Parish of the Sacred Heart and St Oswald Fr Thomas J Walton: Parish Priest The Presbytery (01733 322750) Frances Swanson: Pastoral Assistant (01733 263534) Angela Clark: Secretary (01733 322750) FOR A PRIEST IN AN EMERGENCY if no reply from the Presbytery please ring 01733 562528 / 01733 370877 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)—Peace Day Saturday 17 Sunday 18 1800 Mass (Jacqueline Cartwright RIP-anniv.) 1000 Mass (Jim Wilson RIP) 1200 Mass (School) (Slawek Kuczowicz) Tuesday 20 Wednesday 21 S Agnes Thursday 22 1800 0930 1000 0915 1130 1100 1100 1145 Friday 23 Saturday 24 Mass (Elenor Lunny RIP) Rosary Mass (Elenor Lunny RIP) Mass (School) (People of the parish) Mass (City Hospital) Mass (Betty Barrett RIP) Holy Hour with confessions Benediction 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Saturday 24 1700 Confessions until 1730 1740 Evening Prayer 1800 Mass (Caroline Hastings RIP) Sunday 25 1000 Mass (Margherita & Harold Young RIP) 1200 Mass (School)(Joseph Whelan RIP-3rd anniv Coffee & Tea are served after 1200 Mass at Sacred Heart School on 3rd Sunday of the month PLEASE PRAY FOR those who anniversaries occur at this time: Felicity Leen, Kathleen Browne, John Piggott, Julia Neill, Michael Norris, Daniel Bradley, Sidney Lee, Henry Connaway, Olive Holland, John Sheehan, Ann Kiernan, Bryan Gannon, Dennis Creed, Harley Harold, Martha Smith, George Goodey, Stuart McEleny, Fr Stephen Reith, Austin Corbett, Douglas Conlon, Helena Grooms, Ann Dunthorne, Crawford Gonsalves, Jamie Hicks. May they rest in peace. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Teresa Ambroziak, Shelagh Bradley, John Breen, Susan Butler, Patricia Cairus, Bellina Casagrande, June Clay, Linda Cleary, Patricia Clifton, Mary Clynch, Matthew Coen, John Cox, Cora Crawford, Jack Dancy, Brian Dutton, Monica Dutton, Michael Fitzgerald, Margaret Garford, Richard Grant, John Hadleigh, Gordon Higginbotham, Emma Holmes, Christopher Joyce, Ritt Ketland, Stephen Lawson, James Lipscombe, Florence Lowden, Margaret Martin, Peter Murphy, Sylvia Norbury, Eileen O’Sullivan, Susan Riseley, David Ritchie, Hanna Spragg, Veronica Sutherland, Peter Tomkin, Philip Tomkin, Paul Townsend, Beth Walker, Peter Walker, Maureen Waller, Victoria Watts, Sylvia Zaluska. DIOCESAN CYCLE OF PRAYER—This week we pray for Revv Keith Tulloch, Thomas Goonan, Michael Simison, Stephen Leeder, Anthony Webb and the parishioners of Walsingham Parish and Fakenham. PLEASE PRAY FOR those who have recently died: Roderic Spooner RIP, Danny Cameron RIP and Kathleen Gilligan RIP. May they rest in peace. THE GREAT ADVENTURE-MATTHEW BIBLE STUDY continues this Monday 19 January. FAIRTRADE STALL is in operation this weekend. PEACE SUNDAY is kept this weekend and there will be a collection to support the work of Pax Christi. THANK YOU for last week’s contribution: Gift Aid Envelopes; £201.61 Loose Plate & Envelopes; £390.81 Standing Orders: £552.00 Total: £1144.42 Parish Development Fund £958.58 CHRISTMAS GIFTS—As the Christmas season has come to an end and as I am sure, you all had a wonderful holiday, there will be some unwanted gifts, but of course what you may not want someone else might. So bring them in to Sacred Heart & St Oswald and then we will have a raffle with proceeds going towards the New Sacristy. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015—The preparation programme continues on Saturday 24 January at 0930 in St Oswald’s church. It is essential that children attend all sessions, and parents attend as indicated on the programme. WINNERS—Bonus Ball Saturday 10 January No 39 M Compton £24.50. PARISH DEVELOPMENT PROJECT—As work is beginning on the Hall donations would be most welcome and also ideas for Fund Raising. Ideas are good in themselves but we need people to follow them through if they are to be successful. We would be in a better position if we could raise £30 to £50 thousand pounds by the summer. If you are considering bequeathing to the church in the future why not now and see the benefits of your contribution? We have now received more donations, one of £500, one of £1000 and one of £1500, for which we are very grateful. thank you. PARISH PILGRIMAGE 2015—Our pilgrimage next year is to Fatima. Flying from Manchester to Lisbon 4th May 2015 with 7 nights in Fatima, returning 11th May 2015. Cost is £665 per person sharing (single room supplement