Trinity Trumpeter Serving Christ Since 1901 Trinity Lutheran Church 603 Classen Norman, Oklahoma 73071 405-321-3443 Webpage: Article Submissions: [email protected] (due by 18th of the month) IN THIS ISSUE: Pastor ....................... 1 LYF ............................ 2 LSF Meetings / ............... 3 Reminders Worship Schedule .... 4 Organ Update Adult Inquirers ........... 5 LWML ....................... 6 Vicar ......................... 7 Seniors IMPORTANT REMINDERS BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES CALENDAR SERVANTS FOR THE MONTH January 2015 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Dear Fellow Light-Bearers, We are in the Epiphany season from Tuesday January 6th -The Epiphany of Our Lord until Sunday –February 15th TheTransfiguration of Our Lord. The Star of the East guided the Magi. The Star of the Scripture guides us today. The Magi were Gentiles like us, who came looking for the Jewish Messiah- the One born King of the Jews. They bowed down and worshipped Him and presented gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. We Gentile Christians confess the Nicene Creed, week after week, year after year, century after century. “I one Lord Jesus Christ...God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God. Who for us and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was made incarnate by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary." Let all the nations rejoice! The Epiphany of Our Lord is Jan. 6th - the 12th day of Christmas! This month we also consider the Godgiven gift and sanctity of human life. God created human life from conception in our mother’s womb and sustains us till the day of our death. Christians must stand up in defense of God’s gift of life and speak out against abortion, infanticide, mercy-killing and euthanasia, genocide and suicide. Instead, we offer mercy and love for those in hurt and in need. What a glorious Lord we serve and how powerful is the witness which these apostles and saints gave to the crucified, risen and ascended Lord Jesus Christ! May we rejoice in the Gospel Light this Epiphany season until that day when we see the King with our own eyes returning on the clouds of heaven! Our special coming major Festival Services are also listed later in this newsletter. Plan to join us! -The Epiphany of Our Lord Tuesday Jan. 6th (7:30 p.m. Festival Holy Communion) - The Baptism of Our Lord – Sun. Jan. 11th (8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Communion) -St. Timothy, Pastor and Confessor (1, 2 Tim) - Communion Service on Thursday Jan. 15th (9:30 a.m. Communion Service) - Life Sunday - Jan. 25th “The God-Given Sanctity of Human Life” (8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Communion) During this month we also remember these minor festivals: - The Confession of St. Peter – Jan. 18th - The Conversion of St. Paul - Jan. 25th (Acts 9:1-22) -St. Titus, Pastor and Confessor – Jan. 26th (Titus) In the Bright Morning Star -Jesus(Rev. 22:16), Pastor Nehrenz P.S. Check out our church webpage at Our church services can be listened to by real streaming audio and much more! Trinity Trumpeter LYF News 2 LSF CORNER Happy New Year LYF and family! We hope you’ve all had a Merry Christmas and are resolved to do as much with us as you can! Registration for Journey in January, the high school student-led youth retreat at Camp Lutherhoma for 9th12th graders is due on January 4th, the forms are in your box. Contact Brianna or Eddie with any questions. Wednesday, January 7th is our first Bible Study of the year! Sunday, January 11th we will be ice skating at the Devon Ice Rink. Admission and skate rental is $8, but you will also need money for lunch and for any snacks or warm drinks you’ll want to buy at the rink. We will leave directly after late service. January 16th-18th is Journey in January at Camp Lutherhoma, we will leave the church around 5 p.m. on Friday. Be sure to bring dinner with you or have eaten before we leave and pack lots of warm clothes because it’s always chilly at Lutherhoma in January!! Look ahead: 13th-15th, Fruitful in February. Both High and Jr. High students can go to this weekend event. Please get your registration forms in as soon as you can. If you haven’t seen one in your box yet, be sure to ask a youth director about your form!! OPEN ADULT BIBLE STUDY – Title: "C.F.W. Walther " Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. -taught by Eldon Jupe RESUMES JANUARY 13TH Schedule: -Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. -Refreshments provided Materials: -Participant books -Teacher leads the class through the study Plan to attend these new and powerful studies taught by the Board of Elders. Everyone is welcome, so invite a friend and attend. Contact person and teacher: Elder Eldon Jupe (447-1269). LCMS U National Conference Vicar Zimmerman