Volume 5 Issue 1 Our Silent News January - April 2015 Diocese of Fort Worth Fort Worth Catholic Community for the Deaf FROM THE DIRECTOR’S CHAIR ... Happy New Year Everyone!! I hope this newsletter finds you happy and healthy. Here are a few of the things going on in the Diocese this Spring January 26th is the date of the Bishop’s Annual Respect Life Mass at the Cathedral in Fort Worth. The Mass begins at 6:00PM and will be interpreted. Please show your support for the Bishop and honor us with your presence. January 30th something new and different is happening - FWCCD will be part of a Faith Based Symposium in Fort Worth. The Symposium is focused on building relationships between persons with disabilities, families and the faith community. Fr. Ken Robinson and LeRoy Terrio will both be on panels talking about deaf ministry and how a faith community can help enriches lives. Let’s prepare for Lent beginning with Ash Wednesday on February 18th. Come travel to Muenster to celebrate Mass with Fr. Ken February 22. Look inside for transportation arrangements! Please check inside the newsletter for details and see how you can participate and support these activities. You can make the difference! Blessings, Connie Martin Deaf Community Mass & Socials February 1, March 1, April 5, May 3 and June 7 2:00 PM Please arrive at 1:30 and join our Sign Choir St. Rita Catholic Church, 5550 E. Lancaster Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76112 We meet for Mass on the 1st Sunday of every month September through June HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ... January 1 4 5 6 9 Manuel Espino Jessie Navarrete Danielle Terrio Jeff O’Connor Steven Wanderscheid Jamie O’Connor 12 Christine Cinatl 13 Richard Moffit 17 Alexander Cavazos 18 Michael Cinatl Eric Perez 20 Joshua Gomez 25 Fr. Ken Robinson 26 Dolores Cordova Mike Minor February March 2 Rickey Delgado 4 Carolyn Carter Irma Kemp Jim O’Connor 12 Lydia Minor Maria Torres 17 Amy Bohac 18 Ana Avalos 21 Paul Jakins 22 Arturo Avalos Skyler Smith 28 Elizabeth Delgado 3 Marianne Hernandez Jeremy Nation 4 Javier Ibanez 6 Mason Gomez 11 Maureen Jacobsen 16 Michael Carillo Joan O’Connor 21 Elsa Rodriguez 22 Ruth Torres 23 Owen Kalina 27 Fr. Len Broniak Jaylynn Ibanez 28 Ferny Navarrete Fear Less, Hope More; Whine Less, Breathe More; Talk Less, Say More; Hate Less, Love More; And All Good Things Are Yours. Swedish Proverb.” If there is a birthday or anniversary that is not listed, please send an email, a note, or call and the names we be added to our list. Connie Martin - [email protected] (email); 800 W. Loop 820 South, Fort Worth, TX 76108 (physical Address); 817/591-0186 (Video Phone) 817/560-3300 (Office) Happy Wedding Anniversary to . . . 2/24 3/13 3/15 Nancy & Kraig Baum Connie & Gary Martin Suzanne & LeRoy Terrio “Real love stories never have endings.” Richard Bach Ask Fr. Ken Do people bow to the altar or to the Tabernacle when they enter a Catholic Church? For Catholics church is not just a gathering area, but a sacred space in which we celebrate Eucharist. Catholics use the word 'church' to mean the building in general but specifically the area for people to sit. On the other hand, the area around the altar, inside the altar rail (if there is an altar rail), is referred to as the sanctuary. Protestants often use the word sanctuary to mean the entire church. In a Catholic church the altar is the center of the church because that is where the Eucharistic sacrifice is celebrated. Thus, when we bow as a sign of respect we do so in recognition that the altar is this center of the ongoing Eucharistic worship. However, many Catholic churches also have a tabernacle in the sanctuary area. A tabernacle is where the Eucharist is kept between masses and especially to be used for communion, for last rites or for Eucharistic adoration. Note that not all Catholic churches have a tabernacle in the sanctuary area. In general, then, we bow before the tabernacle if walking directly in front of the tabernacle. Otherwise, we