Recitation Instructor: ______________________ Recitation Section Letter: _____ PHYSICS 2135 COURSE HANDBOOK Spring 2015 Textbook: Physics, Custom Edition of Young and Freedman, 13th Edition. This handbook is your guideline for Physics 2135: Engineering Physics II procedures. If corrections are required, the “official” version of this handout is maintained on the Physics 2135 web site. Major Course Elements Lecture (Mondays and Wednesdays). Lectures will elaborate on concepts that are difficult to master or understand on a first reading of the material. In addition, examples will be worked to demonstrate the concepts and assist in the development of your problem solving skills. You are expected to have completed your reading assignment prior to lecture. Recitation (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Recitation will be an additional source of instruction on important course concepts, with emphasis on developing the problem solving skills necessary for completion of the assigned homework. Your mastery of the material and your problem solving skills will be tested through collection of the assigned homework and student presentation of homework at the chalkboard. Physics Learning Center (Mondays and Wednesdays). This is an open learning environment where you can solve problems in informal student groups, get help and insight in a relaxed setting, and prepare for your recitation class. You can come at any time during operating hours in rooms 129-130 of the Physics Building. At least one physics instructor will be there to help you. Laboratory (every other week beginning the second week of classes). See the “Physics 2135 Laboratory” handout for details. This handout is available from your laboratory instructor, or online at The laboratory is designed to reinforce concepts learned in lecture and recitation, to connect those concepts to physical experience, to illustrate scientific methods, and teach measurement theory. Sources of Points and Grading Exams. There will be three hour exams, given only at 5:00 PM on the Tuesdays listed in the Schedule of Classes. See the course website for location where the exams will be given for your recitation section. The final exam is at 7:30 AM, Friday, May 15. These four exams are worth 200 points each. Your lowest exam score (out of the three exams and the final) will be dropped. End-Material Test. A 50-point end-material test will be given concurrent with the final exam on May 15. This test will cover material presented in class after the material for Exam 3. Lecture Quizzes. Twelve multiple choice quizzes will be given to test your comprehension of the fundamental ideas in recent assignments. The two lowest quiz scores will be dropped. 1 Recitation Homework. On unannounced recitation days, assigned homework will be collected, or you may be asked to work and hand in a homework problem (or one similar to it) during recitation. A total of six homework sets will be collected and your lowest score will be dropped. Recitation Boardwork. Your recitation instructor will call students to solve a homework problem (or one similar to it), usually on the blackboard, and without the use of notes. If you are absent, a grade of zero will be recorded. One lowest boardwork score will be dropped. Laboratory. There will be six laboratories during the semester. Your reports are to be turned in to your lab instructor at the end of the lab period. Lab reports will be graded on the basis of 100 points, and reports will be returned by your lab instructor. The lowest lab report score will be dropped. Each Physics 2135 student must purchase a lab manual. Manuals are available in the department office. Students not purchasing a lab manual will receive a laboratory grade of 0. Course Points: Exams: End Material Test: Lecture Quizzes: Recitation Homework: Boardwork: Six Laboratories: Total 600 50 50 50 100 150 1000 One exam, two quizzes, and one homework score will be dropped. Your boardwork points will be your average boardwork percentage after the lowest boardwork score is been dropped. Your lab points will be 1.5 times your average lab percentage after the lowest lab grade is dropped. Grading is on an absolute scale. The cut-offs for grades are: A (≥ 89.50%) B (≥ 79.50%) C (≥ 69.50%) D (≥ 59.50%) F (< 59.50%) ≥ ≥ ≥ ≥ < 895.0 795.0 695.0 595.0 595.0 