will be leading a group of our campus ministry students from January 48 to St. Louis, Missouri for "Taboo," the National LCMS Campus Ministry Conference. In addition to the OU students attending, the group is planning to meetup to vanpool with students from OSU to make the trek across Missouri to St. Louis. This will be a great time to connect with fellow state university Lutheran students. "Taboo" will directly address many of the topics related to marriage, dating and sexuality that every college student is bombarded with on campus. The conference is designed to help equip our students to stand their ground, to stand for marriage and, yes, to dare to tackle sexuality rather than leaving it to the world to define. One of the speakers will be Vicar #1, Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer. As the group will be leaving on Sunday, January 4, Vicar Zimmerman will be away from normal office hours from Jan. 6-8. Reminder: LSF will reconvene during the first week of the Second Semester for our weekly Bible Studies. Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, January 13, starting at 6:30p for dinner and Bible Study from 7-8p at the Vicarage. To the dear members of Trinity that have helped with meals this first semester, thank you. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the information center for the Spring semester. If you'd be willing to help again, or for new folks to help out, please sign up. The students and your Vicar appreciate it! Trinity Trumpeter BOARDS AND COUNCIL Sunday, January 11 th 3 OKLAHOMA DISTRICT INFORMATION: We THANK YOU all for serving in our congregation! 1:30 p.m.- Elders 6:00 p.m.- Council See calendar for: - Stewardship Board – Sun. Jan. 4th at 7:00 p.m. - Education Board -Wed. Jan. 28th at 6:00 p.m. - Evangelism Board – Tues. Jan. 6th at 6:45 p.m. - School Board - Tues. Jan. 6th at 6:30 p.m. - Board of Trustees – Sat. Jan. 10th at 9:30 a.m. All Board members please note these times and plan to attend. SCHOOL/CHURCH STAFF ADMINISTRATORS MEETING – Wed. Jan. 28th 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. TAKE DOWN CHURCH CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS in the Sanctuary Saturday Jan. 10th at 10:00 a.m. Come help us – it will go quickly if you do! SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASSES 9:15 AM Join us at our Sunday morning Bible study at 9:15 a.m. while your children and teens are in Sunday School. Come and be with us for your growth in God’s Word! WITH PASTOR: “2nd Thessalonians” WITH BOB LEE: “Matthew” VICAR ZIMMERMAN: “A Look Ahead” at the next Sunday’s Scripture Readings NORMAN CIRCUIT PASTOR’S MONTHLY STUDY GROUP Thursday, January 15th - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. here at Trinity OKLAHOMA DISTRICT CONVENTION PLANNING MEETING Wednesday Jan. 21st at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Edmond. Pastor Nehrenz is the 2nd VP of the District. The District Convention will be April 17, 18 here in Norman at the NCED on Hwy 9. Our congregation is the host congregation for the opening service. Stay tuned for more information as we get closer to the convention. TRI-CIRCUIT FORUM AND CONVOCATION Saturday Jan. 10th at 10:00 a.m. at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Moore. Pastor and our Lay Delegate will attend. We are choosing our Circuit Visitor for 2015-2017 and our representatives for the Oklahoma District Board of Directors. GREETERS WANTED The Board of Evangelism is looking for greeters to help on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in being a greeter, the sign up sheets are on the information desk by the church entrance. Trinity Trumpeter 4 1. The Epiphany of our Lord Festival Communion Service Tuesday Jan. 6th Communion Service at 7:30 p.m. -Jesus, the Son of God worship Him! Come celebrate the 12th Day of Christmas, the coming of the Magi to the Christ Child! Timothy the young pastor taught by the apostle Paul to be a faithful and pious pastor in God’s holy church 2. The Baptism of our Lord Festival Communion Service Sunday Jan. 11th Communion at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. -Jesus, the Beloved Son listen to Him! He took our place in the water to fulfill all righteousness. 3. St. Timothy, Pastor and Confessor (1, 2 Tim) Thursday Jan. 15th 9:30 am Communion Service (The pastors of the Norman circuit will join us.) 4. -Life Sunday - Jan. 25th “The God-Given Sanctity of Human Life” 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Divine Services 9:15 a.m. Life Sunday Bible Study and Video Hinners Organ Update: ** An Organ Committee has been formed by the Church Council. You will be receiving a mailing which will include detailed information about the Hinners Organ we have purchased for use in our sanctuary. It will be renovated during 2015 and installed in our church in 2016. **Silviya Mateva played the O.U. Hinners organ on October 20, 21 and 22 (Monday-Wednesday) from 6.30 to 7.30 pm. Everyone was welcome to come and hear OU's organ, which is very similar to our own Hinners. The address is: Catlett Music Center, 500 W Boyd St., Norman. ** OU faculty led a tour of the OU organ workshop for Trinity members on Sunday, November 23, at 1:00 p.m. We saw where Trinity's Hinners organ will be restored. 