reverence or bow to the altar as a sign of Christ’s ongoing presence in the Eucharist celebrated at the alter. Please pray for: Glen Simpson who had a heart attack and has been in the hospital recovering - also for his wife Janet as she continues to care for him. Wallace Cassanova, David’s father who passed away December 29th—May he Rest in Peace and may perpetual light shine upon him. Marilyn Cassanova for her failing health. Mary White, Linda Karen Cassanova’s mother whose health has been declining. Sam & Mary Ramirez and Family—Blanca Cavazos sister & brother-in-law as Sam battles cancer. Linda Cassanova and Connie Martin as they travel to the NCOD conference. Lupe Rodriquez and his family in Missouri. That they find an answer to the earthquakes happening in the area. All of the men and women in the military. All people out of work and looking for jobs. If there is anything you would like us to pray for, please call (817)591-0186 VP - or send an email to [email protected] and your prayers will be added to the prayer list. Mass in Muenster Sunday, February 22nd 1:00 pm Sacred Heart Parish 714 N. Main, Muenster, TX 76252 We will have a meal after Mass We plan to leave the Fort Worth area at 10:30 am. We will be carpooling - if you need a ride please contact: LeRoy Terrio—469/464-5797, David Cassanova—682/493-4611, Blanca Cavazos at [email protected], Connie Martin 817/591-0186 VP or [email protected] P l e a s e j o i n M o s t R e v. M i c h a e l F. O l s o n , Bishop of Fort Worth, for the … Mass will be interpreted for the Deaf Lenten Season ~~ 2015 Lent is a time of preparing for the death of Christ on Good Friday and His Resurrection on Easter Sunday. It is a period of 40 days of repentance, with prayer, fasting abstinence and confession. Fasting and abstinence is to be followed on Ash Wednesday, and all of the Fridays during Lent for Catholics 14 years of age and older. The Lenten Season begins with Ash Wednesday on February 18th, and ends on Easter Sunday April 5th. Important Dates Ash Wednesday - February 18th Palm Sunday - March 29th Holy Thursday - April 2 Good Friday - April 3 Easter Sunday - April 5 Please check our website for up-to-date information about Interpreted Locations and Times. www.fwdioc.org - click on the “Outreach” tab then “Deaf Ministry” ~ Easter Sunday ~ April 5 Deaf Community Mass 2:00 PM St. Rita Catholic Church 5550 E. Lancaster Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76112 Join us for the 2015 Faith Based Symposium Celebrating Community: Shared Lives, Shared Gifts. Shared Service The symposium is focused on increasing awareness of IDD and of building relationships between persons with disabilities, their families and the faith community The symposium includes two nationally recognized keynote speakers, a panel of Tarrant County faith representative and clergy leaders who have led the way in faith-based inclusion programs, and a panel of self-advocates and families who will share their personal stories of how their lives have been enriched by inclusion with their faith communities. Schedule of Events NOTE: TWO EVENTS—TWO LOCATIONS Thursday, January 29, 2015 Pre-Event Exceptional Lives: Belonging, Believing and Becoming An informal, interactive discussion with Rud Turnbull 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. University Christina Church—Room 207 2720 South University Drive, Fort Worth 76109 Dr. Turnbull will share his experience as the father of a son with significant disabilities whose life was exceptional because of his connections within the faith and broader communities. Friday, January 30, 2015 Symposium Celebrating Community: Shared Lives, Shared Gifts, Shared Service 8 a.m. Registration 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. conference The Riles Center 1701 West Boyce Avenue, Fort Worth 76115 Breakfast, lunch and snacks provided and all attendees will receive FREE resource books and giveaways. Both events are FREE with advance registration. To register please go to