common life NEWS No No matter where you are on your journey of faith, you are always welcome at St. John’s Church, and most importantly at God’s table. Rector Ruminations Pg 2 St. John’s Episcopal Church Annual Meeting January 25, 2015, 9:00am in the Church. Associate Rector Reflections Pg 3 Music Notes Pg 4 Welcome Director of Youth Ministry Pg 5 Kid’s Church Calendar Pg 6 Annual Pledge Campaign Pg 7 Calendar Pgs 8 & 9 Memorial Flower List Pg 10 Parish Life Pgs 11-15 Staff & Vestry Page 16 Rehearsals begin Wednesday, Jan 14th PERFORMANCE DATES: MARCH 13, 6PM MARCH 15, 12PM See page 11 for more details. january 2015 PAGE 2 Rob‘s Ruminations January….Yippee? The Reverend Robert E. Stevens, Jr., Rector I must confess (although as I have chatted with a few of you I realize I am not alone in this confession) that I am not a fan of January. It is cold, it is dark, we have just come off the mountaintop of an extraordinary Christmas season and the work of a priest in January usually has more to do with budgets and business meetings than it does with being a pastor. However, this January feels very different to me. Perhaps it is that I am more reflective since I have just celebrated my 10th Christmas season in this community, or that we have a full staff leading into the new year for the first time in many years, or that we are almost to our pledge goal, or that this community is reaching out more and more with less concern for self and more concern for others. I imagine it is all of these things and more. I also am aware that it can be tempting to take a deep breath and think “we made it!” In my life I know that if I even think those thoughts that God has something big in store…and its usually surprising. St. John’s is far from perfect and we have much to learn and to live into as a community of faith, yet we are a vibrant community that seeks to share God’s love with the world on a daily basis. So the question that I have for all of us is, ”What is the one thing that we are about this coming year?” In a community that does so much I think it is increasingly important to wonder about and articulate what it is that we are committed to as a community. The staff is pondering this question as well as the vestry and others. I also offer this question to you as an individual or family as you begin this new year. What are you about? What one thing draws you close to each other as family? What one thing reminds you that you are a part of something larger than yourself and uses your passion to create purpose? My other confession is that it would be easy for me to look around and see what is happening here at SJC and take a deep breath and say…”this is good enough” but God invites us to more to abundance to excellence and health in all things. We have work to do friends, and it is sweet work. I am so grateful that we get to do this work together. As we wonder about what adventure God has for us I direct you to the prayer that helps me remember our posture as we seek to live a life of faith. A Prayer Attributed to St. Francis pg. 833 The Book of Common Prayer Lord, make us instruments of your peace, where there is hatred, let us so love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen PAGE 3 Associate Rector‘s Reflections ‘Overwhelmed by joy’* The Reverend Anne C. Williamson, Associate Rector It is January, the days are getting longer, if not warmer, and we have entered a new church season – the season of Epiphany. The word ‘epiphany’ comes from the Greek epiphaneia, and means to show, make known, or reveal. In the Christian context The Epiphany celebrates the revelation of Jesus, God the Son, beyond Israel to all the nations. The season of Epiphany begins with The Feast of The Epiphany on January 6 and lasts through Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday - February 18 this year). During this season, we remember the story of the magi, those wise ones from the East who followed a celestial sign (a star we are told) to Bethlehem, and were ‘overwhelmed with joy’* when they arrived at their destination, and encountered the child, Jesus. They had been seeking ‘the child who has been born king of the Jews’* and they found God. The founder of the Society of St. John the Evangelist, Father R. M. Benson, in his work ‘Spiritual Readings for Every Day’ reminds us that every