costs £150), which includes travel insurance and a day excursion to Lisbon with a visit to St Anthony’s Church. For further information please see poster at back of Church/Hall. Anyone interested please see Fr Tom for a booking form. CONFIRMATION PROGRAMME 2015 commences on Sunday 8th February 3pm-5pm in Sacred Heart School. WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY—The PE4 Churches will celebrate Christian Unity week with a service this Sunday 18 January at 1500 at Paston All Saints Church, PE4 6SN. MASS IN PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL—The annual Deanery Requiem Mass for Katharine of Aragon, who is buried in the Cathedral, will be celebrated at 0830 on Thursday 29 January in Peterborough Cathedral. Thought for the week Past failures are guideposts for future successes 933 Lincoln Road, Walton, Peterborough, PE4 6AE —parish——Registered charity no. 278742 Sacred Heart School Hall, Tollgate, Bretton, Peterborough, PE3 9XD (1200 Mass on Sundays) 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)—Peace Day 18th January 2015 – 6.00pm ENTRANCE 706 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty COMMUNION 910 Christ be beside me OFFERTORY 600 All that I am, all that I do RECESSIONAL 355 I’ll sing a hymn to Mary INVITING ALL YOUNG PEOPLE—The 6pm Mass at All Souls, Peterborough on Sunday 1st February will be a special regional Mass for young people celebrated by Bishop Alan. There will be refreshments afterwards and a question and answer session where young people can ask Bishop Alan anything! All young people welcome. CAFOD WATER PROJECT PURCHASE OF 11TH WELL—For some years now it has become the custom as an extension of the Mass ‘Go in peace to love and serve the Lord’ that we have encouraged the congregation to meet in the King’s Arms. Coffee, tea and biscuits have been served by a dedicated team of volunteers and voluntary donations made have gone towards our CAFOD Community Water Supply project. We have now raised enough funds to purchase a 11th Community Water Supply at a cost of £750 each. Thank you to all who have contributed and a special thank you to those who have encouraged us to stay after Mass by providing refreshments. The King’s Arms is no longer available for use as building works have commenced for our Parish Development Project. INVITATION—Bishop Alan Hopes invites you to join him in celebration of Our Lady of Lourdes at a Mass for the sick (including the Sacrament of Anointing) on Saturday 7 February 2015 at 12 Noon in St John’s Cathedral, Norwich. THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL — Preparing for the New Evangelisation 2015.—Nine Learning Together Days, Saturdays from 1100 to 1500 around the Diocese of East Anglia: 24 January: Fr Adrian Graffy will explore the Infancy Narratives in the Gospels. Venue: Parish Pastoral Centre, Exeter Road, Newmarket. 7 March: Maurice Lynch will explore the Passion Narratives in the Gospels. Venue: The Parish Hall, Norwich Road, Wymondham . 9 May: Andrew Eburne will lead a workshop for people interested in starting to pray the Liturgy of the Hours-Sanctify the day! Venue: The Conference Room, Poringland If possible pre-register for particular days at: [email protected] or you can just turn up on the day. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP COUPLES PREPARE FOR MARRIAGE—The Charity Marriage Care is a National Relationship Support Service established in 1946 with over 50 centres in England & Wales. Peterborough Centre is currently recruiting volunteers to present their Marriage Preparation Days. National training days are held over a weekend followed by a third day. Two dates are presently planned for 2015 with the first taking place in the Midlands on 7 & 8 February followed by a third day on Sat 21 February. The second will be held in Milton Keynes on 18 & 19 April followed by a third day on Sat. 9 May. Volunteers will be invited to attend one of these weekends. Peterborough Marriage Preparation Days are held on Saturdays 9am-4pm at St Luke’s Church, Orton Malborne in January, April, June, July and Sept/Oct. If you would like to hear more about these days please contact Rosemary Gadsby, Head of Centre, on 01733 234694 or email [email protected]. Parish of The Sacred Heart and St Oswald Copyright licences Calamus No 0310, CCL No 1404714
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