VIA EMAIL Ms. Anita Lee Staff Writer P.O. Box 4567 Biloxi

Ms. Anita Lee
Staff Writer
P.O. Box 4567
Biloxi, Mississippi 39535
January 15, 2015
Re: Letter dated January 7, 2015
Dear. Ms. Lee:
This letter serves as response to your request for certain documents in a letter dated
January 7, 2015, that was emailed to my attention on January 7, 2015, and received by my
office on that date.
Singing River Health System is a public hospital owned by Jackson County, a political
subdivision of the State of Mississippi. The applicable law that makes certain public records of
the State of Mississippi or political subdivisions thereof available for inspection is the
Mississippi Public Records Act of 1983.
Your request for “copy of conflict disclosure forms filed annually by Singing River Health
System officials and employees (all members of the SRHS Board of Trustees serving during the
time periods specified; Board of Trustees Attorney Roy Williams; SRHS Counsel Brett Williams;
CEO Kevin Holland; former CEO Chris Anderson; CFO Lee Bond; and former CFO Mike Crews) for
the years 2008 to date” is denied because these records are exempt from mandatory disclosure
under Miss. Code Ann. § 41-9-68.
Celeste Oglesby, General Counsel
Singing River Health System
Celeste Oglesby I General Counsel I 228.497.7944 I 2101 Hwy 90 I Gautier, MS 39553 I WWW.MYSRHS.COM