12/17/2014 EC This Week December 17, 2014 DECEMBER 17, 2014 Calendar My EC PlusPortals eastsidecatholic.org All School High School Middle School Athletics FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19 ‐ EARLY DISMISSAL Just a reminder that all students will be dismissed this Friday at 12:30 p.m. There will be no after‐school supervised study in the library. Campus will be closed by 1 p.m. CHRISTMAS CHOIR CONCERT ‐ TONIGHT! December 17 ‐ Christmas Choir Concert Featuring the combined high school and middle school choirs tonight at 7‐8:30 p.m. in the Chapel, please join us for an evening of Christmas music with cookies and hot chocolate afterwards! Admission is free. The choir would like to give special thanks to the PFSA and Boosters for our new and beautiful choral risers! You can see them at the concert! December 19 ‐ Early Release 12:30 p.m. December 22‐January 2 ‐ Christmas Vacation, No School (Offices Closed) LOST AND FOUND OVERFLOWING The lost and found is overflowing, so please encourage your students to check for any missing items before the Christmas break. The lost and found tables are located in the Commons. Please also check all the "cubbies" in both ends of the Commons. All items will be donated to charity this afternoon. January 8 ‐ HS Liturgy Dress EC Facebook EC Instagram EC Athletics Facebook EC Alumni Facebook EC Athletics Twitter PRAYER Thank you Gracious God, for gathering us together and opening a door which can be entered by all who SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) will be available after school on Wednesdays in Advent. Meet Fr. Heric in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. ORANGE CRUSH SPIRIT STORE Visit the Orange Crush for Christmas gifts ! This month only ‐‐ spend $100 or more on merchandise and get 10% off, spend $200 or more and get 20% off. We have lots of great stocking stuffers! Please note: for the month of January the store will only be open Thursdays, 2‐4 p.m. NEWS FROM ADMISSIONS: ALL SCHOOL WINTER OPEN HOUSE ‐ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 Students: We need you! This is our final Open House. We need "all hands on deck!" All past and present Student Ambassadors and Leadership students, please volunteer at our upcoming open house https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119492283990&format=html&printFrame=true 1/7 12/17/2014 EC This Week December 17, 2014 are like children. You open the door for all who have the childlike hope that you are carrying out your purpose, that in the midst of the ruin and sin of world history, life remains, the life of the Lord Jesus Christ, life for all the world. No one can destroy this life, which will soon gather power until all people see him, Jesus Christ, who for the salvation of humankind is the same yesterday, today, and in all eternity. Amen. to tour prospective families around campus on January 7. We need both middle school and high school grades to volunteer (it is a 6‐12 Open House!). Please sign up by Mrs. K's door. Community service hours (3) will be awarded for your help. Thank you! Please note: There will be no formal training for this Open House, just an overview session right before. You will be served dinner at 5 p.m. in the Athletic Pavilion Board Room. Dress: Middle school students please wear your dress niform. High school students please wear EC spirit wear with khakis or dress pants. No denim of any kind. Parents: Admissions also needs parent volunteers for the open house. We would appreciate your help greeting families, touring prospective families or helping with hospitality tasks. Please email Charlene Kletzly if you can volunteer. CHANGE TO THE MASTER CALENDAR ‐ SPRING MUSICAL The dates for the EC spring musical, "Beauty and the Beast," have been changed to April 23‐26. FLU SEASON INFORMATION Saint Francis of Assisi... Pray for us Live Jesus in our hearts... Forever With the flu season upon us, please remember that we ask all families to please keep students who are exhibiting flu symptoms home, especially those with temperatures greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit. Students should be free of a temperature and vomiting for 24 hours prior to returning to school. We have several families with members who have compromised immune systems and would like to curtail any inadvertent exposures. Thank you! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS TO EXPERIENCE EC! Do you know anyone who might benefit from an Eastside Catholic education? Invite them and their families to Discover the EC Advantage ‐ 6th grade through life, at our final official open house of the season! The All School Open House will be held on Wednesday, January 7 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. If you would like us to mail them a personal invitation, please contact Charlene Kletzly by email or at 425‐295‐3014. COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY Students are needed to help with a dinner dance at the Fraternal Order of Eagles on December 31 from 5‐10 p.m. This is open to middle and high school students. Contact Shelia Dwyer, 425‐889‐ 8574, for more information. STARS ONLINE AUCTION Thank you to everyone who participated in the online auction which ended last Saturday. Whether you won an item or not, your bidding encouraged others to bid. We are on our way to reaching our overall auction fundraising goal! STARS GALA AUCTION DONATIONS CONTINUE Procurement, sponsorship and advertising