Some Course Rules Those participating in a major university or intercollegiate event on the day of an exam may take the exam on that day at some time other than the normal time if they submit a written request for an excused absence and if the event’s Faculty Sponsor can ensure exam security. The student must submit a written request (email is acceptable) to Dr. Pringle, acknowledged in writing (email is acceptable) by the event's Missouri S&T Faculty Sponsor, no later than the end of the last Wednesday lecture the week before the exam. The Faculty Sponsor must be willing to arrange proctoring and ensure exam security. More information is available at Your lowest exam score will be dropped. This accommodates students who miss one test due to reasons beyond their control (minor illness, athletic events, family events, etc.). 2 There are NO make-ups of exams, lecture quizzes, recitation assignments, labs, or the endmaterial test. Any missed assignment will result in a grade of zero. The two lowest lecture quiz scores, and the single lowest homework, boardwork, lab, and exam score will be dropped. There will be no laboratory make-ups. Laboratory policies are set by faculty in charge of the labs. Because the lowest lab score is dropped, no make-ups will be given. Regrade policy. Requests for regrades must be submitted no later than the end of the second recitation meeting after the general return of the assignment, except that lab regrade requests must be submitted the day the lab report was returned to you. All regrade requests must be submitted to your recitation instructor. Laboratory report regrade requests are not to be submitted to your laboratory instructor. You must compose a detailed but brief written statement on a separate sheet of paper explaining why you are requesting a regrade. Attach the sheet to the front of the full assignment and submit it to your recitation instructor by the appropriate deadline. There are occasional instances in which a score is not entered correctly in the spreadsheet record. In such an event, you must bring your recitation instructor the assignment that was incorrectly recorded, and the correction will be made. It may be necessary to bring all assignments of that type (homework, quizzes, etc.) in order to have your scores correctly entered. Spreadsheet corrections involving exams must be requested within two weeks of posting of the exam grades. Other spreadsheet corrections must be requested before the start of the Final Exam. Academic dishonesty will be dealt with severely (see Disruptive talking and other distractions will not be tolerated. There are too many students in a room to allow disruptive behavior. A course instructor may request the campus Judicial Officer to take effective disciplinary action after issuing a single warning (see Student Code of Conduct at Students with inadequate attendance may be dropped. Any student who has inadequate attendance, as evidenced by 7 confirmed absences or by missing a total of 7 graded assignments of any kind (exams, homework, quizzes, boardwork, and labs) may be flagged with an S&TConnect Early Alert. Students who fail to take the recommended action are subject to being dropped if a subsequent class or assignment is missed. Appeals. In rare cases, you may believe an exception to a course rule should be made. In this case, you may file a written appeal with your recitation instructor. Appeals must be filed within one week of the occurrence of the circumstance that causes your appeal, or by the end of your last recitation of the semester, whichever comes first. Your appeal will be carefully considered by the entire Physics 2135 teaching staff. This appeals policy applies to course rules given in this handbook, but does not apply to laboratories. Minor illness, lack of preparation, “I did poorly on two exams,” non-emergency family events, oversleeping, “I forgot about it,” etc., are not reasons for filing an appeal. Other Course Policies. See for other course policies not described in this handbook. 