PUBLIC NOTICES 6 • Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015 • Clarksville Star • Public Notice Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that the Butler County Conservation Board will be accepting timber sale bids for a harvest within Heery Woods State Park. Sealed bids must be submitted by January 28, 2015 @ 7:00pm central standard time. Maps, volume list, and bid contract can be picked up at the Heery Woods Nature Center. All bids must be completed on the form furnished by the Board. Forms must be completed, signed, dated, sealed and clearly marked as a sealed bid. The board reserves the right to refuse any or all bids. Sealed bid must be submitted by January 28, 2015 @ 7:00pm central standard time. Bids can be submitted in person at the Heery Woods Nature Center 27887 195th Street Clarksville, IA or can be mailed to Butler County Conservation Board at 28727 Timber Rd Clarksville, IA 50619. Call 319-278-4237 for any questions. TJ/CS 3-2 Public Notice Public Notice The Butler Conservation Board and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources will be holding a public meeting on January 22, 2015 at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the Court House in Allison in the lower level (basement). The meeting is to inform the public of an upcoming timber harvest within Heery Woods State Park. This is a preplanned harvest in accordance with the Heery Woods Forest Management Plan. The harvest will help improve and maintain the timber areas within Heery Woods State Park. If you have any question please contact the Butler County Conservation Board at 319-2784237. TJ/CS 3-2 Proceedings: Clarksville CITY OF CLARKSVILLE CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS MEETING JANUARY 7, 2015 The Clarksville City Council met in regular session January 7, 2015, in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 5:00 p.m. with Mayor David Kelm in the chair and Council members Cathy Cummings, Jeff Kolb, Diane Renning, Travis Sterken, and Val Swinton present. Motion Kolb, Swinton, to approve and adopt the items contained on the Consent Agenda: Motion to approve minutes (December 1, 2014); and approve liquor license for Pete and Shortys. RCV – Ayes: Cummings, Kolb, Renning, Sterken, Swinton. Nays: None. MC. Motion Sterken, Cummings, to designate the Clarksville Star as the official newspaper of the City of Clarksville for 2015. RCV – Ayes: Cummings, Kolb, Renning, Sterken, Swinton. Nays: None. MC. Motion Renning, Cummings, to approve December expenditures as presented by the City Clerk. RCV – Ayes: Cummings, Kolb, Renning, Sterken, Swinton. Nays: None. MC. The City Clerk submitted the annual notice of City Employee’s wages: Daniel Cummings - $49,671.45; Barry Machey - $12,278.52; Larry Betts - $44,417.82; Matthew Kampman $55,440.24; Kristen Clerk - $35,034.90; Sarah Jordan - $9,896.75; Cindy Wedeking - $9,272.25; Bruce Hoodjer - $29,988.00; Jerry Hinders $13,295.00; Milton Hoodjer - $486.00; Brain Neuberger - $215.50; Scott Dietrich - $608.00; Dusty Dunn - $1,490.00; Jeffrey Tiedt $22,816.72; Pat Calease - $3,180.00; Jessi Reints - $4,071.00; and Martha Shaw - $1,566.00. Motion Kolb, Swinton, to adopt Resolution 15-564: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUN- CIL OF THE CITY OF CLARKSVILLE, IOWA, TO TRANSFER MONEY BETWEEN FUNDS. BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Clarksville, Iowa: 1. The City Council wishes to transfer $24,679.00 from the General Funds to the Emergency Levy Funds AND transfer $5,608.70 from the Customer Deposit Funds to the Water Utility Funds. 2. Fund adjustments per Iowa Code. 3. This resolution shall become effective upon passage. RCV – Ayes: Cummings, Kolb, Renning, Sterken, Swinton. Nays: None. MC. Resolution declared adopted, signed by the Mayor and hereby made a portion of these minutes. Motion Renning, Swinton, to approve the report from Larry Pump, CPA, for the annual examination pursuant to Chapter 11.6 of the Code of Iowa. RCV – Ayes: Cummings, Kolb, Renning, Sterken, Swinton. Nays: None. MC. Mayor and Council meet with Patrick Callahan, Municipal Consultants, for a presentation for Strategic Planning and Goal Setting for the City of Clarksville. Motion Sterken, Renning, to accept proposal from Patrick Callahan for consulting fees pertaining to a five step goal setting process for $1,100 and a facilitating fee of $350 per meeting. RCV – Ayes: Cummings, Kolb, Renning, Sterken, Swinton. Nays: None. MC. Motion Sterken, to adjourn the regular City Council meeting at 9:15 p.m. David Kelm, Mayor Attest: Larry D. Betts, CMC City Clerk/Treasurer CS 3-1 Proceedings Public Notice Public Notice Hawkeye Community College will hold a Special Election of the registered voters of the Merged Area School District on February 3rd, 2015. Butler County Auditor & Commissioner of Elections, Lizbeth Williams, hereby gives public notice that this election includes voters in the Aplington-Parkersburg School District, the Clarksville School District and the Historic Allison-Bristow area of the North Butler School District. Voters will vote at their regular School Election polling sites. Polls will open at Noon and close at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Absentee Ballots are available in the Butler County Auditor’s Office where voters of said districts may vote in person through 11:00 a.m. on Election Day. Voters should contact the Auditor’s Office at 319-267-2670 for information on how to request to have an absentee ballot mailed. Butler County residents in the Dike New Hartford School District should contact the Grundy County Auditor. Butler County residents in the Waverly Shell Rock School District or the Nashua Plainfield School District should contact the Bremer County Auditor regarding polling locations and absentee voting. In accordance with Chapter 52.35 of the Iowa Code, the authorized agents of the Butler County