continues through January 15 ‐‐ just 11 days after Christmas vacation. We are grateful to everyone who has donated! Please visit the auction web https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119492283990&format=html&printFrame=true 2/7 12/17/2014 EC This Week December 17, 2014 page at eastsidecatholic.org/auction where you will find gift registries, donation suggestions and much more. Cash donations are also greatly appreciated and will be applied for maximum return. Donations can be dropped off any time at the EC Events Office located on the second floor, at the front reception desk or entered online at eastsidecatholic.org/auction. Questions regarding procurement? Contact Sharon Soldenwagner or Florie Fexy. Thank you! STARS GALA AUCTION CURRENT LIST OF SPONSORS Join our growing list of 2015 STARS Gala Auction Sponsors including BNBuilders, the Sercu Family with Bookwalter Family and Winery, Eveia Health Consulting & Management with the Head Family, Global Engineering and Construction LLC with the McMann Family, Good Chevrolet with the Sheridan Family, Elumin Healthcare Solutions with the Williams Family, the Welty Family, Swedish Medical Center, the Wente Family, JPC Architects, Banner Bank, Honda Auto Center of Bellevue with the Blanton and Hudgins Families, United Insurance Brokers, Elements Gallery, E.M. Plumbing, Sammamish YMCA and Integrus Architecture. Visit eastsidecatholic.org/auction to learn more or contact Sponsorship Chair Carrie Blanton. Sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available through January 15. 2015 GRANDPARENTS AND SPECIAL FRIENDS DAY ‐ SAVE THE DATE One of our school's favorite traditions is the annual Grandparents and Special Friends Day. Grandparents and special friends are important members of our EC community and we proudly and warmly welcome them to our campus each year. We hope that your EC student and his or her grandparents or special friends will join us on Saturday, April 25. The event begins with a Mass at 9:30 a.m. and includes student speakers, art on display, musical performances and a plated brunch. More information will be available in 2015. Please contact Manager of Major Events Sharon Soldenwagner with questions. EC SOCIAL MEDIA Make sure to follow EC on Instagram at @eastsidecatholicschool and also "LIKE" the official Eastside Catholic School Facebook page! Have an idea for a post? Please contact the Marketing Department. INTERPRETING PSAT RESULTS Freshman, sophomore and junior families: College Counseling has invited Ms. Molly Metz, co‐founder of Prep Northwest, to return to EC for an "Interpreting PSAT Results" information night on Wednesday, January 14 from 6‐7:30 p.m. In addition to helping our families understand the score results of the PSAT, Ms. Metz will talk https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119492283990&format=html&printFrame=true 3/7 12/17/2014 EC This Week December 17, 2014 about the SAT and ACT, the differences between the two exams and test strategies. Although our students typically do not plan to take the SAT or ACT until at least the fall of their junior year, we believe this session will be helpful for college planning purposes. Students and parents are encouraged to attend this helpful information session. Please RSVP to [email protected] with your name and the total number to attend. In the subject line, please note PSAT Night. HIGH SCHOOL ULTIMATE FRISBEE CLUB ‐ TODAY! Have your student join us today for EC's inaugural high school Ultimate squad! Leo Marchetti and Coach Hayden will be leading an information session in the Athletic Pavilion Board Room today at 3 p.m. After the meeting students can meet at the upper grass field for a pickup game until 4 p.m. The club is open to boys and girls grades 9‐12. Be a part of EC's first ever squad, and even help choose the name! Contact Adam Chumbley for more information. MISSION TRIP PARENT MEETING Parents of students that are attending the mission trip in February are invited to attend an informational meeting Wednesday, January 14 at 7 p.m. in the EC Library. You will get packing lists, airport information and what our schedule in San Francisco will look like, as well as answers to any of your questions. HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOKS ON SALE The high school yearbook is now on sale. Purchase one today through Herff Jones at yearbookordercenter.com. The job number is 6287. If you have any questions feel free to contact Ms. Snow. Yearbooks are only available for pre‐order through January 8. There is no guarantee that there will be a yearbook available for purchase in the spring, so make sure to pre‐order yours before the deadline! SENIOR EMMAUS RETREAT APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE! Emmaus is a retreat for current seniors who wish to dive deeper into their Destiny experience and expand upon their personal journey of faith. Attending Destiny is not a prerequisite as Emmaus calls seniors to reflect upon their time spent at EC, the relationships they have formed during their high school years and to consider "what's next?" as they prepare to graduate and move on to the next phase of their lives. Emmaus will be held at Camp Don Bosco January 23‐25. Students will not miss any school if they choose to attend the retreat! Applications are available in Campus Ministry and should be returned there, along with the retreat fee, no later than Friday, December 19. Contact Jeff LaBelle or Ellen McCormick if you have any questions. SEMESTER ONE FINALS ‐ JANUARY 20‐23, 2015 Semester One Final Exam Schedule: Tuesday, January 20 Period 7 9‐10:30 a.m. Period 6 10:45 a.m.