3 Complaints About the Course Unresolved complaints about a laboratory or recitation instructor: Occasionally, a student has a conflict with a laboratory or recitation instructor. It is hoped that any complaints can be resolved in a collegial manner through discussions between student and instructor. However, if such a situation continues or remains unresolved, please feel free to discuss it with Dr. Pringle. He will act as a go-between, or you may be able to switch to a different section. If your difficulties are with your laboratory instructor, you may also contact Dr. Hagen who is in charge of the laboratory portion of the course, or Dr. Waddill who is assisting with the labs. Unresolved complaints about the course: It is hoped that any complaints about the course can be resolved in a collegial manner through discussions with Dr. Pringle. However, if there are any complaints that cannot be resolved, you may take them up with Dr. Dan Waddill, Chairman, Physics Department ([email protected]). Course Assistance If you require additional assistance you should not hesitate to take advantage of the multiple opportunities available to receive help. You may arrange for extra assistance with your recitation instructor or through the Physics Learning Center (PLC). The PLC for Physics 2135 will operate on Mondays and Wednesdays between 2:00-4:30 pm and 6:00-8:30 pm. If you desire additional or alternate learning assistance and consultation for this course visit the web site of the Learning Enhancement Across Disciplines (LEAD) program at If you have a documented disability, you are encouraged to meet with Dr. Pringle to discuss the accommodations you will need. You should request that the Disability Services staff ( send a letter to Dr. Pringle verifying your disability and specifying the accommodation you will need. We are not allowed to discuss your grades or academic performance with parents, guardians, etc., unless you fill out this form: Accessing Physics 2135 Course Material on the Web Course handouts, schedules, assignments, your grades, and other course information may be found on the Physics Department Web Site Viewing Grade Spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel In Column D (Student Personal Identification Number), find the PIN that was assigned to you. The row with that number gives all the scores that your instructor has recorded for you prior to the last update of the course spreadsheet. Verify that your scores entered for the reported assignments are correct. If they are not, bring the assignments in question to your recitation instructor so that your scores can be correctly entered. It may be necessary to bring all assignments of that type (homework, quizzes, etc.) in order to have your scores correctly entered. This spreadsheet is usually updated weekly after the first exam. Course handout last revised: 11:03 am, January 13, 2015. 4 Physics 2135 Syllabus Spring 2015 Prof. Allan Pringle Office: 122 Physics Phone: 341-4031 email: [email protected] Course Web Site: Textbook: Physics, Custom Edition of Young and Freedman, 13th Edition Physics 24, Spring 2015 Homework Assignments. Last revised: 11:00 am, January 7. Lecture Monday, January 19 Martin Luther King Day Recitation/Exam 1. Tuesday, January 20 Vector review (to be handed out in class) 1. Wednesday, January 21 read 1: 1-4 Electric Charge, Coulomb’s Law, Electric Field 2. Monday, January 26 read 1: 5 Electric Field of a Charge Distribution 2. Thursday, January 22 1: 13, 18 (also express the force in unit vector notation), 28, 87, Special Homework #1 3. Wednesday, January 28 read 1: 6-7; 22: 1-4 Electric Field Lines, Electric Dipoles, Electric Flux, Gauss’ Law 4. Monday, February 2 read 2: 4-5 Gauss’ Law Calculations, Conductors and Electric Fields 4. Thursday, January 29 1: 57, 62; 2: 12 (use Gauss’ Law), 34, Special Homework #2 (reminder: all solutions must begin with starting equations) 5. Wednesday, February 4 read 3: 1-2 Electric Potential, Electric Potential Energy 6. Monday, February 9 read 3: 3-5 Potential of Charge Distribution, Equipotentials, Potential Gradient 6. Thursday, February 5 3: 4, 10, 14, 21, 61 7. Wednesday, February 11 read 4: 1-2 Capacitance, Capacitors in Series and Parallel 8. Monday, February 16 Exam 1 Review 8. Thursday, February 12 4: 5, 6, 11, 57, 64 (reminder: all solutions must begin with starting equations) 9. Wednesday, February 18 read 4: 3-4 Energy Stored in Capacitors and Electric Fields, Dielectrics 10. Thursday, February 19 4: 24, 35, 44, Special Homework #5 3. Tuesday, January 27 1: 53, 90, 91a, 98 (also express the force in unit vector notation), 