First Lutheran Church We are believers seeking to invite all into the caring, sharing and growing ways of Christ. 2014 Annual Report Prepared for Congregational Annual Meeting January 18, 2015 100 Church Street Marshall, MN 56258 (507)532-2429 [email protected] You can view our Facebook page from the website or at Youth Web Site: Table of Contents Church Council and Staff 3 Bishop Jon’s Report Council President Report 4-6 7 Staff Reports • Pastor Scott Fuller 8 • Pastor Julie McCain 9 • Tonya Tomasek 10 • Kitsi Marks 11 Committee Reports • Education 12 • Outreach 13 • Property & Management 14 • Social Ministries 15 • Stewardship 16 • Worship & Music 17 • Youth & Family 18-19 First Lutheran Women Report Church Statistics 21-22 Financial Reports • Financial Report • 2015 Financial Plan • Foundation Financial Report 23-24 25-27 28-29 Previous Meeting Minutes • 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes • 2014 Foundation Annual Meeting Minutes 29-31 31 Shetek Lutheran Ministries Annual Report 2 20 32 CHURCH COUNCIL OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES 2014 President: Karen Bierman Vice President: John Marshall Treasurer: Pam Russell Past-President: Chris Ulrich Secretary: Deb Mitlyng Education Committee: Julie Kuecker, Nikki Gehrke, Heather Rokeh, Alyssia Coudron, Kristin Neet-Holien and Krista Bjella Outreach Committee: Deb Schnaible, Paul Enderson, Tami Dahl, Danielle Wilts, Tim Moline and Eric Myhre Property & Management Committee: Roger Marks, Ray Paulzine, Dan Marks, Pat Simpson, Bill Kremer and Tom LeSage Social Ministries Committee: Jean Mather, Melanie Pedersen, Denise Myhrberg, Marsha Rose, Linda Nelson and Donna Reaves Stewardship Committee: Bruce Lamprecht, Dennis Oeltjenbruns, Glenn Olson, Doug Kunde, Linda Bloom-Scott and John Pollock Worship and Music Committee: Jim Christianson, Jenifer Klein, Brian Kruse, Rosie Sorum, Helen Pedersen and 1 position open Youth Committee: J. Jurgens/Ron McKenzie, Sue Strautz, Mary/Jim Mortland, Caryn Douglas, Kevin/Karyn Groenewold and Bill/Becky Weber First Lutheran Women: Shirley Anderson-Porisch and Corlys Knudson CHURCH STAFF Pastor Scott Fuller Pastor Julie McCain Director of Youth and Family Ministry: Tonya Tomasek Director of Education and Outreach: Kitsi Marks Parish Secretary: Jane Wilkison Office Assistant: Connie Olson Accountant: Russ Sanow Custodians: Randy Bahn & Ron Schoephoerster 3 From Bishop Jon … Diakonia/Service +Bishop Jon V. Anderson 2015 Annual Report Boldy living in Christ’s mission by… + Engaging Leaders + Equipping Congregations + Serving in God’s World. Life in Christ is a faith adventure. It begins in our baptism, when we are called to begin to live our life in a daily mission trip of serving our gracious God as we live out our many callings. We sometimes turn service into a project, or a fund raiser, or something we do when we have time. Yet serving, or diakonia, is one of the marks of the Church. It is part of what we are called to do as we trust and follow Jesus our lord, the one who calls us to wash feet with him as we love our neighbors and world. 4 In our life together in Christ we serve Washing His Disciples Feet - John 13:1-17 together in the Southwestern Minnesota Synod. We serve on behalf of the great Servant who has called us to follow him deeper in faith, hope and love. We serve, at times surprised like the early disciples, as Jesus comes to touch us and make us clean. We serve as Jesus did as he journeyed towards the cross. Our theme word this year is diakonia. While it will not always be our focal word, it is a part of what it means to follow Jesus, we serve and love as he has done to us. just before the Passover Feast… [Jesus] got up from the supper table, set aside his robe, and put on an apron. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the feet of the disciples, drying them with his apron…Then he said, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You address me as ‘Teacher’ and ‘Master,’ and rightly so. That is what I am. So if I, the Master and Teacher, washed your feet, you must now wash each other’s feet… If you understand what I’m telling you, act like it—and live a blessed life The Message (MSG). I always love to read our synod’s mission statement. “The congregations and all the baptized who are the Southwestern Minnesota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America are claimed by this mission: God places us in cities, farms and towns together under one prairie sky. The Risen Christ surprises us with opportunities to plant God's Word in the world. Walking together in confidence, cultivate life-giving congregations, nurture partner ministries, and cooperate in the life of the ELCA. By God's grace, together we have what we need.” The ending reminds me that God has given us one another to walk together into God’s preferred and promised future. Our synod continues to face change with all of its challenges and opportunities. Who could forget last year’s winter? Crop prices oscillate. Our world seems full of threats…and wonder. How do we love our God and love our neighbors in this time? I had visits with leaders of small congregations on our western side of the synod last month. I was struck by their joy and excitement even in the midst of challenges. God’s Spirit keeps breathing new life into you, me and our communities of faith. As I read the blog posts of our Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) I continue to wonder at how God works on us and through us in this broken and beautiful world. Psychiatrist and spiritual guide, Gerald May, suggests a six step spiritual practice as we serve on our daily mission trip as the baptized ones whom God loves and as the community that gathers and is sent in Jesus name. Pausing – We need to pause to give thanks, remember, mourn, lament and rejoice for the gifts of life. God’s love has claimed us. Christ Jesus washes us free of all that traps us and seeks to destroy us. God’s Spirit blows like the blizzard winds relentlessly seeking to set us free and bless us with new life. Noticing – Christian leaders are called to be people who notice things. We encourage people to notice the abundance of gifts God has given to us. In a culture that loves the story of American Idol where only one person comes out at the end, God is at work blessing us with experiences, reclaiming our pain by using it to serve others like Jesus’ cross was used by God to set us free and be a symbol of life. God’s Spirit keeps inviting generosity in a world that focuses on scarcity. 5 Opening – God calls us to open our heart, our ears, our eyes, our mind and our hands. God calls us to faith and nourishes us in faith. That is why our synod’s congregations and leaders focus on faith formation so that people might grow into deep love and wide generosity. God’s Spirit keeps opening us up, breaking us open to God’s will and to see the needs of our neighbors. Yielding – There is a dying that comes with each day as we are called back to our baptism. We die to sin and are raised to new life. This is not just something that happens to people. It also happens to congregations, synods, our church body and God’s church. As our synod office’s financial support declines because congregation’s financial life is changing; as congregations designate more giving and invest more resources locally, we have begun to distribute more of the work of the synod into the hands of leaders across our synod. Rather than look back to what was, we are working on developing multiple streams of funding to support the necessary infrastructure of a regional expression of God’s church. We thank each of you for your support and your congregation’s mission support that makes our synod’s life and church body’s life possible. We are all called to build up God’s church and serve as synod ministers. We are a church committed to reforming. We are doing that in our staff’s life to focus our resources on forming leaders at seminary and campus ministries. We give thanks to God for the generosity of many with mindfulness of what would be possible if our people and congregations grew in generosity. Stretching – A recent article in Scientific American magazine argued that healthy organizations master three capabilities to innovate and stretch to engage the work of this changing world and our changing mission fields. I love them. “Creative abrasion” is necessary in order to take off rough edges and fit new times. We have to be willing to face our differences and engage one another in conversations and work. “Creative agility” means