Weekly Announcements January 18, 2015 – January 25, 2015 Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church Bellevue, WA 98007 425-746-2529 Weekly Announcements for January 18 – January 25, 2015 Calendar Sunday Worship Worship with Holy Communion, 8:30 am and 11:00 am Education Hour, 9:45 am TODAY AT SAINT ANDREW’S (JANUARY 18) WELCOME to Saint Andrew’s! WORSHIP SERVICE CAPTIONING: Please note that today’s worship service is not being captioned. ANNUAL REPORT: The 2014 Annual Report is available in the Narthex. It is also available on our webiste’s homepage; visit www.SALChome.org. HEALING PRAYERS are offered during the distribution of Holy Communion. Kneelers are provided on the east and west sides of the sanctuary. Trained healing ministers are waiting to receive your requests before or after receiving the Eucharist. It can be especially meaningful to have a laying on of hands and an anointing of oil, if desired. It is appropriate to bring ANY request or concern that you may have for yourself or someone else. These may be prayers for emotional, spiritual, or physical healing. It can be a peace that brings wholeness, according to God’s will, in a number of ways. If you are unable to walk to the kneelers, please ask an usher to assist or move to the bottom of the stairs on the East side of the sanctuary (near the pulpit) and the Healing Minister will come to you. NEXT SUNDAY AT SAINT ANDREW’S (JANUARY 25) ANNUAL CONGREGATION MEETING Our Annual Congregation Meeting is next Sunday, January 25. At this meeting, we will: Elect people to four (4) Congregation Council positions. The eight nominees for the Council positions are Tom Anderson, Joni Barrott, Karen Gordon, Karen Grams, Art Gurtel, Ben Johnson, Amy Myhre, and Steve Serex. We will also elect a Youth Representative (Lauren Maland), and Congregation Treasurer (Jeff Stedman). A handout with bios and photos of each candidate are in the Narthex. Approve a 2015 budget. Recognize Quiet Servants. Hear updates from the Design Advisory Group and Staff Transition Task Force. Dorcas Circle is offering a quilt as a raffle prize; all donations for tickets will go to Lutheran World Relief. A congregation lunch is at 12:15 pm. The Annual Meeting begins at 1:00 pm. A quorum is needed and every voice and vote counts. Please plan to attend! Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA www.SALChome.org Weekly Announcements January 18, 2015 – January 25, 2015 STAFF TRANSITIONS The Staff Transition Task Force (STTF) is excited to report that the Congregation Council has approved staffing recommendations for 3 new part-time staff positions: Christian Education Coordinator, Fellowship Coordinator, and Congregational Care Coordinator. These positions are based on our assessment of our staffing needs developed over the past year. The Task Force is working with the Human Resources Committee and our Pastors to create job descriptions for each of these positions. Once those are complete we can begin the process of finding the right individuals to hire for each position. Members of the Task Force are Claudia Browers, Dave Holmes, Delores Johnson, Lois Nelson (Council Liaison), Jean Wahlstrom, and Lynn Mack (chair). CHILDREN AND YOUTH EDUCATION MINISTRIES SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL (SCS): All children ages 2 through Grade 5 are invited to join our Sunday Church School classes every Sunday morning at 9:45 am. The 2- and 3-year-olds meet in 210/Nursery; all other classes are downstairs in the Education Wing. 2-year-olds through Kindergarten begin each Sunday with Music in Room 106. AFFIRMATION OF BAPTISM/CONFIRMATION: Classes for those in grades 6-8 meet in the Education Wing on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am. Those students new to our congregation are asked to contact Pastor McEachran, Pastor Telyea, or Nona Gram, Interim Coordinator of Christian Education. CROSSWALK (grades 9-12): Join us every Sunday morning at 9:45 am on the couch side of the Youth Room. This year we are using Augsburg’s “Animate” to explore topics on the Bible, Faith, and Faith Practices. ADULT SUNDAY EDUCATION MINISTRIES (9:45 AM) January 18, and February 1, 8, 15 CHURCH HISTORY 101 Presenter: Pastor McEachran 301/Fellowship Hall North Join us for this overview of the history of the Christian Church with a chance to look at those persons used to help grow the Church. We will use timelines, maps, and primary documents from