100 (reminder: all solutions must begin with starting equations) 5. Tuesday, February 3 2: 19 (you only need to derive the expression for the electric field once), 23, 40, 47, Special Homework #3 (reminder: all solutions must begin with starting equations) 7. Tuesday, February 10 3: 29, 31, 39, 86abc, Special Homework #4 (reminder: all solutions must begin with starting equations) 9. Tuesday, February 17 Test Preparation Homework #1 Exam 1: 5:00 pm, chapters 1.1-4.2 Lab No Labs Odd O1: Coulomb’s Law Even E1: Electrical Instruments Odd O2: Fields and Potentials Even E2: Capacitors 1 Physics 2135, Spring 2015, Homework Assignments, page 2. Lecture 10. Monday, February 23 read 5: 1-3 Electric Current, Current Density, Resistance Recitation/Exam 11. Tuesday, February 24 5: 4, 22, 25, 56, 58 11. Wednesday, February 25 read 5: 4-5 EMF, Electric Power 12. Monday, March 2 read 26: 1-2 (last drop day) Resistors in Series and Parallel, Kirchoff’s Rules 12. Thursday, February 26 5: 32, 39, 46, 70, 72 13. Wednesday, March 4 read 6: 3-4 Electrical Instruments, RC Circuits 14. Monday, March 9 read 7: 1-2, 4-6 Magnetic Field, Motion of Charged Particle in Magnetic Field, Magnetic Forces on Currents 14. Thursday, March 5 6: 38, 51, 83, 84, Special Homework #6 (reminder: all solutions must begin with starting equations) 15. Wednesday, March 11 read 7: 3, 7 Magnetic Flux, Gauss’ Law for Magnetism, Magnetic Torque 16. Monday, March 16 Exam 2 Review 17. Wednesday, March 18 read 8: 1-4 Magnetic Field of Current, Biot-Savart Law, Field of Wires, Force between Conductors 13. Tuesday, March 3 6: 6, 13, 22, 59, 65 15. Tuesday, March 10 7: 7, 31, 39 (you may express your answer using unit vector notation), 61, 74 Lab Odd O3: ResistanceMaterials, Geometry Even E3: Ohm’s Law, Internal Resistance No Labs Thursday, March 12 Spring Recess: no recitation; no homework 16. Tuesday, March 17 Test Preparation Homework #2 Exam 2: 5:00 pm, chapters 4.3-7.7 Odd O4: Series RC Circuits 17. Thursday, March 19 8: 8, 16, 67, 74 (reminder: all solutions must begin with starting equations) 2 Physics 2135, Spring 2015, Homework Assignments, page 3. Lecture Monday, March 23 Spring Break Recitation/Exam Tuesday, March 24 Spring Break Wednesday, March 25 Spring Break 18. Monday, March 30 read 8: 5-7 Magnetic Field of Current Loop, Ampere’s Law, Solenoids Thursday, March 26 Spring Break 18. Tuesday, March 31 Even 8: 35, 42, 46, 49, Special Homework #7 (reminder: E4: Current all solutions must begin with starting equations) Balance 19. Wednesday, April 1 read 9: 1-4 Induction, Faraday’s Law, Generators, Lenz’s Law, Motional emf 19. Thursday, April 2 9: 24, 25, 27, 56, Special Homework #8 (reminder: all solutions must begin with starting equations) 20. Monday, April 6 read 9: 5-7 Induced Electric Field, Eddy Currents, Displacement Current 20. Tuesday, April 7 9: 13, 37, 41, 53 (why does the case a→0 differ from the result for a conducting bar?), 65 (three problems are a review of material from the previous lecture) 21. Wednesday, April 8 read 10: 1-4 Electromagnetic Waves 21. Thursday, April 9 10: 13, 20 (in part b, do not calculate the rms value of the electric field; instead, calculate the amplitudes of the electric and magnetic fields in the beam), 22, 23, 54 22. Tuesday, April 14 11: 1, 10, 48, 51, Special Homework #9 22. Monday, April 13 read 11: 1-4 Light: Reflection, Refraction, Dispersion 23. Wednesday, April 15 read 12: 1-2 Concave and Convex Mirrors Lab No Labs Odd O5: Generator Even E5: Snell’s Law 23. Thursday, April 16 12: 6, 10 (the outside bottom of the bowl is facing you; draw a ray diagram), 68, 69, 72 (draw a ray diagram) 24. Monday, April 20 Exam 3 Review Last withdraw day is Friday, April 17. 