congregations need to be willing and able to move with speed and lightness of step in the changing landscape of our time. “Creative resolution” is required to let go of differences and keep the focus on the mission of growing gracious disciples who grow gracious disciples through God’s Church. We have to stretch in order to stay limber and move to glorify God and love our neighbors. Responding – We live in a time full of gifts. Our people have many gifts. Our congregations have amazing resources. I am talking about the people God has called into your community. We are called to practice our faith and pass on our faith with joy. Our mission is not just to raise enough money to have a pastor and a building. Our mission as Christians is to nurture our faith through the Word and sacrament that holds us together in community and then be contagious as we live out our many callings following the call of Jesus our Lord. We are not building monuments, but rather building a movement of faithful and fruitful disciples who love their neighbors and God’s whole world. Thanks for your response to the Gospel and your love which serves in all kinds of ways that we will never see. I want to thank all the council leaders this past year in congregations and your synod. I need to thank the great group of people who make up our synod’s governance. I wish you could see your amazing synod staff serving in the flow of your synod’s daily ministry. It is a privilege to serve with them. Please sign up at to receive our almost weekly Enews. On Facebook you can find us at Southwestern Minnesota Synod, ELCA. May God bless you and your congregation as you serve in Jesus name. 6 From the Church Council President … Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Dear Friends in Christ, I must start by saying how proud I am of our congregation, and how humbled I am to have served as your Council President. The year 2014 has been a season of celebration for First Lutheran Church. Thanks be to God! In January our celebration began with a Service of Installation for Pastor Julie McCain. This special day in the life of our congregation was made possible by the supportive congregational vote to add an additional pastor to our staff and the hard work and dedication of the Call Committee to fulfill their charge to find the best candidate. God answered our prayers every step of the way through this process. Throughout the year we celebrated baptisms, weddings, new members being welcomed and Confirmation. All of these occasions remind us of the blessings we have been given and how vibrant our congregation is. Again this year the volunteers of First Lutheran are to be celebrated. I am honored to work with a Council that is as dedicated, thoughtful, wise and committed as ours, and I am grateful to each and every Council member for the gifts of time, energy, and wisdom they have shared. So many members give their time to keep our activities running smoothly, the building maintained, the community nourished both physically and spiritually, and our children educated and engaged in their faith. The greatest example of total congregational participation comes in our services each week. Pastor Scott and Pastor Julie lead the congregation with the support of acolytes, choirs, bells, lectors, greeters, coffee servers, ushers, nursery assistants, communion preparers, all add to the celebration of our worship to our Father and His Son. Thank you to all that volunteer in any capacity, you are appreciated! A wonderful celebration was held in November as we recognized four dedicated women for their 135 combined years of service to First Lutheran Church. Rosie Sorum, Jane Wilkison, Susan Jones, and Tonya Tomasek were honored at a special gathering between services. What a contribution these women have made. During this season of celebration we have also faced the challenge of financial shortfalls. Through prayerful consideration, we trust the congregation will respond to these needs in the upcoming year. We are truly blessed as a congregation and this we should celebrate. Thank you to the Executive Committee, Church Council, church staff and congregation for your support this year. May The Lord continue to guide and bless First Lutheran Church and may our season of celebration continue! In God’s Grace, Karen Bierman 7 From Pastor Scott … 4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. 6 Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7 This last year we spent time every month at our First Lutheran Church Council meetings discussing the Bible passage above, using its beautiful words as a light to enlighten our experiences in life: both as individuals and as leaders of this great congregation. My biggest challenge with this text is always the first part of verse 6: Do not worry about anything … I’m never paralyzed by worry – but I’m also always aware of its shadowy presence when challenging issues arise like: raising enough money to support our ministries, finding enough volunteers to make our programs flourish, tending to the needs of people who are hurting, making worship meaningful, and taking care of our facility so that it takes care of us. My biggest realization this year was to name that presence of worry in my life – and then do something proactive about it – which is exactly where the second half of v. 6 kicks in. Says the Apostle Paul: but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. In short, he’s saying that the best antidote to worry is to be actively thankful and fearless – thankful for everything that God is and does for us, and fearless in asking the Lord to provide all that we need. I have been delighted to see how well Paul’s message works in my life. I am thankful for everything that this congregation is and does. I am thankful for the incredible people who do such great work to help our many and varied ministries thrive. And I am thankful for everyone who shares their time, their treasure, and their talents in such a wide range of ways. 2014 was a significant year of renewal in the life of this congregation. We are studying the Bible. We are thriving at worship. We are growing. We are improving what we do well. We are trying new things and trying-out new ways to communicate and serve. And it’s all happening with a great sense of God’s peace that surpasses all understanding as the Spirit guards our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus. In Christ, Pastor Scott 8 From Pastor Julie … What a blessed and busy year it has been here at First! It was a year ago that you welcomed me, and I marvel daily at all that God is doing in our midst, both in and through us. I want to start by offering a sincere word of thanks to each and every one of you, for the warm welcome we have received and continue to receive— it really means a lot and makes a difference, and you have blessed us immensely! I also want to thank you for the being the body of Christ in this place. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul simply writes: “Now you are the body of Christ, and individually, members of it.” Throughout the rest of the passage, Paul talks about each of the members of the body doing their part, as hands, eyes, feet, and noses. And if there is one thing that has surprised and delighted me over and over again in the course of the last year, it is the extent to which you understand and live out this idea. As a result, you end up bringing Christ to those around you. Two obvious and visible examples are how many Bible studies there are that are not led by the pastors. In many congregations, without a pastor, there could be no Bible Studies, and yet that is not the case here. It is also a constant surprise and delight to find that when I visit someone in the hospital, it is usually the case that several other folks from First have already stopped by to visit them! What a blessing! In a wide variety of areas, many of you are used to taking leadership and initiative, and are ready and willing to do your part, and I rejoice constantly at this phenomenon. I think it means that you know in your bones that you are the body of Christ, and are called to live that way, too. Throughout the year, you’ve seen me leading worship and preaching, and you are a fun congregation to preach to; thank you for being open to some different and creative sermons I’ve preached. One highlight of the year was getting to go on the Alaska Youth trip, not simply because of its beauty, but because of the chance to get to know the high school youth in a deeper and different capacity. I’ve also made visiting our homebound members a priority, so that with Pastor Scott’s help, we now have a lay visitation ministry that is getting off the ground. In addition, teaching confirmation has been a delight for me, as I appreciate getting to know the confirmation students and watching them learn and grow. