Cedar Creek Notes Series: Walk the Walk Message: Using the Wisdom of God Scriptures: 1 Cor. 2:1-16 LIFE GROUPS – 2015 WINTER SCHEDULE Sunday Speaker: Ian Elliott Paul’s example (1 Cor. 2:1-5) What Paul didn’t do He didn’t communicate with lofty and impressive wisdom He didn’t communicate with clever and persuasive speeches What Paul did do He focused on the message that could change their lives He relied on the power of the Holy Spirit Ayr – 7:00 pm Rob & Michele Hovius 101 Hilltop Dr. Ayr 226-338-2701 Preston – 7:00 pm Steve & Tina Langdon 657 Trico Dr. Cambridge 519-653-4844 Hespeler – 7:00 pm Andre & Rhonda Koehler 51 Karalee Cr. Cambridge 519-502-1114 Why Paul did what he did So believers would come to trust in the wisdom and power of God Paul’s explanation (1 Cor. 2:6-9) He contrasts the difference between human wisdom and God’s wisdom He contrasts the mindset of those who rely on human wisdom rather than God’s wisdom Paul’s encouragement (1 Cor. 2:10-16) Believers have access to God’s wisdom because we have received God’s Spirit Non-believers have access only to human wisdom Believers have access to some of God’s reasoning regarding circumstances and life Non-believers only have access to human reasoning SE Galt – 7:30 pm (Bi-Weekly) Tim & Becky Brown 24 Edgemere Dr. Cambridge 226-318-0619 Paris/Brant – 7:30 pm (Bi-Weekly) John & Sylvia Leistra 8 Burnside St. Glen Morris 519-740-0892 Monday Hespeler – 7:00 pm (Bi-Weekly) Paul & Mary Pilkington 4185 Townline Rd. Cambridge 519-658-6639 West Galt – 7:00 pm Gord & Liz Jackson 187 Angela Cr. Cambridge 519-590-6359 Country West – 7:00 pm Peter & Carolyn Gray 927263 Oxford Rd. 8 Bright 519-590-6359 SW Kitchener - 7:00 pm (Bi-Weekly) Dana & Nancy Jones 62 Vintage Cr. Kitchener 519-895-2777 Tuesday Waterloo – 7:00 pm Bob & Barb Irwin 104 Craigston Pl. Waterloo 519-743-2893 Cedar Creek Church—7:00 pm Gord Jackson 519-624-8321 Friday SW Kitchener – 7:00 pm Mark & Meredith Bugdale 18 Windale Cr Kitchener 519-658-3435 West Galt – 7:30 pm Marcel & Sandy Kamutzki 15 West Cove, Cambridge 519-623-2816 Paul’s challenge Don’t allow human wisdom to cloud your judgement of God’s truth Trust God’s wisdom to provide you with discernment and hope Ian Elliott— Team Leader [email protected] Gord Jackson—Associate [email protected] Chantal Audet—Associate [email protected] Karen Edworthy—Administration [email protected] Matthew Gray—Coldwater Canada [email protected] January 18, 2015 THIS WEEK @ CEDAR CREEK Items for Praise: Praise/Thank God for the wisdom He provides for life—James 1:5 Sunday, January 18, 2015 Celebration Service H20 –Journey of Faith Class 10:00 am @ the Creek 10:00 am (Library) Monday, January 19, 2015 Karate Leaders Drama Team 7:00 pm (GA Rm) 7:00 pm (Youth Rm) Tuesday, January 20, 2015 Kids WHAM Team Edge & Extreme LIFE Group 6:30 pm (GA Rm) 7:00 pm @ the Creek 7:00 pm (Library) Wednesday, January 21, 2015 Worship Team Men’s Games Night Management Team Mtg. 7:00 pm (Auditorium) 7:00 pm (Gym) 7:00 pm (Library) Thursday, January 22, 2015 Karate Classes Kids@ the Creek Team Mtg. Youth WT Practice 7:00 pm (Gym) 7:00 pm (GA Rm) 7:00 pm (Youth Rm) Sunday, January 25, 2015 Celebration Service H20-Journey of Faith Class 10:00 am @ the Creek 10:00 am (Library) NEXT WEEK…. Walk the Walk Next week we continue to look at the practical advice of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians and discover what he has to say about “Growing up Spiritually.” For personal preparation read 1 Corinthians 3:1-21. Mission Focus: Kids Alive Questions & Answers concerning faith How many persons are there in God? There are three persons in the one true and living God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are the same in substance, equal in power and glory.—2 Cor. 13:14 For an explanation of this truth & a prayer of response go to the following link: www.newcitycatechism.com/qparent/q3.php Cedar Creek family items for prayer: Lester (Eugene Loree’s dad) ongoing health issues Karin (Rayna Sandaj’s mom)diagnosed with leukemia; admitted to ICU with pneumonia ; slipped into coma Jasper (son of Mary Wilkinson’s boss) - almost 2 years old,recovering well from surgery, waiting info on type of tumour & to determine treatment Andy (Bob Irwin’s friend)-in urgent need of lung transplant Kristina (friend of Taryn Gilliam)readmitted to hospital with Cystic Fibrosis-weight down to 72 lbs. surgery to insert feeding tube in stomach done this week Cedar Creek families to pray for & encourage this week: Elliott, Tim Elliott, Tyler & Michelle, Taytum, Daxon Enns, Roger & Sandra, Colin, Ryan Fanning, Simon & Jenny, Sofia, Rowan, Chloe Farquharson, Wes & Michelle, Isaiah, Silas, Nevin Fiander, Lucy Financial Update… General Fund Weekly offering received $ 6,900. Required weekly $ 8,900. Week of Jan. 11 Received Year to Date Required Year to Date $257,200. $249,200. Year to Date Variance $ 8,000. Help Needed… To provide a meal for the youth at Youth Unlimited, Cambridge on Friday, January 23. If you can help either by providing food or help at the Centre that night, please see Peter Johannes at the Local Outreach table in the foyer. Ray of Hope Meal… Cedar Creek is scheduled to provide a meal on Sunday, Jan. 25. Help is needed for providing food, food preparation, & cooking, serving . Sign up at the table in the foyer if you can help in anyway or contact Peter Johannes at 519-240-9324 or email [email protected] All Youth Retreat… Edge & Extreme students are invited to a retreat Jan. 30—Feb. 1 @ Campfire Bible Camp, Markdale. Cost: $75.00 each. Registration forms available at the Youth Ministry table in the Foyer. For more information, contact Chantal at [email protected] Women @ the Creek Breakfast… Join other Cedar Creek ladies for breakfast on Saturday, Feb. 7 @ 8:30—10:30 am at Grand Valley Golf & Country Club. Cost: $10.00 per person. Register today at the Women’s Ministry table in the foyer. Feel free to invite a friend! Community Dinners… This winter/spring we will be hosting Community Dinners, events to assist you to get to know others at the Creek, by sharing a meal together. A simple potluck in the gym after Sunday services, open to all living in the various communities represented here at the Creek. Look for more dates soon, for your area! Feb 8th - West Galt, north of Cedar Street. Contact Marcel/Sandy Kamutzki at [email protected] Feb 22nd - Paris and Brant County. Contact Shawn/Laura DeBoer at [email protected] Men’s Slo-Pitch League… Cedar Creek is hoping to enter a team in the league this summer. Guys, if you’re interested in playing, please contact Phil Kingswood at [email protected] or Andy Legrow at [email protected]. Details to follow.
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