10 wks old,Akc Registered,Pure red, D-Worm, with a 1 year written guarantee of any congenital disease.cost $700 Email- sharon_miller35@aol. com or text 212-496-2685 Beautiful Males & Females Price to $ell Call 718-236-7847 EMPLOYMENT SHIH-TZU PUPPIES EMPLOYMENT GENERAL HELP WANTED GENERAL HELP WANTED Computers: Vice President, Senior Software Engineer, Aladdin Product Group in NY, NY sought by BlackRock Investment Management, LLC, to dvlp & maintain tools associated w/build, packaging, deployment, release & monitoring applics. Reqs: Bachelor’s deg or equiv in Comp Engg, Comp Sci, Tech or rltd field + 5 yrs exp performing s/ware dvlpmt & complex build envrmts on behalf of a global institution. Prior exp must incl: performing s/ware & Java dvlpmt; utilizing nix operating systms; utilizing build systm tools incl Ant, Ivy, nmake, & Hudson; utilizing general dependency/library & Source Code mgmt; utilizing java debugging & profiling tools; utilizing web technologies incl html, css, JavaScript, Jquery, Perl & Unix; utilizing applic containers incl JBoss, Jetty, Tomcat; & utilizing enterprise frameworks incl Spring, Hibernate. Apply directly through https://blackrock.taleo.net/career section/BR_Prof_CS/jobdetail.ftl? lang=en&job=143638&src=cws10680 by clicking on "Apply Online." Computer Systems Analyst, Real Estate (NY, NY) Implmt & improve info systms for a leading NYC real estate agency; deploy, test & maintain industry-specific dbases (RealtyMX, RETS/MLS/IDX); facilitate online mktg by syndication to 3rd party marketplaces & online classifieds; use industry-specific s/ware, langs & protocols, incl the co.’s legacy s/ware & reqd industry utilities; dvlp the co.’s mobile applics & extensions to its listing dbase; ensure data integrity, legal compliance & data security; select new s/ware & tech for the co.; train & consult staff in the use of the IT platforms; review the work of data entry & digital mktg contractors. Must have: Bachelor’s deg in Comp Info Systms or a rltd field + 2 yrs exp, or 4 yrs exp (in the job offd or a comparable position in real estate tech); Exp in: ColdFusion prgmg; dvlpg & maintaining RETS servers; RealtyMX platform; MLS & IDX dvlpmt. Mail resumes to: Pavlina Prokesova, Caliber Associates, Inc., 211 E 43rd St, NY, NY 10017 Designer: Graphic Jewelry Designer (Long Island City, NY) Resp for graphic dsgns for our jewelry products, dvlp graphic jewelry dsgn concepts, confer & coord w/Korean mfg technicians & Korean buyers to resolve problems of jewelry dsgn production. Bachelor’s deg in Graphic, Arts, Dsgn or rel maj reqd. Mail res/ltr to I Personal Touch Name & Designs. 10-40 45th Ave, #311, Long Island City, NY 11101 Engineer: Bioinformatics Engineer (New York, NY): Provide laboratory bioinformatics services including experiment dsgn, analytic methods, data modeling, comp hardware, s/ware, & dbases in relation to next generation sequencing & general biomedical data. Req MS in Bioinformatics, Comp Sci, or clsly rltd + 5 yrs exp in Next-Gen Analysis, UNIX/LINUX, Java, Perl, Python. Mail CV: A. Cohen, MSKCC, 633 3rd Ave, NY, NY 10017. EEO Employer/Vet/Disabled. IT Positions - New York, New York. iHeart Media Management Services, Inc. seeks candidates for the following positions: Senior Java Backend Engineer - (responsible for designing and building large back-end components using J2EE (Servlets, Spring, Messaging) development); Mobile Software Engineer - (responsible for developing mobile software applications for iOS, Objective C or C++ mobile native applications