phases of Church History. Bring a friend. January 18 PROPOSED 2015 BUDGET BRIEFING TO THE CONGREGATION Presenters: Finance Committee Room 212 The Finance Committee provides the opportunity to look at the 2015 Proposed Budget in preparation for the Annual Congregation Meeting on January 25. Questions and discussion welcomed! February 8 KNITWITS Facilitator: Dianne Chong 322/Conference Room The KnitWits (Knitting as Witnesses) are a fellowship group whose primary mission is to provide items of comfort that are knit or crocheted. The items they are currently making are prayer shawls, baby caps, scarves, and baptismal blankets. All are welcome! ADULT EDUCATION DURING THE WEEK TUESDAY MORNING MEN (TMM) Facilitator: Dave Marcrander 6:30 am, Room 212 We are concluding The Greatest Generation. In February we will begin a study and dialog on Pope Francis’ new book The Joy of the Gospel. His message focuses on the primacy of the Gospel in our church and in our lives. Please join us! TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY Presenter: Pastor McEachran 9:30 am, 322/Conference Room We have begun a study of Isaiah with the theme Isaiah: (You’d Better Watch Out). This time of walking through the prophet of promise will guide us through the entire book in 14 (or so!) weeks. While we will read the entire 66 chapters, we will focus on individual sections of the book. For this week, read Isaiah 6-7, and think about this question, “What does it mean to be called into service of the LORD?” Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA www.SALChome.org Weekly Announcements January 18, 2015 – January 25, 2015 W.E.B.S. (Women’s Evening Book Study): Facilitators: Cheryl Jurrus and Vickie Kirn Wednesdays, 7:00 pm, 322/Conference Room All women are welcome to W.E.B.S.! Our winter book session continues through February 11, and our book is A Lineage of Grace, by Francine Rivers. From francinerivers.com: This compilation of five books shares the stories of the five unlikely women who changed eternity. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary. Each was faced with extraordinary —even scandalous— challenges, each took great personal risk to fulfill her calling, and each was destined to play a key role in the lineage of Jesus Christ. Contact Cheryl Jurrus or Vickie Kirn for more information about W.E.B.S. YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRIES GOD SQUAD (for youth in grades 9-12): NEW....Coffee Shop Meetings! God Squad is doing something new in 2015. Each week we meet for an hour and a half or so for conversation, and maybe a game of cards or Apples to Apples. The day and location rotate week to week, so be sure to check your email and Facebook for location and day information. To get last minute updates through text, send a text with your name to Emily. Our next meetings are: Tuesday, January 20, 4:00pm, Issaquah Coffee Company (317 Northwest Gilman Boulevard, Issaquah) Monday, January 26, 4:00pm, Starbucks in Factoria (3560 128th Avenue SE, Bellevue) FIRE FORCE (youth in grades 6-8): Sunday Night Fire Force: Bring a friend or two and join us every Sunday from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. We use the Re:Form curriculum to explore the Bible and will end each night playing a variety of games. Our regular Sunday Night Fire Force gatherings resume January 25. SHEEP AND SHEPHERDS (families with children age birth through grade 5): Kids In/Parents Out: Enjoy an evening out with friends! On Saturday, February 7, drop the kids off at church at 5:00 pm where they will play games create crafts, eat pizza and watch a G-Rated movie with our high schoolers. Adults will meet at an off-site location to enjoy games, wine, and hors d’oeuvres! Sign up by sending an email to Emily, [email protected]. GOD SQUAD AND FIRE FORCE (youth in grades 6-12): Tubing at Snoqualmie Pass: It’s time for some fun in the snow at the Summit at Snoqualmie! Meet at Saint Andrew’s with your snow gear at 12:00pm*. Bring $10, or, if you have a ski pass, bring $5. We will meet back at the church at 5:00pm*! *Time is subject to change upon the release of the Tubing Center’s operating hours. 