University Presbyterian Church Chapel Hill, North Carolina January 18, 2015 Second Sunday after Epiphany 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. THE GATHERING The congregation is asked to use the time of the Voluntary as a period of silent prayer and preparation. THE ORGAN VOLUNTARY O Gott, du frommer Gott Sigfrid Karg-Elert O God, Thou Faithful God SILENT PRAYER OF PREPARATION Thanks be to You, O God, that we have risen this day to the rising of life itself. Renew us this day in the image of Your love. O great God, grant us Your light. O great God, grant us Your grace. O great God, grant us Your joy, that we may live in gladness and peace. Amen. 1877-1933 WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS (Please sign the Worship Register and pass it on to your neighbor.) *OPENING SENTENCES Psalms 24:1; 51:15 One: The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, All: the world, and those who dwell therein. One: O Lord, open our lips, All: and our mouths shall proclaim Your praise. *HYMN 641 “When in Our Music God is Glorified” Engelberg *PRAYER OF CONFESSION Almighty God, we confess before You and in the presence of Your people that we have sinned in thought, word, and deed. We have separated from You and from one another, and our lives are fragmented and empty. We pray for Your mercy and forgiveness. Deliver us from fragmentation, and give us the courage to amend our lives. Help us, in turning to You, to find our true identity and our genuine unity. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. *Silent Confession *Kyrie Eleison Arr. David N. Johnson *Declaration of Pardon *The Peace Leader: The peace of Christ be with you. People: And also with you. (The congregation is invited to exchange the peace of Christ with one another, greeting each other with the words, “The peace of Christ be with you,” or simply, “Peace.” The response is, “And also with you.”) *Response of Praise (Hymnal, 641) Let every instrument be tuned for praise! Let all rejoice who have a voice to raise! And may God give us faith to sing always: Alleluia! THE WORD TIME WITH CHILDREN (Children, three-years old through third-graders, are invited to join the minister on the steps for Time With Children.) PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION OLD TESTAMENT READING 1 Samuel 3:1-10 p. 247 (Children’s Bible, pp. 318-319) GOSPEL READING John 1:43-51 pp. 92-93 (Children’s Bible, p. 1227) One: All: SERMON The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. “Come and See” Robert E. Dunham *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH from A Declaration of Faith, 1977 Christ calls us to be disciples. In forming his people and sending them into the world Jesus called individuals to be disciples. They were to share the joy of his companionship, to understand and obey his teachings, and to follow him in life and death. We confess that Christians today are called to discipleship. Life shared with Christ and shaped by Christ is God’s undeserved; gift to each of us. It is also God’s demand upon every one of us, never perfectly fulfilled by any of us. Forgiven by God and supported by brothers and sisters, we strive to become more faithful and effective in our daily practice of the Christian life. *HYMN 432 “How Clear Is Our Vocation, Lord” Repton THE THANKSGIVING OFFERING OF SUBSTANCE AND LIFE Offertory Sentence At the Offering, A Voluntary (8:30) John James d. 1745 A Carol (11:00) Herbert Howells 1892-1983 Here is the little door. Lift up the latch; O lift! We need not wander more, but enter with our gift. Our gift of finest Gold, Gold that was never bought nor sold; Myrrh to be strewn about his bed; Incense in clouds about his head; all for the Child that stirs not in His sleep, but holy slumber holds with ass and sheep. Bend low about His bed: for each he has a gift! See how his eyes awake, lift up your hands! O lift! For Gold, he gives a keen-edged sword (defend with it Thy little Lord)! For incense, smoke of battle red. Myrrh for the honoured happy dead. Gifts for His children, terrible and sweet, Touched by such tiny hands and oh! such tiny feet. ~ Words, Frances Chesterton, 1869-1938 *Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below; praise God above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. CONCERNS AND CELEBRATIONS PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE (closing with the Lord’s Prayer, Traditional, Hymnal, p. 35) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. THE SENDING *HYMN 741 “Guide My Feet” Guide My Feet *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION *CHORAL AMEN (11:00) William Smith 1603-1645 *ORGAN POSTLUDE *Those who are able, please stand. Welcome to the Fellowship of University Presbyterian Church IN GRATEFUL RESPONSE to the grace of God, this community of Christ’s Church gathers regularly for worship, study and discernment, and then disperses to carry the love of Jesus Christ into the community and the world beyond these walls. We invite you to lend your own gifts and abilities to our journey of faith together at University Presbyterian Church. OUR