encounter with God changes us. In his meditation on the Wise Men after their encounter with Christ at Bethlehem he notes: None can come to Christ at Bethlehem and go away as they came….Our coming to Christ changes everything, and therefore even to the old scenes we return with changed hearts and new powers….It is indeed a greater thing to return to the old world by a new and heavenly life, and to live therefore, in the world as those who have been with Jesus, than it is to enter upon new spheres of life but with an old heart. That would be to set about new things in the old way. The necessary thing for us is to set about old things in a new way. (R.M. Benson: Spiritual Readings for Every Day: Christmas; pp 260261) After the magi paid homage to Jesus, they offered their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrhh. Then we read ‘they left for their own country by another road’.* Their coming to Christ changed everything - they travelled a different road. That is the invitation and the opportunity of the season of Epiphany – to encounter Jesus and allow that encounter to change our hearts and our lives. That encounter might even happen in church…but not necessarily! The magi expected to find the King they sought in a palace, but their expectations were confounded, and then exceeded. May we be open to meeting God in any and all places, in the people and the situations of our daily lives, that we too might be ’overwhelmed by joy’ as we encounter God in all things. Epiphany blessings, Anne *Matthew 2:1-12 PAGE 4 Music Notes Horses and wolves and eagles, oh my! Margaret Harper, Director of Music “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King, Jr. first spoke these words during a Christmas sermon in 1957 at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. To this day, they hold a powerful message. King spoke of the responsibility of all people to combat hatred and evil in the world. His message was not a new one – as far as history can see into the past, the world has been filled with violence and prejudice. The book of Habakkuk features a conversation between the prophet and God that foretells the Babylonian conquering of Israel. In the first chapter, Habakkuk expresses horror at the violence of Babylon: “Their horses also are swifter than the leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves… they shall come all for violence… and they shall gather the captivity as the sand.” This text was set to music in 1914 by Charles Villiers Stanford, one of the greatest English composers of sacred music in his generation. For Stanford, this text had a clear parallel to the horrors of modern warfare in the outbreak of the First World War. Lines like “They fly as an eagle that hasteth to devour, they come all of them for violence; their faces are set as the east wind, and they gather captives as the sand” certainly have military implications. The same text is strikingly appropriate for the suffering of minorities in our own country. For centuries, even to this very day, our laws – and those of many other countries – have sanctioned the oppression of large groups of people. Certainly, there are many ways in which we take what is not ours and fail to see the suffering of people all around us. The words of Habakkuk within Stanford’s anthem remind us that in the end, “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God.” This music, which the choir will sing on January 18th in celebration of MLK Jr. Day, reminds all of us to be aware of our actions and how they affect people around us. It reminds us to be agents of change in the world and to strive for love and kindness to be the foundations of our society. PAGE 5 Welcome Lizzie Bristow, Director of Youth Ministry I feel very appreciative to be writing to you as the mouth. My work these past months with the Rite new Director of Youth Ministry — I look forward 13 group has served as a reminder of the imto meeting all of you over the next few months. portance of faith and a sense of spirituality in people’s resiliency and ability to hold on to a I have lived on the Seacoast for 10 years and sense of hope. In a world filled with much chaos been a part-time parishioner and noise, both literal and figof St. John’s during this urative, I feel endowing our time. My parents have been children and youth with the