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you, for a blessed year together! I look forward to many more years of learning together how to be the body of Christ in this place! In Christ, Pastor Julie 9 From Tonya, Youth and Family Ministries … Every year when I sit down to write this, I struggle with what to say. I want to write more than a run down of all of the programs, events, activities, and trips. This seems like just an easy list. And when you make a list like this, that’s all that people see. Everyone loves youth ministry in a church. I don’t know of a congregation who doesn’t “want” this for their young people. But many people think that a youth director is just that — someone who plans programs, events, activities, and trips … Thank you First Lutheran that you see more … YOU share the vision! I have shared this reading before. It is from “Contemplative Youth Ministry” by Mark Yaconelli … “(It was) once written that love is ‘to reveal the beauty of another person to themselves.’ This is why we seek to be fully present to young people. Because when youth are seen, they feel valued. When they are heard, they feel respected. When someone is moved by their situation, they feel loved. When they receive kindness, they feel cared for. And when others delight in their existence, they sense the very breath of God. Youth ministry is about holding a young person’s deepest identity until he or she is able to see it too. We hold onto the knowledge that these young people are the beloved of God, that they have gifts that enrich the world, and that their presence is a cause for celebration. We hold this understanding of young people until they can hold it for themselves. We seek to reveal their beauty back to them until they see it, until they believe it, until they can live from it grounded in God’s love.” This reading says it all! Youth Ministry goes so much deeper than fun and games … this is exactly why I love your kids so very much and care so deeply about you all! This is why a person feels called to youth ministry. Yes, it is so much more than what someone sees. And thank you First Lutheran … YOU see more … YOU share the vision! YOU “GET IT!” First Lutheran’s Youth and Family Ministry is what it is because our church believes this … You, the church, believe that our young people have gifts that enrich the world, and that their presence is a cause for celebration. And you are there with them when they see this for themselves and celebrate together as a family. God is good! We are so blessed! 10 From Kitsi, Education and Outreach … It continues to be a joy and a privilege to serve as the Director of Education & Outreach in this wonderful family of faith at First Lutheran Church! We are blessed with a staff that continues to show faithfulness and compassion to one another, to the congregation, and for all the ministries in which we engage. We are also blessed with a congregation that takes part in ministry to, for, and with one another in vital and creative ways. I would be quite remiss if I didn’t mention how much the First Lutheran Education & Outreach Programs run on volunteers. We have over 175 adults, high school students, and junior high students that help us out every year – help out of love, not out of obligation. I thank all of you who are teachers, students, workers, and thinkers with whom I work for your faithful participation in this area of our ministry! In 2014 we have seen continued growth in our TLC Christian Education Programs as well as our membership. As I move closer to completing my fourth year as the Director of Christian Education & Outreach, I have to admit that 2014 has been more demanding than any of my previous years. The irony is that I found this year to be one of the most fun and rewarding. I have come to recognize that I do need to strive to have more balance in my life. I plan to be intentional about my time … time spent with God, family, and work and to make it more balanced than it has been. I am looking forward to 2015 with great anticipation. I treasure all of the opportunities to serve God and to grow closer to God. I also treasure my time with my husband Dan, our children, Danika & James, Alex, Isaac, & Maddie and our grandson Anthony. God is good. It is good to be at First Lutheran with you! 11 From the Education Committee … Committee Members: Julie Kuecker, Alyssia Coudron, Krista Bjella, Kristin Holien, Heather Rokeh and Nikki Gehrke. Kitsi Marks is the staff liasion. Committee responsibilities include: Sunday and Wednesday TLC, Confirmation, Vacation Bible School, Adult Education and the Library. Calendar of Events February: Shetek Promotion March: First Communion, WOW Memory Work Presentations April: Teacher Appreciation, Confirmation Reception May: Confirmation, VBS July: Shetek Day Camp September: TLC/Confirmation begins October: 2nd Grade Bible, 2 Year Olds Bible, First Communion December: TLC Christmas Program, Jesus Birthday Celebration Adult Education: Bible Studies, Men’s and Women’s Small Groups and Circles Teaching the Love of Christ (TLC): TLC classes are offered for 4 year olds through 6th grade on Wednesday afternoons and Sunday mornings. For 2014-15, there are 120 students enrolled on Wednesday (and 28 volunteers) and 102 students enrolled on Sunday (and 34 volunteers). The curriculum is Living the Word, a narrative lectionary that follows the message given weekly in worship. During each TLC session, the students also have convo (music time) and WOW time (Wild on the Word). WOW time is for “memory work”, which is presented to the congregation during worship each spring. Confirmation: Our 7th and 8th grade students have confirmation on Wednesday nights. The evening begins with a light supper shared with the team and team captain. After the meal, all students meet for a large group session with Pastor Julie. This is followed by small group time with the team captain. This year’s curriculum is Living the Word - Teaching Youth God’s Story. There were 22 students confirmed at First Lutheran this year. Vacation Bible School: VBS was held on May 27 through May 30. The theme this year was Weird Animals - Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-Kind. There were 135 students in attendance, with 73 volunteers that did the storytelling, were crew leaders, photographers, assisted with Imagination Stations, music, decorations, snacks and childcare. The curriculum allowed for interactive stories, crafts, experiments, games and snacks that tied back to the story. Milestone Ministry: This ministry continues to celebrate with students at various points within their faith journey or milestones within their lives. 12 From the Outreach Committee … Committee Members: Paul Enderson, Tami Dahl, Danielle Wilts, Eric Myhre, Deb Schnaible, and Tim Moline, Chair. Special thank you to Kitsi Marks, Education & Outreach Director. The committee could not operate without her. It is the goal of the Outreach Committee to encourage within First Lutheran a great commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission and, in doing so, to see the Church realize its mission goal. In furtherance of this goal, the Outreach Committee completed the following activities: • Helped with the congregation and other committees within the church to coordinate the Variety Show • Worked registration, snacks and advertising for Walk through the Bible – New Testament Program. • Assembled and delivered May Day baskets to members 85 and older. • Brought forth the idea of Bible and Brew to the pastors as a new form of reaching out for Bible Study. • Helped coordinate and invited the community to the annual outdoor summer worship service at Liberty Park, which unfortunately was held indoors due to the weather. • Continued to coordinate Name Tag weekends at worship. On the first full weekend of each month, name tags were handed out prior to each service. This continues to be a great way to see a name and put a face to it. • Updated the Welcome Cards for the pews, along with supplying new pencils for the pews. • Helped plan First Lutheran Night @ Target Field , which was a successful outing for members to enjoy summer baseball and fellowship. • Held July Ice Cream Social between services. • Created water bottles with the First Lutheran Logo to sell at Outdoor & Rally Day services. • Helped facilitate the orientation and welcome of new members into the congregation. New member orientation meetings were held three times during the year-February, June, and October. • Held ‘Dads Belgium Waffles’ as a fellowship event to honor new members and encourage fellowship amongst members. • Helped with Wednesday Night TLC Suppers -- ordered, prepared and served a meal in October. • Continued to order and deliver (most important) donut holes and cookies to the church to be served with coffee between services on Sunday. 