St. Monica Parish 2080 Merivale Road, Nepean, ON K2C 3H1 Tel: (613) 727-1067 Fax: (613) 225-9143 Office Hours: Monday - Closed Tues, Wed, Thurs, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm Fri 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Regular Mass Schedule: Parish Administra on: Saturday: 5:00 pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 7:00 pm Pastor: Rev. Frank Brewer Office: 727-1067 x 225 Email: [email protected] Weekday Mass Schedule Associate Pastor: Rev. Ma hew Keshwah Monday 7:00 pm (9:00 a.m. on Holiday Mondays) Tuesday, Wednesday: 7:00 pm Thursday 9:00 a.m. (Coffee social a er Mass) Friday 9:30 a.m. 1st Saturday of the month - 9:00 am (Mass) Office: 727-1067 x226 Email: [email protected] Deacon: Rev. Mr. Yves Tro er: 837-9380; yvestro [email protected] In Residence: Rev. Mark Steffl For emergencies requiring a priest: leave a message at 613-716-8335 Administra ve Assistant: Siobhan Peryer-Fait 727-1067 x221 Eucharis c Adora on & Benedic on: Email: [email protected] On Tuesday evenings, Benedic on follows the Mass. Mary-Anne O’Connor 727-1067 x 222 Property Management: John Streng: 838-4922 Wednesdays at 6:00 pm to 6:40 pm with Benedic on. Following Friday morning Mass ending at 11:00 am with Benedic on. Confessions: Saturday Evening: 4:15 pm- 4:45 pm Sunday Evening: 6:15 pm - 6:45 pm Tues & Thurs: from 30 minutes un l10 minutes before Mass. Wed from 6:05 pm to 6:35 pm Fri during the Holy Hour * First Friday a er Benedic on only (and by appointment) Parish Ministries: Altar Servers: Jeffrey Canisius: 440-1380 Children's Liturgy: Carli Ranta (9am): 807-4412 Sonia Arruda (11am): 400-7836 & Emily Bacon 864-2656 Divine Mercy Cenacle: Eileen Spooner: 823-7355; Gianna Crupi: 823-4228 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Karen Bader: 825-7062 Finance Council: Chairperson: Joe Laflamme: 823-3888 Land & Building Commi ee: Chairman: Rod Vanier: 723-3051 Lectors & Commentators: Nicole Leblanc: 825-7866 Music Ministry: (11:00 am & 7 pm) Joe Cousineau 422-4387 Rosary Wednesday: 6:20pm First Saturday of month: prior to 9am Mass Trevor DeFreitas 725-7569 Art Lawless (9 am) 823-8884; Albert Reyes (5 pm) 702-1771 Parish Social Life Commi ee: Richard Kuzell 721-3493 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena Pastoral Care: Every Wednesday evening a er Mass. Parish Pastoral Council: Chairperson: Mary Armstrong: 224-4017 Upcoming Parish Events… Book Club Meeting… (at St. Monica Church) Fri, Jan 30 & Feb 20 at 7:00 p.m. Parish Supper… Sat, Jan 31, ticket sales at Mass this weekend and next F3 Youth Group… Fri Feb 6 (Pancake Party) RCIA: Deacon Yves Tro er: 837-9380 Sacrament Prepara on: Sacristan (Head Sacristan): Lorraine Barker 825-8740 Sanc ty of Life: Raymond Gremli: 825-1573 Social Outreach: Elizabeth Mohan: 843-9550 Spiritual Life Commi ee: Gianna Crupi: 823-4228 Tuesday Evening Prayer Group: Thea Streng: 838-4922 Visit us at: www.WalkingWithTheFather.CA The Lord calls us to share his life, paying a en on to his Word so we may be his dwelling place. + Indicates deceased rela ves & friends. Saturday, January 17 2015 5:00 p.m. Mass Sunday, January 18, 2015 9:00 a.m. + For Dominic Patafie by Terry & Vivian O’Connor 11:00 a.m. For special intentions of Barbara Muldner 7:00 p.m. + For Robert Vogrig by the Vogrig family Monday, January 19, 2015 7:00 p.m. Mass Tuesday, January 20,2015 7:00 p.m. For Sriyani on the occasion of her birthday By the Silva family Wednesday, January 21, 2015 7:00 p.m. For Father Mathew Mancheril by the Sunny family Thursday, January 22, 2015 9:00 a.m. + For Medard Gauthier by the Gauthier family Friday, January 23, 2015 9:30 a.m. Following the Lord Both the call of Samuel and the presence of Jesus announced ‘something new’ to replace the emp ness and confusion of the mes. Even when we are aware of our need, it is not always easy to follow the Lord, for we have to pay close a en on to his direc on, to what is really going on in our hearts and what our neighbours truly need from us. This is the journey of discipleship and freedom. A Ques on Was there ever some failure or disastrous life experience that later proved to have been a necessary introduc on to ‘something new’ and life-giving in your journey with the Lord? For Desmond on the occasion of his birthday By the Silva family Saturday, January 24, 2015 5:00 p.m. Mass Sunday, January 25, 2015 9:00 a.m. For Father Matthew on the occasion of the 11:00 a.m. Like Peter and the others, we are called by the Lord to follow him to eternal life. As we make the journey, focusing on him and discovering what he is like, we become more and more able to imitate him and be true witnesses of God’s love and mercy. 