École St. Cecilia Junior High School 8830-132 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5E 0X8 Phone: 780-476-7695 Fax: 780-473-7363 Web Page: www.stcecilia.ecsd.net January 2015 Newsletter INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Dear Parents/Guardians: Page 2 General Information Page 4 Time Schedule and Concession information Page 5 Bulletin Board (St. Cecilia & community misc. info) Page 13 Superintendent’s Message Page 14 Calendar Happy New Year to everyone! We hope your holidays were filled with family, friends and warmth. We come back to a busy January that ends with the Term 1 concluding and Term 2 beginning in February. Tiger Daze on January 30, our only school Professional Development day on February 2 and the District Faith Formation day between them. January brings us our second Interim report time for you to formally check on Powerschool on January th st st 19 . The 31 Annual Paperweight Wrestling tournament takes place on January 31 at the University of Alberta. This is a tournament run by Mr. Derewonko and St. Cecilia School for hundreds of competitors OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 7:30 - 3:45 Thursday 7:30 - 3:00 from western provinces. It is a magnificent accomplishment to run such a large competition for so long. Our wrestlers are training hard to prepare for it. Twenty eight students in French Immersion and three staff are headed to Montreal and Quebec City at the end of the month to immerse themselves in the language and see the Carnival. Bon Voyage! BUSINESS OFFICE HOURS Our compliments to Mrs. Comeau, Mrs. Narayanan and the many students who put together the drama Monday - Closed play in December. Students involved in the band, actors, set designers and stage hands all put in hours Tues,Wed, Fri - 8:00 – 3:00 Thursday - 8:00 - noon If you want a paper copy of our newsletter, please contact the office and we will provide one to your child. Newsletter via email is now possible; please make sure the office has a parent / of work to bring this to life. Well done!!! It is very important for our Grade 9 students to keep in mind that high schools will be visiting us shortly and registering you for next year based on your current grades. The high schools will be basing course choices on your second report card mark however; your registration will be adjusted according to your final marks. More information on Open House dates and School visits further in the newsletter. The newsletter will be available online on the first Friday of every month. If you want a paper copy, please call Mrs. Gorman-Bowman in the office and she will provide one to your son/daughter. guardian email address. Feel free to contact us at the school if you have any concerns or questions. Mr. David Andrews Principal Mrs. Nicole Falcone-Dempsey Assistant Principal YEARBOOKS Still available 2013-2014 @ $30.00 each PRE-ORDERS ONLY for 2014-2015 @ $30.00 each Contact the Business Office School Advisory Council: The next general meeting will be January 28 @ 5:30 p.m. in the staff room. All parents are welcome! St. Cecilia 50th Anniversary –Saturday October 17, 2015 th The plans for the St. Cecilia 50 Anniversary are underway. If you were or know of a past student or staff member, pass on the date of October 17, 2015! School Fees: School fees are now due. Visa, MasterCard payments can be made ONLINE thru your PowerSchool account or by phone to the business office. Cheque/cash accepted during business office hours. (Business office is closed on Mondays) If there is a reason that you cannot pay your school fees, please contact the business office at 780-476-7695 to make alternate arrangements. Parking: Please DO NOT PARK in the O’Leary Pool parking lot. You will be issued a ticket or will be towed. We ask parents NOT TO DOUBLE PARK OR PARK IN THE BUS ZONE IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL. Also, the staff parking lot in the back of the school is not to be used as a drop off or pick up as this area is reserved for staff. Student Absences: If your son/daughter is going to be absent for any reason, please report