2101 W. Tecumseh Road, Suite C | Norman, OK **To date, $36,003 has been donated toward the organ fund. To contribute toward the pipe organ's storage and restoration, please write "Organ" on the memo line of your check. Contact Neal Schuster for more information. Trinity Trumpeter 5 PASTOR’S NEW ADULT INQUIRERS CLASS STARTS THIS MONTH!!! Invite your family and friends to an exciting educational opportunity here at Trinity Lutheran Church. The title of this special ADULT INQUIRERS CLASS IS: “CATECHESIS - THE CHRISTIAN FAITH!!” This is a 14 lesson course in basic Christian doctrine and the Lutheran faith. Topics to be studied include: Christ and the Bible God and Creation Holy Baptism The Lord’s Supper The Lord’s Prayer The Work of the Holy Spirit Justification, Angels, Sin The 10 Commandments Jesus Christ as Savior The Last Things If you have always had questions about various spiritual concerns, this is the class for you! Whether you are interested in a review of you faith, or an introduction to Christian teaching, or desire to pursue communicant membership in the LCMS, this class will serve both purposes. Come join us for the first lesson: THURSDAY, JANUARY 15th from 7:30 P.M. - 9:00 p.m. In the Fellowship Hall (There will be refreshments and also, babysitting will be provided for those with children.) I look forward to having you join us! Call if you have questions and all you have to do is show up! -------------------------------(clip here and send to Church Office)-------------------------------mail to: Trinity Lutheran Church 603 Classen Norman, OK. 73071 However, THIS INFORMATION WOULD BE HELPFUL: Your Name:_________________________________________ Person you will invite or bring:___________________________ Home and Work Phone number:_________________________ E-mail address_______________________________________ You can assist your congregation’s growth by inviting neighbors to attend this course! I teach this twice per year and this is the main way that the LCMS increases its professing communicant membership. (Like Jesus said, make disciples by teaching His doctrine and baptizing in His name!) Pastor David Nehrenz e-mail to pastor at: [email protected] Trinity Trumpeter NEW YEAR –NEW MISSION GRANT January’s Mission of the Month: Building Homes and Hope in Haiti $100,000 The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) Office of International Missions helps people in need in the clear name of Jesus Christ. It is currently working to provide permanent housing in Haiti through Building Homes and Hope. The vision of the program is to build 300 homes in 5 locations over the next few years. These locations will be small villages with homes, schools and churches. Families may apply to own a home through a loan or grant program. The LWML grant will help with expenses involved in this program. Remember to pray for: the people of Haiti, and continued support and sponsorship for this program, so that more villages can be built. Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, there is a great need to fund the construction of homes in Haiti, providing permanent housing to families. Bless this LWML grant, dear Lord. We thank and praise You that this project will be facilitated by a LCMS partner church in Haiti. Thank you for the opportunity to help fund Building Homes and Hope in Haiti. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen MITES FOR MISSIONS: Mite Sunday is the first Sunday of the month. The mites are used to fund the mission grants approved by LWML at the Oklahoma District and the National Level. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the mites that you contribute are used by the Oklahoma District, and twenty-five percent (25%) is sent to the National LWML Organization. It’s amazing how God uses all of these contributions to further His Kingdom. Without evening leaving our home we can be missionaries in prayer and giving our mites. Save the dates! MARCH 14, 2015 A TIME TO GROW: I Peter 2:2 Featuring Humorist Elaine Bickle Oklahoma Christian Life Conference:Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Edmond Cost $25 Childcare provided Mark your calendar for next June 25-28 2015, to join your sisters and brothers in Christ at the LWML Convention in Des Moines, Iowa. We gather under the theme Bountiful! Sow · Nourish · Reap to be equipped by the Holy Spirit to work in the Father’s harvest field. Go to for more information. 