Auditor will examine and test all precinct vote tabulators to be used in said election at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 14, 2015. Certification testing is open to the public. ST&TJ-3-1 Proceedings THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BUTLER COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Ethel M. Menzel, Deceased Probate No. ESPR016403 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Ethel M. Menzel, Deceased, who died on or about December 20, 2014: You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of January, 2015, the last will and testament of Ethel M. Menzel, deceased, bearing date of the 23rd day of June, 2003, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Faye Ann Menzel and Robi Ann Boge were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all per-sons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditorshavingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfile them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, forallowance,andunlesssofiledbythelaterto occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Datedthis8thdayofJanuary,2015. Faye Ann Menzel 1905 W. 4th St. Waterloo, IA 50701 Robi Ann Boge 104 W. 4th St. Bode, IA 50519 Executors of estate Karl A. Nelson, ICIS PIN No: AT0005659 Attorney for executors Nelson & Toenjes 209 S. Cherry Street Shell Rock, IA 50670 Date of second publication 22nd day of January, 2015 ST-3-2 Public Notice THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BUTLER COUNTY Marilyn K. Niehaus Plaintiff(s), EQUITY No. CDDM002176 VS. Charles L. Niehaus Defendant(s). ORIGINAL NOTICE TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANT(S): Youarenotifiedthatapetitionhasbeenfiled in the office of the clerk of this court naming youasadefendantinthisaction,whichpetition praysforDissolutionofMar-riage. The name and address of the at-torney for theplaintiffisDavidJ.Mason,3265W4thSt, Waterloo,IA50701. The attorney’s phone number is 319-2346843;facsimilenumber888-608-5149. Youmustserveamotionoran-sweronorbeforethe20thdayofFebruary,2015,andwithin areasonabletimethereafter,fileyourmotionor answerwiththeClerkofCourtforButlerCounty,atthecourthouseinAllison,Iowa.Ifyoudo not, judgment by de-fault may be rendered againstyouforthereliefdemandedinthepetition. Ifyourequiretheassistanceofauxiliaryaids orservicestoparticipateincourtbecauseofa disability,immediatelycallyourdistrictADAcoordinatorat(800)735-2942.(Ifyouarehearing impaired, call Relay Iowa TTY at 1-800-7352942) CLERKOFCOURT ButlerCountyCourthouse Allison,lowa50602 IMPORTANT: YOU ARE AD-VISED TO SEEK LEGAL ADVICE AT ONCE TO PROTECTYOURINTERESTS ST-2-3 CLARKSVILLE COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION Special Meeting January 5, 2015 A special work session was called to order by Board Pres. Chris Backer at 4:59 p.m. in the community room. Members present were Chris Backer, Justin Clark, Tim Backer, Shelley Maiers and Corey Jacobs (entered at 6:20 p.m.); other present were Board Secretary/ Business Manager Shellee Bartlett and Dr. Dean Meier. Moved by Clark, seconded by Maiers, to approve the agenda. Carried unanimously. Moved by T. Backer, seconded by Clark, to enter closed session at 5:00 p.m. to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential 1990 Code of Iowa 21.5 (1)(i) & Code of Iowa 22.7(11). Roll: Ayes – Maiers, Clark, C. Backer, T. Backer Nays – None; Absent Jacobs. Moved by Maiers, seconded by T. Backer, to adjourn at 9:12 p.m. Carried unanimously. CS 03-1 PUBLIC NOTICES 6 • Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015 • Butler County Tribune-Journal • Public Notice Notice to Bidders Notice is hereby given that the Butler County Conservation Board will be accepting timber sale bids for a harvest within Heery Woods State Park. Sealed bids must be submitted by January 28, 2015 @ 7:00pm central standard time. Maps, volume list, and bid contract can be picked up at the Heery Woods Nature Center. All bids must be completed on the form furnished by the Board. Forms must be completed, signed, dated, sealed and clearly marked as a sealed bid. The board reserves the right to refuse any or all bids. Sealed bid must be submitted by January 28, 2015 @ 7:00pm central standard time. Bids can be submitted in person at the Heery Woods Nature Center 27887 195th Street Clarksville, IA or can be mailed to Butler County Conservation Board at 28727 Timber Rd Clarksville, IA 50619. Call 319-278-4237 for any questions. TJ/CS 3-2 Probate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BUTLER COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Leota Arlene Sidmore, Deceased Probate No. 02121 ESPR016394 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Leota Arlene Sidmore, Deceased, who died on or about May 10, 2014: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe11thday of December, 2014, the last will and testament of Leota Arlene Sidmore, deceased, bearing date of the 17th day of November, 2006, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Larry E. Sidmore and Nadine K. Sidmore were appointed executors of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all per-sons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditorshavingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfile them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, forallowance,andunlesssofiledbythelaterto occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 30th day of December, 2014 Larry E. Sidmore 707 Shasta Drive Albertville, AL 35950 Nadine K. Sidmore 1514 Hickory Street Albertville, AL 35950 Executors of estate Michael D. Holt, ICIS PIN No: AT0003597 Attorney for executors Barker, McNeal, Wiese & Holt P.O. Box 634, Iowa Falls, IA 50126 Date of second publication 15th day of January, 2015 TJ-2-2 Public Notice Public Notice Hawkeye Community College will hold a Special Election of the registered voters of the Merged