January 2015 - St. Germain Bo

St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Celebrating our 45th Snowmobiling Season!
Volume 2014-15 Number 7
January 2015
Presidents Report
It won't be very long now and we will be saying goodbye
to 2014 and welcoming in 2015. We sure have to be thankful for the wonderful snowmobiling season we had and let's
look forward to another great one even though it is starting
out a little rocky!
This coming year, the Board of Directors will be working
to increase our equipment fund so that we will have the
financial ability to purchase updated grooming equipment
for our club. The Board wants to be able to make these
purchases without having to borrow funds to do so. We
want to work with our local businesses to help them be successful and we hope that they in turn will be able to have
some fundraisers throughout the year to add to the equipment fund. Also helping with the funding next year will be
the changes in club membership, registrations and trail
passes. The end result will hopefully be additional funds for
the snowmobile program.
Throughout the year we have a few functions that require
volunteers to pull off. I know that many of you will never
be able to help out because you aren't in the area at the
right times. But maybe this coming year take a look at the
calendar and if you can arrange to take time to come up
when we have an event going on and help out that would be
great. Those of us in the area please continue to raise your
hands and help out whenever you can. We need to have
fund raisers and need volunteers to make it happen.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Thank you for your support,
Tom Christensen
Jankwury Member
sl'up Meet'ung,
Taesolciujoilkusiru 13th
CLearvi-ew sapper
cocktails 0:00 pvtx. DIAA,vuer 7:00 ?At
agaLA, begLA, our evevuLA,g with hLs famous appetizers.
chef Da rrell
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servea with a wilci ri,ce loLetn,oi
1/2 "Rlic2, -RT,62:R_Lbs serveo( with a Loa Izeoi potato
Parmesaw Dowse Tzoush served with a
ALL oq,A,Aers [ntlude sa lad, potato, warm bread, vecetabLe, dessert ,g coffee. ALL meals are prized at 420.00 ofr
with tax nin,0{ rcrtv.i.t 1,o-eluded.
meAkbers are respoAsLbLe for the painx.eAt of their reS-ewatLoo, whether the atteAa or A,ot. Tease vusdRe
ou are uvoloLe to at- 49;3*
40, checks pol abLe to C,Learvi,ew.
teAA avtol
dive vote a call LA, Giolvolvtae, ; will
ebriv d our oi,A,A,er kiOVike with titke avid you c,a14, picke
it up at our house.
jth to f s1 schiAitz
RSVP b Fri3OlCT,JcitA.Lx.ar
(715) 542-3912.
Snowmobile Safety Education Class
December 29 Et 30, 2014
Beginning January 1, 2001, any person born on or after January 1, 1985 and who has reached the age
of 12, must have completed and received a snowmobile safety certificate in order to operate a snowmobile in Wisconsin. The certificate must be carried while operating the snowmobile, and displayed to a law enforcement officer upon demand. Snowmobile Safety Education Classes are offered in the fall and early winter, and should start appearing
on the DNR's web site within the next month or so.
All students are required to obtain a Wisconsin DNR Customer ID# as part of the criteria to graduate from any Recreational
Safety Class and provide that number to their instructor. Students can obtain a DNR Customer ID# from St. Germain Sport Marine during business hours or by calling 1-888-936-7463 between 7 am to 10 pm. You can also visit a Wisconsin DNR Service
Center during their regular scheduled hours. For additional DNR Service Center hours and locations go to www.dnr.wi.gov and
click on the "Contact US" tab located at the top.
The Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club's Snowmobile Safety Education Class will be held on Monday and Tuesday, December 29 Et
30, 2014. Anyone 11-1/2 years of age or older is eligible to take the class and receive a safety education certificate; however, the certificate does not become valid until the child reaches 12 years of age. Pre-registration is required by calling
Peggy Ausloos at (715) 542-3548.
December Membership Meeting is an Evening of Giving
Gary and Jeri Shambo presented
Tom Christensen with a $1,000
donation for operational
expenses of the club.
St. Germain Chamber of Commerce Director Penny Wiesmann presents
Bo-Boen Club President Tom Christensen
with a $12,000 donation to the
operational expenses of the club at
the December 9, 2014
dinner meeting held at the
Whitetail Inn, St. Germain.
Dave and Judy Walker, Walker Equipment, Inc.
"Home of the Arrowhead Groomer", St. Germain, present
Bo-Boen Club President, Tom Christensen, with a $500
donation to the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club.