www.IDDNeedsTC.org Two individuals from the Fort Worth Catholic Community for the Deaf will be on the Friday panel—please come and join us. . Diocese of Fort Worth Interpreted Mass List All Saints Church St. Andrew 214 NW 20th Street Fort Worth, TX 76106 9:00 AM each Sunday 3312 Dryden Drive Fort Worth, TX 76109 5:30 PM 2nd, 4th & 5th Saturdays St. John the Apostle St. Elizabeth Anne Seton 7341 Glenview Drive North Richland Hills, TX 76180 5:00 PM 3rd & 4th Saturdays St. Maria Goretti 1200 S. Davis Drive Arlington, TX 76013 11:00 AM each Sunday 2016 Willis Lane Keller, TX 76248 11:00 AM each Sunday Immaculate Conception 2255 N. Bonnie Brae Street Denton, TX 76207 10:00 AM 3rd Sundays St. Francis of Assisi St. John the Baptizer 861 Wildwood Lane Grapevine, TX 76051 10:00 AM each Sunday 1801 Irvin St. Bridgeport, TX 76426 8:30 AM 2nd & 4th Sundays Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 421 Marconi, Wichita Falls, TX 76301 5:00 PM Saturdays with Notice Please call 817/560-3300 one week prior to schedule interpreter. Interpreted Masses at these churches are cancelled the 1st Sunday of the month so deaf persons and their families may attend the Deaf Community Mass and Social September through June. January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary New Year’s Day 4 Deaf Community Mass—St. Rita @ 2:00pm 11 Regularly 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 Interpreted Masses St. Anthony St. Hilary 18 19 20 Regularly Interpreted Masses 25 Regularly Interpreted Masses 21 22 23 24 St. Francis De Sales St. Agnes 26 Respect Life Mass St. Patrick Cathedral 6:00PM 27 28 29 ……………………………………Catholic Schools Week 30 Faith Based Symposium 8:30—4:30 ……………………….. 31 St. John Bosco February 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 St. Blaise Deaf Community Mass—St. Rita @ 2:00pm 8 St. Agatha 9 10 Regularly Interpreted Masses 15 11 St. Scholas ca Our Lady of Lourdes 16 17 18 Regularly Interpreted Masses 22 Mass in Muenster Chinese New Year 4713 Fas ng & Abs nence 23 Check the Website for interpreted Masses 24 25 26 Fas ng & Abs nence 27 28 St. Polycarp Fas ng & Abs nence Year of Consecrated Life—November 30, 2014 - February 2, 2016 March 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Deaf Community Mass—St. Rita @ 2:00 8 Regularly Interpreted Masses World Day of Prayer Fas ng & Abs nence 9 10 11 12 13 Daylight Savings Time Set clocks FORWARD 15 14 Fas ng & Abs nence 16 17 18 19 20 21 1st day of Spring Regularly Interpreted Masses Fas ng & Abs nence 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Regularly Interpreted Masses Fas ng & Abs nence 29 Regularly 30 Interpreted Masses Palm Sunday 31 April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Holy Good Holy Thursday Friday Saturday Fas ng & Abs nence 5 Deaf Community Mass—St. Rita @ 2:00pm 12 Regularly 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 Interpreted Masses Divine Mercy Sunday 19 Regularly Interpreted Masses 26 Regularly Interpreted Masses World Day of Prayer for Voca ons St. Mark 27 28 29 30 St. Pius V Catholic Community for the Deaf - Diocese of Fort Worth Connie Martin Coordinator of Deaf Ministries 800 W. Loop 820 South Ft. Worth, TX. 76108-2919 (V)817-560-3300 ext. 305 (VP) 817-591-0186 Cell: 817/905-8082 [email protected] TO: Dear Pastor: Please route this newsle er to your parish: ______ DRE ______ Youth Minister ______ RCIA Director ______ Liturgist ______ Office Manager LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! DEAF MINSITRY-CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF FT.WORTH Thank you! VISION STATEMENT To provide all deaf and hard-of-hearing persons accessibility to the Catholic Church in order that they may: Receive Religious Education Worship Minister to Others Participate in all aspects of Parish and Diocesan Life It is our hope that by providing necessary support services, deaf persons of our diocese will be able to participate fully in their faith communities.
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