and key areas of new product launches including architectural software decisions as well as software implementation); and Web Team Lead - (responsible for custom web development throughout the entire project life cycle build dynamic, standardsbased web content for existing products as well as building out new features and products, including application architecture, design input, site layout/user interface, database design/programming, using JavaScript and Python). Interested candidates should respond by mail referencing the specific job title to: iHeartMedia Management Services, Inc., PO Box 3962, NY, NY 10163-3962. New York Post, Wednesday, January 14, 2015 ■ CAREERS ■ CAREER TRAINING ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ■ FINANCIAL SERVICES ■ REAL ESTATE SERVICES ■ MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ■ PETS ■ AUTOMOTIVE ■ LEGAL & PUBLIC NOTICE DOGS YORKIE PUPPIES ADORABLE, pure bred, toy & teacup sizes. Call 718-259-2295 EMPLOYMENT GENERAL HELP WANTED NYC Elevator Inspector Wanted Candidate must hold a NYC DOB license. Offering competitive Pay. Interested candidates call 718-7821515 or email inquiries/resume to [email protected] Research Lab Technologist (New York, NY): Perform technical & related work of the Translational Research Lab. Maintain & archive test results. Oversee qlty control of lab tests performed. Req. MS Bio, Mol Bio or clsly rltd + 1 yr exp in PCR, RNA extraction, flow cytometry. Mail CV to A.Cohen, MSKCC, 633 3rd Ave, 5th Fl, NY, NY 10017. EEO Employer/Vet/Disabled. SEEKING HOUSEKEEPING & MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL Immediate Openings. NO EXP. REQ. FT/PT. All shifts avail. Up to $22/hr Taking calls 24/7 @ 646-571-2176 Software - Peek You LLC (NYC) seeks Sr. S/W Engr to review deliverable for coding/testing sys progs in Java, C/ C++, PHP, JavaScript, & MySQL; Dvp, install, integrate, & config apps on Co’s sys; install new progs on test server to troubleshoot & debug progs; Provide acceptable support & troubleshoot post-delivery errors; & perform functional sys test cycle. Must have B.Sc. in CS/Engg/Rel + 2 yrs rel prof exp. US/foreign equiv degrees accepted. To apply, email resume to [email protected]. Sr Consultant - Test Analyst (NY, NY) – Condct anlysis & quality assrnce in Functnl & automt’n testing. Req MS in Comp Sci, Comp Engg, or EE + 2 yrs exp in job offrd. As altrnt’v, BS + 5 yrs exp, incl of the req 2 yrs exp in job offrd. Req skills & knwldg in Mercury Quality Center (9.2), Quick Test Pro (QTP)/9.2, TS1 & TS2, BRD/ FRS documents, Agile Methodology, Orthogonal Array Testing. Will involve 80% travel to unanticptd client locatns in US. Send res w/code KUP002 to HR, Capco, 77 Water St, 10th Fl, NY, NY 10005. TELEMARKETING FT/EXP’D ONLY CAN YOU SELL??? I am looking to add 2 exp’d telemarketers to our established team. Sal+Comm = $8-$12/hr. Call 212-563-7962 «« New York Post, Wednesday, January 14, 2015 nypost.com 36 EMPLOYMENT TRANSPORTATION FINANCIAL Driver Queens food company seeking driver. Must have 5 years exp & Class A license-NYS. Fax resume: 718-956-0804 or email: [email protected] Quantitative Research Analyst, Eagle’s View Capital Management, LLC, NY, NY. Perform in-depth quantitative statistical analysis on hedge funds incl due diligence, risks & performance reports; present results to mgmt & investors; create quantitative investment models/tools in accordance w/the most recent industry info available. MS in Finance, Math, Statistics or rltd from school accredited by Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business (AACSB); 1 yr exp in finance rltd area; CFA Level II Exam; coursework in Fin’l Econometrics; coursework in traditional & alternative investments; 1 yr exp w/Excel VBA, MATLAB, or R reqd. Mail resume to BHHR, Eagle’s View, 135 E 57th St, 23rd Fl, NY, NY 10022 TLC DRIVERS- Wanted for busy Car and Limo Service Located in downtown area of Brooklyn 78 Henry st. 20 4th Avenue. House cars 55/45 split. Owner/operators welcome Salaried positions available. Please call (917)533-9878 for an interview EDUCATION Health Educator (NYC). Org/provide educ prgms for children’s personal growth w/dance, & other health rel activities. Use educ strategies. Asst after-school prgms to integrate specl ed students. MA + exp. Resumes to Dance to Unite, 222 W. 14th St, Ste 8G, NY, NY 10011. Too cute! Puppies, Kittens, Dogs, and Cats Sell them in the New York Post Classifieds Call 212-930-8100 today CAREER TRAINING NOTICES +=:8 8<.6*6*; +=:8 ><6(= LEGAL NOTICES -=&6(.0 8<.6*6*; ' +A!9#24 ,??9?<2$<'''''''''''' (,.. ' ;08 5A#=$9#92$''''''''''''''' 4%66 ' >=4A1"<"&% 5A#=''''''''''''' 4%66 ' +A!9#24 *9449$@''''''''''''''''' 4$66 ' (), /1*/.& )..".,03,-'''''''''' 4!66 (?->58=< <=>.6< " *=81?<26*; ' ,3 ;==5#> (((((((((((((((((((((((( 4%66 ' 8) 1>#7$5#50$ /-*.(((((((((( 4%66 ' +>6&"<25$: )"$#>!69 /+*.4%66 ' +>6&"<2 3>#4<56% /3*.(((((( 4%66 HEALTHCARE Psychiatrist sought by Montefiore Medical Center in Bronx, NY. CVs to Leticia Roldan, 111 East 210th Street, Bronx, NY 10467 REAL ESTATE "73.3*7.5 .7( .&.75.,5# '''02-)-21))10)+/ .(= 6*:86858= +,)6,55, ) 474%,$/%$)## !@ 8=(9*?0?;A : 3 ;; ) 7 )7'%/)/%3443 !2/ '&6&(, -/2$/04. 5% +*06"%# SECURITY CONCIERGE/FRONT DESK Wall St. Location, no exp necessary Pay up to $13.25/hr Call Lt. Kelly 347-246-9305 CORPORATE LOBBY PERSONNEL Manhattan area, no exp needed Pay up to $12.75/hr Call Mrs. Weissman 347-447-1646 FINANCIAL Accountant (Manh) Implement tax compliance and internal reporting programs for businesses. Assess client records. Draft financial statements in accord with accounting standards and tax regs. Prepare tax filings. Reqs. Masters, Accting & 6 mos exp in job or as accountant. Mail resume to Funaro & Co. PC, 350 5th Ave, 41st Flr, NY, NY 10118, Attn B Boydston. Refer to ad. No calls pls. Chief Financial Officer (Love Grace, LLC, Long Island City, NY): Mng fin. cmplxties of co. using exp. w/ commod. trdng, hedging strtgies, trend anlys & risk mgmt. Rspnsble for strtgc growth init., talent & rltnshp mgmt using exp. w/ dvlping bus.& strtgc growth plans, bdgting, & sales. Make fin-based decs & strtgcly plan bdgt using exp. w/ bdgt forecasting, & cash flow mdling & mgmt. Collab. w/ GM on forecasting & anlys of fin. mdls to make strtgc decs, dvlp strtgc bus. dvlpmnt inits & mitigate prod. concntrtn risk using exp. w/ prj mgmt, fin. mdling & pricing tools. Find areas of cost redn & impl. chg using exp. w/ dvlpng cost cutting solns. Prep decks & pitch investors during cap. raising rounds & lead co. towards obtaining cap. at right val. using exp. w/ cash flow prjctns & val. Req MS/MA or frgn equiv. in Bus. Admin., Fin., Acc, or rltd fld & 5 yrs of exp. as Exec. or Assoc. in fin. ind. or rltd occ. Send CV to [email protected]. Vice President, Consumer & Retail Group for Lazard Freres & Co. LLC in NY, NY. Provide fin’l advice to the consumer & retail sector to advise clients on M&A, divestitures, & rltd transactions & issues. Reqs a Masters deg in Finance or Bus. Mgmt & 3 yrs investment banking exp as an Associate. Exp must incl advising