Walker manufactures the Arrowhead Groomer and related
trail grooming equipment for the snowmobile industry.
They presented their check at the December dinner
meeting held at the Whitetail Inn on December 9, 2014.
Their donation was matched by Steve 8 Linda Soltwedel
who also donated $500 to the Club.
Secretary's deport
Once again, our Christmas party at Whitetail- was a huge success. I would like to give a shout out to Jeff and Joy
of Whitetail for an outstanding dinner and a thoroughly enjoyable evening.
Another shout out must go to the members who attended the dinner for their generosity in donating to the Vitas
Food Pantry. On 'Thursday, December 11th, Gary and I delivered five boxes and sixpaper grocery bags of food to the
pantry. Along with that we gave them $220 in cash. Jerry, who works at the pantry, was thrilled and told us to
keep up thegood work So thanks to all for your generosity!
By now everybody knows that the trails open tonight — December 12 th at 4:00pm. Soon, Lady (our miniature
Schnauzer) and I will be saying goodbye to my husband as he rides off for the day. Although we have had 40" of
snow to date, we could use a fresh layer — so everybody should start their snow dances again.
Whether you live in the area or travel to get to St. Germain, please support our club by stopping at St. Germain
Sport Marine to purchase raffle tickets for the Kfoetzke art print or the snowmobile themed quilt. Al fproceeds go to
the club. The drawing will be held at our membership dinner in March.
5-lappy gfolidays!
Trail Boss Report Jim Wendt
Well, the early snow that got everyone excited is leaving
fast. We were able to get out before the opener and on
opening night to start preparing the trails for riding. That
went welt but as of now, we are off until the snow flies. All
our equipment is prepped and ready to go. I hope we don't
have to wait too long to begin our regular schedule of
Thank you to all who have contributed to our equipment
fund so far! We really appreciate your support. I would like
to thank Steve and Linda Soltwedel who offered to match
funds up to $500 if a business donated to the Equipment
Fund. That donation for $500 was made by Dave Et Judy
Walker of Walker Equipment. Thank you, again, to those of
you who have helped us out!
Keep the faith....the REAL snow season is still ahead.
Happy Trails,
Get well wishes were sent to Chuck Berard and Linda Soltwedel.
Thinking of you card was sent to Gary Shambo.
Please call Arlene Rieckenberg at 715-542-3066 when you
have information on births, of members who are ill or hospitalized and need a bit of cheer, sympathy or encouragement.
"Snow Daze" Quilt Raffle
Judy Pacanowski has once again donated a sofa quilt measuring 54" x 65",
made extra-cuddly with a fleece backing. The primary fabric features
snowmobiles busting powder; the quilting is a snowflake motif. Tickets are
$5.00 each or 3/$10.00 and available at St. Germain Sport Marine during
business hours or at Monthly Dinner Meeting. Thank you Judy for your continued support of the club.
Radar Run
Your club needs volunteers for Parking a Crowd Control and the Food Service Tent for the 2015 Radar Run to be held on Friday, January 30 th and Saturday, January 31 st . The changes this year are that there will be a bigger Friday event which essentially combines last year's Friday and Sunday activities. The Bikini Run has been moved back to 1:00 PM on Saturday and
there will be no races on Sunday. This year the Food Service Tent is being rented to include set-up and take down and includes a large forced air tent heater as opposed to the space heaters used last year. The numbers of volunteers by shift
needed are:
Friday—Parking It Crowd Control:
12:00 PM (Noon) to 3:00 PM - - - 9 volunteers needed
3:00 PM to 6:00 PM - - - 9 volunteers needed
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - - - 2 volunteers needed
Friday—Food Service Tent (Food Et Beverage Sales, Servers and Cashier)
8:00 AM to 10:00 AM - - - Set-up Food Service Area - - - 5 volunteers needed
11:00 AM to 5:00 PM - - - 8 volunteers needed
5:00 PM to 8:00 PM - - - 4 volunteers needed
Saturday—Parking Et Crowd Control:
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM - - - 9 volunteers needed
12:00 PM to 4:00 PM - - - 9 volunteers needed
1:00 PM to 2:00 PM - - - 6 volunteers needed
Saturday Food Service Tent (Food & Beverage Sales, Servers and Cashier)
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM - - - 8 volunteers needed
12:00 PM to 4:00 PM - - - 8 volunteers needed
We also would like people to bake brownies for sate on Friday and Saturday, 6 people each day to have their brownies delivered to the food tent by 11AM Friday and 9 AM Saturday.
