1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" WHAT'S HAPPENING What's Happening This Week "Very truly, I tell you, you will see heaven opened... ... and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man." Meet The Bishop Coadjutor Nominees of the Diocese of South Florida at St. Gregory's! Join us this evening, Thursday, January 15 Registration starts at 5:30 pm, the event starts at https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 1/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" 6:00 pm. St. Gregory's will host an evening with the six nominees for election as Bishop Coadjutor in our diocese. The Nominees will be responding to questions submitted by people throughout our diocese. A reception following the presentation will be held in Harris Hall. This event can also be viewed online live by going to http://new.livestream.com/accounts/5940987 or to www.livestream.com. Click on "Watch" and then search for St. Gregory's Episcopal. It will be archived for future viewing as well. Friday Morning Women's Bible Study The Friday Morning Women's Bible Study group will resume regular study sessions tomorrow, Friday, Jan 16, 2015. We meet at 9:15 am in the Harris Hall Conference Room. The next study sessions will focus on commentaries about the Bible from various authors including Phillip Yancey, Marcus Borg, NT Wright and others. Study materials will be available shortly at the front desk in the church office. All women of the parish are invited to join us. If you have any questions, please email Anita Sherman at [email protected]. Great Music at St Gregory's Theresa Thomason Concert This Sunday, January 18th at 3:00 PM Theresa is a member of the Grammy Award Winning Paul Winter Consort. Listen here to a sample of her incredible talent on the stage of the Winter Solstice Concert in 2004 at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, with the https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 2/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" Paul Winter Consort http://youtu.be/ygmdn5suxSc . Tickets are available online‐ click on the link below to register and purchase tickets! www.regonline.com/greatmusicatstgregorys . OR call the church office at (561) 395‐8285 . Love Boca Outreach Dinner This Sunday at 5:00 PM Harris Hall https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 3/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" A Message from Bishop Frade Bishop Frade would like you to read THIS article regarding the work of Food for the Poor and specifically their effort in Haiti, five years after the devastating earthquake. Please contact Bishop Frade directly with questions or comments. Thank you. A Correction to Vestry Nominees Bio St. GREGORY'S 2015 VESTRY NOMINEE PROFILE : Candidate Name: Richard McCulloch Jones Employer: Retired Real Estate Broker Current or past church activities/ministries in which you participate: Usher; Member ‐ Long‐Range Planning Committee; Member ‐ Eastburn Committee (Haiti/Family Promise); Brothers; 60th Anniversary Celebration; Landscaping Committees and Activities in which you participated in your previous church: Acolyte; Crucifer; Usher Identify other non‐profit organizations you support and in what capacity: Financially supporting USO, Wounded Warriors, Salvation Army, American Heart Assoc., American Cancer Society, and many more Please provide a brief biography and identify past leadership experience: Richard McCulloch Jones has been a contributing member in good standing at St. Gregory's since 1997 when he and his wife Connie retired to Boca Raton. A life‐long member in the Episcopal Church from https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 4/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" baptism to altar boy to meeting Connie at Dennison University in Ohio, to marrying Connie and serving in the US Army, to completing his education at Ohio State University under the GI Bill and earning a BS in Business Administration, Richard has always worshipped as an Episcopalian. After raising their family of two daughters and a son in Key Biscayne and Lake Oswego Oregon, the Joneses immediately became members of St. Gregory's upon returning to his South Florida roots for retirement, and now he believes it is time to offer his time and energy to serve on the Vestry. During his career years Richard worked in various financial and managerial aspects of banking and business, i.e. as a residential real estate broker in Key Biscayne, a manager in the manufacture of generators and chain saws, and at one time he also owned an advertising company in California. Richard has been a dedicated supporter of the Brothers of St. Gregory's, as well as a major supporter of last year's 60th Anniversary events. He is now serving on the Eastburn Committee (Haiti and Family Promise). Through their years in Boca Raton, both Richard and Connie have been faithful attendees of the 8:00 a.m. Sunday Service where Richard frequently serves as an Usher and Connie serves as a Greeter. He would consider it an honor to serve as a Vestry member at St. Gregory's Episcopal Church. Past Chairman of Oregon State Builders Assoc., Zone Chairman of Lion's Club of Key Biscayne Candidate: I feel I can contribute to St. Gregory's in the following ways: I would like to use my skills to promote St. Gregory's, increase the membership, and make people aware of the importance of pledging. I am especially interested in incorporating programs of sustainability in our Episcopal heritage and tradition through Common Sense and Fiscal Responsibility. I am most interested in the following ministries of St. Gregory's (please identify at least three): Haiti, building & grounds, greater church Pledge Envelopes have arrived! 