13 From the Property & Mangement Committee … Committee Members: Roger Marks, Ray Paulzine, Dan Marks, Pat Simpson, Bill Kremer and Tom LeSage Projects completed in 2014 • All lights in older part of church were replaced with more cost efficient bulbs. • Refinished outside of old library (which is now Tonya’s office). • Replaced ceiling tile and installed new lights in the area around Tonya’s office. • Thanks to the city of Marshall, some sidewalk, curb and the entrance to the alley were replaced on the north side of church. Due to possible improvements on A Street in 2015, the sidewalk and curb repairs on west side of the church were put on hold. Future projects Checking on replacing the floor in the new Narthex and Sanctuary and also refinishing the Altar floor. General maintenance and upkeep of the church property is an ongoing project all year round. A special THANK YOU to ALL who volunteer their time to keep First Lutheran Church and property functioning and looking “GREAT” all year long. 14 From the Social Ministries Committee … Committee Members: Jean Mather, Melanie Pedersen, Denise Myhrberg, Marsha Rose, Linda Nelson and Donna Reaves An integral part of the Christian life is Jesus’ call to serve our neighbors near and far. It is also true that so often when we serve, we end up receiving far more than we give. Our committee has been involved in a number of social ministry projects in 2014: • Meals on Wheels – we assist in scheduling members to help deliver “Meals on Wheels” to individuals in the community who are unable to prepare their own meals or unable to travel to a meal site where meals are being served. Approximately 40 volunteers a week are needed to cover four delivery routes each weekday for two weeks during the months of February and September. Participation has been good and we let volunteers know we appreciate their time and concern via bulletin and thank you notes. • Food Shelf – our committee helped organize food and monetary donations from our congregation for the area food shelf known as “The Kitchen Table”. Although, food and cash donations are accepted throughout the year, March is Minnesota FoodShare month in which we ask members to ‘share our daily bread’ by donating a bag of groceries or cash to help those in need. Congregation members fill the grocery cart in the Narthex and donations are transported to the food shelf. This continues to be an increasing need in the Marshall area. First Lutheran’s monetary and food donation to the Kitchen Tabale during March FoodShare/Food Shelf drive was $4,782 and 245 pounds of food. • Loaves & Fishes (Esther’s Kitchen) – our committee scheduled and organized volunteer members to prepare and serve at Esther’s Kitchen, located at Christ United Presbyterian Church. Loaves & Fishes/Esther’s Kitchen is a free community meal for everyone in need of a hot meal and for those who just want to interact with others. • The Banquet in Sioux Falls, SD – our committee made a $500 donation for food and over 20 volunteers from our congregation helped prepare and serve meals to approximately 400 guests who are low-income or no-income families. We organize this opportunity once every few years. • Ruby’s Pantry – our committee promoted monthly volunteer opportunities to assist local food shelf in food distribution. • Missionary Angel Tree – our committee raised funds during the month of December to support our church-sponsored Missionary by accepting donations in exchange for an Angel ornament. Our missionary is Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Johnson, a seminary professor at the Lutheran Institute of Theology in Meiganga, Cameroon. She teaches students to prepare them for service as pastors and leaders in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in western Africa. The Missionary Angels have been offered for over 15 years. • Salvation Army – our committee promoted Salvation Army Bell Ringer opportunities to the congregation during the Christmas season. Thank you to all First Lutheran members for your assistance in our efforts in meeting the needs of our community. 15 From the Stewardship Committee … Committee Members: Bruce Lamprecht, Dennis Oeltjenbruns, Glenn Olson, Doug Kunde, Linda Bloom-Scott and John Pollock Reviewing the past year of the Stewardship Committee activities and accomplishments marks a couple firsts for us. In January we served the Wednesday meal. Of course we served Hot Dog Casserole! In March, Stewardship started teaching Financial Peace University classes. Our first session was in the spring with 9 graduates. Our fall session had 10 graduates. The classes are the Dave Ramsey Christian based money management course that gives hope to everyone from the financially secure to the financially distressed. We plan to continue to offer the FPU classes and plan to offer FPU classes for ages 12-17 in 2015. In May we gave a temple talk concerning the budget shortfall the church was experiencing to bring this to the congregation’s attention and encourage an increase in giving. In September, Stewardship served hotdogs once again at the Rally Day celebration. In October we kicked off the annual Stewardship Drive with a new approach. Our theme this year was; Moving Forward, with Compassion, Commitment and Courage through Christ! We had guest speakers give temple talks about the three themes. Linda Bloom Scott talked about Compassion, Brian Kruse talked about Commitment, and Corlys Knudson talked about Courage. The Drive concluded in November with pledging. Total Pledges: 153. Total Money Pledged: $343,671. The Stewardship Committee is dedicated to the work and mission of First Lutheran by educating our congregation about financial, time, and talent management of the church resources and of personal resources. We look forward to more new firsts in 2015. 16 From the Worship and Music Committee … Committee Members: Jim Christianson, Jenifer Klein, Brian Kruse, Rosie Sorum and Helen Pedersen Our committee contacts congregational members by e-mail, phone, or in person to fill worship service opportunities such as greeters, lectors, ushers, and communion assistants. The church office sends a postcard to each service group reminding them of their duty to serve in some capacity for a specific two month period. A committee member contacts those assigned to that service group to help them choose which serving opportunities work best for them. It is a big job to fill all the volunteer positions for each worship service each week, and we say THANK YOU to all who have said yes to serving. Your time and talents are appreciated! While our committee doesn’t schedule the following, we also say THANK YOU to: all the youth who serve as acolytes … all who serve on the Altar Guild … all who volunteer in the nursery … all who decorate the Sanctuary/ Narthex areas seasonally. We give special thanks to our Choir Directors: Connie Knott for directing the Men’s Choir and Women’s Choir … Dr. Stephen Kingsbury for directing Chancel Choir … and Steve Meyer for directing the Spirit Bells. Also thanks to Stacey Voit and to Diane Wright for accompanying the choirs throughout the year. Our groups are successful due to your dedication! And finally, a big thanks to the Praise Teams for providing a wide variety of musical leadership for our comtemporary worship services. Our weekly radio broadcasts have a sponsor each week on 1400 KMHL. Thank you to Marlene Nordby for securing sponsors each week! Our committee assisted with other council members and Pastor Scott Fuller and Pastor Julie McCain for a successful Rally Sunday outdoor service on Sunday, September 7th. Our committee served the Wednesday, December 17th light supper for TLC by having Hy-Vee Catering serve hot dish. We will also be assisting with the nominating committee to fill 2015 Church Council positions. 