6 Catch the bus to Des Moines! Plans are underway for an Oklahoma District chartered bus to the LWML Convention in Des Moines, Iowa, in June of 2015. Prayerfully consider not only attending the Convention but also riding the bus. Both will be times of Christian growth, fun, and fellowship with sisters in Christ. Approximate cost for the bus is $150. IN THE WORD: Plan to attend Ruth Circle, which meets the 3rd. Tuesday of the month at 9:30a.m. at church, for a Bible study led by Pastor or Vicar. Service Are you wondering how you can serve at church? Have you considered helping set up communion on Sunday? Completing this task is a simple way to serve your brothers and sisters in Christ at Trinity. There is always a need for Sunday Morning Greeters signup sheet is on the Welcome Center in the Narthex. Thank You, Thank You! Thanks to everyone who served by donating items for Mary Abbott House. We collected 32 bears, 157 tubs of play-doh, and 42 packages of markers. We also tied 37 fleece blankets during two Wednesday evening Soup Suppers. The fleece was purchased with $300 from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Recycle: Are you wondering what to do with your 2014 calendars. Bring them to church; LWML at Trinity can use them to decorate bags for Birth Choice. These bags are filled with baby items for needy families. Find out more about LWML at and you can read the Voice of Service on line, (the OK quarterly newsletter), and the LWML Quarterly Magazine. We also have copies of the LWML Quarterly on the welcome center, help you to a copy. LWML Officers at Trinity: President: Susan Hartman, [email protected] Vice President, Linda Philemore, [email protected] Secretary: Sue Ebey, [email protected] Treasurer: Beth Brown, [email protected] Member Development: Mary Cheatwood,[email protected] Mission Projects: Chris Lee, [email protected] and Elizabeth Amendt, [email protected] Historian Nancy Hartman [email protected] Trinity Trumpeter FROM THE VICAR A blessed new calendar year to you all here at Trinity! By the conclusion of this month, I will be at the halfway point of my Vicarage residency / internship with you all here in Norman, Oklahoma. The time is aflyin’. It has been a good experience overall, definitely learning a lot of the day-to-day, week-to-week and month-to-month on-the-ground life of a parish pastor. I want to take this moment to personally thank our pastor, Pastor Nehrenz for his supervision so far. Also, many thanks to Jackie in the church office and all of the kind folks of Trinity that have made being the 25th vicar a solid experience so far. Thank you for the kind gifts throughout the year and especially this Christmas season! That being said, I think that this is a good time to review what a Vicar at Trinity Lutheran Church, School and Campus Ministry actually does throughout the week. As Pastor and I both take Mondays off and are still available for emergency calls, it’s probably easier to start with Tuesday and work through the calendar. Tuesday: Morning office/study hours, alternate with Pastor for teaching religion lessons with the school (9:20a-11:30a), while OU is in session, prepare for Tuesday night dinner and Bible Study at the Vicarage, host dinner and Bible Study from 6:30-8:00p, occasionally have conversations and/or game nights afterwards, one game night lasted until 10:30p (was a great time!). Wednesday: Morning office/study hours, alternate with Pastor to lead Chapel for TLS, prepare for Sunday Bible Study/sermon, make shut-in/hospital calls in afternoon, teach Confirmation classes in evening, Advent/Lenten midweek services. Thursday: Morning office/study hours, once-a-month Senior’s Luncheon, afternoon scheduled shutin/hospital calls. Friday: Morning office/study hours, once-a-month Senior’s Trip, once-a-month PGL evening activity, afternoon scheduled shut-in/hospital calls, while OU is in session, roughly twice per month fun nights with LSF students. Saturday: 9:30a -12 noon: English as a Second Language Bible Study and session, final preparations 7 for Sunday services and Bible Study, on-call for hospital and other emergencies, December had Sunday School Christmas program rehearsals and Church decorating. Sunday: Arrive alongside Pastor at Trinity at 7:00a to unlock the doors and turn on the lights and get Trinity ready for the 8:00a service. Boards and Council meetings as scheduled and occasional programming, such as Christmas Caroling this past month. This Vicarage provides a nice, varied calendar for a wide amount of experiences. If I had to put a percentage split between Church and Campus Ministry, it’s about 75% congregation and 25% campus ministry. It’s been a full first-half and I look forward to the second-half working and living alongside of you here at Trinity in Norman. Peace in Christ, Vicar Zimmerman SENIORS Since Thursday, January 1, is New