2015 ELCA YOUTH GATHERING (for youth currently in grades 8-12): th th The 8 -12 graders of Saint Andrew’s will travel to Detroit July14-19/20, 2015. You can find out more about the trip through the packet on the bulletin board in the Narthex, or you may email Emily for an electronic version of the packet. Mission-ships are available. If you have any questions, please contact Emily. You may still sign up for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit! If you sign up after January 15, your overall cost for the trip with increase by $50. Act soon! The Gathering Team’s next meeting is Sunday, February 22, at 12:15 pm. OUTREACH MINISTRIES EMERGENCY FEEDING PROGRAM (EFP): Our collection focus for January is canned fruit (peaches, pineapple, fruit cocktail, and mandarin oranges). Let’s FILL our Corner of Blessing! Our goal is 400 cans! For more information, contact EFP, 206-329-0300, or visit www.emergencyfeeding.org. Congregation Volunteer Day: Here is a chanced to help our community! Everyone in the congregation is invited to help pack food bags at the EFP warehouse on Saturday, February 21, from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon. This is a volunteer opportunity suitable for all ages. We will meet at the EFP warehouse at 851 Houser Way North in Renton (behind Fry’s at the Landing) at 9:00 am. Please sign-up in the Narthex beginning January 25. Contact Debbie Szabo for more information. SOUPer BOWL OF CARING: Saint Andrew’s is participating in a national effort to help those who are hungry. It is called “SOUPer Bowl of Caring” and is held in connection with the Super Bowl. On February 1, Super Bowl Sunday, we will be having a special collection to address hunger in our neighborhoods. See page 11 for details. Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA www.SALChome.org Weekly Announcements January 18, 2015 – January 25, 2015 “KEEP THEM WARM” FOR SOPHIA WAY: The Sophia Way is having a “Keep Them Warm” Campaign to collect blankets, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, and sweaters. The 21 women at the Sophia’s Place shelter at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church are out on the street every afternoon and all day on the weekends. Any extra blankets or clothing will be taken to the Emergency Winter Shelter for Women. Place donations in the basket in the Narthex or take them to the shelter at St. Luke’s on Bellevue Way. EASTSIDE WINTER SHELTERS: The Eastside Winter Shelters (one for men, one for women and children) are open. Consider providing a meal to those experiencing homelessness during the cold winter months. The meal calendar and more information can be found at: http://tinyurl.com/lt7dg9r. For more information, contact Andrea Liggett, [email protected]. MAASAE GIRLS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIPS: Operation Bootstrap Africa (OBA) is now seeking sponsors for the 50 new Form One students who begin at MaaSAE Girls Lutheran Secondary School (MGLSS) in Tanzania in January 2015. Full scholarships are $1000 each; half sponsorships are $500. If you can help sponsor a student, contact the church office. COLLECTIONS: Dorcas Circle, Health and Wholeness Ministry, and Outreach and Servant Ministries welcome your contributions for the following ministries. Place donations in the baskets near the elevator in the narthex. Sewing kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR): fabric (three yards or more per piece), thread Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief (LWR): bath-size towels (dark color, lightweight, 27”x52” maximum size), bath soap (4 to 5 ounce, in original wrapping), large sturdy combs, nail clippers (metal, attached file optional), adult-size toothbrushes Supplies for Compass Housing Alliance: travel-sized soaps, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion, toothbrushes and toothpaste, razors and shaving cream, Q-tips, feminine hygiene products, new/never used combs and brushes, new/never used nail files, new/never used nail clippers, new and gently used towels, pillows and pillow cases, twin sheets, adult-size, new, white crew socks Supplies for the Sophia Way women’s shelter: fragrance free laundry detergent and dryer sheets, disinfectant wipes, paper towels, paper napkins, foil, plastic wrap, and facial tissue SAINT ANDREW’S OPPORTUNITIES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS O.W.L.S. (Older Wiser Lutheran Saints) is a fellowship of members and friends of the congregation who meet on the third Tuesday of every month for friendship and an awesome potluck. Newcomers are always welcome! Please join us on January 20 at 11:45 am; Lowell and Lois Arneson will be our hosts. Jerry and Lynn Mack and Dick and Jan Swaisgood will share