THIRTHIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 26, 2014 Welcome! New Parishioner Registration Forms are at the Church doors. On the back of the Registration Form you will find our ministries and organizations along with volunteer opportunities. Please return forms via collection basket, mail, or drop by the office. Questions? Call 503-682-2332. Need Information After Regular Office Hours? For holy and feast day Mass times and upcoming parish events, call the office at 503–682-2332 and press “3” after the greeting. Tuesday 2:00 pm Prayer Shawl—Rm 116 6:30 pm K of C Ex Council –FS Wednesday October 29-November 2, 2014 Wed. Weekday 9:00 am Open Weekday + Ed Rondeau Thursday Friday October 31 9:00 am Mass Bountiful Baskets Weekend Saturday November 1 9:30 am Women’s First Saturday-FS 4:00 pm Confession 5:00 pm Mass Sunday November 2 8:00 am 9:15 am Mass RE PreK-5th Grade—H Middle School Youth Group—CB 10:30 am Mass 11:15am High School Youth Group-Rm 116 Noon Baptism Class -Rm 116 Sat. All Saints Day 5 :00 pm +B arbara Marta 8:00 am 10:30 am October 30 9:00 am Mass/Adoration until 10:00 am 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study—FS O=Office H=Hall RR=Resource Rm FS=Fireside Rm CB=Church Basement Fri. Weekday 9:00 am Open Sun. October 29 9:00 am Mass 7:00 pm Men’s Bible Study-RR Daylight Savings Ends Mass Intentions Thurs. 9:00 am This Week In Our Parish Office Closed Mondays October 28 Saturday Evening Hosts Coordinators: Dick and Leanne Spence All Souls Day Our Parishioners + Douglas Rimbault To volunteer: 503-694-5875 October 25 Spence Family Coffee & Doughnut Hosts Coordinators: Andres and Carolina Torres Mark Your Calendar To volunteer call 503-570-3400 or [email protected] October 26 K of C Spaghetti Dinner October 25 Prison Ministry Meeting 11:30 am Fireside Room October 26 Women’s First Saturday November 1 Grounds Cleanup November 8 Veteran’s Reception 6:00 pm Hall November 8 8:00 am 10:30am Durig Family Folske Family All Saints Day- November 1 Since the Feast of All Saints falls on a Saturday, there is no obligation to attend Holy Mass for this feast. Sunday obligation may be met by attending any of our usual weekend Masses. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time REFLECTION On a visit to the coast, you may have seen lighthouses engulfed by giant waves. As the angry ocean waves crests, it slams into the lighthouse. The wave’s white shoulders seem like they will nearly topple the structure as tons of water explode against it. Those inside the lighthouse are certainly grateful for the firm foundation that withstands nature’s overwhelming fury. In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that the greatest and the first commandment is to love God. The second commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. These two commandments are the foundation of our faith. Jesus concludes that the whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments. If we observe them then even the gates of hell will not prevail against us. Readings Ex 22:20-26 1 Thes 1:5-10 Mt 22:34-40 Next Sunday’s Readings Wis 3:1-9 Rom 5:5-11 Jn 6:37-40 LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Saturday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers: Ushers Greeters: October 25 5:00 pm Suzy Sivyer *E. Clarkson/ T. Barrett M. & J. Peterson/ L.L. Faber J. Faber/ M. Duran A. & J. Greene Saturday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers: Ushers Geeters: Sunday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers: Ushers: Greeters October 26 8:00 am Pauline Poe *J. Kruse/ S. Bible R. & C. Klupenger/ L. Nelson J. Geyer/ L. Ana Sunday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers Ushers: Greeters Sunday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers: Ushers: Greeters: October 26 _ 10:30 am Monique Little *S. Geisler/ D. & A. Zielsdorf K. Weber/ N. Mulligan S. Geisler/ M. Geisler I. Johanson/ C. Schuh J. Kruse/I. Johnson Sunday Reader: Eucharistic Ministers Ushers: Greeters: November 1 5:00 pm Tosha Slenning *E., Y., & M. Jaroch L.L. Faber/ T. Barrett E. Geraghty/ J. Faber C. Hanson/J. Holley November 2 8:00 am Eileen Clarkson * S. Bible/ L. Friedman J. Mohatt/L. Nelson/G. Gander J. Geyer/J. Clarkson J. Kruse/I. Johnson November 2 _ 10:30 am Sandra Suran *K. Weber/ A. Holstrom/A. Downes V. Oporta/ D. Zielsdorf P. Ree/ B. Wagoner M. Rosenberry/Cori Antrium Calling the Grounds Clean Up Team! St. Vincent de Paul It’s time to prepare St. Cyril’s grounds for the winter. NEXT clean up: Saturday, Nov. 8th (9:00-11:30). The bulk of the work will be transporting