Year’s Day, our senior gathering is scheduled for Thursday, January 8. As usual, an inspiring devotional will be presented followed by a tasty lunch and a thought-provoking program. Following up on recent information on the persecution of Christians provided by VOM (Voice of the Martyrs) a short video will be shown entitled "Island Jihad". This video was made by VOM workers as they traveled through Indonesia, the most heavily populated Muslim country in the world, interviewing Christians who have endured extreme persecution but who also told stories of their love for Jesus Christ. Sadly, the occurrences of Christian persecution in the modern-day world are becoming more frequent, and we need to be aware of the circumstances facing many of our brothers and sisters. Note the change of date for the meeting, bring something edible, and come to enjoy the fellowship of friends. Friday, January 16 is the date of our next excursion. The bus will leave the church at 10:45 to whisk us off to Oklahoma City for a tour of the Harn Homestead with its 110 year old Victorian house, a one-room school house and other out buildings on this territorial farm. Since the tour is scheduled for 1:30, we will have lunch first at a place designated by J.B. Dufran. There is an admission charge of $4.00 per person. JANUARY Anniversaries Birthdays Jennifer Wells Tyler Wendte Eric Burley Vickie Zubialde Anne Anderson Tricia Curtis Cody Sepulveda Cheri Hunter Leah Wiese Jaide Hightower Anna Law Maryjane Ravelo Jonathan Merchant Becky Seewald Audrey Lowman Jennifer Weber Griffin Marshall Sacha Cason Jim Rogers Tammy Vogt Greg Haxton Brandon Barefoot William Ebey Doug Nash Bobby Thomale Melanie Maeder Jeremy Conkling Casey Kunard Wendi Schuur Robert Huntley Thomas Madsen Kim Hager Grace Roley Susan Hartman Jill Tarver John Baxter Kathryn Brown Alaina Nash Nell Stehr Hayes Venk Alaina Weber Janna Harper Tami Cason Joe Greene Patricia Sepulveda 1/1 1/1 1/2 1/2 1/3 1/3 1/5 1/6 1/6 1/7 1/7 1/7 1/8 1/8 1/9 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/11 1/11 1/14 1/15 1/15 1/16 1/17 1/18 1/19 1/19 1/19 1/21 1/21 1/22 1/22 1/23 1/23 1/24 1/25 1/26 1/26 1/26 1/26 1/28 1/29 1/29 1/30 Billy & Marsha Buckmaster Jim & Lois Bollinger Jim & Grace Randol Doug & Susan Nash Brian & Annie Reiswig Rhonda & Gary Hines 1/1/2005 1/2/1966 1/4/1969 1/8/1982 1/20/1989 1/25/2002 10 49 46 33 26 13 PLEASE MAKE THESE CHANGES / ADDITIONS / DELETIONS TO YOUR CHURCH DIRECTORY NEW MEMBERS (Through Transfer of Membership) Dan, Lindsay and Jack Schemm; Cynthia Schemm 3213 Valley Brook Norman, OK 73071 785-250-4541 Chuck, Vickie, Ally and C.J. Maurer 1315 E. Redbud Rd Goldsby, OK 73093 971-4987 Charlotte Peterson 3730 Rock Creek Rd. Apt 1015 Norman, OK 73072 638-6924 (New Membership through Adult Instruction) Morgan Bradshaw 3000 E. Cemetery Road Noble, OK 73068 761-6009 BIRTHS & BAPTISM Dennis Gorman III, son of Dennis and Kandi Gorman Jr., was baptized on December 23rd. Brooklyn Faith Johnson, daughter of Nolan & Heather Johnson, born on November 4th, was baptized on December 28th. DEATH Pray for the family of Nona Owensby who passed away on December 1st "THE LUTHERAN HOUR" RADIO BROADCAST Can’t make it to Church? Listen to the Lutheran Hour! The Lutheran Hour broadcasts in the Oklahoma City area Sunday mornings at 9:00 am on BOTT radio station KQCV (800 AM). Trinity Lutheran Church 603 Classen Blvd. Norman, OK 73071-5048 Missouri Synod Non-Profit Organization U. S. Postage PAID Permit No. 38 Norman, Oklahoma ∗Return Service Requested The Trinity Trumpeter Affix Label here God’s Servants Trinity Staff TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH ACOLYTE ELDER OF THE DAY 8:00 a.m. Matt Brinkoetter 8:00 a.m. Jim Hunter 10:30 a.m. Alex Laffin 10:30 a.m. Ron Barnes OFFICE 321-3443 FAX 928-2686 PASTOR David Nehrenz 321-3443 or home 360-9396 [email protected] or [email protected] 429-9327 VICAR [email protected] ALTAR CARE 8:00 a.m. SECRETARY Jackie Mullen 10:30 a.m. S.S. Superintendent Misty Sendelbach Assistant Superintendent Tisha Merchant TRINITY SCHOOL GREETERS 1/25/15 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. LCMS U/LSF Epiphany January 6, 2015 Elder of the Day – Greg Laffin Acolyte – Alex Laffin Altar Care – Carol Cheatwood 321-3443 [email protected] 329-1503 [email protected] School Administrator Cheryl Anderson [email protected] Child Care Director Carol Wendte [email protected] TLC School / Child Care Web: 899-4831 778-5965 Youth Director [email protected] Brianna Brown Eddie Pledger [email protected] [email protected] ESL Dir. Emily Jerman 227-7874 [email protected] Choir Director & Organist Silviya Mateva [email protected] Custodians Bill & Jackie Mullen Trumpeter Editor . Trinity Church / Web Page 872-9591 Bobby Thomale [email protected] Julie Laffin [email protected]
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