17 From the Youth Committee … Committee members: Karen and Kevin Groenewold, Becky and Bill Weber, Sue Strautz, Jim and Mary Mortland, Caryn Douglas, Ron McKenzie and J. Jurgens January: TLC, G3 dance, Confirmation, Junior High Alive, and Senior High Alive returned to weekly meetings to support youth expressions and explorations of faith. We again had many of the youth participating in the above activities, as well as leading and/or participating in additional Bible studies. There were two lock-ins this month -- a mini lock-in for the younger children and one for the senior high youth. Many First Lutheran Youth (FLY) participated in “First Lutheran’s Got Talent” and helped collect food for the food drive. February: The first weekend in February was the Senior Highsponsored Souper Bowl Sunday, when FLY collected spare change during services on Super Bowl. The “Noisy Offering” was donated to the food pantry. Also this month, a seminar on Inner Beauty was offered to girls in junior and senior high to help build their understanding of appearance and self-confidence. Faith meetings began for the FLY attending the high adventure trip to Alaska, along with continued fundraising to support the trip. The junior high youth joined their families and other members of the congregation for a “Walk through the New Testament” with great enthusiasm. March/April: Each year, the Lenten suppers are greatly supported by the congregation and provide the junior high youth with significant funds for youth camping activities. The junior high youth set up and serve the meals, and then serve as ushers/greeters/lectors at the Lenten worship services. The senior high youth were also busy with a couple important events: the Senior High Gathering in Mankato and the annual Silent Auction. The youth donate items for the auction and sign up for a time to “work” during Silent Auction hours. May: The junior high youth walked ditches west of town on Hwy 19 as part of their community service projects for the year. May is also the time when many weekly youth events come to a close for the school year. The annual Senior Reception and Baccalaureate was held on May 11th. Youth meetings for the Alaska High Adventures trip continued into the summer. At the end of May, many junior and senior high students helped with Vacation Bible School. June/July: The summer months had many youth attending camps, including the annual trek to Klein Ranch and children attending different weeks at Lake Shetek. The senior high youth left for their Alaska High Adventure and came back with many memories of fellowship and faith. September: Weekly youth activities resumed in coordination with the education classes. Senior High Alive and Little League saw increases in attendance from the previous year. G3 continued strong and active in planning dances for worship services. The Youth Praise Team continued to provide music during the Wednesday weekly family worship. The Alaska youth provided information about their trip during worship services at the end of September. 18 October: The junior high students again cleaned ditches on Hwy 19 as part of their Adopt a Highway commitment. Junior and senior high youth joined other students from the area at the Fields of Faith event at SMSU. At the end of the month, the senior high students participated in the Rake and Roll community service event. The group was able to help many clear their yards before the snow started to fly. November: The junior high students traveled to Willmar for the SWMN ELCA Youth Gathering to worship with hundreds of other junior high youth. The annual recognition of college students went well with the services led by our returning young adults. December: The senior high youth raised money and went shopping to purchase gifts for teens to add to the annual Christmas Heart to Heart baskets. Confirmation students also donated money and purchased gifts for the baskets. G3 dancers brought another wonderful performance to join the TLC Christmas Program. The senior high youth held their annual Cookie Walk which offered a variety of Christmas baked goods available for purchase with funds going towards the National Youth Gathering in Detroit in 2015. FLY also delivered Heart to Heart baskets to families all over town. The junior high youth went Christmas caroling to area nursing homes and assisted living residences. 2014 came to a close with the Winter Fun Day at Shetek Lutheran Ministries for the upper elementary youth. Checking And Savings Account Beginning Balance 1/1/14: $62,244.64 Youth Financials Income for General Youth Program General Church Funds 11,000.00 General Fundraising 6,084.93 Thrivent Choice 1,538.00 FL Foundation Transportation Fund 1,359.59 Donations for Camp Scholarships 135.00 Donations Restricted to Special Item/Activity 0 Regis Klein/Fort/Synod/Activities 4,622.19 FLY T-Shirts 10.00 Regis for Little/Jr/Sr League Activities 4,675.73 Reimbursement for Family Activity 338.42 Freewill Donations from Activities 319.79 Jr. High Summer Trip Fundraising 3,139.00 Savings Account Interest 32.23 Checking Account Interest 0.91 2014 Fall Fundraiser Envelopes 4,091.00 Total Income for General Youth Program: $37,351.79 Income for Sr. High Alaska 2014 & Detroit 2015 Registrations Alaska 2014 11,212.16 Registrations Detroit 2015 11,310.00 Fundraising Alaska 2014 75,021.92 Fundraising Detroit 2015 68,373.95 Donations Alaska 2014 2,169.00 Donations Detroit 2015 135.00 Total Income for Sr. High Trips $168,222.03 Expenses for General Youth Program Little/Jr/Sr Activities 3,285.99 Family Activities 1,342.92 Little League - Lake Shetek 3,275.90 Junior League - Synod, Fort, Klein 15,845.69 Senior League - Synod 1,005.00 Subscriptions 932.61 Outreach 577.33 Special Item/Activity 500.00 Donations/Gift Given 100.00 Jr. High Summer Trip Fundraising Exp 2,020.80 General Fundraising Expenses 1,399.99 Total Expenses for General Youth Program:$30,597.08 Expenses for Sr High Alaska 2014 & Detroit 2015 Alaska 2014 125,068.01 Detroit 2015 70,764.02 Total Expenses for Sr. High Trips: $195,832.03 Checking and Savings Account Ending Balance 12/31/14: $41,389.35 19 From the First Lutheran Women … MISSION – To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. PURPOSE – As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another, engage in ministry, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world. GOALS • Provide information through a variety of means to women of First Lutheran. • Conduct quarterly women’s meetings to increase program involvement. • Strengthen communication through Women’s Ministry website. • Survey women of First Lutheran as to program need. • Conduct recognition/celebration events for women throughout the year. WOMEN’S BOARD President Shirley Anderson-Porisch (1-8/14) Corlys Knudson (9-12/14) Vice President Corlys Knudson (1-8/14); Karen Murphy (9-12/14) Past President Kim Christenson (1-8/14); Shirley Anderson-Porisch (9-12/14) Secretary Bobbie Carmody (1-12/14) Treasurer Pat Simpson (1-8/14); Marissa Kunde (9-12/14) Historian/Quilting Dawn Planting (1-12/14) Mission in Action/Quilting Karen Murphy (1-8/14); Erin Moline (9-12/14 Mission in Community Vicki Lamprecht (1-12/14); DeAnna Zimmer (1-12/14) Mission in Growth Lorraine Schmidt (1-12/14); Pam Neet (1-12/14) Kitchen Committee Audrey Norris (1-12/14); Ruth Quist (9-12/14 Funeral Committee Marlene Nordby, Pam Larsen, Kathy Tjosaas (1-12/14); Shirley Bruns (9-12/14) PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS JANUARY -- Served Quilter’s luncheon. Beginning of FLC E-News “Monthly Devotional”. FEBRUARY -- Led BOLD WOMEN’S Weekend. Conducted kitchen cleaning activities. MARCH -- Volunteered service at Esther’s Kitchen and Lenten Soup and Sermon luncheon. Conducted FLC Women’s Interview/Survey. APRIL -- Gave $1,620 in charity donations. Participated in Prairie Conference Gathering, Hendricks. MAY -- Participated in Ascension Breakfast, Hope Lutheran, Minneota. JUNE -- Provided school kits for SW Women of the ELCA Convention, Windom. Provided “Kookies for the Kitchen” at FLC outdoor praise serve to raise money for kitchen remodeling. JULY -- Conducted Gather magazine Bible studies. Kim Christianson attended Women of the ELCA 9th Triennial Gathering, Charlotte NC AUGUST -- Conducted Women’s Bible Study Retreat with Garden Theme at Shetek Bible Camp. SEPTEMBER -- Served Rally Sunday coffee. Conducted Board installation service. OCTOBER -- Served TLC Supper. NOVEMBER -- Provided Giving Trees in Narthex supporting New Horizons Crisis Center and Heart to Heart to Heart Programs. DECEMBER -- Presented Christmas Brunch and Birthday Party for Jesus Programs. New Altar plant stands. 