If you can volunteer for any of these shifts, please call or e-mail the following: Parking Et Crowd Control = Bob Ausloos, [email protected] , 920-420-4520; Food Service Tent = Steve Soltwedel, [email protected] , 262-949-8930 or Dianne Dieter, [email protected] , 715-891-4830.
Your club needs volunteers for the Food Service area for the 2015 Groomer Show to be held on Wednesday, February 4 th and
Thursday, February 5 th . The numbers of volunteers by shift needed are:
Tuesday February 3 rd— Pickup of items at Barn and Booth Set-up
3:00 PM to 4:00 PM - - - 5 volunteers needed
Wednesday, February 4th—Food & Beverage Sales, Servers and Cashier
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM - - - 5 volunteers needed
12:30 PM to 4:00 PM - - - 5 volunteers needed
Thursday, February 5th—Food & Beverage Sales, Servers and Cashier
9:00 AM to 12:30 PM - - - 5 volunteers needed
12:30 PM to 4:00 PM - - - 5 volunteers needed
In addition, we would like up to 10 volunteers to bring baked goods for sale to be delivered to the Groomer Show booth at
Walker Equipment by 9 AM Wednesday, February 4th.
If you can volunteer for any of these shifts, call or e-mail Steve Soltwedel, [email protected] , 262-949-8930.
These are two important fund raising events for the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. We need everyone's help and support to
make these successful events.
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SNOW 1010B
AND Rums
("Al Cl;
FIN card; 4k\lt 81\pe cor
dear end rarko ainA cA41\96‘128;
When stamped tickets are full please turn in r4
at participating taverns
Qt—Vne mare
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1st Prize: $1,000
2nd Prize: $500.00
3rd Prize: $250.00
Tt is an alA9 bs prenxiA
at thoe
Snowmobilers Breakfast
i 1
St. Germain Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club
Bre,kiast Benefit
Sunday, )anuary18, 2015 =60
Knocker's Pizza Company IA
Downtown St. Gel-main
)oin us For food, leaffICS &Z fun!
Proceeds will be used for grooming expenses
incurred throughout the year in maintaining our
miles of Bo-Boen
SAM to Noon
Your $10.00 Donation gets you a plate full of
Scrambled Eggs — Sausage — Hashbrowns Toast — Milk, )uice and Coffee
Membership News - Margie Klingsporn
Last month I sent greeting from the "Wintry White North Woods." This month my greetings come from the "Wet Gray
Foggy Northwoods." Where did all of the snow go? The good news is that the 40 degrees temperatures end tonight and we
should be back to the 20's for the rest of the week. Start the snow dance!
Our membership numbers have beaten last year's total number and the membership applications keep coming in. Our
current numbers, as of December 15th , are:
New Members
Renewing Members
Grand Total I 518
---How High Can We Go?--- If you have questions direct them to me at mklings®frontier.com or 715-479-2028.
Membership Report for Nov. 27 - Dec. 10th
Welcome to these new Bo-Boen members. We are pleased to have you join us. Thank you so much for joining. Happy trail
rides to you in 2014-2015.
Charlotte Daniels -- St Germain, WI
Marc Davidson -- Eagle River, WI
Daniel Egan -- Shorewood, IL
Andrew Frank -- Janesville, WI
Steve, Julie, Emily a Maddie Gawne -- Yorkville, IL
Deidre a Bill Gehant -- West Brooklyn, IL
Duff Hoel -- Tuscola, IL
Mark a Peggy Homuth -- Burlington, WI
Bill Humphrey -- Fontana, WI
Brad Hunt -- Tuscola, IL
Mike Kijowski -- St Germain, WI
Phil a Gayle Land -- Hartford, WI
Vince Mader -- Kronenwetter, WI
Randy a Terri Malueg -- St Germain, WI
Chris Minnis -- Batavia, IL
Tom a Lisa Nagel -- St Germain, WI
Robert Nowak -- Mount Pleasant, WI
Dave a Kasey Roth -- Congerville, IL
Michael Shaw -- Cedarburg, WI
William Et Jan Saranczak -- Bolingbrook, IL
Dave Streck -- Appleton, WI
Mark a Penny Verstraete -- Rockford, IL
Steve Williams -- Appleton, WI
Welcome back the following Bo-Boen members. Enjoy the trails during the 2014-2015 snowmobile season.