photos and stories from their Spring 2014 trip to Africa and the MaaSAE Girls Lutheran Secondary School in Tanzania. DINNER WITH YOUNG ADULTS: Join us for Dinner with Young Adults! On the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, young adults of Saint Andrew’s (those who have graduated high school in 2014 and older) get together for dinner at 6:30 pm, either at a restaurant or someone’s home. If you plan to join in on the fun, contact Emily, [email protected] or text her the Sunday before we meet. We need a host/organizer for January 28 and February 11; contact Emily, [email protected], if you can help! LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS: Ash Wednesday is February 18. We will have soup suppers and mid-week worship on Wednesdays throughout Lent. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve soup and bread. Please sign up in the Narthex. LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF CEO DANIEL SPECKHARD: On Sunday, February 22, at 5:30 pm, Saint Andrew’s is hosting a special welcome event for Lutheran World Relief’s (LWR) new president and CEO, Ambassador Daniel Speckhard. All are invited to this event with wine, hors d’oeuvres and conversation to welcome Ambassador Speckhard and celebrate the lasting impact of LWR’s work around the world. RSVP by February 10 to Mary Mills, [email protected] or 425-746-2529. BELLEVUE COLLEGE JAZZ ENSEMBLE: Our Saint Andrew’s Sunday Concert Series continues with “100 Years of Jazz” by the Bellevue College Jazz Ensemble. The concert is Sunday, February 22, at 3:00 pm. Come hear these talented jazz musicians as they take us from the birth of jazz music through its evolution to today’s sound. PLEDGES FOR 2015: Thanks to all who have turned in your commitments for 2015. As of January 7, we have received 175 pledges totaling $695,324. For those who might have missed turning in your pledge card, they are still very welcome and are extremely helpful for planning on how we can continue to build upon God’s foundation at Saint Andrew’s. Commitment cards are near the elevator in the Narthex. You can also submit your commitment with our online form www.salchome.org/content.php?ref=66. Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA www.SALChome.org Weekly Announcements January 18, 2015 – January 25, 2015 BUILDING AND PROPERTY PROJECTS for the CONGREGATION: Our current project is: Attach the handrail to the building for the basement workshop. Will take about 30 minutes. If you can help complete this project or have questions, contact Facilities Manager Kurt Lutterman, [email protected] or 425-746-2529. THE HANDBELL CHOIR invites you to give ringing a try! The Saint Andrew’s Handbell Choir is looking for teens and adults to join them. They welcome those who can commit full-time, part-time, or to be a substitute ringer. Contact Handbell Choir Director Bryant Wilkie, [email protected]. He can make time before rehearsals (Tuesdays at 7:00 pm) for you to check out the bells. Please join us - thanks! DESIGN ADVISORY GROUP The Preliminary Conceptual Designs for a potential building remodel are on display in the Narthex. This work has been done with our Design Advisory Group and VIA Architecture. Members of the Design Advisory Group include: Judy Gowdy, Dick Lee, Stephanie Lester, Pastor McEachran, John Nelson (Council Liaison), Lucy Sannes (Chair), and Pastor Telyea. For more information, contact Lucy Sannes. OTHER OPPORTUNITIES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS HOUSING AND HOMELESSNESS ADVOCACY DAY 2015: All are invited to Olympia on Tuesday, February 17, to advocate for housing and services for the homeless. Organized by Washington Low Income Housing Alliance, it is a day to mobilize hundreds of advocates to Olympia to advocate for our state legislative agenda and to forward the mission of ending homelessness by making sure all our residents have the opportunity to live in safe, healthy, affordable homes in thriving communities. For more information and to register, visit www.wliha.org/advocacy/overview#HHAD. Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA www.SALChome.org Weekly Announcements January 18, 2015 – January 25, 2015 Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA www.SALChome.org Weekly Announcements January 18, 2015 – January 25, 2015 Saint Andrew’s Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA www.SALChome.org
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