20 First Lutheran Statistics 2010 1,438 1,100 2011 1,405 1,102 2012 1,369 1,040 2013 1,330 1,017 2014 1,333 1,041 Members Received - Total By Child Baptism By Adult Baptism By Affirmation of Faith By Transfer From other sources/statistical adjustment 58 21 0 11 26 0 75 25 0 19 27 4 76 21 2 16 37 0 54 9 0 17 28 0 73 15 0 13 45 0 Members Removed - Total By Death By Transfer/Release For other reasons/statistical adjustment 193 11 85 97 108 8 37 63 112 13 22 77 93 12 21 60 70 9 6 55 Average Weekly Worship Attendance TLC Enrollment Confirmation Enrollment Vacation Bible School Enrollment 329 183 45 106 329 190 36 117 336 202 41 128 346 194 42 110 373 211 41 135 22 28 4 12 29 17 5 10 28 20 5 13 11 19 6 13 19 22 4 11 Baptized Members Confirmed Members Membership Participation Baptisms Confirmations Ministerial Acts Weddings Funerals Transferred to other congregations, moved or removed per their request: Dale & Mary Dwire; Gary Flemmer; Jason, Pam, Gabrielle & Jacob Hess; Jason, Kim, Andrew & Charly Holm; LaVonne Johnson; Nicole Large; Aaron, Deborah, Kaylee, Kiersten & Ian Meester; Jeff, Melanie, Logan & Gabrielle Mueller; Dennis Olsen; Mike, Libby, Ben & Lia Pasquariello; Chad, Angie, Taylor, Abby, & Wyatt Pullman; Benjamin, Kristel, Sophie & Aubrie Schamber; Joy, Jett, Jackson, Jaylin & Juliette Taylor; Bruce, Kacie, Tenley & Daynica Witzel; Kimberly Bornitz. Twenty from the Class of 2010 to moved (not transferred). 21 2014 New Members Kimberly Bornitz Lester & Doris Dallmann Kenneth & Mary Fischer Travis, Jodi, Noah & Emmett Frazee Paul, Tanya & Taylor Freeburg Kyle Mooney & Whitney Gregoire Amy & Dylan Labat Amy, JaRae & Skyla Lamfers Mari & Jerred Lee, Avery & Amira Hasch Vincent Long Jay, Angela, Madelyn & Macie Murphy Joy, Terry, Maloy, Drew & Natalie Negen Alex & Lindsay, Elijah & Emersyn Ourada Brad & Kim Stahlecker Amber Steece & Justin Guggisberg Lillian, Hayden, Abigail & Bradley Guggisberg Michael, JoEtte & Rachel Swan Jordan Swan, Katy Swan David & Diane Taylor Shawn, LeeAnn, Jacob & Leah Teig Ryan Wendland, Marcy Olson & Abby Wendland 2014 Ministerial Acts BAPTISMS Aubrie Schamber Liam O’Neal* Tatum Bigler Emersyn Ourada Remington Soldner* Orion Morrow Maxton Willert Hadley Brandt Layla Oeltjenbruns Owen Vollmer Abigail Rogers Malayna Hartman Nolan Wajer Josef Zupfer Aria Lundberg Evelyn Maxwell Andrew Coudron Lincoln Abel* Kaylee McDonald* *parent former member or non-member MARRIAGES Eric Honetschlager and Ashley Krogen Zachary Skovlund and Laura Strautz Andrew Thuringer and Sara DeSaer Grant Giefer and Megan Kerr 22 CONFIRMATION Danielle Alberg Alexa Amundson Mackinzie AndreasOwen Banks Maia Brooks Michael DeVaan Alexa Dulas Haley Fuhrmann Skylar Gilbertson Carlee Goslar Alec Jahn Kyle Kruse Madeline Marks Katherine Marshall Sydney Meister Orion Morrow Alison Mortier Drew Negen Maloy Negen Brendin Otto Alex Verkinderen Noah Versaevel FUNERALS Melissa Fertig* Eunice Hanson Jay Sorenson David Gackstetter Ann Ward Inez Fried Roger Tjosaas Willis Gillund Mildred Rewerts Jean Neiman James Thompson* *non-member/ former member Statement of Financial Position 23 Year-To-Date & Current Month of December 2014 Year-to-Date and Current Month of December 2014 2014 Dec. REVENUE SOURCES: General Fund Contributions General Fund Contributions - Not ELCA Foundation Reimbursement to Gen. Fund Education Income Foundation Income Designated Funds Income Restricted Funds Income TOTAL REVENUE: EXPENSES: Total Staff Compensation Other Administrative Costs Building/Grounds Maintenance Ministry & Benevolence Contingency & Other Committee Expenses Mortgage Payment Designated Funds Expense Restricted Funds Expense TOTAL EXPENSE: NET MARGIN (SHORTAGE): $ 64,457 1,545 15,511 757 593 1,327 8 84,197 $ $ $ 28,797 1,659 6,245 4,302 586 4,740 5,503 359 0 52,191 $ 32,006 $ $ GENERAL FUND SUMMARY: Total Contributions Received EXCLUDING: Foundation Income EXCLUDING: Special Income Recd Subtotal Less: Needed to Meet Financial Plan Contribution Margin (Shortage) 2014 Year To Date $ $ 2013 Dec. 522,417 31,878 15,511 16,498 9,473 22,335 53 618,164 $ $ $ 333,672 28,577 73,586 47,640 6,466 42,588 66,036 14,535 0 613,100 $ 5,064 $ Dec-14 2014 YTD DOLLARS DOLLARS 84,197 $ 618,164 (593) (9,473) (17,602) (54,397) 66,002 (47,219) 18,783 $ 554,294 (566,628) (12,334) 2013 Year To Date 58,271 $ 5,679 14,249 582 (6,429) 10,615 4 82,971 $ 462,505 32,546 15,144 14,889 (3,729) 20,768 114 542,237 $ 30,360 2,746 6,290 3,946 2,656 6,498 5,503 390 0 58,389 $ 258,057 19,451 66,154 44,570 26,169 45,224 66,036 7,965 0 533,626 $ 24,582 $ 8,611 $ $ $ Dec-13 2013 YTD DOLLARS DOLLARS 82,971 $ 542,237 6,429 3,729 (25,450) (50,915) $ 63,950 (41,781) 22,169 $ 495,051 (501,367) (6,316) Financial points to note: The checking account balance as of December 31st was $16,408.25. ** $20,000 was transferred from savings to checking in January 2014. These monies will not be returned to the savings account. Summary of major expenses in December: $1,715.31 Furnace/heating costs. $1,715.31 ** First Lutheran Foundation reimbursed / contributed to the General Fund: $9,386.00 Director of Youth & Family Ministry staff position support (for full year) 2,678.99 2nd 1/2 of 2014 Vehicle Expenses 1,446.00 Designated for Technology Improvements/Upgrades 2,000.00 $15,510.99 Outreach Project TOTAL Pam Russell Treasurer 24 Financial Plan for 2015 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH FINANCIAL PLAN FOR 2015 Proposed 2015 PLAN INCOME General Fund Contributions General Fund Contribs. - Not ELCA Foundation Reimbursements to GF Outreach Income Education Income $535,962 33,280 11,650 5,604 15,266 $536,988 29,640 10,800 0 10,150 Additional Income Addt'l Mortgage Principal Total Income $522,417 31,878 15,511 0 16,498 *** Foundation Income Restricted Funds Income Total Income Actual for 2014 2014 PLAN $601,762 2.41% Increase 0 $601,762 2.41% Increase 9,473 22,388 $587,578 $618,164 0 0 $587,578 $618,164 *** NOTE: First Lutheran Foundation funds are not intended/used for general operating expenses. These funds are designated to support Outreach, the Radio Ministry, and Youth Ministry. MINISTRY & BENEVOLENCE: Prairie Conference Prairie Conference: HIV/AIDS Coord Prairie Conference: SMSU Campus SUBTOTALS SW MN Synod - ELCA District Spprt SW MN Synod - ELCA Missionary Shetek Bible Camp Lutheran Social Services Other Benevolence Discretionary Aid Fund SUBTOTALS GRAND TOTALS Proposed 2015 PLAN $350 160 1,400 $350 160 1,400 $1,910 $23,010 9,204 5,062 4,142 4,602 500 $46,520 $48,430 Actual for 2014 2014 PLAN $333 158 1,330 $1,910 ** 70.0% 50.0% 11.0% 9.0% 10.0% 100.0% $20,800 8,320 4,576 3,744 4,160 500 $42,100 $44,010 $1,821 ** 70.0% 50.0% 11.0% 9.0% 10.0% 100.0% $23,566 9,427 4,870 3,526 4,030 400 $45,819 $47,640 ** NOTE: Benevolence amounts actually remitted will exclude those who indicate "Not ELCA" when giving. 2015 Financial Plan - Summary 25 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH FINANCIAL PLAN FOR 2015 EXPENSES Actual for 2014 2014 PLAN Pastoral Staff Support Staff Worship Support Payroll Taxes/Work Comp Custodian Mortgage Payment Administration/Supplies Building/Grounds Maintenance (Utilities, Insurance, Fuel, etc.) Worship & Music Committee Education Committee Youth Committee Outreach Committee Social Ministry Committee Stewardship Committee Coffee Fellowship Radio Broadcast Vehicle/Transportation Contingency/"Emergency" Fund Miscellaneous Ministry/Benevolence $161,362 135,139 13,160 14,202 13,390 66,036 25,802 66,905 $167,472 133,355 13,160 12,511 13,390 66,036 27,300 63,535 $163,045 132,281 11,655 13,790 12,901 66,036 28,577 70,713 3,675 20,004 12,000 10,156 1,500 1,400 1,300 4,275 2,775 0 250 43,828 3,375 13,150 12,000 5,290 1,800 1,145 1,300 4,950 1,850 1,200 750 39,850 3,510 19,233 13,360 4,760 500 1,377 1,582 4,384 2,873 200 148 44,640 Subtotal Expenses $597,159 $583,419 $595,565 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 0 4,602 0 4,160 14,535 3,000 $587,579 $613,100 Additional Expenses: Addt'l Mortgage Principal Subtotal Expenses + Restricted Funds Expended + Addt'l Ministry/Benevolence Total Expenses EXPENSES Summary $601,761 2.36% Increase 2.41% Increase Proposed 2015 PLAN Actual for 2014 2014 PLAN Payroll Expense Mortgage Loan payments Operating Cost Committee Expenses Miscellaneous Benevolence $337,253 $66,036 92,707 48,735 8,600 43,828 56.5% 11.1% 15.5% 8.2% 1.4% 7.3% $339,888 $66,036 90,835 36,760 10,050 39,850 58.3% 11.3% 15.6% 6.3% 1.7% 6.8% $333,672 $66,036 99,290 42,740 9,188 44,640 56.0% 11.1% 16.7% 7.2% 1.5% 7.5% Subtotal Expenses $597,159 100.0% $583,419 100.0% $595,565 100.0% + Restricted Funds Expended + Addt'l Ministry/Benevolence Total Expenses 2015 Financial Plan - Summary 