Area School District on February 3rd, 2015. Butler County Auditor & Commissioner of Elections, Lizbeth Williams, hereby gives public notice that this election includes voters in the Aplington-Parkersburg School District, the Clarksville School District and the Historic Allison-Bristow area of the North Butler School District. Voters will vote at their regular School Election polling sites. Polls will open at Noon and close at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day. Absentee Ballots are available in the Butler County Auditor’s Office where voters of said districts may vote in person through 11:00 a.m. on Election Day. Voters should contact the Auditor’s Office at 319-267-2670 for information on how to request to have an absentee ballot mailed. Butler County residents in the Dike New Hartford School District should contact the Grundy County Auditor. Butler County residents in the Waverly Shell Rock School District or the Nashua Plainfield School District should contact the Bremer County Auditor regarding polling locations and absentee voting. In accordance with Chapter 52.35 of the Iowa Code, the authorized agents of the Butler County Auditor will examine and test all precinct vote tabulators to be used in said election at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 14, 2015. Certification testing is open to the public. ST&TJ-3-1 Probate THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT BUTLER COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ADELINE JOHNSON, Deceased Probate No. ESPR016402 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Adeline Johnson, Deceased, who died on or about December 16, 2014: Youareherebynotifiedthatonthe24thday of December, 2014, the last will and testament of Adeline Johnson, deceased, bearing date of the 28th day of April, 2014, was admitted to probate in the above named court and that Dean Johnson was appointed execu-tor of the estate. Any action to set aside the will must be brought in the district court of said county within the later to occur of four months from the date of the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice to all heirs of the decedent and devisees under the will whose identities are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be forever barred. Notice is further given that all per-sons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, and creditorshavingclaimsagainsttheestateshallfile them with the clerk of the above named district court, as provided by law, duly authenticated, forallowance,andunlesssofiledbythelaterto occur of four months from the second publication of this notice or one month from the date of mailing of this notice (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is thereafter forever barred. Dated this 24th day of December, 2014. Dean Johnson Executor of estate 19384 Newell Ave., Allison, IA 50602 Gregory M. Lievens Attorney for executor Shepard, Gibson & Lievens 503 North Main St., PO Box 158 Allison, IA 50602 Date of second publication 22nd day of January, 2015 TJ-3-2 Public Notice Public Notice The Butler Conservation Board and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources will be holding a public meeting on January 22, 2015 at 6:00 pm. The meeting will be held at the Court House in Allison in the lower level (basement). The meeting is to inform the public of an upcoming timber harvest within Heery Woods State Park. This is a preplanned harvest in accordance with the Heery Woods Forest Management Plan. The harvest will help improve and maintain the timber areas within Heery Woods State Park. If you have any question please contact the Butler County Conservation Board at 319-2784237. TJ/CS 3-2 • Clarksville Star • Butler County Tribune-Journal • MINUTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BUTLER COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HELD ON JANUARY 2, 2015. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Rex Ackerman with members Tom Heidenwirth and Rusty Eddy present. Also present were Sheriff Jason Johnson, Recorder Janice Jacobs, Treasurer Vicki Schoneman, HR/Finance Deputy Mindy Pecha, Director of Public Health Jennifer Becker, County Attorney Greg Lievens, Economic Development Director Jeff Kolb and Fern Myers, Allison, Iowa. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Newly elected officials were sworn in. Recorder Janice Jacobs, Treasurer Vicki Schoneman, County Attorney Greg Lievens and Supervisors Tom Heidenwirth and Rusty Eddy. Moved by Ackerman, second by Eddy to appoint Tom Heidenwirth as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for 2015. Rusty Eddy was appointed Chairman Pro-tem. Motion carried. Moved by Ackerman, second by Heidenwirth toapproveandreaffirmappointmentstothefollowing boards and commissions. Motion carried. Board of Adjustment 3-year term Term Expires Mark Gerdes 1/1/2018 Paul Leerhoff 1/1/2016 Jeff Reints 1/1/2018 Jim Siebrands 1/1/2016 *Fern Myers 1/1/2018 Planning and Zoning 3-year term Term Expires Eric Kruse 1/1/2018 Jim Norton 1/1/2016 Meinard Koop 1/1/2018 Janice M. Johnson 1/1/2016 *Jane Close 1/1/2018 Board of Health 3-year term Term Expires Michael Lindstrom 12/31/2016 Jodi Bangasser 12/31/2015 *Joyce Dickes 12/31/2017 Larry Backer 12/31/2017 Mitch Nordmeyer 12/31/2017 Veteran Affairs 3-year term Term Expires Duane Harms 6/30/2016 Nancy Hadley 6/30/2015 Allan Meyer 6/30/2017 Craig Franken 6/30/2015 Cindy DeWitt 6/30/2016 Conservation Commission 5-year term Term Expires Merideth Borchardt 12/31/2017 Mark O’Brien 12/31/2018 Kelly Harken 12/31/2015 VACANT 12/31/2019 Fern Myers 12/31/2016 Compensation Board 4year term Term Expires Nancy Amunson, Treasurer 7/1/2017 Kyle Rice, Sheriff 7/1/2015 Gene Chinander, Recorder 7/1/2017 Jerry Liebold, Supervisors 7/1/2017 Kevin Truax, Supervisors 7/1/2017 Dale Hansmann, Attorney 7/1/2017 Jeff Kolb, Auditor 7/1/2015 Board considered Resolution regarding