Harland a Jane Bidstrup -- DeKalb, IL
Paul a Patty Butenhoff -- Hartford, WI
Justin Deuel -- Green Lake, WI
Jerry a Pat Eliason -- St Germain, WI
Jacob Gebhardt -- Watford City, ND
Nathan Gebhardt -- Watford City, ND
Tim a Pam Gebhardt -- St Germain, WI
Greg a Tina Glenn -- West Sunbury, PA
Steve a Buns Hausner -- St Germain, WI
Harvey a Jackie Hoyer -- Bensenville, IL
Mike, Doreen a Aaron Kuzniewicz -- Beaver Dam, WI
Paul a Tina Madden -- Caledonia, WI
Ron Et Sharon Malenck -- Eagle River, WI
Thomas Marks -- St Germain, WI
Michael Osborne -- St Germain, WI
James a Helen Pelnarsh -- Mokena, IL
Joe Pritzl -- St Germain, WI
Todd Remick -- Elmhurst, IL
Kraig Riebock -- Glen Ellyn, IL
Scott Et Jodi Schafer -- Madison, WI
Marty a Becky Semrau -- Dyer, IN
Jerry a Barb Verseman -- St Germain, WI
Don Vrtis -- Montgomery, IL
Mike Et Kathy Ziereis -- Cleveland, WI
A big thank you goes out to the following members who sent in a trail or equipment fund donation with their renewals:
Paul a Patty Butenhoff -- Hartford, WI
Charlotte Daniels -- St Germain, WI
Justin Deuel -- Green Lake, WI
Daniel Egan -- Shorewood, IL
Jeff a Maria Ewald -- St Germain, WI
Jacob Gebhardt -- Watford City, ND
Nathan Gebhardt -- Watford City, ND
Tim a Pam Gebhardt -- St Germain, WI
Deidre a Bill Gehant -- West Brooklyn, IL
Greg Et Tina Glenn -- West Sunbury, PA
Steve Et Buns Hausner -- St Germain, WI
Harvey a Jackie Hoyer -- Bensenville, IL
Bill Humphrey -- Fontana, WI
Mike Kijowski -- St Germain, WI
Paul Et Tina Madden -- Caledonia, WI
Randy a Terri Malueg -- St Germain, WI
Chris Minnis -- Batavia, IL
Tom a Lisa Nagel -- St Germain, WI
James a Helen Pelnarsh -- Mokena, IL
Dave a Kasey Roth -- Congerville, IL
William a Jan Saranczak -- Bolingbrook, IL
Scott a Jodi Schafer -- Madison, WI
Marty a Becky Semrau -- Dyer, IN
Michael Shaw -- Cedarburg, WI
Annual Club Raffle
this season we will be running
our club cash raffle. There will be four raffle tickets sent with your membership renewal form. The tickets are $5 each with a maximum of
2,000 tickets sold. First prize is $2,500, second prize is
$1,500, third prize is $500 and fourth and fifth place
prize is $250 each. The drawing will take place at our
dinner meeting on March 10, 2015.
Game Day Print Raffle
Again this year, Don Bauman donated another signed,
numbered and framed print to the club to be used for a raffle. This years print is "Game Day" by Don Kloetzke and is
879/3,000. It is 15" x 30" and tickets are available anytime at St. Germain Sport Marine or at Club Dinner Meetings. For those of you out of the area, you may also send
money with your membership renewal and make a note
what the additional funds are for. Tickets are$2.00 each or
Be sure the
lake is
before you
ride across it!!!
Wisconsin law requires those who use Wisconsin snowmobile trails to display either Wisconsin registration or a snowmobile trail pass. Funds from this program will be designated
for use as trail aids and related costs to enhance all Wisconsin snowmobile recreation.
The trail pass may be purchased over the counter at many
authorized sales locations or by calling WDNR at 1 - 888WDNRINFo (1 - 888 - 936 - 7463)
The $35.00 non-resident snowmobile trail use pass is valid
from July 1st through June 30th.
A snowmobile trail pass is required to operate a snowmobile not currently registered in Wisconsin on a snowmobile
trail. The snowmobile must be currently registered with another jurisdiction. The trail pass must be permanently affixed by its own adhesive to the bottom center portion of the
snowmobile windshield. If there is no windshield, the sticker
shall be displayed in a highly visible location on the front of
the cowling of the snowmobile. Once affixed, the sticker
may not be removed or transferred to another snowmobile.