and spreading bark chips so we need pick up trucks or trailers, wheel barrows, shovels & rakes. We will also do some general grounds clean up. Parishioners of all ages are invited...we even have kid-sized wheel barrows. St. Cyril’s has a very limited amount of equipment. Label all tools that you bring. Please contact the church office or Sarah Geisler for more information or questions. The St. Vincent de Paul annual Pancake/Omelet breakfast will be held on Sunday, November 16th in the parish hall. All are welcome as we say thank you for your support throughout the year. We will begin setting up for the breakfast on Saturday at 3 pm and and we could use some help. It just takes a couple of hours and in the past families have joined us for the quick setup. Please call Karen Gay at 503-9366666-2529 for information if you are able to help. October 26, 2014 Page 2 Women’s First Saturday November 1, 2014 Fireside Room 9:30 -11:00 am Speaker: Ger linde Lamer , Pastor al Associate/Spir itual Dir ector St. Anthony’s Chur ch Topic: “Our Life J our ney Using the Tools of Scr iptur e, Pr ayer and Discer nment” Gerlinde works at St. Anthony Church in Tigard as a Pastoral Associate and Spiritual Director. She received her undergraduate education at Marylhurst University and her Masters degree at the University of Portland. She is also a reflection of family as a devoted wife, mother and grandmother. The ladies of the parish and their female guests are welcome at these sessions. No reservation required. Free will offerings accepted to help defray the cost of our speakers. Join us for camaraderie, refreshments and an opportunity to enhance your spiritual outlook. December 6 Speaker: Bishop Peter Smith Celebrate and Honor Those Who Have Served All are invited to St. Cyril Veteran’s Day Reception Saturday, November 8, 2014 6pm in the Parish Hall Appetizers and beverages will be served The cost is free (Freewill Offerings gladly accepted) Bring us your photos and memorabilia to share for our popular memorabilia tables. For Veterans and those who wish to honor a family member or friend who has served: Complete the information below so we may have a name tag for you at the reception (ask for your nametag at the reception by the veteran’s name) Veteran’s Name: ____________________________________________ Branch of Service: Army _____ Navy _____ Marines _____Air Force _____ Coast Guard ____ Relationship: _______________________________________________________ (For those honoring a loved one who have served (Spouse, Parent, Sibling, Friend, etc.) Please return to the Parish Office by Sunday, November 2, 2014—via Sunday Collection Basket is ok. Like us on Facebook! Find a link at the bottom of our webpage at October 26, 2014 Page 3 Father Joseph Saal Council 15640 Knights of Columbus The Council invites all Parish men to join the Knights of Columbus. Membership information is available at both Church entry doors or by contacting: Grand Knight Hank Taylor 503-704-3778, Financial Secretary Bob Ruggiero 503-504-1809, Membership Chair Pat Schiermeyer 425-785-7994 or Field Agent Will Britten 503-868-8006. General Meeting 7 PM the 1st Monday of each Month Officers Meet 6:30 PM Last Tuesday of each Month We appreciate the help and participation of those Parishioners who dined with us after the 5 PM Mass last night in support of our catholic youth Scholarship Program. The Scholarship Spaghetti Dinner Committee, Chaired by Brother Gary Jones, thanks you and hopes you enjoyed the fruits of their efforts this year and looks forward to seeing you at the 3rd Annual Scholarship Dinner event next year. Special thank you to our Chefs, Donna and Robert Garcia, and all those whose planning, tireless effort and dedication to this program make it possible for the Parish and the Knights to assist our youth in their pursuit of education. We especially appreciate the efforts of our Chair Brother Gary Jones who’s repeat performance continues to satisfy our palates, we look forward to his leadership again next year. Happy October Birthday to our Brothers: Adrian Downes [10/11], Ed Krupicka [10/17] , Jerry Zeller [10/25]. We continue to solicit Scholarship Donations [Tax deductible], in addition to the annual dinner, that can be made any time during the year to “K of C 15640 Charitable Account” and mailed to K of C Council 15640, PO Box 381, Wilsonville, OR 97070-0381 or dropped at the Parish Office, the students are grateful for the assistance from you. Honoring Our Deceased Loved Ones Each year in November we honor our beloved deceased family members and friends who have died anytime throughout this past year. Please fill out the form below and return it to the office by collection basket, mail or drop it by the office. PLEASE PRINT Deeased_____________________________________________________________________________ First Last Submitted By________________________________________________________________________ Tel.