Project Office: LEAAssociates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. B-17, New Civil Lines, Near Saras Circle, Bharatpur-321 001 Tel: + 91-5644-220792 E.mail: [email protected] A LEA Group Company Consultlng Engineers E Planners , Ref: LASA-Highway / O&M /7 3397 I Ag"a-Bhatatput 12074/ L2-14t9 Date:30-12-2014 To, The Proiect Engineer M/s Oriental Pathways (AGRA) Pvt. Ltd C/o Shiv Kumar Sharma, Near Kakaji Ki Kothi Brij Nagar, Bharatpur (Rai.) 3 21001. Maintenance including strengthening and widening of existing 2-Lane road to 4-Lane duel Carriageway from Km L7.756 to Km 62'295 of NH-11 (AgraBharatpur Section) in the state of Uttar Pradesh & Rajasthan on lluild, Operate and Transfer Subject: lmprovement, Operation basis. - & Regarding Celebration/ observance of 26th Road Safety week from 1lt January - 17th JanuarY,2015 Email NHAI /RSC/2010/Road safety week/3986 dated 29.12.14 Reference: Dear Sir, to N HAt E-mail (copy enclosed), you are hereby reminded to observe 25th Road Safety Week from 11,h Jan. 2015 to 17th Jan. 2015 and submit Action Taken Report on the Road Safety Week Celebration activities as suggested by the NHAI. please refer Please give importance to safety of road users and update the undersigned on the preparations done by you for the Road Safety week celebration. Harin B, Dave (Team Leader) LEA Associates South Asia Pvt' Ltd. Encl: As above. Copy To. L. 2. 3. Corcorate Office Project Director - NHAI, Dausa The chief General Manger (T),Regional Office, NHAI,Jaipur Mr. A.K. Sharma, LASA- New Delhi Office : B-1/E-27, Mohan Co-operative lndustrial Estate, Mathura Road, New Delhi- 1'10044lndia Tel. : +91-1't-2697 395b-52, 4167 8150 (8 Lines), Fax : +91-11-4',167 8659,2697 1062 E-mail : [email protected], Website : www.tasaindia com / www.lea ca Project Otfices in Overseas: a Bangladesh a Canada a Ethiopia a Mauritius a Tanzania a Uganda 1z*mf4 Fwd: FW: Cdebretidr / Ohdrvance of 26th Road Sddy Wak fom 1 lth January - 1?fh Jaruary, 2015 - Reg. V(atfWrCelebration/Observance of2SthRoadSafetyWeekfromllthJanuary-17th fanuary 2015 - Reg. /20t4 9:34AM 0 Froml NHAI Dausa To: LASA Dausa, |MTPL, fMTPL Lavkush Prasad Dwlvedi, M S MOHUN, Tue L2/30 URS SCOT'I WLSON Bharatpur, [email protected], Dinesh Patel, MAIEL, US Dhaka, Dinesh sharma, l'ir,rr,\11 {i',1 Sir(sJ, Please find enclosed herewith circular letter dated 29.12.2014 from NHAI, RO, laipur. for You are requested to undertake road safety activities as mentioned in the circulardated 29.12.2014 at work/proiect site Celebration / Observance of 26th Road Safety Week from 11th January - 17th fanuary, 2015 and submit the report on aaivities . undertaken atyour proiecl $ 0/* : Director office0f Proiect y'/ NHAI,pru-Dausa ,/ ^\ ON\ \'/ // -----Forwardedmessase---------From: ROlalpur<r,,r ,r,,, li.rl, ,,.'> ,/ ,/ , iO .rY \)I"'' " f J)/ Ll" " \\ $ 'r'\ ')A,V lp ,/A) l'W\t Date; Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 4:04 PM Subject: FW: Celebration / Observance of26th Road Safety Week hom 11th January- 17th January 2015 - Reg. To:PlUAjmer<;rr'r, rlrr i,r , ,>,PIUBhilwara<ir,,1. ,,>,PIUChittorgarh<,trlr,, rLrr, :rtZ"PIUDausa," ,,, ,l' ,,.;>,PIUGwalior<1, ," , , , , r,tZPtUJaipur<r.,ri,,rri ,r., ,tZPIU r>, PIU Pali <g_..r 11,r11i,,,,,,.>,PIU ',iq>,PlUKoti<l ',( i.,r,'rts>,PIUKota<i'i .,, <,r r, i.,itr,r,:,.,i.r,ir:>,PIUGwalior<r...r: Jodhpur<lr,,r:r:,,,,,,,rrr:ri Reengus<r,rLr ,,,.r,i'r.,ilrrrih.r,,rq>,PIUudaipur<lilirrrrj.:,i,:,,(,,rir,r,rr'r> Ccr Udaipur PIU <,r,i rif r,ir ,.,,:,i> to, All PDs Slr, An email received from NHAI HQ is being forwarded herewith for necessary compliance and submit report Regards, O/o Chief General Manager(IechJ/Regional Omcer, National Highways Authority of India, Regional Office(Rajasthan) Jaipur F-1 20, lanpath, Shyam Nagal \ Jaipur-302019. Tel-O14l-2292049 Tel-0141-2292054 ',*3o-.:l*:-r9r{ Fax-0L4L-2292O56 l.o--i"39ltl' ---Original Message--- From:WebAdmin [trr.r i',,, i'Ir Sent Mon 2g-Dec-14 3r13 PM r,i]' ,ri,",'r rirrdl hlts/mail.la6aindiacdn/Main/f.mMessag€Prir(€Ep(?poEFtru€&messaoeie60m&fdd€r=lnbq&us€Flasahtrarasur&domairFlGaindiacom&mapp€d=Ttlu... 1n ) ___=_ f{lltl /,Phqr : si-t.r.25gr4tm/25oza: FEr :ot-it-2soo3so7 / 2S096s k,/ (Ministry ofRoad Transport Lr"y :, tsrr-lo, En{I, G{ E 0, S€ctor_lo, ai4 nigfrways; d frni-rmzs Orva*r,'tt8t" O"ffri_ttmZS No. NHAITzRSC/20lO,zRoad Safety Week/ gg( . 