the absence to 780-476-7695. Please keep in mind it is your responsibility to inform the school of an absence. One of the main keys to success in school is to attend classes regularly and punctually. The ‘SynreVoice’Autodialer will contact the home phone of all absent students to deliver a recorded message advising the parent of the absence. This call is to confirm the absence of the student that day. School Dances: If your child does NOT wish to attend a school dance they must have written permission from a parent to do so. The letter must be given to the homeroom teacher the morning of the dance. If students do not have this letter they must remain in school for the dance. Homework: It is our school policy that if a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to contact their homework buddy to get their assignments. If your child is absent for more than four days, you may call the office for homework. Personal Items: Students are not encouraged to bring personal items of value to school. Students do so at their own risk. The school will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen items Page 2 Medical Alerts: If your child has a severe medical alert we would ask you to please notify the school office. Change of Address: Please notify the office if you have had a change of address or phone number. Building Open at 7:15 a.m.: For students arriving early, the building will be open at 7:15 a.m. We ask that students wait in the back foyer until the first bell rings before they go to their lockers. Our ‘HEALTH HUT’ that serves some breakfast items is now open during this time as well. Please be advised there is no supervision until 8:00 a.m. Office Hours: Our office is open from 7:30 am to 3:45 pm Monday – Friday; 7:30 am to 3:00 pm on Thursdays. Bus Passes: E.T.S. bus passes are sold through the business office each month. To avoid long line ups postdated cheques will be accepted for the entire school year thru the Business Office. Please hand these in ASAP. The price to the student is $47.00 (ECSD subsidizes part of the price). The cost of a replacement pass will be $69.00 (full price). Family Plan (families of three or more purchasing bus passes) is $43.00. Family Plan Application forms available at the school. REPLACEMENT passes will be sold only at the request of a parent. Lunchtime: If your student wishes to go off campus for the lunchtime a Permission form must be filled out and given to the home room teacher. See the website for the LUNCH OFF CAMPUS PERMISSION FORM. Electronics: Electronic Devices are allowed on school property, but they must be on silent mode at all times. See the Website for more information. Page 3 REGULAR SCHEDULE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Call In 8:12 am Announcements 8:20 - 8:23 am Block 1 8:25 - 9:11 am Block 2 9:13 - 9:59 am Locker Break 9:59 - 10:04 am Block 3 10:04 - 10:50am Block 4 10:52 - 11:38am Lunch 11:38 -12:12pm Block 5 12:20 - 1:06 pm Block 6 1:08 - 1:54 pm Block 7 1:56 - 2:42 pm Dismissal 2:42 pm THURSDAY SCHEDULE Call In 8:12 am Announcements 8:20 - 8:23 am Homeroom 8:25 - 8:40 am PAWZ 1 8:47 - 9:37 am Locker Break 9:37 –9:42 am PAWZ 2 9:42 - 10:37 am Locker Break 10:37 -10:42 am PAWZ 3 10:42 – 1:37pm Homeroom 11:39 - noon Dismissal 12:00 pm BUS PASS Monthly Pass $47.00 Family Plan $43.00 Replacement Cost $69.00 SCHOOL CLOTHES If you’re interested in school clothing please contact the Business Office The ‘HEALTH HUT’ CONCESSION Concession is now open for breakfast and lunch! Drinks, snacks and fresh food provided. The Breakfast Menu consists of bagels, muffins, granola bars, cereal, yogurt drinks, fruit and more! The Lunch Menu will change daily featuring lunches from Edo Japan, Opa Greek Cuisine, Mediterranean Pizza, Mozza Burgers, Pasta and more! Check the concession board for details. Drinks are always $1.00 and lunches are never more than $5.00. Page 4 St. Cecilia Bulletin Board High School Registration 2015 SCHOOL VISITS J. H. Picard January 8 PAWZ 2, 3 for Fr Imm St. Joseph January 15 PAWZ 1, 2, 3 by choice Jean Forest Girls Academy January 15 PAWZ 3 by choice Archbishop