________________________________________ Date of Death ____________________________ DEADLINE to submit October 26, 2014 Virtue of the Week Quote of the Week Integrity “You are asking for something that would be harmful Adherence to moral principles. to your salvation if you had it-so by not getting what Congruence in thought, spoken word, and you’ve asked, you really are getting what you want.” deed. St. Catherine of Siena October 26, 2014 Page 4 Religious Education Faith Formation 2014/2015 Just a reminder that it is time to start thinking about registering your child/children Religious 2014/2015 for religious education for this fall. Education If you have children ages/grades 4 yr old preschool October 26, 2014 RE for children 4 yr - 5th grade 9:15 am in the parish hall Middle School Youth Group meeting in the basement of the church at 9:15 am CLOW during 10:30 am Mass CTP class for parents 9:15 am November 2, 2014 RE for children 4 yr - 5th grade 9:15 am in the parish hall Middle School Youth Group meeting in the basement of the church at 9:15 am High School Youth Group will be meeting in the room 116 at 11:45 Children’s Baptism Class Sunday, November 9 for parents who are wanting to have their child baptized. Please contact Cynthia in the office for more information. Are you an adult interested in becoming Catholic? There will be an information meeting on Sunday, October 26 11:45 am in Room 116. Call the office 503-682-2332 or email Cynthia Unger at [email protected]. SPONSOR NEEDED FOR YEARLY CATHOLIC CALENDAR The church is looking for a sponsor or sponsors for our calendars. If you have a business or an employer who might be interested in this project please contact: Patti Blomquist J.S. Paluch Company [email protected] Toll Free 1-800-621-5197, ext.2825 Direct 847-233-2896 October 26, 2014 Attention Ushers Once again it is time for the Archdiocesan Attendance census. This year the attendance will be taken on the weekends of November 8 and 9 and November 15 and 16. We ask your cooperation in taking this count. All adults and children at each Mass should be counted. Please enter the count on the specific index card for that Mass. Index cards may be found in the sacristy. Thank you for assistance. Page 5 BOY SCOUT TROOP 194 Annual Christmas Wreath Sale HOMELESS COAT DRIVE Please bring your coats, jackets, blankets, hats, and gloves to the donation boxes in the Parish Hall. These items will be used to cloth the less fortunate who need our help as the weather grows colder. Troop 194 will be at the Parish Hall to take orders for wreaths and swags after all the Masses on November 1 & 2 and November 8 & 9. On December 6 & 7 you may pick up your ordered items after all the masses. Please call Carrie Durig or Scout Dawson Durig if you have any questions or would like to order by phone at 503-570-4226. Weekly Offertory vs Budgeted Goal Hall Activity Fund Green Envelopes $35,000.00 $30,000.00 Week 5 $25,000.00 Week 4 Week 3 $20,000.00 Week 2 $15,000.00 Week 1 $10,000.00 $5,000.00 $Aug. Goal Sept. Goal Oct. The Hall Activity Fund/Green Envelopes are used to offset the cost of our Parish Socials, such as Coffee & Donuts and Wine & Cheese. These two socials are well attended & are a great time for fellowship! Last fiscal year St. Cyril spent $8,170.00 on after mass socials. Please consider contributing using the Green Envelope to continue our after Mass socials. Goal ST CYRIL PARISH Monthly Operating Income & Expenses Does not include income and expenses for Restricted Funds (Maintenance & Repairs, Benevolent Fund, etc.) or Depreciation Expense. Jul-Sept 2014 YTD Budget FY 2014-15 Budget Parish Offertory Income Other Income, Including Gifts $ 77,146.99 $ 18,689.93 $ 75,908.86 $ 15,128.39 $ 315,000.00 $ 66,580.00 Total Operating Income $ 95,836.92 $ 91,037.25 $ 381,580.00 Operating Expenses: $ 98,406.30 $ 104,460.89 $ 413,192.27 Net Operating Surplus (Shortfall) $ (2,569.38) $ (13,423.64) $ (31,612.27) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Operating Cash Reserve In Days as of September 30, 2014 Prudent Minimum Reserves Required $101,882.00 90.00 Days Current Balance $109,098.21 96.37 Days Days Above (Below) Minimum Reserve (3.63) Days October 26, 2014 Page 6
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