WORSHIPPING FAMILY OF FAITH INCLUDES CHILDREN of all ages. Through our excellent childcare program, Sunday morning care is available during both worship services for infants, toddlers and preschool children, who will be welcomed by our trained nursery staff and parent volunteers. Infants are welcome to remain in the Sanctuary with parents; however, the parlor (located alongside the narthex) is a wonderful place for parents to calm an anxious baby. A special part of our morning service is the Time with Children, when they are invited to join the pastor on the chancel steps for a message that connects the worship of the day with their unique understanding. If children are new to this experience of coming forward, parents can join them. After the Time with Children, parents of those four years and younger are invited to take their children downstairs to the nurseries (through the door nearest the baptismal font) for stories and activities. DURING THE 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE, UPC offers Godly Play for kindergarteners and four-year-olds. This is a time of storytelling and creative play, teaching children the stories of our faith, the practices of worship and the sacred language used in worship and faith formation. Following the Time with Children, kindergarteners and four-year-olds will go with the Godly Play Assistant (exiting through the door near the pulpit) to the Godly Play room on the first floor near the Youth Center. Younger children exit through the door near the parking lot and font. If children are new to the program, parents are welcome to walk them downstairs. WE WELCOME AND EMBRACE ALL CHILDREN and strive to provide skilled caregivers to accommodate any special needs. Please contact the Staff Associate for Children’s Ministries, Nancy Myer, at [email protected] or (919) 929-2102 if there is anything we can do to enhance the Sunday morning experience for your entire family. Worship Notes WORSHIP LEADERSHIP TODAY: Preacher: Bob Dunham, Pastor. Liturgists: Anna Pinckney Straight, Associate Pastor; Kate Fiedler Boswell, Associate Pastor for Adult Ministries. Organist: Thomas Brown, Minister of Music. ASSISTING IN WORSHIP TODAY: At 8:30: Elder in the Narthex: Scott Singleton. Greeters: Bart and Vicki Phillips. Ushers: Len and Susan Strobel (captains), Tom and Judy Warburton. At 11:00: Deacon in the Narthex: Alison Bevin. Greeters: Chuck, Christie, Chad, Nicholas and Jonathan Osborne. Ushers: Chip (captain), Shannon and Will Sudderth, Bill and Amy Whitley. Handicapped Parking Assistant: Rob Reda. Worship Notes AS A COURTESY TO OTHERS, please turn off or silence all cellular phones, pagers, and other electronic devices for the duration of worship. THIS MORNING’S 11:00 OFFERTORY ANTHEM is the first choral work of Howells ever published. Frances Chesterton, the wife of the poet and writer G.K. Chesterton, created the text in 1918 as a song sung by the mysterious Magi who visit the Christ-child with their strange gifts. In the second verse, the words make oblique reference to World War One, which ended in November of that year. The printed score says that the setting was made in September 1918, but Howells’ friend Harold Darke claimed that it was composed ‘…in the kitchen of a friend’s house one Christmas Eve [1918?], amid the bustle and excitement of preparing a Christmas dinner.’ NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED LAST SUNDAY: Donald and Lucy McMillan, 105 A Todd St., Carrboro, NC 27510 [16]; Ellie Lamb, 204 Cedar Pond Lane, Chapel Hill, NC 27517 [24]; Joe and Betty Anne Cook, 1048 Fearrington Post, Pittsboro, NC 27312 [20]. (Neighborhood assignments are designated within brackets). IN EACH OF THE CHILDREN’S WORSHIP BAGS there is a copy of A Children’s Guide to Worship. The book introduces the church mouse and his church family. The church mouse takes part in worship from Prelude to Postlude and for Baptisms and Communion. This book is offered so that children—and those worshiping alongside them—can more fully experience and understand worship at UPC. TODAY’S CHURCH SCHOOL LESSON for Grades 1-12 will be based on 1 Samuel 3:1-20. We encourage you to talk with your children about this passage. HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES are set aside on Sunday directly in front of the church on Franklin Street and in the first four spaces in the church lot. Please reserve these spaces for those with handicap parking permits. LARGE PRINT BULLETINS AND HYMNALS and portable hearing devices are available every Sunday in the narthex. LECTIONARY READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY: Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:512; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20. THE WORSHIP BULLETIN, along with the weekly calendar, announcements and church newsletter, are posted on the church Website at University Presbyterian Church Program Staff Robert E. Dunham, Pastor Anna Pinckney Straight, Associate Pastor John Rogers, A ssociate Pastor for Campus Ministry Kate Fiedler Boswell, A ssociate Pastor for Adult Ministries Thomas Brown, Minister of Music Kim McNeill, Staff Associate for Youth Ministries Nancy Myer, Staff A ssociate for Children’s Ministries Beth Auman Visser, Director of Children’s and Youth Choirs Missionaries The Rev. Dr. Karla Koll, Costa Rica The Rev. Jo Ella Holman, The Caribbean Two mission co-workers, The Middle East University Presbyterian Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and is a Stephen Ministry Congregation. 