26 Proposed 2015 PLAN 0 4,602 0 4,160 14,535 3,000 $601,761 $587,579 $613,100 FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH COMPARATIVE SUMMARY Proposed 2015 PLAN 2014 PLAN Actual for 2014 Total Income $601,762 2.41% Increase $587,578 $618,164 Total Expense $601,761 2.36% Increase $587,579 $613,100 27 First Lutheran Foundation Report The First Lutheran Church (hereafter FLC) Foundation, managed at Bremer Investment Management & Trust in Marshall MN, is maintained to provide funding for designated needs and program support in perpetuity. Grateful for the past support, the Foundation Board continues to encourage FLC members to support the Foundation through ongoing donations, special gifts, memorials, and estate planning. The 2014 Foundation Board of Directors included: Chair – Open V Chair – Lee Raske Secretary – Ruth Quist Treasurer – Bob Mann Members – Shirley Anderson-Porisch, John Lund, Jason Swenson and Marlin Winkleman In 2014, the Kidder Fund, which supports church related transportation expenses, realized a 4.3% rate of return. The Foundation Fund which supports Outreach, Radio (name changed to Technology in 12/14) and Youth programs realized a 4.5% rate of return. During the year, the following actions occurred: KIDDER FUND • Kidder Fund provided reimbursements of $2,678.99 for vehicle expenses to the FLC General Fund and reimbursements of $1,359.59 for transportation support to the Youth Fund. FOUNDATION FUND • Earnings of $9,386 from the Foundation Youth Fund were transferred to the FLC General Fund -- Youth Position (Tomasek). • The Foundation Board changed the name of the Radio Fund to the Technology Fund. Earnings of $1,446.00 from the Technology Fund were transferred to the FLC General Fund – Technology Savings Account. • Earnings of $2,000 from the Outreach Fund were transferred to the FLC General Fund for use by the Council for timely outreach program/activity – not intended for personnel expenses. Remaining earnings of $1,733 in the Outreach Fund will carry-over to 2015 and be reported in the Foundation Treasurer’s Report. • The Foundation Board created a Foundation Seminary Scholarship Fund. A 2014 anonymous gift of $2,000 was deposited to the Seminary Scholarship Fund. The 2015 Foundation Board will determine the policy for this fund. TREASURER REPORT - 12/15/14 FOUNDATION FUND – Market Value: $316,038 (10/31/2014) YOUTH FUND (designated) = $202,718 RADIO/TECHNOLOGY FUND = $31,074 OUTREACH FUND (undesignated) = $80,246 SEMINARY SCHOLARSHIP FUND = $2,000 EARNINGS & DISTRIBUTION year-to-date (10/31/2014) YOUTHRADIO/TECHOLOGY 2014 earnings = $9,386 2014 earnings = $1,446 Donations = $959Contribution = $0 Youth Director Salary = $9,386 Technology Savings Account = $1,446 28 OUTREACHSEMINARY SCHOLARSHIP FUND 2014 earnings = $3,733 ($1,733 carry-over 2015) Donation: $2,000 Outreach Program/Activity = $2,000 KIDDER FUND – Market Value: $76,322 Vehicle Expense = $2,679 Youth transportation = $1,359 EXPENSES & GAINS/LOSSES 2014 earnings = $2,692 BREMER BANK MANAGEMENT & TRUST (Period 01/01/14 - 10/31/2014) Market Value = $392,360 Income = $17,257 Expenses/fees/taxes = $3,222 ___________________________________________________________________________ 2014 Congregation Annual Meeting Minutes Sunday, January 19, 2014; 9:45am Call to Order, Welcome and Mission Statement: President Chris Ulrich called the meeting to order at 9:50am. Together we read the mission statement. Prayer was led by Pastor Scott Fuller. Pastors Reports Pastor Scott’s written report is on page 5 of annual report. Philippians 4: 4-7 will be his “motto” for the church for this year. He is thankful for the year, and hopes the “honeymoon” period will never end. He is looking forward to getting to know everyone better and enjoying his time here at First. Pastor Julie would like to get to know everyone better this year and is looking forward to hearing our stories. Her written report is on page 6 of the annual report. Approval of Minutes from 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes from the 2013 annual meeting can be found on page 9 of the annual report. Bruce Lamprecht motioned to accept the minutes and Ron Wilkinson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report Pam Russell started her report with the Statement of Financial Position on page 25. She reported that the checking account balance was only $1,858 but she was able to transfer $20,000 to savings before the end of the year. The numerous accounts that total $88,150 represents the monies in (1) bank savings account. The multiple accounts are used so that the monies received as designated for specified purposes can be identified. First Lutheran Foundation accounts are included in the Church’s overall statements, but these funds are not available for operating purposes. The Board oversees these monies and determines the use of them, including any given to the General Fund. The Mortgage Payable is the principal balance of debt on the addition. $44,958 principal was paid in 2013 which is ~ 32.0% of the total payments of $66,046 per year. (Interest = $21,078.) Pam then continued with reviewing the December 2013 Treasurer’s Report on page 26. This report is prepared and reviewed/approved at the monthly Council meetings. 2013 Year-to-Date (YTD) Revenue is ~ $23,000 higher than 2012, but 2013 YTD Expenses are ~ $26,500 higher than in 2012, resulting in close comparison of “Net Profit” between the two years, $25,200 and $28,600 respectively. General Fund Summary (of Giving - - in the center of the page) shows that 2013’s Financial Plan was ~$20,130 greater than 2012’s and the actual YTD received is ~ $23,000 more in 2013 than 2012. Pam thanked the Congregation for responding so generously throughout the year and especially during the 2nd half of December. She then noted that attendance increased by 10 persons/week from 2012 to 2013 and by 30 from the 2011 average of 316 per week. This will be helpful in 1-2 years (at the end of 2014) when First Lutheran can ask Thrivent Financial to reduce the interest rate on the mortgage loan by 0.25%. This 29 request can be made if: 1) Years 2012, 2013 and 2014 all have positive net profits/cash flows, and; 2) 2012 – 2014 membership and attendance remains stable and/or increases. Pam called attention to the notes at the bottom of the report but did not go over them at the meeting. Glenn Olson motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Diane Halgerson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business None New Business a. Nominating Committee Report - - election of new Council Members: Karen Bierman read through the names on the Council ballot and thanked all those leaving the Council by naming the persons ending their terms with Committees. No new names were added from the floor. Bruce Lamprecht motioned to accept the entire ballot as proposed. Tom Hey seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Welcome new and returning council members! Karen thanked Deb Mitlyng for her service on council as Past President and Chris Ulrich for his time as President. b. Approval of 2014 Financial Plan: Pam Russell presented the Plan, starting on page 27 of the Annual Report. This page contains the grand totals of the 2014 Plan, the 2013 Plan, and the 2013 Actual numbers. She then continued by turning to page 29, Expenses. Pam highlighted that the majority of the increase from 2013 to 2014 Plan is in the Pastoral and Support Staff dollars. The increase is ~ $53,800 which equals 21.75%. She noted that as in most of the nonprofit organizations she works with, the focus is serving the clients. She feels that First Lutheran’s staff have those same focuses/responsibilities, and therefore, Personnel Costs are going to represent a major portion of the budget. A second category that increased significantly is Administration/Supplies. Having the new copier lease expense is a majority ($4,860 = 70%) of the total $6,875 increase. However, she said she feels that staff may share with members that they now feel they have better/up-to-date equipment to use that they had in the past. Pam reported that the full-time staff (Pastors, Youth & Family Ministry Director, and Outreach & Education Director) had been being reimbursed for a portion of their personal cell phone plan costs for a number of years. It’s been $20/month for 4 years or more and this has been raised to $50/month for 2014. Cell phones continue to increase in being an important method of communication/technology. Staff having personal plans is still more cost-effective than having a church plan