MacDonald January 22 PAWZ 1 by choice Archbishop O’Leary February 5 PAWZ 1, 2, 3 for all students OPEN HOUSES Archbishop MacDonald February 25, 2015 St. Joseph March 2, 2015 Archbishop O’Leary March 5, 2015 J. H. Picard Info Night January 15, 2015 Open House March 10, 2015 Registration Day at St. Cecilia for JH Picard and St Joes March 12, 2015 6:00 – 8:00 pm Archbishop O’Leary and Archbishop MacDonald will do Registrations at their school Page 5 Drop in Badminton schedule: Please join us the following Thursdays from 12:10-1:10pm for some fun in the gym! January 8 February 12 Senior Girls and Boys Basketball Congratulations to the following students who will represent the Tigers Basketball Teams this season. Junior Boys Ismail E. Quwayne F. Elyon T. Malith Y. Philip M. Justine F. Logan B. Mina G. Easton H. Jordan J. Harlan S. Daine D. Senior Boys Changkuoth T. Keenan R. Chris B. Giovanni E. Manasseh M. Reda J-P. Ethan E. Michael P. Reed L. Garang U. Senior Girls Danielle R. Abby C. Sam F. Janet H. Morgan S. Katrina A. Toni B. Madison G. Shania H. Awintoc N. Hannah S. Shelby T. Christin T. Practice Roster Aviva A. Deidre N. Abuk M. Thank you to everyone who came to try out and to the coaches Ms. Stabile, Mrs. Falcone-Dempsey, and Mrs. Fraser for their time and dedication. ST CECILIA TIGERS Schedule BASKETBALL 2015 January 13 St. Cecilia at Cardinal Leger GIRLS January 14 St. Cecilia at Sir John Thompson BOYS January 15 JJ Bowlen at St. Cecilia GIRLS January 20 St. Cecilia at St. Edmund GIRLS January 21 St. Elizabeth Seton at St. Cecilia BOYS January 22 Sir John Thompson at St. Cecilia GIRLS January 28 JJ Bowlen at St. Cecilia BOYS January 29 Cardinal Leger at St. Cecilia GIRLS February 4 St. Cecilia at St. Edmund BOYS Page 6 February 5 St. Cecilia at JJ Bowlen GIRLS February 9 Cardinal Leger at St. Cecilia BOYS February 11 Sir John Thompson at St. Cecilia BOYS February 10 St. Edmund at St. Cecilia GIRLS February 17 St. Cecilia at Sir John Thompson GIRLS February 18 St. Cecilia at St. Elizabeth Seton BOYS E-Cigarettes –Prohibited in ECSD Schools are currently dealing with a new phenomenon commonly referred to as e-cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes are batteryoperated devices equipped with cartridges filled with liquid chemicals. Although e-cigarettes are promoted as being safe, Health Canada advises not to use e-cigarettes because they haven’t been tested and may be harmful. They also warn that e-cigarettes may cause nicotine poisoning and addiction. Health Canada reminds people to keep the products away from children to prevent nicotine poisoning and choking. As the safety of all our students and staff continues to be a key priority in our district, Edmonton Catholic Schools has banned electronic cigarettes from all district property (Admin Reg 117). St. Cecilia 50th Anniversary –Saturday October 17, 2015 th The plans for the St. Cecilia 50 Anniversary are underway. If you were or know of a past student or staff member, pass on the date of October 17, 2015! th Our next planning meeting is January 28 at 4:30 pm in the Tiger’s Den (Room 107). Any names or information, contact the office . SAC (School Advisory Council) Please join us for our next meeting SAC Meeting January 28 @ 5:30pm in the Tiger’s Den (Room 107). We begin at 5:30 pm in the staff room and are usually only an hour in length. St. Cecilia School Advisory Council 2014 – 2015 Here is the Executive for this year’s School Advisory Council. All are welcome to the meetings. Chair Karen Graves [email protected] Vice Chair Isabelle Bento Isabelle_paris [email protected] Treasurer Idriss Bundu [email protected] Secretary Corey Nahayowski [email protected] Canadian Parent for French Vivian Zenari (Paschak) [email protected] Minutes from the last meeting: Page 7 St. Cecilia Catholic Junior High School School Council Meeting Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 ATTENDANCE: David Andrews, Isabelle Bento, Idriss Bundu, Jerry Derewonko, Nicole Falcone-Dempsey, Karen Graves, Corey Nahayowski 1. PRAYER: Karen led prayer at 5:37pm. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Corey approved, Jerry seconded. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING: Corey approved, Isabella seconded. 4. SCHOOL REPORTS a. Principal Report: Principal Andrews and Vice Principal Falcone-Dempsey i. Staffing – New teacher was hired full time through ECS Human Resources to act a permanent substitute, student/teacher support and take on future teacher leaves in the second half of the year. ii. St. Cecilia 50th Anniversary celebrations will take place for students on Friday October 16 th, 2015 and for the larger community on Saturday, October 17th, 2015. Meeting was held and plans are forthcoming in the New Year. iii. School Budgeting Process is underway and staff requests are being reviewed by school budget committee. School council will have Budget discussions at the January 2015 meeting. iv. Provincial Achievement Test results have been received for the 2013-2014 school year. Staff have analyzed, discussed and are implementing changes as deemed necessary. Discussion about the many factors that influence test scores, specifically attendance, and the future of PAT’s in Alberta ensued. v. School Plan for Continuous Growth was brought forth. It was noted that the Satisfaction survey results from parents are not typically returned in. Last year, only 56 responses were submitted out of a possible 477 that were sent home to parents. vi. The “Community Initiatives Program” through the Government of Alberta provides grants for school improvements. St. Cecilia staff are currently investigating the costs involved with a remodification of the school Gym for Audio and Visual upgrades. The recommendation and application must come from School Council once costs have been ascertained. As the Grant would cover only 50% of the upgrade, consideration for the remaining amount would have to be undertaken by both the School and School Council. The matter was TABLED until February 2015 School Council meeting awaiting final cost estimates. 5. CORRESPONDENCE a. President Graves received: i. “The Learning Team” Winter publication ii. Newman Theological College publication on “Online Faith Formation Courses” b. President Graves submitted “Highlights of Meeting with Edmonton Catholic Schools Board of Trustees – November 20, 2014” Page 8 i. Purpose of meeting was to discuss “What is Catholic Education? Why is it important? Why do we have it? About 60 people were in attendance. ii. Provided link to “Growing Forward” that may be found on Alberta Catholic Schools Trustees Association Website: http://www.acsta.ab.ca/resources. 6. CANADIAN PARENTS FOR FRENCH (CPF) REPORT a. No report at this time. 7. OLD BUSINESS a. President Graves reported that the proper signing authority has been changed to reflect the current School Council. 8. NEW BUSINESS a. No business to review. 9. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, January 28th, 2015 at 5:30 in the “Tiger Den” (Room 107). 10. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING, 6:24PM: Isabelle approved, Jerry seconded. St. Cecilia Catholic Junior High School P.T.S.A.S Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014 1. TREASURER REPORT a. Treasurer Bundu reported on the status of the School Council accounts. Ecole 1 (Savings): $7592.23 Ecole 2 (General Account): $3590.04 Ecole 3 (Chequing): $67553.71 2. OLD BUSINESS a. No business to discuss. 3. NEW BUSINESS a. No business to review. 4. ADJOURNMENT, 6:27PM: Isabelle approved, Jerry seconded. PAWZ session February19th – MADD Canada School Assembly Program See the below information for this informative PAWZ session. There is limited space available. Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri Sat 2 3 Christmas Holidays 4 5 day 5 6 day 6 day 1 7 12 day 3 day 2 9 10 PAWZ Classes Resume 11 8 13 day 4 14 day 5 15 16 day 6 17 PAWZ 18 19 day 1 20 day 2 21 day 3 22 23 day 4 24 PAWZ 25 26 day 5 27 day 6 28 day 1 50th anniversary meeting @4:30 Gr.9 Immunizations SAC meeting 5:30pm 29 30 PAWZ 31 Paperweight Wrestling tourney @ U of A TIGER DAZE!! Classes Resume January 5, 2015 Page 17
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