209 E. Franklin St P.O. Box 509 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 (919) 929-2102 | | [email protected] Welcome to University Presbyterian Church News and Opportunities January 18, 2015 THE CHURCH HAS A NEW Wi-Fi network, UPC-Guest. The password to join this network is “welcome!” Presbyterian Youth Connection (PYC) TONIGHT AT PYC we’ll explore what Paul meant when he said we are all one in Christ. How can we be one body when we each have different opinions and thoughts about our faith? How do we foster unity in a world where individuality is valued? All 6th-12th graders are invited to join in the conversation from 6-8 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Bring $5 for dinner. Please email Kim McNeill, Staff Associate for Youth Ministries, at [email protected] for more information about PYC. TODAY IS THE DEADLINE to sign up for the Middle School Washington, DC Service Trip (March 29 April 1). This trip includes outings to points of interest in the city, but focuses on poverty-related issues such as hunger, shelter and personal care. It will be a wonderful mix of fun and important work! We will serve in soup kitchens, host a person who is or was homeless for supper and conversation and learn how our country is managing the needs of the homeless in our midst. We stay in the basement of the Church of the Pilgrims (PCUSA) on bunk beds. This trip blasts middle schoolers out of their comfort zones and into a time of service and renewal. The cost of $200 is due today. Please email Kim McNeill, Staff Associate for Youth Ministries, at [email protected] if you have any questions. Church Office Volunteers Needed! THE CHURCH OFFICE NEEDS volunteers for the first and third Friday afternoon of the month! The shift is 12:304:30. If you’re interested in this service to the church, you can volunteer for one or both. Responsibilities include welcoming visitors, answering the phone and simple clerical tasks. If you’re available, or if you’d like to volunteer as a substitute instead, call Shelley Adams at (919) 942-2525. Thank you! Montreat Worship and Music Conference MONTREAT WORSHIP AND MUSIC CONFERENCE (June 21 - 27, 2015) is open to all active UPC choir members that will be rising fourth graders to graduating seniors. What a great conference to enjoy the fellowship, music and worship in the beautiful setting of Montreat, NC! The conference registration fee is due by February 15. If you’re planning to go to Montreat Worship and Music this summer, let Beth know and she will register you. The sooner the better for class selections! Large groups must register for the conference together online. For more information, contact Beth Auman Visser at [email protected]. Women’s Retreat Planning Meeting MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the fifth annual women’s retreat (April 24 - 26)! Please contact Kate Fiedler Boswell if you would like to be a part of the planning process ([email protected]). The first planning meeting for the retreat will be this Thursday, January 22, at 11:00 a.m. in Vance Barron Hall. We hope to see you there! Children’s, Junior and Youth Choirs THE YOUTH CHOIR (grades 6-12) will rehearse today from 5 - 6 p.m. in Vance Barron Hall. Check your emails for your rehearsal calls this week. The FULL cast and tech crew are called on Saturday, January 24, from 3 - 6 p.m. Please contact Beth at [email protected] for more information. THE JUNIOR CHOIR (grades 2-6) will rehearse today from 4:15 - 4:55 p.m. in Vance Barron Hall. The Junior Choir will sing next in worship on February 8 at 11 a.m. All God’s Children Got a Place in the Choir! Join us! Please contact Beth at [email protected] for more information. THE CHILDREN’S CHOIR (grades K-2) ) will rehearse today from 3:45 - 4:10 p.m. in Vance Barron Hall. The Children’s Choir will sing next Sunday, January 25, at 11 a.m. worship. See you at rehearsal today! Please contact Beth at [email protected] for more information. TICKETS FOR COTTON PATCH GOSPEL, the Youth Choir’s 2015 Dinner Theatre Production, go on sale TODAY in the church office between worship services and following the 11 a.m. service. Performance dates are February 5, 6 and 7, 2015. The Thursday, February 5, show is free and no food will be served. The performances on Friday, February 6, and Saturday, February 7, will be catered by Diane Dodge of Home on the Range Catering, and the cost is $15 for adults and $10 for children ten years and younger. The musical will be accompanied by the bluegrass band Big Fat Gap. Get your tickets early for this wonderful retelling of Jesus’ life set in rural Georgia. Tickets will also be on sale next Sunday, January 25, and Sunday, February 1. For more information, contact Beth