for them. A new telephone system was included in both the 2012 and 2013 plans but this project was not accomplished. It is included again in the 2014 Plan @ $4,415. However, generous designated contributions have already been received (total much more than that amount) to be able to accomplish an upgrade in 2014. Pam then moved on to the bottom half of page 28, Ministry & Benevolence. She noted that the most significant change is in planning to support SMSU Campus Ministry through “dues” assessed by the Prairie Conference. These dues had not been anticipated for in 2012 or 2013 and were paid out of “Other Benevolence” monies. Including these dues in 2014’s plan, it was decided to eliminate SMSU Campus Ministry’s receiving a % of the monthly General Fund giving. The percentage SMSU had received has been reallocated to Shetek Bible Camp and Lutheran Social Services. Designated offerings received have been, and will continue to be, sent to their specified organization(s) (e.g. Food Shelf, Habitat for Humanity, First Lutheran Foundation, etc.). The Discretionary Aid Fund was added in 2013’s actual expenses and 2014’s plan. This fund is for the Pastor(s) to use at their discretion to assist members in crisis. Examples include assistance with: rent/eviction, food, heating, utilities, and transportation. 30 Pam then referred to the top of page 28, the Income section. She explained that General Fund Contributions is a “forced” dollar amount that’s calculated by what’s needed to cover the planned expenses. This represents the monies that will be needed to be able to support the expenses just presented. Marlene Nordby had a question about the radio broadcast income and expense and why it was included in the plan, since the broadcasts are being paid for by generous sponsorships by congregation members. Pam replied that Marlene was correct but the income and expense was included in the plan in the case that they would not be supported. Tom Nordby acknowledged Pam by sharing that while the Treasurer has been/continues to be a “paid” position, Pam does a lot of work in maintaining the church’s financial and bank accounts and preparing all of the Treasurer’s Reports. He noted that she shares these talents with this congregation, waiving any payment for this position. THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU, Pam! Pam also thanked Russ Sanow (Church Accountant) for all his work. Marlin Winkleman motioned to approve the Financial Plan as presented and Bob Mann seconded. Financial Plan approved unanimously. Chris thanked the congregation for supporting him in the position of council president. Adjournment Bruce Lamprecht motioned to adjourn the annual meeting and Bob Mann seconded. Meeting adjourned at 10:12am. 2014 First Lutheran Church Foundation Annual Meeting Minutes January 19, 2014 – 10:15am Chair Shirley Anderson-Porisch welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. Page 22 of the annual report was highlighted. The foundations purpose was shared and she introduced members of the board-- Vice Chair Lee Raske, Secretary Ruth Quist, Treasurer Bob Mann, and members John Lund, Jason Swenson, and Marlin Winkelman. After they were introduced they passed out foundation brochures to raise awareness. They meet about 2 times a year prior to distributions. If you are interested in becoming a member of the board please contact anyone on the board. The Foundation is managed at Bremer Investment Management & Trust in Marshall. In 2013, the Kidder Fund which supports church related transportation realized a +12.3% rate of return. The Foundation Fund which supports Outreach, Radio and Youth realized a +6.2% rate of return. Annual Foundation distributions are based on 3% of 5 year average earnings. In 2013, $17,710.74 was distributed from Foundation earnings. Page 10 of the annual report shows a compilation of information of the 2013 year end meeting. Page 23 of the annual report shows where the foundation stands. Most funds over the past 20 years have been designated for specific. Page 24 shares a more specific list of distributions. Kidder fund is used to support transportation. Foundation fund is mainly for outreach purposes. Radio fund has not been needed since the generous giving from the congregation so the “radio fund” was used this year for the youth position (Tonya’s job). Thank you for all of your support! First Lutheran members are encouraged to support the Foundation through ongoing donation, special gifts, memorials, and estate planning. The first meeting of 2014 will be at the end of February. Minutes will be on the website. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 by Chair Shirley Anderson-Porisch. Respectfully submitted by Alyssia Coudron, FLC Secretary 31 Shetek Lutheran Ministries 14 Keeley Island Dr. Slayton, MN 56172 (507)-763-3567 slbc@fontiernet. net Executive Director - Marv Nysetvold Program Director - Dana Isaacson Greetings from your camp - Shetek Lutheran Ministries! Our theme for summer 2014 was "Living in God's Time", using the verse "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven." Ecc. 3:1. We learned more about living as Christians during the seasons of the church year - Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost. The summer staff shared how we are to live in God's holy time to more than 980 campers who experienced Christ centered adventure and learning at Shetek Lutheran Ministries. Our camper numbers were up slightly from 2013 for which we are very grateful. Our Intergenerational programs, which include ABC Camp, Family Camps and Grandparent/ Grandchild Camp, continue to do well. This past summer we had two full sessions of our Activities Building Campers (A.B.C.) program for 1st - 3rd graders to experience camp for a 24 hour period with their favorite adult (parent, aunt/uncle, godparent, etc.). We offered our Fine Arts week again, which included a Theatre focus along with a Guitar focus. The five sessions of the very popular Grandparent/Grandchild camp were very well attended this past summer and we will offer five again in 2015. The Saturday evening services in Christ Chapel continued throughout the summer for a sixth year. In 2014, Shetek's Board of Directors began a process of interviewing planners/consultants to update our strategic plans for the future. The Board voted in December to hire the firm of Gronlund, Sayther, Brunkow to guide us through a planning process for the future ministry at Shetek. We are excited to begin the process in 2015 and eager to see what God has in store for Shetek in the coming years! We again received many wonderful comments from our summer program - "My grand-daughter talked non-stop for about 3 hours about the songs at worship and all of the activities." - "Learning new songs and the faith and friendships!" - "Bible studies - enjoyed the conversations that happened during the study." "He said he liked everything so much. He really liked worship. Meet new friends." Many physical improvements also occurred on-site in 2014. The bathroom floors in the Activity Center were tiled and the bathrooms were painted and decorated. New windows were installed in Red Cloud and the canteen was rearranged and a counter added to better serve campers and guests. Volunteers built a hanging bench firepit in front of Lakota along with two firewood sheds. Equipment was added/upgraded new John Deere mower, new large grill, two new furnaces and a new dishwasher in Lakota, scaffolding, a utility trailer and three new computers for staff. Thanks to a wonderful donation we were able to add 7 paddleboards, a slide to the water tramp and a double kayak to the waterfront along with other games/ equipment. Outdoor lighting was added on the sidewalk between Lakota and the chapel. These are some highlights; many other improvements occurred also. Shetek Lutheran Ministries staff and board thank you so much for your prayers and support and wish you God's blessings in 2015. We'd love to see you at your camp this summer! Marv Nysetvold, Executive Director Shetek's board members - Pastor Gary Andersen, Pastor Kerry Boese, Pastor Hugh Brewer, Pastor Jeff Eisele, Neal Everson, Laura Green, Marla Hawes, Krista Kopperud, Jessica Moriarty, Mike Mortland, Amy Munson, Miles Siebelts, Tom Stadem, and Heidi Steineke. Shetek's staff in Dec. 2014 - Katie Chapman, Nora Dahlhoff, Dana Isaacson, Diane Malone, Lorene Mouw, Marv Nysetvold, Kathy Peterson, Sandra Renneke, Dixie Severson, Jessica Van Dam, Teresa VanDeWiele, Ella (Jane) Wahl and Mary Zabel.
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