Compensation Commission in Eminent Domain Proceedings. Moved by Ackerman, second by Heidenwirth to approve as follows: RESOLUTION # 342-15 COMPENSATION COMMISSION IN EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS WHEREAS, the Butler County Board of Supervisors, in compliance with Section 6B.4 of the Code of Iowa entitled “Commission to Assess Damages” relating to the appointment of persons eligible to serve as members of the Compensation Commission in Eminent Domain proceedings, do hereby appoint the following residents of the County to serve on said Commission: REAL ESTATE AGENTS/BROKERS: VACANT Mike Campbell, 1210 S. Johnson St., Parkersburg, IA 50665 David Kelm, 420 E Prospect St., Clarksville, IA 50619 Lisa Schmitz, 13045 Willow Ave., New Hartford, IA 50660 Joyce Harrenstein, 505 Day St., Parkersburg, IA 50665 Tonya Kregel, 1401 W Broadway, Dumont, IA 50625 Milton Ulfers, 22809 Hickory Ave., Allison, IA 50602 FARMERS: VACANT John Spain, 24716 280th Street, Parkersburg, IA 50665 Mark Gerdes, 15679 Clay Ave., Aredale, IA 50605 Donn E. Tindall, 3624 Elm Ave., Bristow, IA 50611 Reed Weinberg, 550 W. Wamsley, Clarksville, IA 50619 BANKERS OR AUCTIONEERS: Dan Castle, 518 N. 5th, Greene, IA 50636 Duane Harms, 23585 Willow Ave., Shell Rock, IA 50670 Fred Maifeld, 26504 Grand Ave., Kesley, IA 50649 Henry (Bud) Mennenga, 120 W. Wamsley, Clarksville, IA 50619 Dana Uhlenhopp, 266 Birch St., Box 702, Allison, IA 50602 Cindy Kannegieter, 726 Parriott, Aplington, IA 50604 Dave White, 29776 220 St., Shell Rock, IA 50670 OWNERS OF CITY AND TOWN PROPERTY: Raymond Grapp, 321 Pine St., Box 125, Allison, IA 50602 Gaylan Hempen, 28342 195 St., Clarksville, IA 50619 Eldon Peterson, 520 N. 5th St., Greene, IA 50636 Charles Backer, 420 E. Superior St., Clarksville, IA 50619 Wayne Rohlwing, 401 S. Church, Clarksville, IA 50619 David Shear, 832 Grand St., Dumont, IA 50625 Robert Smeins, 501 Florence St., Parkersburg, IA 50665 Alan Stockdale, 1321 Circle Drive, Aplington, IA 50604 Leon Thorne, 412 2nd St., Parkersburg, IA 50665 And the County Auditor is hereby directed to certify the list of appointees to Kurt L. Wilke, Chief Judge of the second Judicial District. UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rex Ackerman, Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth; NAYS: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January, 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Moved by Ackerman, second by Heidenwirth to approve Resolution empowering County Engineer to execute certificate of completion for Farm to Market projects. RESOLUTION # 63-15 FARM TO MARKET BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Butler County, Iowa that John D. Riherd, the County Engineer of Butler County, Iowa be hereby designated, authorized, and empowered on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of saidCountytoexecutethecertificationofcompletionofworkandfinalacceptancethereofin accordancewithplansandspecificationstherefore in connection with all Farm to Market construction projects in this county. UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Moved by Heidenwirth, second by Eddy to authorize County Engineer and staff to sign permits. COURTHOUSE Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015 • Proceedings: Butler County Board of Supervisors RESOLUTION # 65-15 SIGNATURE OF PERMITS BE IT RESOLVED that the Butler County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the ButlerCountyEngineerandofficestafftosign permits for the movement of vehicles and loads excess size and weight. UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Moved by Ackerman, second by Eddy to authorize County Engineer to close roads during an emergency or for planned work. RESOLUTION # 66-15 ROAD CLOSINGS BE IT RESOLVED that the Butler County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the County Engineer to close any County Road for emergency maintenance purposes. UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Moved by Ackerman, second by Heidenwirth to authorize State DOT to conduct bid lettings. RESOLUTION # 69-15 CONDUCT LETTINGS BE IT RESOLVED by the Butler County Supervisors, that the State Department of Transportation be designated, authorized and empowered on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of said County to conduct lettings on “S”, “SN”, or “FM” projects until further notice. UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Moved by Ackerman, second by Heidenwirth to approve Resolution establishing guidelines tofacilitateoperationofCountyReliefOffice. RESOLUTION # 70-15 COUNTY RELIEF BE IT RESOLVED by the Butler County Board of Supervisors that certain guidelines be established to facilitate and aid in the operation oftheCountyReliefDirector’sOffice: I. That the Relief Director has been appointed to handle all Butler County relief. II. That the Relief Director has been appointed as agent for the Butler County Board of Supervisors for processing Iowa City papers, and is to make authorizations for all County Clinical pay patients before commitment to Iowa City. III. Patient or responsible relative or guardian must make application for assistance for all medical house calls, office calls, and for hospitalization, except in emergencies. In case of emergency, the responsible relative or guardian mustcometotheReliefDirectortofilloutapplications, or bills will not be paid by the County. The Relief Office or Director must be contactedwithintwenty-four(24)hoursorbythefirst working day. IV. Authorization forms that patient takes to theDoctormustbefilledoutinfull.Thisincludes diagnosis, services rendered. And medicines named and itemized and must accompany any statement sent to the County for collection or the bills will not be allowed by the County. V. Butler County Relief will not be responsible for any medical or hospital charges for any obstetrical