29.12.201,4 CIRCULAR Sub: Celebration / Observa --sr vdllc€ of 26s Road safefy week from l1n iui. January - 17u, It has been decitled to ,celeblate 26tr'"Road safety week'January,2015. ftom 11o January _ 17o, lrnu^ry, **'#,,n'i,*f,e,}##",:^u:il,m*,"*i*r,-;ffi1.'gf i;.-# H'"';:Hhi'ifli:'" :":rosed herewith the dated w;";;; "':r lqav of life". It is ,uqu"rte4'rrlr Trlq"e .-"**, ;;il##:l # ;'".".,#"ffi -,T,'J*T'rTif rett Road Safety ;fl therr respective 09 12'2014 from *ffi ;ffi::"*uvt'uun'u'eaett :X;;i::';:'.,"-'.uvb""no*u!"ffi rt can be '"a**"i'ii-""ri;";X'tlli;"T,".i"i,liiTi*11 iurisdictioni , i) i, ni) . rv) C"li a review meeHns at Regional office and safety conrultu;.ii',uduance ts to manner. Pli:l ."r"u,ut*.*,T;:r"Jl:"fiiir*:r:f,fir".fj r+ to Safety week, analyze a{cl.dent prone stetches. dah for at least last twro years and identily the consultant to visit such s:ercnes !y-S[/%fety stretches and tmprovement a suggest measures. Ro/pDto."ri"*,r,*rr,,""*":""^;:^:' rrrr* *.ii""i'ir.[',J.1tfjil,t* "nd remediat/ take steps to disptay barurers/ boards to b) i) i, iir) Public armouacement of road -- s-ufety at important intersections using mobile vansvans. h"'j:ffHl5ffi ffi:;'ji;f **r. ies, 3*,i-11 Display of.o:**",rils.,h" ",i"i f:1"*.,arroriprazaqwaysideamenft flex Uu""";'rZr-r#_j * theweek and dispraying i.iiiiil',;.Hffi:: *:#::fri H,]:l:t "!, "ii,"li,i"Xlj?.ffii:,:Ir::YJi the theme at RO/pru *ou i,n %/" other educational institutes and Road junction etc and other impo*aflt locations. iv) v) vi) Workshop, discussions, essay competition, video spot making contest, quiz contests etc otr issu$ related to road safety. Organizing Cyclothon / Walkthon to create awareness among the citizens uUJut tne mu;o, .i"k factors for accidents viz over speeding' Oreanize the tefresher training Programmes for drivers by imParting trainfutg i" ?."a tuf"ry rules, vmious s-igns I signages and fust aid service in case of accidents. vii) viir) i*) 4 xi) xn) c) to save Soreadins information about the Suprerne Court's directive the effort but professional ifi" p"oJ" tfto"ld be the top priority not only of the medical that with tn pofi"" or any otirei citizen who happeru to be corurected ur.eri "f matter ot who hapPens to notice an accident' Uti"jir,g o"t pu*phlets, folders for childrerL road users and drivers in order to educate them on road safety asPecb. to follow- lane discipline and mr""gtt route Pebol vehicles, educate public plazas and all important locations trafficlles by public address system at Toll in the entire stretch. guard AU typ" of touat signages/lane marking; delineators, crash barriers and rail eti. to be checked for its proper functioning' of traffic rcgulations especially dnmken Enforcement drive against "iot"ti-, of helmets-, seat belts etc' non-use driving over speedin!, overloading, zones ard check implementation work Field oificers are reqr.rired to insPect the ,tut , *i*. refereice to observatians given by safety experts/safety consultants and as per guidelines issued by RSC vidl circular No' NHAI/ 2008/ Road Safety/LMNHP/S0A dated October 26' 2070' Activities to be carried out after "Boad Safety Week" wili zubmit a consolidated state wise rePort of each ploject strerch (under their iurisdictiod about the activity taken with Photo$aPhs and videos' RO within a week's time after the "Road Safety Weex- ' This issue with the approval of the ComPetent Authority' A%-241t?|fr'l (R.P. sinsh) GM(RsC) To AIl Regional Officers, ROg All Project Directort, PIUs Copy toi PS to Chairman PSe to AII Members/ CVO AII GMs at HQ All CGMs at HQ Copy also to: Mnpivigion-witharequesttoalfangefordisplayingaflexbannerindicatingthetheme oftheRoadSafetyweektobelocatedatNHAIHQincludingit3Extn.Building. 2/^
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