companies & performing acctg due diligence in the consumer & retail sectors on M&A transactions, strategies, portfolio transformations, divestitures, bus. valuation & defense strategy & takeovers, & tax structures for cross-border transactions. Exp constructing M&A fin’l models, accretion/dilution, cost of capital & LBO analysis. Reqs exp advising corp. dvlpmt teams on buyside opportunities & leading sell-side deal execution. Exp performing valuation, merger consequence, separation, & restructuring using dynamic operation models. Deal structuring & legal & tax aspects of M&A as well as exp w/IRR analysis, discounted cash flow valuation, sum of parts & consolidated multiples valuation, transaction multiples valuation, corp. & shareholder implications (tax, trading, capital mkts), share repurchases, & combo transactions covering large & mid-cap accts. Resumes to Erica Hoback, Ref. "VPCR15", Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, NY, NY 10020. PENNSYLVANIA LAKEVIEW Beautiful Colonial Style Home, 3BR, 2BT, Fireplace, Den, Shed, Completely Remodelled, Lakeview Home In A Comm. With Pools, Lakes, Tennis, Ice Skating & More. Close To Skiing, Casinos, Indoor/Outdoor Water Parks. 90 min. To NYC. 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Place your notice in NYP classifieds. Call Karen at 212-930-8038 180926H 50+2!894A F9+? K 0!^^ 4*^^ 2D,*@ <$* OJNJ 4*^( 4<C@I&* Q!*D QI[ CD E=90=6H *,A *<,% ?< // ?P ] 7D 4:.$ 4:..**,!D& 9IW> ?> PIW G* O*.*>>I@WL J86 3=6$8M) -286=$' -H42':4A DD1 52N &,@&, (P2# -26''2A D89$ F4M=9) 1!2HA CB ,,,<,? 6*@>CDI^ 6@CB*@<W G*^CD&!D& <C_ 6CCbI O 4$*<$ "H//K9/-KHcF 9J VC[I@, "H+#KZH'KH-F PI@!CD RC*@D*@ "H'/K?HaKH'F \^^*D MI`!D "H%#K?/+KH)F ?,@!ID 0!^^!> "H#/K;%aKH/F 9*GC@I$ 5:<^*,&* "HaHK?HcKH/F =*8*@^W N 9I!> "HaHK?/+KH-F 4<*8*D 9:DEC@* "HaHK=%cKH/F V*@EID 3$CEI 4C^CEID "HaHK9%aKH-F 5*&!DI^, SCD*> "HaHK\-#KH-F 5*8J T>II. 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State Self Storage Lien Law On Wednesday January 21, 2015 AT 10:30 AM And On Such Succeeding Days As May Be Necessary At 224 12th Avenue, N.Y.C. Personal Property belonging to: 2-341 Stuart Sundland, 4-274 Chris Reyes, 4-658 Zuzunaga, 6-545 Shane Knight, 6-702 Roger Stanmore, 7-427 Peter Weiner, 7-447 Vieri Tucci, 8-204 Emma Curtis, 8-320 Charles L. Ribble, 8-647 Daryl Washington, 8-657 Violet Dacosta-Clarke, 10-322 Robert G. Leino, 10-451 Tony Rush, 10-527 F. De Vallombreuse, 10-565 Nicola Vassell, 11-437 Jeanne M. Rosendale, 11-513 Jon Alson, 11-528 David Simkins, 12-527 Garnet Morris, 12573 Osmonnd Eweka, 12-648 Jayne Jung, 14-554 Kristine New man Mulvhill, 14-566 Susann Brinkley, 14567 Jon Alson, 14-658 Ramscale, 15604 Clare Tarpey, 19-717 Aaron Stewart, 21-312 Anthony J. Paris, 23423 Cesar Rodriguez, 23-605 JHL Projects LLC, 24-614 Dwight Schneider, 26-509. Robert Lesser., DCA #865815, Patrick Williams, DCA #1377072, Auctioneers as Agents Bedrock Mini Storage Formerly Known As Bulwark Mini Storage Will Sell Under The N.Y. State Self Storage Lien Law On Wednesday, January 21, 2015 AT 10:30 AM And On Such Succeeding Days As May Be Necessary At 241 11th Avenue, N.Y.C. Personal Property belonging to: B2- 120 Alan Kukafka, B2-200 Judy Richheimer, B2-204 Jennifer Harris, B2-215 Levi Richards, B2-237 Alan Kukafka, B3-193 Michele Melson, B3218 Kolt Adams, B3-220 Linda Boyd, B3-234 Pauline Diblasi, B3-274 David Guzman, B3-298 Pauline Diblasi, B3341 Jennean Graham, B4-129 Anthony Titus,. Donald Bader, DCA #865815, Patrick Williams, DCA #1377072, Auctioneers as Agents. To place