deliveries. UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Moved by Heidenwirth, second by Eddy to provide funds for membership in ISAC and allow attendance at educational sessions. RESOLUTION #71-15 ISAC ASSOC. BE IT RESOLVED that the Butler County Board of Supervisors appropriate from the County General Basic Fund necessary funds to provide membership in the Iowa State Association of Counties, and to authorize attendance at schools of instruction by County officers, appointees and employees as the schools are called by the Association and to authorize attendance at the annual meetings of the association. UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor RESOLUTION #72-15 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERS There was presented to the Board of Supervisors the following written applications for appointment as official newspapers for Butler County for the year 2015: • Butler County Tribune-Journal, by Ryan Harvey, President • The Clarksville Star, by Ryan Harvey, President • Eclipse-News-Review, by Leon M. Thorne, Editor • TheGreeneRecorder,bySarahHawker, OfficeManager All of said newspapers are of general circulation in Butler County. There was also presented the application of the above named Butler County Tribune-Journal, The Clarksville, Star, Eclipse-News-Review and The Greene Recorder for appointment as official newspapers in Butler County, Iowa, for the year 2015, to be paid for compensation of two papers. BE IT RESOLVED by the Butler County Board of Supervisors that the above applications be accepted and that the Butler County Tribune-Journal, The Clarksville Star, EclipseNews-Review, The Greene Recorder, be and the same are hereby declared the Official Newspaper in Butler County, Iowa, for the year 2015. UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Moved by Ackerman, second by Heidenwirth to allow for payment of certain bills prior to Board approval. RESOLUTION # 73-15 PRIOR PAYMENT OF BILLS WHEREAS, at certain times it is necessary to paybillspriortoanofficialBoardofSupervisors meetinginordertoallowfortheefficientoperation of county government. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following list of items can be paid for in advance of anofficialBoardofSupervisorsmeeting.Items listed on previously approved contracts, items which would result in the loss of a discount or result in interest payments, utility bills, payroll, payroll benefit checks, postage or shipping charges, gas and diesel fuel and emergency law enforcement investigation funds. UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Moved by Heidenwirth, second by Ackerman to authorize the County Engineer to temporarily reduce allowable load limits on various stretches of county roads that could be damaged by allowing legal load limits. RESOLUTION # 438-15 TEMPORARY WEIGHT EMBARGO BE IT RESOLVED the Butler County Supervisors hereby authorize the County Engineer to temporarily reduce allowable load limits on various stretches of county roads that could be damaged by allowing legal load limits. The temporary weight embargo shall be formed in accordance with Chapter 321.471 and 321.474 of the Code of Iowa. UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Board considered Resolution appointing deputyCountyofficialsforthe2015calendaryear. Moved by Ackerman, second by Heidenwirth to adopt Resolution as follows: RESOLUTION # 554-15 RESOLUTION APPOINTING DEPUTY COUNTY OFFICIALS FOR THE 2015 CALENDAR YEAR BE IT RESOLVED, that the following persons shall be appointed deputies for the following offices as recommended by the elected officials according to Chapter 331.903, Code of Iowa: Gregory M. Lievens, County Attorney Martin Petersen, Assistant County Attorney Lizbeth Williams, Auditor Mary Brouwer, Deputy Auditor Dan Clark, Deputy Auditor Mindy Pecha, Deputy Auditor Vicki Schoneman, Treasurer Roxie Nicolas, Deputy Treasurer Deb Wangsness, Deputy Treasurer Angela Freese, Deputy Treasurer Janice Jacobs, Recorder Connie Rottink, Deputy Recorder Roxann Geelhoed, Deputy Recorder Jason Johnson, Sheriff Steve Schmadeke, Deputy Sheriff Michael Lammers, Deputy Sheriff Shane Oldenburger, Civil Deputy Kiley Winterberg, Deputy Sheriff Collin Freesemann, Deputy Sheriff Curt Lubben, Deputy Sheriff Lane Bass, Deputy Sheriff Tim Joebgen, Deputy Sheriff Jay Johnson, Deputy Sheriff Denise Junker, Civil Deputy UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Board considered Construction Evaluation Resolution for 2015, adopting use of the DNR Master Matrix for a period of February 1, 2015 throughJanuary31,2016forconfinementfeeding operations. Moved by Heidenwirth, second by Ackerman to adopt the Resolution as follows: RESOLUTION #723-15 CONSTRUCTION EVALUATION RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Iowa Code section 459.304(3) sets out the procedure if a board of supervisors wishes to adopt a “construction evaluation resolution”relatingtotheconstructionofaconfinement feeding operation structure; and WHEREAS, only counties that have adopted a construction evaluation resolution can submit to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) an adopted recommendation to approve or disapprove a construction permit application regardingaproposedconfinementfeedingoperation structure; and WHEREAS, only counties that have adopted a construction evaluation resolution and submitted an adopted recommendation may contesttheDNR’sdecisionregardingaspecific application; and WHEREAS, by adopting a construction evaluation resolution the board of supervisors agrees to evaluate every construction permit application for a proposed confinement feeding operation structure received by the board of supervisors between February 1, 2015 and January 31, 2016 and submit an adopted recommendation regarding that application to the DNR; and WHEREAS, the board of supervisors must conduct an evaluation of every construction permit application using the