Auman Visser at [email protected]. Faith Forward Update AS OF DECEMBER 31, members have committed a total of $3,474,302 in pledges, plus an additional $242,261 in non -pledged support, bringing our total to $3,716,563 toward our goal of $4.2 million. We have received actual contributions of $3,116,364. New pledges are encouraged and welcome, as are non-pledged gifts. There are two ways to make a pledge. Visit and click “Faith Forward Capital Campaign” from the left side of the homepage, or you may go to Then, click “Pledge Online,” fill-in your information and click “Submit pledge.” You may also contact the church office at (919) 929-2102 and request to be mailed a pledge card. Simply fill out the card, sign it and return it to University Presbyterian Church, PO Box 509, Chapel Hill NC 27514-0509, c/o Finance Office. Thank you! Adult Education Classes: Today, 9:45-10:45 Connections: This class featur es Holy L and Revealed, video lectures by Dr. Jodi Magness, an archeologist and religion professor at UNC. Today: Caesarea Maritima—Harbor and Showcase City. Facilitators: Lee and Myrah Scott. Location: Vance Barron Hall. *W e look forward to welcoming Dr. Jodi Magness for a lecture next Sunday, January 25. This session will meet in the Fellowship Hall and start promptly at 9:45 a.m. Please join us! Feasting on the Word: This class expands our understanding of the lectionary scripture for each Sunday. This curriculum is coordinated with the children’s ministry planning. Today: 1 Samuel 3:1-20. Facilitator: Bob Dunham. Location: Room 139. Faith Issues in Literature: Featur ing Bar bar a Br own Taylor’s book, Home By A nother W ay, this class will explore Taylor’s sermons through the church calendar. Today: “Miracle on the Beach.” Facilitators: Kelly Ross and Kate Fiedler Boswell. Location: Terrace Room. Family Matters - Building Moral Intelligence: This class features the book The Seven Essential V irtues that Teach Kids to Do the Right Thing, by bestselling author, Michele Borba. These virtues are empathy, conscience, self-control, respect, kindness, tolerance and fairness. Gain a new understanding of moral intelligence for our children through study of this indispensable book for parents and grandparents. We will understand, evaluate and inspire our children (or grandchildren) with the seven essential virtues which comprise moral intelligence. Facilitator: Jim Schultz. Location: Stephen Ministry Room. Vacation Bible School MARK YOUR CALENDAR for UPC Vacation Bible School! Our theme this year will be Message Received: Hearing God’s Call. VBS will be June 29 - July 3, 2015. Registration will begin on February 15. Please join us! Announcement from the Larger Community VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED on Saturday, January 24, to counsel participants in the community project “A Gift to Your Family: Advance Health Care Planning,” hosted by the North Carolina Bar Association Health Law Section. This is a free, hands-on clinic that helps participants learn about and prepare advance health care planning documents, including health care powers of attorney, living wills, advance directives (bring a photo ID) and end-of-life care. The event will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Community Family Life and Recreation Center at Lyon Park (1309 Halley Street, Durham). If you’re interested in volunteering or participating, register for the event at Please contact Andrea Bradford at [email protected] if you have any questions. This Week and Next at University Presbyterian Church Sunday, January 18 8:30 & 11:00 Worship Services (nursery care provided in Room 134) 9:45-10:45 Sunday School for all ages 3:45-4:10 Children’s Choir: Vance Barron Hall 4:00-5:00 UPC worship service: Carol Woods 4:15-4:55 Junior Choir: Vance Barron Hall 5:00-6:00 Youth Choir: Vance Barron Hall 6:00-8:00 PYC: Fellowship Hall, Youth Center, Garden Room Monday, January 19 7:00-8:30 Church Office closed: MLK Day Stephen Ministry: Stephen Ministry Room, Youth Center, Garden Room Tuesday, January 20 4:00-5:00 4:30 7:00-9:00 PYC Service Event: TABLE Bulletin announcement deadline Dinner Theater rehearsal: Fellowship Hall Wednesday, January 21 7:15-9:15 Chancel Choir: Fellowship Hall Thursday, January 22 11:00-12:00 Women’s Retreat Planning Meeting: Vance Barron Hall 5:30-8:00 PCM Dinner and Program: Terrace Room 7:00-8:00 UPPC Committee: Youth Center 7:00-8:00 Adult Education Committee: Parlor 7:00-9:00 Dinner Theater rehearsal: Fellowship Hall Saturday, January 24 3:00-6:00 Dinner Theater rehearsal: Fellowship Hall Sunday, January 25 8:30 & 11:00 Worship Services (nursery care provided in Room 134) 9:45-10:45 Sunday School for all ages 3:45-4:10 Children’s Choir: Vance Barron Hall 4:00-6:00 Youth Choir Picture Day: Parlor, Fellowship Hall 4:15-4:55 Junior Choir: Vance Barron Hall 6:00-8:00 PYC: Fellowship Hall Tuesday, January 27 7:00-9:00 Dinner Theater rehearsal: Fellowship Hall Remember, there is FREE parking at the Rosemary Street parking deck on Sundays until 2:00 p.m. 919) 929-2102 | | [email protected]
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