a legal or public notice In the New York Post Classifieds, Call 212-930-8100 SPORTS SHORTS NBA: Celts deal Nelson for Little Nate The Nuggets traded backup point guard Nate Robinson to the Celtics on Tuesday for guard Jameer Nelson, who came to Bos ton’s in the recent trade of Rajon Rondo to the Mav ericks. Yahoo Sports re ported the Celtics will buy out Robinson. l In Phoenix, LeBron James scored 33 points in his return from a twoweek layoff but it wasn’t enough to prevent the Cavaliers NATE ROBINSON from going down to their To Boston — for now. sixth straight loss, 107100 to the Suns, who got a careerhigh 35 points from Mar kieff Morris. l In Philadelphia, Al Horford had his first career tripledouble, scoring 21 points with 10 rebounds and 10 assists to lead the Hawks to their ninth straight win, 10587 over the 76ers. l In Minneapolis, Mo Williams scored a career high 52 points, the most in the NBA this season, and the Timberwolves snapped a 15game losing streak with a 110101 victory over the Pacers. l In Salt Lake City, Stephen Curry scored 27 points and ignited a decisive thirdquarter run to lead the Warriors to a 116105 victory over the Jazz. NCAA: Miami stuns No. 4 Duke at Cameron Angel Rodriguez scored 24 points and Miami (124, 21 ACC) shot 67 percent after halftime to upset No. 4 Duke 9074 in Durham, N.C., snapping the Blue Devils’ 41game home winning streak. Duke (142, 22), which fell at North Carolina State on Sunday, hadn’t lost at Cameron Indoor Stadium since March 2012 and hadn’t lost consecutive regularseason games since February 2009. l In Columbus, Ohio, D’Angelo Russell scored 21 points, Sam Thompson added 12 and Ohio State de feated Michigan, 7152. ETC.: Ex-Devil accused of abuse Authorities said former NHL player Jim Dowd, who won the Stanley Cup with the Devils in 1995 and now coaches the Manasquan/Point Pleasant Beach (N.J.) High School team has been accused of kicking a 16yearold player in the back. A complaint filed against Dowd in Wall Township court said a parent filed the charge over an incident that allegedly oc curred last Wednesday when the team played Red Bank Regional at the Jersey Shore Arena in Wall. l A judge near Seattle on Tuesday dismissed do mestic violence assault charges against soccer super star Hope Solo, a week before the case was set for trial. Solo had been charged with two misdemeanor counts of fourthdegree assault stemming from an altercation with her halfsister and 17yearold nephew at a party in June. l California authorities have been ordered to turn former NFL AllPro Darren Sharper over to U.S. Marshals in New Orleans, where he faces charges that he drugged women so he could sexually assault them. l Authorities in Texas said former Spurs player Alvin Robertson has been arrested after cutting off a GPS monitor while out on bond in a 2009 case in which he was initially charged with trafficking of a person less than 18 for prostitution. l Rookie David Pastrnak scored twice for the second straight game and Milan Lucic had a goal and an assist as the Bruins beat the Lightning 43 in Boston for their fourth straight win. l Lefthander Wandy Rodriguez and the Braves have agreed to a minor league contract. Rodriguez, who turns 36 Sunday, will attend big league spring training and compete for the fifth spot in the rotation. l Catcher A.J. Ellis and the Dodgers have agreed to a $4.25 million, oneyear contract, a $700,000 raise. Ellis hit a careerlow .191 last season while playing in 93 games.
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