24. Tuesday, April 21 Test Preparation Homework #3 Exam 3: 5:00 pm, chapters 8, 9, 10 25. Wednesday, April 22 read 12: 3-8 Lenses, Optical Instruments 25. Thursday, April 23 12: 26, 29 (draw a ray diagram), 30, 86 (hint: R=∞ for a flat surface), Special Homework #10 Odd O6: Lenses 3 Physics 2135, Spring 2015, Homework Assignments, page 4. Lecture 26. Monday, April 27 read 13: 1-3 Double Slit Interference Recitation/Exam 26. Tuesday, April 28 13: 14, 17, 18, 24, 43 27. Wednesday, April 29 read 13: 4 Thin Film Interference 28. Monday, May 4 read 14: 1-5 Diffraction 27. Thursday, April 30 13: 26, 27, 31, 33, 54 29. Wednesday, May 6 Final Exam Review 29. Thursday, May 7 Final Exam Preparation Homework Friday, May 15 28. Tuesday, May 5 14: 4, 15, 38, 55, 65 Lab Even E6: Dispersion No Labs No makeup labs will be given! No Labs End-Material Test and Comprehensive Final Exam, 7:30-9:30 AM 4 Starting Equations for Physics 2135 Frequently-Used Official Starting Equations From Engineering Physics I: 1 2 x= x 0 + v 0x ∆t + a x ( ∆t ) 2 E f − Ei = ( Wother )i→f Wnet = ∆K E= K + U PF= F ⋅ v vx 2 = v 0x 2 + 2a x ( x − x 0 ) v x = v 0x + a x ∆t 1 mv 2 2 ar = v2 r PF = ( Wexternal )i→f dWF dt p = mv ∆U =U f − U i = − ( Wconservative )i→f E = Paverage t = Pi P= 0 f if ∑ Fext K= ∑ F = ma = − ( Wconservative )i→f if ∆K=0 Constants 1 N ⋅ m2 = 9 ×109 k= 4πε0 C2 8.85 ×10−12 ε= 0 e 1.6 ×10−19 C = = 1.6 ×10−19 J 1 eV m electron = 9.11×10−31 kg m proton = 1.67 ×10−27 kg C2 N ⋅ m2 m 0 = 4π×10−7 c= 3 ×108 T⋅m A g = 9.8 m s2 E sheet = s 2e 0 m s Electric Force, Field, Potential, and Potential Energy F=k F = qE q1q 2 r122 d d p = qd, from - to + τ = p×E U dipole d f d U f − Ui = −q ∫ E ⋅ d ∆U =q∆V =q ( Vf − Vi ) V(r) = q r2 d d =−p ⋅ E E=k i 1 q 4πε 0 r U= 1 q1q 2 4πε 0 r12 q E = k 2 rˆ r d d Φ E = ∫ E ⋅ dA d d q enclosed E ∫ ⋅ dA =e0 d f d Vf − Vi = −∫ E ⋅ d ∆V = Ed i V= 1 dq ∫ 4πε 0 r Ex = − ∂V ∂x Circuits Q C= V κε0 A C= = κC0 d 1 1 =∑ Ceq i Ci Iav = R= ρ A P=V dq dt τ =RC ρ= ∆Q ∆t I= 1 σ 1 1 Q2 1 2 = U CV = = QV 2 2 C 2 dQ dt J= I A ρ = ρ0 1 + α ( T − T0 ) 2 = P IV = V = I2 R R ∑I = 0 at any circuit junction Ceq = ∑ Ci i d d J = nqv d R eq = ∑ R i i Q= ( t ) Qfinal [1 − exp(− t / t)] ∑V = 0 V = IR J = σE 1 1 =∑ R eq i Ri Q= ( t ) Q0 exp(− t / t) around any closed circuit loop Gray shading around equation means I don’t recommend that you use it unless you REALLY know what you are doing. Magnetic Force, Magnetic Fields, Inductance F= q E + v × B F = IL × B = F qv × B ( U = −µ ⋅ B B= dΦ B d Idispl = κε0 ΦB= τ = µ×B d d B ∫ ⋅ dA d d B 0 ∫ ⋅ dA = d µ 0 I dsd × rˆ dB = 4π r 2 µ 0 qv × rˆ B= 4π r 2 µ NI B= 0 2πr − ∫ E ⋅ ds = dt µ =NIA (N=1 for single loop) d d dΦ B ∫ ⋅ ds = µ0 Iencl + κe0 dt E µ0 I 2πr N B= µ0 I= µ0 n I d ) ε = −N dΦ B dt dΦ E dt Electromagnetic Waves = S I= 1 E×B µ0 1 1 E 2max 1 cB2max 2 = I =S = c ε 0 E max = 2 2 m0c 2 m0 P area 1 1 B2 u B =u E = ε0 E 2 = 2 2 µ0 uB = k= 1 B2max 4 m0 1 ε 0 E 2max 4 2π ω = 2πf = T 2π λ 1 ε 0m 0 1 1 B2 2 u =ε 0 E max = max 2 2 m0 = I uE = E max E = = c= Bmax B = S c u fλ= ω = c k Pr ad = T= I 2I or c c 1 f Optics v = fλ = ω k = I I max cos 2 φ θi =θr 1 1 1 + = s s' f 1 1 1 = ( n − 1) − f R1 R 2 φ I = I0 cos 2 2 n= f= λ λn = n c v R 2 m = λ d sin θ m= y' s' = − y s n a sin= θa n b sin θb na nb nb − na + = s s' R m= 2π 1 φ d sin θ m+ = λ d sin θ = λ 2 2π β a sin θ a sin θ= mλ = λ sin ( β / 2 ) I = I0 (β / 2 ) 2 = R n s' y' = − a y n bs I0 = 4 I λ avg = Nm ∆λ Mathematics Vsphere= 4 3 pr 3 A sphere = 4p r 2 A cylinder = 2π r L (excluding ends) Last modified: 3:56 pm, October 17, 2014. Physics 2135 Special Homework Assignment #1 1. A point charge +Q is located at the origin, and a point charge -Q is located at (x,y) = (0,L). y -Q (a) Find the electric field at point P, which is a distance L away from both +Q and -Q, as shown in the diagram. Express your answer in unit vector notation using the coordinate system given. L L P L +Q (b) A point charge -2Q is placed at point P. Find the Coulomb force on the charge -2Q due to the other two charges. Express your answer in unit vector notation using the coordinate system given. x Physics 2135 Special Homework Assignment #2 In each box shown below, draw electric field lines in the region around the objects. Assume the boxes are far from each other. Positive point charge Two insulating spheres coated with positive surface charge Physics 2135 Special Homework Assignment #3 An infinitely long insulating cylindrical shell has an inner radius a, an outer radius b, and an unknown uniform positive charge density ρ (charge per unit volume) distributed in the region between r = a and r = b. (a) Using Gauss’s law, find the electric field in the hollow inner region r < a. Begin with a statement of Gauss’s Law and justify all steps leading to your answer. a b (b) Suppose the electric field at the outer edge of the cylindrical shell (i.e., at r = b) is measured, and is found to have a magnitude of E0. Use Gauss’s law to express the