master matrix created in Iowa Code section 459.305, but the board’s recommendation to the DNR may be basedonthefinalscoreonthemastermatrixor maybebasedonreasonsotherthanthefinal score on the master matrix; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BUTLER COUNTY that the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts this construction evaluation resolution pursuant to Iowa Code section 459.304(3). UPON Roll Call the vote thereon was as follows: AYES: Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman; Nays: None WHEREUPON the Resolution was declared duly adopted this 2nd day of January 2015. Tom Heidenwirth Chairman, Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Lizbeth Williams, County Auditor Thefollowingappointmentsofcountyofficials were made and approved: BOARD, APPOINTED, ALTERNATE 2nd Judicial District Dept. of Correctional Services, Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth North Iowa Juvenile Detention Center, Rusty Eddy, Rex Ackerman Butler County Zoning Administrator, Mitch Nordmeyer Community Service/General Relief Director, Bob Lincoln Iowa Northland Regional Housing Authority, Rex Ackerman, Rusty Eddy Mental Health Institute Citizens Advisory Board, Rusty Eddy, Rex Ackerman Regional Transit Commission Board, Rex Ackerman, Tom Heidenwirth Butler County Weed Commissioner, Calvin Steere Mental Health Retardation Coordinator, Bob Lincoln HAZMAT Board, Tom Heidenwirth, Mitch Nordmeyer DECAT Board, Tom Heidenwirth, Rusty Eddy Iowa Northland Regional Council of Governments, Rex Ackerman, Tom Heidenwirth Butler County Development, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman LEPC/ Emergency Management Commission, Rex Ackerman, Mitch Nordmeyer North Iowa Community Action, Tom Heidenwirth, Rusty Eddy Cedar Valley Resource, Conservation & Development, Tom Heidenwirth Pathways Behavioral Services, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman Butler County Safety Committee, Rex Ackerman, Tom Heidenwirth Butler County Community Foundation, Rusty Eddy, Rex Ackerman Iowa Workforce Development, Rex Ackerman County Social Services 28E Governing Board, Rex Ackerman, Liz Williams Butler County Solid Waste Commission, Rusty Eddy, Tom Heidenwirth Upper Cedar Watershed Management Improvement Authority, Tom Heidenwirth, Rex Ackerman Following discussion, it was moved by Heidenwirth, second by Eddy to leave the mileage reimbursement rate at 52Ȼ for 2015. Motion carried. Board approved claims as submitted. Butler County claims paid from December 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. Aces,Equip Cont/Rcvry/Soft Sup 18,365.00 Ackerman, Rex,Mlge 109.20 Advantage Administrators, Self Funding 1,470.53 Aflac,AflacPt 116.48 Agility Recovery Solutions, Disaster Rcvry 770.00 Airgas North Central,Suply/Tool 9,602.90 Alliant Energy,Util 86.40 Allied Manatts Group Llc, Upgrades/Rock 3,289.40 Allison Propane Gas,Prts 28.73 Allison Variety Hardware, Mnr Equip/Suply/Bd&Care 114.53 Allison, City Of,Util 202.01 Answer Plus Inc,Equip Cont 65.00 Aramark, Avs Waterloo Mc Lockbox, Suply 95.68 At&T,Tele 40.22 Backer, John,Peo 102.50 Barnett Sandblasting,Lbr 2,700.00 Barth, Rita,Peo 82.50 Bauer Built Inc.,Tires 6,000.00 Becker, Jennifer L.,Mlge 309.40 Benson, Jason,Rent 275.00 Bertram, Nicole,Mlge/Hopes 300.78 Bienemann, Jerome,Twp Exp 60.00 Black Hills Energy,Util 223.74 Blackstrap, Inc.,Salt 8,784.16 Bluhm Electric, Inc.,Prts/Lbr 266.40 Bremer County Auditor,Autopsy 1,695.00 Briggs Corporation,Med Sup 226.09 Brown Supply Co. Inc.,Suply/Prts 1,305.50 Business Card,Sch Of Instr/Ems Trng 414.68 Butler Bremer Communications,Tele 105.35 Butler County Engineer, Upgrades/Fuel 2,389.51 Butler County Farm Bureau,Rent 400.00 Butler County Public,Med Invgtn 128.12 Butler County R.E.C.,Util 921.04 Butler County Solid,Disp Fee 18,410.00 Calhoun-Burns & Assoc.,Design 4,713.75 Campbell Insurance Group, Inc., Cons Fee 1,632.92 Campbell Supply,Suply/Tool 580.80 Cardmember Service,Sch Of Instr 1,262.30 Cdw-G,Comp Equip/Equip Cont 1,520.59 Cedar River Milling Co.,Environ Educ 38.65 Central Iowa Distr.,Mnr Equip/Suply/Jail 897.90 Central Iowa Water Assoc.,Util 28.64 Century Link,Tele 51.74 Chisholm, Robin,Mlge 184.08 Christie Door Company,Shop 38.00 Clarksville Lumber Co,Environ Educ 38.67 Clarksville, City Of,Util 440.79 Collective Data,Comp Srv 3,749.25 Cordes Excavating,Snow Rmvl 60.00 Crop Production Services Inc.,Spray 2,940.00 Custom Creations,Unif Allow 13.50 Dave’s Crane & Wrecker Service, Project 13,992.50 Debner, Lonna,Mlge 170.04 Dell Marketing L.P.,Comp Equip 104.99 Des Moines Stamp Mfg.,Ofc Sup 13.00 Dewitt, Cindy,Mlge 468.00 Don’s Truck Sales,Prts/Lbr 8,444.36 Doug’s Heating & Cooling, Shop Rpr/Maint/Well Close 761.53 Duane’s Repair Shop,Car Exp 52.20 Dumont American Legion Post360,Rent 50.00 Dumont Telephone Company, Tele/Internet 2,199.20 Eclipse News Review, Bd Proc/Publ/Pub Not 358.18 Election Systems&Software Inc, Ballot Coding/Layout 1,650.51 Electronic Engineering Co.,Gps 898.50 Emslrc,Ems Trng 20.00 Faber, Elizabeth,Bt 1,980.00 Fagre M.D., Lee,Med Exmr 55.00 Fastenal Company,Suply 1,012.31 Fecht Repair,Prts/Car Exp 150.25 Fleshner, Tamara L.,Mlge/Ema 136.56 Floyd County Auditor,Med Exmr 35.00 Floyd County Public Health/Hhc,Bt 1,732.25 Forry, Bonnie Kay,Mlge 356.62 Frank Dunn Co.,Asphlt Ptch 749.00 Franklin County Phn,Bt/Cont Svcs 932.01 Gansen, Joyce,Mlge 62.45 Gierke-Robinson Co.,Tool/Sfty Equip 143.32 Grainger,Bldg Maint 101.92 Graser, Christine,Peo 102.50 Green Canopy, Inc.,Shop 556.20 Greene Recorder, The, Bd Proc/Publ/Pub Not 729.56 Greene, City Of,Util 28.00 Hancock Concrete Products Llc, Project 111,935.48 Healthcare First,Equip Cont 99.00 Heaven’s Best,Misc Rpr 600.00 Heeren, Kathy,Mlge 302.38 Heidenwirth, Tom,Mlge/Sch Of Instr 596.15 Henricks, Deb,Mlge 379.34 Hewitt, Connie,Peo 113.98 Hinders, Mary Ann,Mlge 388.86 Hopkins Medical Products,Med Sup 108.70 Hyvee #1872,Bd & Care 