active members of St. John’s significance of the sacred, and for nearly a decade, and it is a place for reverence and through their relationship that contemplation is incredibly I have been blessed to get to important. This being said, I truly know this community. think just the name “Sunday School” can fill a middle and My father became sick last high schooler with dread — if winter and passed away in anything, the youth program March, and just as we are at St. John’s is meant to be a taught, on the other side of place where we don’t take darkness is light. It was St. ourselves too seriously, get to John’s that helped me find my have some fun, while experiway through my grief. I beencing the support and love gan volunteering for the of being a part of a faith comCommon Table in the spring, munity. where there is so much hope and love, and in the fall Rob asked me to join I live in Rye with my husband Shawn, and 13 year several other adults to lead the middle school old daughter, Hannah. Rite 13 group. From this I had the opportunity to go with the youth on retreat to Merrowvista in I look forward to your thoughts and ideas, to the fall, and by then I was really taken with the meeting and getting to know you and your famiidea of the whole youth ministry program. I be- lies, and to the privilege and adventure of worklieve God sends us what we need when we need ing with the St. John’s youth. You can find me in it, and here I now sit, in the beautifully renovated the Tebbetts House on Mondays, Wednesdays, Tebbetts House. and sometimes Fridays or via e-mail at [email protected] I have a graduate degree in Counseling Psychology from Lesley University, with a part-time private psychotherapy practice on The Hill in Ports- PAGE 6 KIDS CHURCH CALENDAR 2015 Nursery opens at 9AM Kids Church begins at 9:30AM (PreK through 5th grade) 11-Jan ~ Kids Church Covenant & Baptisms 18-Jan ~ The Season of Epiphany (lesson) & Godly Play story with Ashley 25-Jan ~ ANNUAL MEETING ~ 9:00AM Movie Morning in Choir Room! 1-Feb ~ Who Does Jesus Say He Is? (lesson) & The Parable of the Good Shepherd with Ashley 8-Feb ~ Who Does Jesus Say He Is? (lesson) & Anna Kay Vorsteg, Senior Warden, guest speaker 15-Feb ~ Who is my Neighbor? & The Parable of the Good Samaritan with Ashley 22-Feb ~ NO KIDS CHURCH (vacation week) Nursery open 1-Mar ~ The Season of Lent (lesson) & The Mystery of Easter story with Ashley 8-Mar ~ The Man Born Blind (lesson) & Youth Music 15-Mar ~ Jesus Brings His Friend Lazarus Back to Life (lesson) & MUSICAL!! 22-Mar ~ Jesus’s Hour Has Come; He Prepares His Disciples at the Last Supper (lesson) & Faces of Easter with Ashley 29-Mar ~ Jesus’s Hour Has Come; He Prepares His Disciples at the Last Supper (lesson) & Faces of Easter with Ashley 5-Apr ~ EASTER SUNDAY, No Kids Church, Easter Egg Hunt after 9:15 Service 12-Apr ~ Jesus is Alive! (lesson) & Faces of Easter with Ashley 19-Apr ~ Jesus is Alive! (lesson) & guest speaker TBD 26-Apr ~ NO KIDS CHURCH (vacation week) 3-May ~ The Risen Jesus Comes to Dinner (lesson) & The Good Shepherd and World Communion with Ashley 10-May ~ Jesus Helps Catch Fish (lesson) & guest speaker TBD 17-May ~ Jesus Helps Catch Fish (lesson) & The Circle of the Holy Eucharist story with Ashley ~ We follow the Weaving God’s Promises curriculum in coordination with supplementary Godly Play stories to help support the many different ways children learn. We continue to encourage discovery and wonder about God, love, our church community and the world. ~ Leaders are not called “teachers” because we don’t want to imply that we have all the answers. Leaders are often learning as much (if not more!) than the children who they serve. Leaders serve on rotating schedules to ensure that their spiritual health is protected and because we all have busy lives! This team approach has built a wonderful ministry group – if you’re looking for a place to serve, you might consider joining us! We meet for conversation and fellowship once a month during coffee hour. ~ Please email [email protected] with any questions! PAGE 7 Annual Pledge Campaign St. John's is wrapping up a successful pledge drive. So far, 245 parishioners have pledged $488,540 our best year ever and only $11,460 shy of our goal of $500,000! In 2014, we had $454,000 in pledges and in 2012, $399,000. Our participation goal