charge density ρ in terms of the quantities E0, a, b, and any fundamental constants you may need. Leave your answer in symbolic form. (c) Find the magnitude E of the electric field at a radial distance a < r < b from the center of the cylindrical shell. Express your answer in terms of fundamental constants and some combination of a, b, r, E0, and/or ρ. Physics 2135 An insulating rod of length L has a total charge of +Q uniformly spread along its length. The rod lies along the xaxis with its left end located at x = a. Special Homework Assignment #4 y +Q x a L (a) Find the electric potential at the origin. (b) A charge of –q is now moved from infinity to the origin. How much work was done by the external agent which moved the charge –q? (c) What is the direction of the electric force on the charge –q when it is at the origin? Physics 2135 An isolated capacitor of unknown capacitance C has been charged to a potential difference of 100 V. When the charged capacitor is then connected in parallel to an initially uncharged 10 µF capacitor (µ stands for 10-6), the voltage across the combination is 30 V. Special Homework Assignment #5 Vab=100 a Vcd=30 b C? c d C? C1=10µF before after (a) Calculate the unknown capacitance. (b) Calculate the energy Uinitial stored in the isolated capacitor when it was charged to 100 V, and the total energy Ufinal stored in the parallel combination of the two capacitors. Physics 2135 Special Homework Assignment #6 For the circuit shown R = 15 kΩ, C = 6 μF, and ΔV = 30 V. Initially the capacitor is uncharged. The switch S is then closed and the capacitor begins to charge. After the switch is closed, how much time will elapse before the current through the resistor is one-third of its maximum value? What is the charge on the capacitor at this time? C R S ΔV Physics 2135 Special Homework Assignment #7 A very long wire carrying a current I has a perfectly circular loop of radius R in it (the wire is continuous and is insulated so there is no contact where the wire crosses over itself). Determine the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field B at the center of the circular loop (point P). Your analysis must begin with starting equations. Express your answer using unit vector notation. I P y R I x I Physics 2135 Special Homework Assignment #8 Consider a 1.5 V battery with a 0.3 Ω resistor attached to two conducting, frictionless rails 0.200 m apart. The entire apparatus is in a uniform magnetic field B directed out of the page and of magnitude 0.400 T perpendicular to the rails. A conducting bar can slide over the rails perpendicular to them as well as to the field. All other resistances in the problem are negligible compared to the 0.3 Ω resistor. The bar is placed on the rails, starts from rest, and is observed to accelerate. 1.5 V B 0.3 Ω (a) What is the direction of the bar’s acceleration? x (b) What is the direction of the emf induced in the bar? (c) Use Faraday’s Law to calculate the magnitude of the induced emf when the bar reaches a speed of 12.0 m/s. (d) Calculate the current in the bar when its speed is 12.0 m/s. 0.2 m Physics 2135 Special Homework Assignment #9 An optical fiber consists of a glass core with index of refraction ng = 1.52 surrounded by a coating with index of refraction nc = 1.25. The fiber is submerged in water (nw = 1.33) and light enters the end of the cable from the water at an angle θ as shown. The light strikes the surface between the glass and the coating at the critical angle θc so that the light is refracted along the boundary between the glass and the coating. Determine the angle θ. coating nc=1.25 water nw=1.33 θ θc glass ng=1.52 Physics 2135 Special Homework Assignment #10 A lens forms an image of an object. The object is 20.0 cm from the lens. The image is formed 15.0 cm from the lens on the same side as the object. (a) What is the focal length of the lens? Based on the results of your calculation, is it a converging or diverging lens? (b) If the object is 8.0 mm tall, how tall is the image? Based on the results of your calculation, is it upright or inverted? (c) Verify your calculations by making a complete a ray diagram showing the formation of the image using the figure provided. Adjacent marks on the principal axis are separated by 10.0 cm. O Lens
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