166.70 Imwca,Wk Comp 9,307.84 Independence Medical,Med Sup 116.91 Inrcog,Prof Fees 13,865.65 Interstate Batteries Of,Prts 153.90 Iowa County Recorders Assoc., Sch Of Instr 20.00 Iowa Diesel Injection,Prts 1,156.99 Iowa Division Of Labor Svcs,Boiler Insp 80.00 Iowa Dot,Suply/Hma 12,232.22 Iowa Environmental Health,Dues 80.00 Iowa Law Enforcement Academy, Sch Of Instr 560.00 Iowa Onsite Waste Water Asen,Dues 90.00 Iowa Prison Industries,Signs 1,234.60 Iowa State Bank,E911 Payment 9,735.35 J & C Grocery,Ofc Sup/Bd & Care 921.31 Jendro Sanitation Services,Disp Fee 95.23 Jerry Roling Motors Inc.,Prts/Car Exp 359.22 John Deere Financial,Tool/Prts 236.19 Johnson County Med Exm Dept, Med Exmr 285.69 Johnson, Keith,Twp Exp 120.00 Johnson, Renae,Mlge 94.12 Kesley Electric, Inc.,Mnr Equip 8.78 Kluiter Auto Repair,Car Exp 126.94 Kroeze, Misty,Mlge 271.44 Landers Hardware,Mnr Equip/Maint 298.59 Langfritz Seed,Seed 2,760.00 Lauber, Marlene,Peo 102.50 Lincoln Savings Bank,Misc 37.10 Lutheran Services,Youth Shltr 1,959.30 1,250.56 Mail Services, Llc,Ofc Sup/Pstg 810.54 Majewski’s Tire Service,Tires/Prts Marco Inc,Equip Cont 72.70 Marks, Joyce,Peo 98.38 Mcroberts Red Power, Inc,Prts 34.20 Mel’s T.V. & Appliance,Mnr Equip 36.00 Menards,Environ Educ 153.84 Meyer Pharmacy,Med Sup 15.60 Mid-America Publishing Corp., Bd Proc/Publ/Pub Not 494.45 Midamerican Energy,Util 10,929.38 Mike’s C & O Tire,Car Exp 184.62 Miller, Sharlene,Peo 98.38 Moyson Resources,Sfty Trng 337.50 My Town Realty Llc,Rent 225.00 Myers-Cox Co.,Bd & Care 524.47 Napa Auto Parts (P’burg),Prts 1,628.77 Nelsen, Dorothy,Mlge 368.16 Nicolaus, Roxanne,Sch Of Instr 120.64 Niemann Const. Co., Paul, Upgrades/Rock 4,754.11 Nixt, Joann,Peo 135.50 O’brien Service & Towing,Car Exp 68.30 OfficeDepotInc.,OfcSup/MnrEquip 1,789.24 OfficeElements,OfcSup 292.73 Overhead Door Co.,Maint 181.00 Paetec,Tele 1,226.60 Parkersburg True Value,Maint 2.97 Parkersburg, City Of,Util 22.50 Pathways Behavioral Services, Prof Fees 2,000.00 Pdr Distribution, Llc,Books 59.95 Petroblend Corp.,Suply 8,165.81 Pioneer Telephone,Tele 17.02 Pitney Bowes Inc.,Ofc Sup/Pstg Rent 707.26 Powerplan,Prts 5,224.62 Pria,Dues 55.00 Quakerdale,Youth Shltr 1,679.40 Reiher, Mark,Mlge 253.24 Ricoh Usa, Inc,Equip Cont 6,429.24 Rileys Inc.,Ofc Sup 365.06 Roling Ford,Car Exp 30.02 Sadler Power Train,Prts 79.80 Schaedig, Paul,Rent 600.00 Schaeffer Mfg. Co.,Suply 481.56 Schoneman, Vicki,Sch Of Instr 133.93 Schumacher Elev. Co.,Maint/Misc Rpr 366.74 Seattle Specialty Insurance,Flood Ins 1,809.00 Secretary Of State,Misc 30.00 Security Products Companies, Comp Prog 895.40 Shell Rock, City Of,Util 23.55 Sidwell Company, The,Misc 1,308.50 Snap-On Tools Corp.,Tools 181.91 State Hygienic Laboratory,Well Closing 164.00 StateMedicalExaminer’sOffic, Autopsy 1,579.00 Stetson Building Products Inc.,Suply 282.18 Stokes Welding,Suply 447.57 Storey Kenworthy,Ofc Sup/Ballots 487.50 Taylor Physical Therapy,Cont Svc 800.00 Telecom Usa,Tele 38.10 Tenenbaum’s Jewelry, Environ Educ/Maint 75.62 Thomas Management,Rent 200.00 Thorne Metal Works,New Equip 225.71 Tony’s Tire & Exhaust,Car Exp 72.10 Top Quality Glove,Med Sup 195.00 Treasurer-State Of Iowa,Reg Fee 115.00 Treat America Food Svcs,Sch Of Instr 30.32 U.S. Cellular,Tele 2,777.34 U.S. Postal Service,Pstg 2,000.00 Ultramax,Trng Sup 771.00 Unity Point Clinic-, Occupational Medicine,Test 37.00 Veridian Credit Union, Sfty/Fuel/Suply/Prts 317.99 Viet, Carole,Mlge 332.59 VogelTrafficServices,PvmntMark 34,342.59 W, The,Dare 69.00 Wade’s Plumbing & Heating, Well Closing 964.97 Wal Mart Community/Gemb, Environ Educ/Grnds 97.36 Wedeking Sr., Joe,Rent 500.00 Wellmark Blue Cross,Ins 7,107.60 Wellsburg Ag,Maint/Fuel 20,940.13 West Group Payment Ctr.,Law Lbry 651.10 Wilken & Sons,Prts 45.00 Windowtec,Maint 670.00 Wingfoot Comm. Tire Systems,Prts 6,825.50 Winterberg, Kiley,Reimb 32.00 Youth & Shelter Services, Inc, Youth Shltr 1,235.25 Zee Medical Inc.,Suply 187.97 Ziegler Inc.,Prts 45.62 County Social Services claims paid from December 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014. Abbe Center For Community (Mh) 1,575.00 AbbottLawOffice,Pc 132.00 Access Inc. 4,234.10 Adult Crisis Stabilization Cnt 82,492.00 Allamakee County Sheriff 223.48 Alliant Energy 708.84 Allied Investments 79.00 Alternative Treatment Assoc. 383.00 Always Best Care Of The 1,107.43 Anacapa 275.00 Anliker, Dan 511.50 Arispe, Peter R. 200.00 Aronsen, Rolf 2,096.66 Associates For Behavioral Hth 191.04 Astrup Drug (Smart Pharmacy) 20.00 At Conference 354.10 Banta, Tammy 1,610.00 Bartosh, Marilyn 248.75 Beekman Jimmy 200.00 Berryhill Center For Mh 4,312.03 Bill’s Family Foods 200.00 Black Hawk County Sheriff 33,524.43 Black Hawk-Grundy 30,687.61 Black Hills Energy 428.63 Bluffs Inn 795.00 Bremer County Case Management 301.44 Bremer County Sheriff 55.14 Brinkman, Jeanette 250.00 Brown’s Shoe Fit Co. 49.41 Brustkern, Mike 300.00 Buchanan County Sheriff 402.40 Burroughs, Brannon 162.60 Buscher’s Service Center 60.00 Butler County Auditor 3,572.90 Byrne, Patrick 1,048.35 Callender, City Of 116.91 Cedar Valley Community 60,384.27 Cedar Valley Properties 305.00 Cedar Valley Ranch Inc. 22,015.60 Center Associates 115.00 Central Iowa Residential 589.26 Cerro Gordo Cnty Public Health 4,515.00 Cerro Gordo County Auditor 56,201.53 Charlene’s Rentals, Charlene Pederson 990.00 Chatham Oaks, Inc. 8,788.80 Chickasaw County Public Health 291.20 Chickasaw-Mitchell Case Mngmt 1,756.10 Choice Employment Services 4,341.50 Clayton County Auditor 3,534.46 Clayton County Sheriff 624.62 Community & Family Resources 5,473.00 Comprehensive Systems Inc. 1,411.53 Connect America 360.98 Country Life Health Care 11,937.60 Country View Care Facility 1,170.00 Country Winds Manor 13,312.48 Covenant Clinic Psychiatry 88.00 Cresco, City Of 182.73 Crittenton Center 93.18 Dac Inc - Andrew Jackson Care 2,956.00 Daniel Pharmacy 539.37 Days Inn 1,511.79 DeppeLawOffice 180.00 Dhs