Director—Roger Klein
Treasurer—Ed Siergiej
Club Officers Et Directors
President —Tom Christensen
Work: (715) 479-4930
Email: [email protected]
President-Elect—Bob "Ozzie" Ausloos
Work: (920) 420-4520
Email: [email protected]
Secretary—Kay Schultz
Home: (715) 542-3912
Email: [email protected]
Cell: (715) 493-7736
Email: [email protected]
Trail Boss—Jim Wendt
Cell: (715) 891-1610
Email: [email protected]
Director—Dianne Dieter
Home: (715) 542-2913
Email: [email protected]
Director—Paul Bohnen
Home: (715) 542-2065
Email: [email protected]
Home: (715) 477-8570
Email: [email protected]
Director—Tim Gebhardt
Cell: (715) 891-1800
Email: [email protected]
Director—Milt Klingsporn
Home: (715) 479-2028
Email: [email protected]
Director—Jack Bourgeois
Cell: (847) 385-1227
Email: [email protected]
Past-President—Al Clemmensen
Cell: (847) 490-7418
Email: [email protected]
Equipment Fund Donations
Thank you to the following individuals for your generosity!
Blackburn, Martin
Kijowski, Mike
Egan, Dan
Knitt, Kent 8 Terry
Gawne, Steve 8 Julie
Madden, Paul 8 Tina
Gebhardt, Jacob
Malueg, Randy 8 Terri
Gebhardt, Nathan
Nagel, Tom 8 Lisa
Gebhardt, Tim 8 Pam
Pelnarsh, Jim
Gehant, Bill 8 Deidre
Saranczak, Will 8 Jan
Glenn, Greg 8 Tina
Schafer, Scott 8 Jodi
Hausner, Steve
Semrau, Marty 8 Becky
Hoyer, Harvey 8 Jackie
Soltwedel, Steve 8 Linda
Walker Equipment
Humphrey, Bill & Sue
Equipment Fund Donation Form
There are several ways you can help....
1. Check
2. Online—www.boboen.com
Checks may be mailed to:
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
PO Box 192
St. Germain WI 54558
Almost There! Name: Address: City: Phone: Email: INIIIMISOMMOI
-Just getting started
Amount Enclosed:
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
State: Zip: Satiuurdicui jicutit r 10, 2015
6:30 - 10:30rurn
(Whitetail 'hut• st.gentudn, twi
1,41thir, by 'Wildfire 'Mobile (DJ
$25 in advance
$30 the door
cocktails • appetizers - drawing 'Portion Of the
mor e
ceedo of aria euentt wilt be donated to the 'Pink 'Ribbon 'I ter&
Come aiee tto at the linDekeir'd
(Run on jaruinry 31, 2015!
Tor more info LAM: www.rodurracera.corn or contact Yling amt4o05aigntail.com
Home of the Fastest Shaved Ice Track in Wisconsin I
JANUARY 30 & 3192015
Held on the West Bay of 'Little St. Germain Lake
Fun Runs & Speed Runs
Snow Outlaw lbp 10 Shoot-Out
Fly Racing Ice Drags
Fun Runs & Speed Runs
Saturday Special Events start at Noon
1Wilight Bar 660' on Groomed Snow • Thunderbird Pass 1000' on Shaved Ice
Entrance Fees: 660' on Snow $5 each or 5 runs for $20. 1000' on Shaved Ice $25 fee includes 3 runs fo' extra runs are $5 each. Prizes: All classes are sponsored for trophies and prizes.
Friday Special Events
Bar & Grill 2 Lane Ice Track
Fly Racing 2015 Ice Drags Under the Lights on The Tim
Sprecher Food and Beer Tent - Food Provided by the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club • Cash Payouts
Saturday Special Events
Knocker's Pizza Co. Bikini Run * 1 PM
Cash, trophies C.? prizes for the
Fo.d Supporter Of
top speed and for the top fundraiser.
Sprecher Food and Beer Tent
Food Provided by the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
Badger Glass &
Don Rick Insurance of Baraboo
All Day Music sponsored by
Parson's Chevrolet Vendors Row
Proceeds from the Bikini Run races will be
donated to: Pink Ribbon Riders, St. Germain Fire Department £.4' Plum Lake Ambulance
Top 10 Snow Outlaw Racing Finale • 2 PM
2015 Yamaha Demo Rides
Trophy Presentation & Prizes
5:30 PM at the Whitetail Inn
Top speed wins the Sno-King Traveling Thophy on display at the Snowmobile Hall of Fame.