1st Anniversary of his ordination by his parents For the Devine Mercy Cenacle Members by Joanne Williamson 7:00 p.m. + For Robert Vogrig by Maria Anctil Please remember in your prayers... those who are sick at this time, especially: Jeff Davidson, Louisa Ellul, Greg Patacairk, Ann Little, Maddy Nichol, Margaret O’Doherty, Joan Barron, Madeleine Kelly, Elizabeth Turner, Yvonne Lecuyer, Molly Bacchiochi Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity Repentance and change can be a slow process for individuals and an even longer one for groups. All this week we will be praying for unity among Chris ans using the theme, ‘Give me a drink’ (Jn 4:7). The divisions among us are real, but so is the damage caused by the serious scandal of this split. We need the wisdom of the Holy Spirit to know what to do and how to do it. Without abandoning our integrity, we must work together to strengthen those things we share with our separated brothers and sisters. May we seek always to be ‘at home’ with the Lord, aware of his love and a en ve to his Word. Welcome New Parishioners Are you a newcomer to our parish? Please complete a Parish Registra on Form which can be found in the pamphlet rack in the foyer of the Church. Forms can be put in the collec on basket or dropped off at the Parish Office. Thank you. DONATIONS: For regular contributions to the parish, please consider using envelope sets, credit card or direct deposit. Envelope set boxes are in the vestibule, simply take a box and write your name, phone number and full address on the first three envelopes you use. These methods conform to revenue Canada requirements for income tax receipts. BAPTISM: If you wish to have your baby baptized, please see Fr. Frank , Fr. Matthew, Fr. Mark or Deacon Yves directly after Mass. MASS INTENTIONS: Unannounced Masses are $10.00 and Announced Masses are $15.00. Please call the parish office to book a Mass (727-1067) Parish Events BOOK CLUB: Please join us for our second book The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic by Matthew Kelly. Books are available at the parish office for $5 each. Quantities are limited. The two meetings to discuss this book will be: Friday, January 30th (Chapters 1-3) and Friday, February 20th (Chapters 4-6). Meetings will be held in the St. Monica Parish hall from 7-9pm hosted by Father Matthew. HEARTY WINTER SUPPER SATURDAY JANUARY 31, 2015 (following Mass) Featuring 4 choices for the main course, accompanied with Caesar Salad & Ice cream for dessert Vegetarian Chili or Pasta & Sauce Meat Based Chili or Pasta & Sauce Tickets are on sale this weekend & next at Mass Children 5 and under Free, Youth 6-12 and Seniors $5.00 Age 13 and up $10.00 ALZHEIMER’S AWARENESS - PART TWO Proposed bill C-356, An Act for a Na onal Demen a Strategy Debate will begin in February with a second hour in the weeks following. MPs will then vote either to support the bill going 1. further to commi ee or to defeat the bill. What will Bill C-356 do? Canada is one of the few G8 countries without a na onal demen a strategy. The recent government announcement on a strategy is in fact a research plan only. Research is important but C-356 will mandate O awa to create a truly na onal strategy. This would also help to serve and inform the moral conscience of Catholics since all Canadians need to be aware that the issue of euthanasia is directly related to demen a. In Belgium, the government is deba ng the expansion of euthanasia to include (among others) people with Alzheimer's and demen a; that is, killing people without their consent. Most telling is knowing that Bill 52 in Quebec was inspired by the Belgian euthanasia law. Thus, we must act now if we hope to defuse this demen a me bomb here in Canada. What can I do to help C-356 pass?Contact your MPs, and those near your community, to urge them to support C-356. Also, sign the new online pe on: a For more informa on: h p://alzheimero ma hew-dineen-family GOLF TOURNAMENT? We need a commi ee to organize our annual Golf Tournament for JUNE 2015. This project would have two parts: the tournament itself and a dinner to follow in the parish hall. Much of the work must be done well in advance, so if you are interested, speak to Fr. Frank or Mary Armstrong before the end of January. You Coming to F3 ?? [F3 = Faith, Fellowship& Fun] F3 - The next youth group event is on Friday February 6th at 7 pm in the church basement. All youth are invited to join us for a Pancake Party! Invite your friends! Contact person: Emilie Chan at [email protected] Join Fr. Matthew Online! Find weekend homilies, book reviews, prayers, articles, and other Catholic resources while at the same time being introduced to a new saint each month. Click below to see more! WalkingWithTheFather.CA
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