this year has been 300 pledges. Last year, 267 parishioners pledged. If you haven't pledged, won't you consider it? We would love to tell our whole community at the annual meeting this month, "we did it!" Who's been helping make all this happen? Special thanks to Joanne Ferguson in the church office, vestry members Jean Lincoln, Tim Platt, Anna Kay Vorsteg, Mell Boesch, and Lacey Bangs who addressed both 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock services. Also, all of our canvassers listed below. Each canvasser called on four parishioners. And thanks to everyone who welcomed a visit from a canvasser and made time for a conversation. Each of our canvassers is a bright light in our community and together, they've been beyond brilliant! We also had a very special anonymous donor who offered a $15,000 pledge if matched by another anonymous donor. They both have made miracles happen. This year 34 new parishioners pledged, and 83 increased their pledge. Our hearts are filled with joy and gratitude for the work and generosity of everyone. If you haven't pledged...there's still time to be counted! Our Canvassers! Pat Baker Andy Bangs Neely Barnhardt Charlie Bickford Jody Blouch Bob Brookhouse Randy Carey Rick Considine Wendy Cote Jim Dean Kathy Flygare Carol and Tom Gruen Kathi Hardy Carl Eric Johnson Jean Lincoln Brad Lown Bob Mennel Suzi Raeside Liz Richards Dick Rozek Kathryn Saunders Ann Schwartzwalder Chris Sieve John Tabor Anna Kay Vorsteg Tell White January PAGE SUNDAY SUNDAY MONDAY ADULT FORUM 1/4 9am, Philbrick Room A discussion around the Gospel reading for the following Sunday Mark 4: 4-11 1/11 9am Philbrick Room A discussion around the Gospel reading for the following Sunday John 1: 43-45 1/18 9:00a, Philbrick Room A discussion around the Gospel reading for the following Sunday Mark 1: 14-20 1/25 9:00a, Philbrick Room NO ADULT FORUM Annual Meeting 4 8a 8:30a 9:00a 9:00a 9:30a 10:00a 11:00a 11:15a 11 8a 8:30a 9:00a 9:00a 9:30a 10:00a 11:00a 11:30a 18 8a 8:30a 9:00a 9:00a 9:30a 10:00a 11:00a 11:30a 25 8a 8:30a 9:00a 9:00a 9:30a 10:00a 11:00a Rite I 5 Parish Choir 6p - EfM Nursery 7p - FA Gospel Chat Kids Church/Youth Grps Rite II Coffee Hour St. J Singers Rite I 12 Parish Choir Nursery 6p - EfM Gospel Chat 7p - FA Kids Church/Youth Grps Rite II Coffee Hour St. J Singers Rite I 19 Parish Choir Nursery 6p - EfM Gospel Chat 7p - FA Kids Church/Youth Grps Rite II Coffee Hour Musical Rehearsal Rite I 26 Parish Choir Nursery 6p - EfM ANNUAL MEETING 7p - FA Kids Church/Youth Grps Rite II Coffee Hour 8 2015 PAGE TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 New Year’s Day FRIDAY 2 10:30a - Women’s Book Group 4:30p - Organ Rehearsal 9 SAT 3 7pm - AA 6 7 8 9 10:30a - 2:30p ES Baking 4p - YOC Meeting 6:30p - Spiritual Book Group 6pm - Youth AA (TH) 7a- Men’s Bk Grp 9a - Economy Shop 10:30a - Bible Workbench 12:30p - Staff Meeting 1p - Cooking for CRH 6:p - St. John’s Night 10 9:30am - Healing Service 10:30a - Centering Prayer 10:30a - Econ Shop 12pm - Common Table 5p - Organ Lesson 7pm - NA 10:30a - Women’s Book Group 3:30p - Salvation Army cooking 4:30p - Organ Rehearsal 13 14 9a - Econ Shop 15 16 17 10:30a - 2:30p ES Baking 6pm - Youth AA 7p - Vestry Meeting 10:30a - Bible Workbench 12:30p - Staff Meeting 1p - Knitting 3:30p - Cherub Choir 4:00p - Musical Rehearsal 6p - St. John’s Night 9:30am - Healing Service 10:30a - Centering Prayer 10:30a - Econ Shop 12pm - Common Table 5p - Organ Lesson 7pm - NA 10:30a - Women’s Book Group 7:30a - Pancake Breakfast 4:30p - Organ Rehearsal 7pm - AA 20 21 7a- Men’s Bk Grp 22 23 24 10:30a - 2:30p ES Baking 6pm - Youth AA 9a - Econ Shop 10:30a - Bible Workbench 12:30p - Staff Meeting 3:30p - Cherub Choir 4:00p - Musical Reh. 6p - St. John’s Night 9:30am - Healing Service 10:30a - Centering Prayer 10:30a - Econ Shop 12pm - Common Table 5p - Organ Lesson 6:30p - Spiritual Bk Group 7pm - NA 10:30a - Women’s Book Group 7pm - AA 27 28 9a - Econ Shop 29 10:30a - 2:30p ES Baking 6pm - Youth AA 10:30a - Bible Workbench 12:30p - Staff Meeting 1p - Knitting 3:30p - Cherub Choir 4:00p - Musical Reh. 6p - St. John’s Night 9:30am - Healing Service 10:30a - Centering Prayer 10:30a - Econ Shop 12pm - Common Table 5p - Organ Lesson 6:30p - Spiritual Bk Group 7pm - NA 7pm - AA 4:30p - Organ Rehearsal 30 31 10:30a - Women’s Book Group 