Case Management Unit 2,149.10 Diamond Life Health Care 5,045.40 Dumont Telephone Company 87.65 East Lawn Lodge 100.00 Echo Plus, Inc. 35,363.34 Eggert, Erb, Fry & Mulcahy 72.00 Eldredge, Sheila 250.00 Emmet County Auditor 15,623.06 Emmet County Sheriff 926.88 Employment For Everyone, Llc 4,094.50 25.00 Evansdale Senior Residency 475.00 Eveland, John Evergreen Estates 98.00 Exceptional Opportunities, Inc 23,888.31 Exceptional Persons Inc. 38,458.90 Fayette County Auditor 37,534.27 Fayette County Sheriff 524.50 First Christian Church 195.00 Flannery, Marjorie 348.00 Floyd County Auditor 26,377.45 Floyd County Public Health/Hhc 230.00 Floyd County Sheriff 1,440.85 Flurer, Jennifer 337.50 Forcier, Nina 234.00 Forest City, City Of 299.25 Francis Lauer Youth Services 2,399.50 Friendship Haven, Inc 409.50 Full Circle Services, Inc 10,401.00 G & G Living Centers, Inc 2,021.20 Gartelos Elaine 1,824.00 GeffeLawOffice 83.50 Genesis Development 1,216.90 Gildner Properties 400.00 Gilmore City Housing, C/O Murphy Realty & Mgt 50.00 Gonzales, Cory R. 198.00 Goodwill Industries Of Ne Iowa 7,999.35 Greenwood Drug 1,536.68 Groen, Kyle A. 459.00 Gross & Mcphail 732.00 Grundy County Sheriff 980.95 Guardian Angel Services Llc 95.65 Gundersen Health Systems 3,316.75 Halfpop, Breana 69.80 7 Halfpop, Patricia 115.40 Hancock County Auditor 2,629.27 Hardy, Russell 139.00 Hawkeye Tri-County Rec 43.21 Hillcrest Family Svcs 14,591.47 Hope Haven, Inc. 27,286.10 Horizons Unlimited Of Pac, Inc 1,142.64 Howard County Auditor 38,727.36 Humboldt County Auditor 9,134.47 Humboldt County Sheriff 368.12 Hy-Vee Accounts Receivable 11.30 Iowa Department Of Inspections 83.14 Iowa Northland Regional 2,593.20 Jdm Management 347.00 Jeffries, Mary 1,129.38 Johnson County Sheriff’s Dept. 63.00 Johnson Law Firm 120.00 Johnson, Dallas 336.00 Jones Law Firm 21.00 Junkman/Knoebel Center 1,470.00 Karen Laub-Novak Trust 650.00 Kathleen’s Care, Inc 3,198.00 Kh Properties 990.00 King, Beth 86.70 Klatt, Odekirk, Augustine,P.C. 309.00 Kleppe Properties No. Two, Llc 850.00 Knoxville Residential 2,691.60 Kobliska, Vince M 1,765.00 Kossuth County Auditor 18,816.64 Ksm Rentals 665.00 L & M Pharmacy Care 56.06 Lake Mills, City Of 409.69 Lane Seven 1,250.00 Larrabee Center Inc. 5,752.54 LawOfficeOfKimberlyKSmith 366.00 Lawler & Swanson P.L.C. 50.00 Lemur Properties 2,620.80 Lifeline Systems 223.00 Lifeworks Community Services 7,659.94 Linn County Sheriff 16.12 Litterer, Steve 43.00 Mahoney, Kathy 102.00 Mallard View, Inc 1,263.90 Manly Drug 14.66 Marble Rock, City Of 200.00 Marshall County Sheriff 118.00 Martin Realtors 609.91 Mary Greeley Medical Center 2,338.00 Mason City Clinic 502.00 Mason City, City Of 1,526.46 Mason Real Estate Investments, C/O Cornerstone Prop Mgmt 750.00 Mcguire Rentals 1,029.41 Meals On Wheels 134.85 Mediacom 108.16 Medicap Pharmacy 921.00 Mental Health Center Of N Iowa 3,200.00 Mercy Home Care/Mason City 230.00 Merris, Deann 337.50 Metropolitan Transit Authority 2,964.46 Mid-America Publishing Corp. 66.52 Midamerican Energy 142.27 Mitchell County Auditor 9,845.21 Mitchell County Care Facility 46,331.06 Mitchell County Sheriff 114.44 Miw, Inc 3,968.49 Mosaic In North Central Iowa 1,846.64 Mt Village Apartments 25.00 Muhlenbruch, Kim 299.70 Nagengast, Dennis 105.50 Nanninga, John 250.00 Ne Iowa Area Agency On Aging 6,250.00 Neve, Brandon 450.00 North Iowa Transition Center 41,057.22 North Iowa Vocational Center 32,163.91 North Star Community Services 25,143.16 Northeast Iowa Behavioral 17,060.80 Northeast Iowa Community, Action - Transit 5,858.50 OfficeElements 157.20 O’neal, Ruthie 200.00 Opportunity Homes, Inc. 1,342.06 Opportunity Village 45,133.69 Paetec 34.30 Palace Park Llc 235.00 Park Towers Apartments 100.00 Partnership For Progress 3,180.00 Pathways Behavioral Services 20,180.00 Penn Center 4,094.40 Pizza Ranch Of Clarion 165.30 Plains Area Mental Health Cntr 200.00 Pocahontas City Of 100.00 Pocahontas County Auditor 32,478.72 Pogge, Cindy 1,411.55 252.00 Powell Law Firm 134,522.81 Prairie View Management, Inc Pride Group 36,248.09 Purk, Heidi 754.00 Region Six Planning Commission 1,605.60 RickertLawOffice 367.00 Riebesell, William T. 275.00 Rise Ltd 19,112.35 Rockford, City Of 144.00 Sadler Properties Llc 365.00 Scenic Acres 45,733.61 Schrock Properties, Llc 450.00 Scott Pharmacy 357.05 Seasons Center For Cmh 12,463.72 Shopko Pharmacy #52 461.08 Slp, Inc 50.00 Spencer Hospital 1,314.76 Spring Harbor, (Liberty Square Care Cnt) 58,304.95 St. Coletta Of Wisconsin, Inc 2,047.36 Stay In Home Care Inc 6,428.53 Storey Kenworthy 104.12 Story County Sheriff 26.20 Strilchuk, Stacey 262.50 StummeLawOffice 1,065.80 Tama County Auditor 39,581.03 Tama County Sheriff 1,280.50 Tasc, Inc. 13,279.08 Tenco Industries Inc. 1,654.90 Theel, Kathryn 975.00 Thompson, John L. 84.00 Thrifty White Pharmacy 411.84 Tierney Properties 340.00 Tom’s Family Pharmacy 10.14 Town Square Apartments 464.00 Unlimited Services Inc 1,448.44 Wahkonsa Manor 100.00 Watne, Pam 23.73 Wcta 307.10 Webster County Auditor 52,521.67 Webster County Sheriff 2,659.72 Weimer, Shirley 550.00 Wellington Place 6,168.00 West Fork Services 18,849.14 Willow Inn Motel 280.00 Winnebago County Auditor 35,081.47 Worth County Auditor 2,330.59 Worth County Public Health 150.00 Worth County Sheriff 45.67 Wright Cnty Health Dept &, Hospice Of Wright County 602.37 Wright County Auditor 39,783.65 Wright County Sheriff 172.50 Youth And Family Resource Svcs 933.00 Youth Emergency Services 46.65 Board acknowledged receipt of Manure Management Plan Annual Update for 4456 Markley Koop. Chairman Heidenwirth adjourned the meeting at 10:41 A.M. to Tuesday, January 6, 2015 at 9:00 A.M. The above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the minutes and proceedings of a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Butler County, Iowa on January 2, 2015. TJ/CS 03-1
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