Speed Runs on Ice
For more information: email [email protected] or visit wwwradarracers.com
SPECIAL THANKS 7)9 0010,10 41. GAN
Insu nine; wwwfon.rckiC
Lakeland Lassa 1 2 EquIprnent
Sunsets Pa, 4 Still
.•rnT\ ME()IA
GREA1 1.01
No .q-mnc,G91.S I hts
• -
FIasap Couot, SaM
December 29 Et 30—Snowmobile Safety Class—Community Center
C. ) •
Saturday, January 3rd-2015 Steve Pulec Northwood's Snowmobile Challenge Fundraiser Kickoff Party—Twilight Bar-6 pm
Tuesday, January 6th—Board Meeting
Saturday, January 10th—Freezin for a Reason—Whitetail Inn-6:30-10:30 pm
Tuesday, January 13th—Membership Meeting—Clearview Supper Club
Sunday, January 18th—Snomobiler's Breakfast—Knocker's Pizza Co.
January 30 Et 31—Radar Run—Little St. Germain Lake
February 4 Et 5—Groomer Show—Walker Equipment
18th Annual Snowmobile Trail Groomer Show
February 4 & 5, 2015 Arrowhead Groomers
Equipment displays and demonstrations from 9:00 am-4:00 pm on Wednesday and 9:00 am-2:00 pm on
Thursday. Food will be served by the Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club.
Ride with the Champs,
Presented by —
by Modine
Saturday, February 7, 2015
7:00 a.m.
Registration/Breakfast, Whitetail Inn, Hwy 70 West, St. Germain
8:45 a.m.
Hit the trail...headed for Wisconsin's beautiful Northwoods, 1st
stop is the Snowmobile Hall of Fame.
11:30 a.m. -
1:30 p.m.
Lunch & Fellowship. Join celebrity riders on the trail in various
1:30 p.m.
Hit the trails again. Take different routes to St. Germain
There will be six ride groups: Two vintage, two late
model groups and a new mixed group taking a southern route to Tomahawk, WI. There will be a bus ride available for non-snowmobilers. One of the vintage groups will be the VINTAGE CHALLENGE which runs to Lake Gogebic in the UP for lunch. One late model group will also go to Lake Gogebic for lunch at Fish Tales.
Call for information (715) 542-4463
4:30 p.m. Arrive back at Whitetail Inn and get ready for the Hall of Fame
6:00 p.m.
Cocktails & Autographs. Enjoy drinks, socializing with riders and
autograph signing.
7:00 p.m.
Hall of Fame Dinner followed by the Induction Ceremony
St. Germain Bo-Boen
Snowmobile Club
Member Application
Snowmobile season is just around the corner, and that means it's time to renew your membership in the St.
Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club. Don't miss out on all the exciting things we have planned for this season!
Memberships are by family (including children under 19) or by individual. In addition to supporting the club that
maintains the trails that you ride on, you will receive our club newsletter throughout the season and a membership
sticker. Also included is membership in the Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs. You will receive their
magazine, Wisconsin Snowmobile News, an AWSC sticker, and an accidental death and disability benefit through
American Income Life Insurance Company.
See you on the trails,
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club Officers and Board of Directors
q Family membership (including children under 19): $30
111 Single membership: $25
Please Print:
Last Name: First Name(s): Address: City: State: Zip: Email: q Check if you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail and put your money into the
trails instead of toner, paper and postage.
Phone number: Are you a snowbird and take off for the winter months? Please include your winter address and the
dates gone so your newsletter can follow: If you are a member to another AWSC club, please list the name of the club below and
subtract $10 from the dues. Primary Club: Dues: $30 family; $25 single
Equipment Fund Donation:
General Fund Donation:
Total Enclosed:
Make check payable to Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
and mail to PO Box 192, St. Germain, WI 54558
St. Germain Bo-Boen Snowmobile Club
PO Box 192
St. Germain WI 54558
Your signed purchase receipt
will help to give back to your
choice of local clubs, charities
or not for profit organizations
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20.11 Meats*
C oOuti
B. B. Mappy
B. B. Mappv's Hint of the Month: Be sure to read all of the newsletter articles. There is important info in all of them. Keep an eye out for updates regarding acquiring trail passes for next
year's snowmobile season in future newsletters.
f the North
Community Dollars
CD 22