‐12:15 p.m. Wednesday, January 21 Period 5 9‐10:30 a.m. Period 4 10:45 a.m.‐12:15 p.m. Thursday, January 22 Period 3 9‐10:30 a.m. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119492283990&format=html&printFrame=true 4/7 12/17/2014 EC This Week December 17, 2014 Period 2 10:45 a.m.‐12:15 p.m. Friday, January 23 Period 1 9‐10:30 a.m. If a student has an extenuating circumstance and cannot attend their final exam at the scheduled date and time, the student must make a request to the vice principal at least two weeks prior to the exam. The vice principal will consult with the student's teachers to determine if the request can be honored. Permission to reschedule a final exam is only granted in extreme circumstances. There is a $15 fee for each rescheduled final exam. MIDDLE SCHOOL ULTIMATE FRISBEE CLUB ‐ TODAY! "SMASH" is in it's second year! Have your student join us today on the upper grass field from 3‐4 p.m. for a pickup game and information session. The club is open to boys and girls grades 6‐8. There has been a lot of buzz surrounding this team, and we are looking forward to seeing the turnout! Contact Adam Chumbley for more information or register online. REGISTRATION FOR CYO VOLLEYBALL Online registration is available for CYO volleyball. There will be a boys team and a girls team. If your student would like to participate, please register online. Contact Mr. Matthews at [email protected] with questions. PRINCIPAL/PARENT COFFEE ‐ TOMORROW Parents of middle school students are invited to join Principal Polly Skinner and Vice Principal Chris Sharp for a parent coffee on Tuesday, December 16 at 8 a.m. in the EC Library. If you have specific topics you would like addressed, please send an email to Teri Anderson prior to December 16. MIDDLE SCHOOL BOWLING AND PIZZA EVENT ‐ SAVE THE DATE, MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 11:30 A.M. ‐ 1:30 P.M. The PTF invites all ECMS boys and girls to the annual bowling and pizza event on Monday, January 26. Bring your parents for some fun at Lucky Strike Bowling Lanes 700 Bellevue Way NE (2nd floor of Lincoln Square). Registration details will be available in early January. Contact Suzanne Hornish with any questions. STUDENT LED CONFERENCES ‐ JANUARY 20‐22 Student Led Conference information and registration instructions were emailed to all middle school families on Monday, December 15. Please register for your conference as soon as possible. All students should be registered by the deadline of January 12, 2015. The middle school bell schedule during conference week will be the same as the HS finals schedule, with a daily start time of 9 a.m. and dismissal at 12:15 p.m. Buses will run accordingly and there will be no after school supervised study. Please contact Teri Anderson if you have any questions. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119492283990&format=html&printFrame=true 5/7 12/17/2014 EC This Week December 17, 2014 ATTENTION MIDDLE SCHOOL LACROSSE PLAYERS It's time to register for lacrosse! Eastside Crusaders Youth Lacrosse will run a spring program for boys and girls in grades 6, 7 and 8. If you are interested in playing, please visit crusaderslacrosse.com to register. Deadline to register is December 19. OUR FOOTBALL AND BOYS BASKETBALL TEAMS ARE FLORIDA BOUND! Our state championship football team is heading to Boca Raton, Fla. on Christmas day to compete in the Burger King State Champions Bowl Series at Florida Atlantic University. The game will be played on December 27 vs. Trinity Christian, the 3A Florida State Champion, and will air at 12 p.m. eastern time on ESPNU. Tune in at 9 a.m. Our undefeated boys basketball team is also east coast bound, headed to Naples, Fla. on Christmas night where they have been invited to play in the Gulf Shore Holiday Hoopfest tournament. You can watch the Crusaders hoopsters live online at holidayhoopfest.com. Good luck to both teams! CHAMPIONSHIP APPAREL Purchase your EC Football State Champions apparel online on ecchampionshipgear.com. Orders placed online will be available for pick up when we return from winter break. WINTER SPORTS ARE HERE! Okay all you basketball, wrestling and swim fans! Get your blue and orange ready to go because winter sports are here! Can't wait to see you courtside, matside and poolside. Go Crusaders! For full schedules please view the calendar. NEED COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS? The wrestling team needs high school students and very responsible middle school volunteers! EC hosts the annual Brian Hill Invitational tournament on Saturday, December 27. There are a variety of shifts available or your student can help all day. If you are able to help, contact [email protected]. MARINERS TICKETS FUNDRAISER TO SUPPER EC BASEBALL Help out our baseball team! They are currently out selling tickets for the first Saturday home game on April 18 against the Texas Rangers. Tickets are $40 for the 100 level and $17 for the 300 level. If you would like to purchase tickets, see an EC baseball player! Forward email This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1119492283990&format=html&printFrame=true 6/7 12/17/2014 EC This Week December 17, 2014 Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. 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