7pm - AA 4:30p - Organ Rehearsal PAGE CHRISTMAS FLOWER MEMORIAL LIST 2014 Bill Adams William & Carrie Adams Hannah Allinson Hazel & Orville Allinson Laurie Jeanne Allinson Muriel Allinson Richard & Jeanne Allinson Mary E, Andrews Lynn Austell Jim & Shirley Barakis Hazel & Howard Barr Grace Edith Bassford Marshall Clark Bassford Ernest & Ruth I. Berry Gloria Berry Marion Berry Rev. George Blackman Odeo & Bertha Blanchette Paul E. Blanchette Ted Blood Jr. Elizabeth Brewster Mary & Wylie Brewster Thomas J. Brewster Charles & Rieta Brothwell Penn Brown George & Ruth Byam Frank Butterworth Jr. Dante Caminatti Frances & Don Cheatham Alfred H. Chick Alex Christy A. Taylor Christy Nathan Christy Earl Clough Leslie Clough Marian Allinson Colburn Mildred & Omer Comeau Capt. Matthew L. Cote’ Christopher John Spencer Crawford Josephine & William Craven The Crowley Family Richard “Nick” Csernelabics Dorothy A. & Newcomb L. Damon Rev. Edward Merrill Dart Ann S. Davidson Lois S. DePolo Brian Dixon Junior & Jimmie Dixon Albert & Ruth Dixon Stephen Dooda Maurice & Anna Drake Wilma & Carl Duemling Merton & Ida Edwards Alice Stewart Fenwick Eliot & Hazel Fernald Jessie L. Fernald Helen & Edwards Flynn Maurice E. Frye Terry A. Gettelman Jackie George Alice B. & James R. Goodwin Lilian & Henry Grigg Margaret Hackewicz Arthur & Anne Haesche Jim Hamill John E. Hayes Hugh Hencken Thalassa Cruso Hencken Leo Herman Diana F. Hersey Lisa Bassford Herzog Nancy Hobbs John Holland Luke David Robert Howe Ray P. Jones Willie Ray Jones The Joyce Family Helen Downs Kane David Kelly Laurel Dixon. Kent Norman & Mildred Kent Norman F. C. Kent Paul, Anita & Joyce Kent Georgette Kulickowski Vincent & Rose Kulickowski Carol Ann Gilbert Lincoln Ernest & Judith Maby Shirley MacCormack The Rev. Joseph. E. MacGinnis David E. Maxam John T. McCarty Julia McIlwaine, Katharine B. and Henry Margeson Daniel Lee Miller Jane N. Moore Lillian & Charles Moore R. Barbara Moore Timothy D. Moore Sr. Nichole Nelson The Nicholas Family David O’Connor Gertrude V. O’Donnell Katherine Orne & family Lothar Patton Gloria Pearson Faith Pendleton Raymond & Bertha Perkins Dorothy Philbrick Frank & Sarah Philbrick George Pierce Jr. George & Edith Pierce Sr. Ella Rand Andrew & Martha Raeside Douglas & Gladys Raeside Nellie Randall David K. Rocray Sr. Kimberly Rocray Brandon M. Rogers Laura & William Rose Marvis Rose William & Irene Rose Charles & Alice Rowe Charles F. Rowe Jr. Edwin & Evelyn & Alma Rowe Roland & Mary Rux C. Roy Sabean Donald & Denise Sabean Margaret G. Schneider Mary & Harry Schwartz Merritt & Marion Shapleigh Sr. Merritt Shapleigh Jr. Nancy Shevelin Kathy Smith Mildred A. Strachan Kenneth “Ken” J. Staulcup Paul Staulcup Betty Alaine Sjurson Margaret Tebbetts Charles & Winfred Tinckam Gerald L & Enda M. (Leith) Todd Vincent & Hazel Todd Charles & Mabel Travis Declan Tremblay Pearl Downs Tucker E. Richard “Dick” Unruh Lydia Isabelle Valdez Stephen & Dorothy Vickery Angela Wakefield Mary Wakefield Varrell Wakefield The Randolph Walker Family Randolph E., Mildred A., George O., Querida B., Randolph J. and Jestina M Thomas & Isabelle Walsh George B. Ward Bradford & Dorothy Waterman Anne G. Watkin Virginia & Ted Weaver The Rev. Charles & Nancy Webb Elsa Wendell Barbara Willey Florence & Robert Witham Justin Witham Richard Witham Simon & Audrey Young In Honor of: Charles W. Andrews Ted and Marion Andrews Capt. Pierce F. Cote’ Anne Dewees Rich In honor of Sarah Fincke and Giuliano Anderes - Bologna marriage Millylou D. Morse S/Sgt. Ryan H. Sylvester 10 PAGE 11 Parish Life Deepen Your Faith – Join a Book Group Consider reading Annie Lamott’s new book, Small Victories with the Thursday night women’s book group. We will read Small Victories in two evening sessions- Thursday, January 22nd and February 5th. At that point we will begin reading Mystical Hope: Trusting in the Mercy of God by Cynthia Bourgeault. Both books are available on Amazon. The group meets at 6:30 pm.every other Thursday in the Philbrick room. Please join us. Any questions please call or email Conni White- 603-498-7605 or [email protected]. Rehearsals for SEUSSICAL begin Wednesday, Jan 14th PERFORMANCE DATES: MARCH 13, 6PM & MARCH 15, 12PM JANUARY REHEARSAL SCHEDULE: 1/14, Wed – Youth (3rd grade and up) 4:30-6:00 1/18, Sun – Youth 11:30-1:30 1/21, Wed – Youth 4:30-6:00 