2015 Pledge Envelopes are now available for those Families who used them in 2014. They will be in the back of the church or in the church office during the week. Please pick them‐up and we we thank you for your continued pledge to St. Gregory's ministries https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 5/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" this year!. If your Pledge Envelope is not in the back of the Church Please call the Office and we will get you them. Annual Meeeting Annual Reports are now available Annual Meeting Plan now to attend our annual meeting on Sunday, January 25, beginning after a light lunch in Harris Hall. Lunch will be available for $5/adult, $3/child under 12, and $15/family of 4. The meeting will begin promptly at NOON in the Church. You will be able to vote for five of the Vestry nominees. Four will serve for three years and one nominee will finish a two year term. The nominees are Madonna Turner, Nancy Stroud, Kitty Culkin, Greg Hyden, Richard McCulloch Jones, Mara Minnis, Elaine Jeveli, Bill Unger, and Dave Gury. Complete bios of the candidates are available to see either in the back of the church or on the bulletin board in Harris Hall. The annual report is now available in the church and in the office. Conversation and prayer about nominees for Bishop Coadjutor for our diocese This Sunday at 11:45 am in the chapel, Fr. Andrew will be conducting a time of prayer and discernment about our the nominees for Bishop Coadjutor. This will be a chance to share your thoughts and insights. The election will take place on Saturday, January 31. On that day there will be a prayer vigil in the chapel from 11 am ‐‐ 7 pm during the time of the election. The Daughters of the King are providing leadership for this vigil. Anyone who would like to join the daughters in prayer, please sign up on the poster located at the welcome table at the church entrance. Beach Eucharist and Baptism Photos of a beautiful Baptism and sacrament of God at the Beach this past https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 6/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" Saturday‐ https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 7/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" Second Sunday after the Epiphany Lessons for the Day are: 1 Samuel 3:1‐10(11‐20) 1 Corinthians 6:12‐20 The Gospel According to John 1:43‐51 Sermon: The Rev. Angela Cortinas, Assistant Rector To Read this week's lessons Click HERE: What's Happening Next Week https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 8/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" Brothers of St. Gregory's Dinner Meeting Monday, January 19th, 6:30 PM Harris Hall. "The Dream of Martin Luther King" The City of Boca Raton in collaboration with The Pearl City Community presents "The Dream of Martin Luther King," a 2015 MLK Celebration, Monday, January 19, 9 am ‐ 3 pm, MLK Memorial, 200 NE 12th Street, Boca Raton, FL. View flyer by clicking HERE for complete schedule. For more information and reservations, call 561‐395‐6029. Please Join Us For : Family Promise Annual Meeting & Volunteer Appreciation January 20, 2015 Boca Museum Mizner Park 501 Plaza Real, Mizner Park Boca Raton, FL 33432 Lite Appetizers at 6PM Program Begins 6:30‐8:00PM with Founder Karen Olson Spouses are welcome!!!! Space Limited so RSVP now! https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 9/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" Coordinator's Name: Madonna Suzan Turner Contact : M. Suzan Turner: 561.400.0216 Email: [email protected] Lecture Series Exploring Faith & Spirituality Begins with Barbara Schmidt Dates: Barbara Schmidt‐ Thursday, January 22nd Dr. Robert Rabil‐ Thursday, February 24th Shannon Estenoz‐ Monday, March 16th Dr. Joseph Finley‐ Thursday, April 9th Time: 7:00 PM Cost: FREE Read about the lectures and download the entire Lecture Series Brochure HERE St. Gregory's Lecture Series "Exploring Faith & Spirituality" St. Gregory's Lecture Series will begin Thursday, January 22, 7 p.m. in Harris Hall. The first lecture will feature Barbara Schmidt, a local businesswoman, philanthropist, and spiritual teacher. She regularly offers classes on meditation and spiritual practices as part of the life‐long learning program for FAU's Peace Studies Program and Nova University. In 2011 Barb founded Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life and developed https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 10/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" The Practice, a three‐part guide to practical spirituality in today's modern world. She promotes dialogue in the greater community on inner peace. St. Gregory's Lecture vision is to serve as a meeting place for conversation in our community