1/28, Wed – Cherubs (K – 2nd grade) 3:30-4:00 – Youth 4:00-6:00 COMMUNITY DINNER SERVED AT 6PM EVERY WEDNESDAY – ALL ARE WELCOME!!! Contact [email protected] for a complete rehearsal & performance schedule. THINGS TO NOTE: You do NOT need to be a member of St. John’s to join the musical cast. All are welcome. Not interested in the limelight? There’s still a place for you backstage! We will be in need of artists to help build sets, and backstage managers to help keep the show running smoothly. Let Ashley know if you’re interested in a role like this. (Adults are welcome to volunteer, too!) While we do not hold traditional auditions, members of the St. John’s Youth Choirs will be considered first for roles. THERE IS ROOM FOR EVERYONE IN THE ST JOHNS MUSICAL!!! No experience necessary. PAGE 12 Legacy Giving Ensuring the continuation of the St. John’s mission through a planned, future gift. Over the course of St. John’s long history, approximately 85 individuals (that we know of) have made bequests to St. John’s through their will or estate plan. These legacy gifts range from income from the sale of property, cash donations, trusts/funds established in St. John’s name, etc. Legacy Gifts are the core of our Endowment Fund that assist to ensure a sustainable, financial foundation for St. John’s that preserves the future health of the church, its ministry and the sharing of God’s love with others. St. John’s currently has seven active funds/trusts/gifts managed by various financial intuitions. The John Christie Fund, established with a bequest of $1,000 in 1895, is managed by the NH Diocese. The Fund is currently valued at approximately $16,500 and St. John’s receives quarterly dividends of approximately $190. The Cornell Franklin Fund, established with a bequest of $3,000 in 1901, is managed by the NH Diocese. The Fund is currently valued at approximately $19,000 and St. John’s receives quarterly dividends of approximately $230. Bequeathed in 1950 by an anonymous donor and managed by US Trust/Bank of America, St. John’s will receive a share of the established trust, currently valued at approximately $173,000, after all other beneficiaries are deceased. In 1998, Doris Goodwin willed $20,000 to St. John’s through a fund managed by Piscataqua Foundation. In 2003, an anonymous donor set up a Charitable Trust with St. John’s as the beneficiary. Managed by Edward Jones, St. John’s receives annual dividends totaling approximately $900. An anonymous donor named St. John’s in their will as a beneficiary. Established as a Wells Fargo Advantage Fund, the current value of the gift is approximately $15,000 with the dividends automatically reinvested. In 2014, an anonymous donor included a $1,000,000 donation to St. John’s in her will. If St John’s is in your will/estate plan, let us know so we can celebrate your generosity in a way that is comfortable for you. And as you make plans, please consider what a long-term impact a legacy gift, like those named above, will have. Joanne Ferguson in office at 603-436-8283, or [email protected] The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr. (Rob) at 603-436-8283 x111, or [email protected] PAGE 13 Parish Life ST. JOHN’S GRIM GUARDIANS There is no knowing what will appear in the St. John’s archives. My latest find is a 2-page description of our grim guardians. They were painted by Mr. D.M. Shepard of Salem, Massachusetts in 1848, together with many other shadow paintings. The following is a quote from an unknown source, written in the late 1960s: “I draw your attention to the panels painted on either side of the four windows on both sides of the gallery. You will see branches with gracefully curling acanthus leaves, climbing serpent- like up the sides of the panels, to join in classical profusion over the rounded top of each arch.” “The first time one enters St. John’s this juncture of leaves is just that. If one studies it carefully, however, it becomes a stern and watchful face. Thereafter, whenever one comes into the church, close scrutiny is unnecessary! A grim all-seeing face stares down with purposeful glare from the top of each panel.” Mr. Shepard came from Salem, formerly a center of witchcraft and demonology. These cults had long been submerged by Christianity, but never quite forgotten. Perhaps Mr. Shepard inherited from some