on topics of "faith and spirituality." Visit her daily blog at www.peacefulmindpeacefullife.org. Lectures are FREE and open to the community, so bring your friends. Watch for further details. Rector's Bible Study & Simple Supper The Rector's Wednesday evening Bible Study resumes on Wednesday, January 21 at 7 pm in Harris Hall, beginning with Simple Supper. We will immerse ourselves in the story of King Solomon and the building of the 1st Temple. We will also be studying some of Proverbs, which are associated with Solomon, and other wisdom literature found in the Hebrew Scriptures. All are welcome and no experience with Bible Study in required. Starting in January the Bible Study will be streamed on the web. The direct link is: http://new.livestream.com/accounts/5940987 Or Go to www.livestream.com. Click on "Watch" and then search for St. Gregory's Episcopal to watch live or to view previous classes. What's Happening Future Save the Date Writing Memoirs with Justine Date Change: WRITING MEMOIRS WITH JUSTINE begins Tuesday, January 27th 2015 (*instead of January 20th). We've often heard people say, "I https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 11/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" could write a book." Now is the time to pen those stories guided by our own Justine Kuntz, a retired Broward County English teacher. The eight‐ week memoir class is for non‐experienced, as well as experienced, writers. If you are hesitant to try this endeavor, feel free to audit the first class. Class meets 1‐3 pm in the Harris Hall 2nd floor Conference Room and is open to the public, so invite a friend. A nominal fee includes textbook, binder, and weekly handouts. It's fun and mentally energizing with lots of story ideas bouncing around. Justine Kuntz is a retired Broward County English teacher. Pre‐registration is recommended. Contact: [email protected] or call 561‐994‐0495. Mental Health First Aid Free Training Sessions Offered MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID MHFA teaches a 5 step action plan to offer initial help to people with signs and symptoms of a mental illness and connect them with the appropriate professionals. There will be two NO COST training sessions at Boca Raton Regional Hospital January 27 & 28, 12:30‐5:00 PM or February 23‐24, 12:30‐5:00PM both days. Anyone 18 or older can take the course. To register, go to [email protected]. Did you know that 1 in 4 adults have a mental illness? It outnumbers cancer and heart attacks combined, and it affects all ages, cultures, and faiths. Register Now! Location: Boca Raton Regional Hospital Education Center Classroom B, 800 Meadows Rd. , Boca Raton, Fl. 33486 Great Music At St. Gregory's Brochure and Tickets Click HERE to download the Great Music at St. Gregory's brochure! Pick one up for your friends at the Church Office! You can also purchase tickets https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 12/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" via check or credit card at the church office. Theresa Thomason 3:00 PM, Sunday, January 18th Wycliffe Gordon 3:00 PM, Sunday, February 1st Anonymous 4 3:00 PM, Sunday March 15th Special 10% DISCOUNT available for St. Gregory's members ONLY! Visit Great Music At St Gregory's Ticket sales and registration website HERE and click "Register Now" button on the right. Family Promise Sounds Of Promise Interfaith Concert February 8th‐ Save the Date https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 13/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" BEING GREEN ... Notes from the Environmental Committee Preserving our Native South Florida Habitats What do you know about one of the most significant habitats of southeast Florida, the pine flatlands? Flatwoods occur throughout the southeastern https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 14/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" coastal plain and cover approximately 50% of the land area of Florida. Here in Palm Beach County we have an excellent example of this habitat at the Okeeheelee Nature Center, about 30 miles and 45 minutes from St. Gregory's church. You have an opportunity to take a guided tour of the Center with the Environmental Committee on Saturday morning, March 7. A nature walk exploring the pine flatwoods habitat will be followed by a live Raptors presentation. The Center works with the magnificent owls, hawks and other raptors that live here. We will have a picnic at the park after the tour and then you can explore more of the park nature trails, the waterways by canoe or kayak available for rent and the exhibits in the Nature Center building. In Palm Beach County we can easily explore so many habitats from the beach to the mangroves to the wetlands that extend into the Everglades. Learn about our habitats and help protect them so future generations will know them. Watch for more details or contact Jim Miller, [email protected]. Save the Date: Saturday, February 28th The Annual CROSS Fundraising Event The event is going to be a Progressive Dinner in 2015! Your special invitation is coming SOON! This special event will have a unique twist in 2015 because we are changing the dinner and auction theme, and the event will not be held at