priestess ancestor her magic powers. If so he could have used them to protect and preserve the building that housed his master work, the decoration of a Christian church” The writer refers to the two serious thefts at St. John’s. One was the Vinegar bible in 1970, which was mysteriously recovered and returned several months later. Then in 1972 some silver pieces and a lace credence cloth disappeared from the sacristy and were later returned. The writer attributes these miraculous recoveries to the watchful eyes of the grim guardians. Sarah Hamill, From the Archives PANCAKE BREAKFAST Saturday, January 17th 7:30am to 10:00am Thaxter Hall Kids: $3.00 Seniors: $4.00 Adults: $5.00 PAGE 14 Parish Life Here is a way to support Common Table and to enjoy many tasty dishes. American Culinary Federation's Great Chef's Tasting Party Sunday, January 25 Doors open at 5:00 pm The Regatta Room Rt. 236 in Eliot, Me. For every ticket sold by us, Common Table receives money towards the free lunch program. Last year Common Table received $1000. Scholarship money is also given to culinary students. If you would like to join the fun, we have tickets. They are $30. each, it's for a good cause and the food seems unlimited with different chefs offering meat, veggies, appetizers, desserts and a cash bar. There are also door prizes, a raffle and a live auction featuring various chefs who will prepare a meal in your home. Checks are made out to the ACF Piscataqua Chapter. Any questions or for tickets,, please call Judy Roberts. 7782357, or Margaret Sofio at 431-6363. Joanne also has tickets at St. John's office. PAGE 15 Parish Life NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: SIGN UP FOR COFFEE HOUR! Do you enjoy Coffee Hour at St. John's? Have you thought about volunteering for Coffee Hour and just haven't gotten around to it? Please consider gathering a group of friends together to host, set up, and clean up. Many hands make light work! Maybe your group would like to choose several Sundays this winter/spring. If you are new and don't know too many people, we'll put you together with several others to host. It's a great way to get connected! Or perhaps you could choose a certain Sunday to host in honor of a birthday, anniversary or in memory of a loved one. Working in the kitchen can be a great way to catch up with old friends and meet new ones. Please take notice of the Coffee Hour sign up sheets on the wall to the left of the kitchen. There are many slots to fill in 2015. Lent this year begins Feb 18th. It has been our custom during Lent to have lighter, simpler coffee hours to honor the time of year and many people's Lenten disciplines. *The kitchen will be stocked with staples: regular/decaf coffee, tea, cups, napkins. We ask hosts to provide snacks and half & half. Coffee making instructions are on the wall next to the coffee pots. We are also happy to give a coffee hour tutorial to anyone interested. The kitchen is not a sacred place at St. John's…ALL ARE WELCOME! PLEASE EMAIL JEN STEVENS ([email protected]) OR CAROL GRUEN ([email protected]) WITH ANY QUESTIONS OR TO SIGN UP VIA EMAIL. Thank you for your help in making this ministry of hospitality at St. John's possible. NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 23 PORTSMOUTH, NH 101 Chapel Street | Portsmouth NH 03801 | 603-436-8283 Church Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 9:00 am until 3:00 pm Website: Address Service Requested STAFF The Rev. Robert E. Stevens, Jr. Rector, ext. 111 [email protected] Lory Pratt Bookkeeper ext. 153 [email protected] The Rev. Anne C. Williamson Associate Rector, ext 125 [email protected] Joanne Ferguson Office Administrator [email protected] Margaret Harper Director of Music, ext 114 [email protected] Andy Ritzo Sexton [email protected] Ashley Wade Director of Children’s Music and Ministries, ext 116 [email protected] Priest Associates: The Rev. G. Richard Siener The Rev. Gail Avery Lizzi Bristow Director of Youth Ministries [email protected] St. John’s Vestry Members Anna Kay Vorsteg, Sr. Warden Kathryn Saunders, Treasurer Laura Ludes, Jr. Warden Marian Ellis, Clerk Pat Baker Lacey Bangs Lee Baxter Randy Carey Marian Ellis Jean Lincoln Tim Platt Ann Schwartzwalder Peter Tarlton Contact the Vestry at [email protected]
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