St. Gregory's. First, we will meet at one designated location where we can mingle and enjoy fabulous wine and magnificent hors d'oeuvres in a beautiful setting. From there we will disperse to specific locations where you will be hosted in groups of 8 to 20 in people's homes or a special location for a gourmet meal and experience. Then, we will all meet up again in one central location for dessert! This will be a beautiful event that will be enjoyable and all https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 15/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" monies raised will support St. Gregory's ministries and outreach programs. Invitations will be available in January and will also be emailed. Guests will be able to select their top three choice themes (dinners will match the themes) and can provide the names of people they would like to be grouped with. Please note that friends of parishioners are welcome to attend. More information to follow! St. Gregory's Second Annual Lenten Retreat for Women A Photo of last year's participants! Relax, Refresh, Relate: St. Gregory's Second Annual Lenten Retreat for Women All women of the parish are invited to attend a spiritual fellowship retreat as part of our Lenten journey. Location: The Duncan Conference Center, Delray Beach Date/Time: 11 am Friday, March 13 ‐ 1:30 pm Saturday, March 14, 2015 Our vision: To build Christ‐centered relationships among the women of St. Gregory's Our theme: Forgiveness https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 16/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" Cost: Variable depending on accommodations selected. Note: Some assistance with cost can be made available. Please speak with Fr. Andrew about this. Featured facilitator: The Rev. Susan Rafter Beebe In addition to an excellent program we will enjoy plenty of time to relax and to get to know one another better. We recognize that lives are busy and schedules tight; therefore, this retreat is designed so that participants can attend the entire retreat or a portion of it depending on individual schedules. Registration forms and cost breakdown will be available very shortly ‐‐ please stay tuned! Questions? Please email Anita Sherman at [email protected] March Lenten Icon Writing Retreat Offered at Two Venues A Lenten Icon Writing Retreat and Class will be offered at two venues: 1. St. Andrews Episcopal Church, 2707 NW 37th Street, Boca Raton, FL the week of Monday, March 2 ‐ Friday, March 6, 2015 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day with an hour for lunch. Bring your own lunch, coffee and tea will be provided.. 2. St. Gregory's Episcopal Church, 100 NE Mizner Blvd., Boca Raton, FL the week of Monday, March 16 ‐ Friday, March 20, 2015 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day with an hour for lunch. Bring your own lunch, coffee and tea will be provided. All materials and supplies are provided to write one 9 1/2" x 12 1/2" icon. The Gessoed board and pigments along with the steps of writing an icon will be taught in the Classic Byzantine tradition. The image we will be writing is the "Guardian Angel". Brooks Wilson, member of St. Gregory's will be the facilitator and teacher. Brooks has studied with the Prosopon School of Iconography, New York since 1996. She has coordinated retreat/workshops for the Prosopon School for https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 17/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" several years in Virginia. Each retreat will be limited to 8 students. The cost of the week retreat is $425.00 Registration fee of $125.00 is due by February 1, 2015 Balance of $300.00 is due on first day of retreat. Please make checks payable to "St. Gregory's Episcopal Church" and mail to St. Gregory's Episcopal Church, P. O. Box 1503, Boca Raton, FL 33429 to the Attention of Ron Knowlton. Please contact Brooks Wilson at (561) 409‐2245 if you have any further questions. Help us Grow St. Gregory's Church! Have you considered making a donation to St. Gregory's and stay current with your pledge? Through your donations St. Gregory's can continue to spread the Word of God. As a nonprofit religious organization, the maintenance and growth of St. Gregory's Episcopal Church relies upon your donations. Please consider making a donation now to help us grow in God's love! Click Here to make a pledge Contact Office Hours office@stgregorys.com Mail: PO Box 1503 Boca Raton, FL 334291503 Phone: 5613958285 FAX: 5613958339 Office Hours: Monday through Thursday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to noon. Find Us Street Address: 100 N.E. Mizner Blvd. Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Stay Connected https://www.facebook.com/SaintGregorys ThriveinGodslove@StGregsBoca https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 18/19 1/17/2015 St. Gregory's "What's Happening" Forward this email This email was sent to herald@stgregorys.com by herald@stgregorys.com | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Saint Gregory's | 100 NE Mizner Blvd | PO Box 1503 | 100 NE Mizner Blvd | Boca Raton | FL | 33432 https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119775600903&format=html&printFrame=true 19/19
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