Campus Newsletter January 12th

January 12, 2015 Activities Saturday ‐ Jan 10  English and Math Tutorials 9AM - 12 PM “Make correc ons consistently and posi vely. Narrate the world you want your students to see even while you are relentlessly improving it.” - D. Lemov Photo of the Week New Teachers’ Orienta
on Day 1 at CAB Cafe 7 AM - 4 PM History Fair at Veterans HS Monday ‐ Jan 12 Lesson Plans Due on Box Tango Mee
ng at CAB 220 E-Mail Mr. Reyes if interested Tuesday ‐ Jan 13 Wednesday ‐ Jan 14 Thursday ‐ Jan 15  Pace Luby’s Night—Sunrise Mall 5:30 PM—9 PM Come by and show your support! Alice in Wonderland Play in Auditorium at 5:30 PM Friday ‐ Jan 16 High School Science Fair at Pace High School Saturday ‐ Jan 17  English and Math Tutorials 9AM - 12 PM On December 13, 2014, 20 Pace students traveled to Texas A&M Kingsville to compete in the 2014 Javelina Cup Mathema cs Compe on. Students used the ALEKS program to compete in individual and team compe on. Fernando Mar nez, Marissa Flores, Elimelek Acuna and Alan Navarrete placed 1st in the team compe on. In the individual compe on Fernando Mar nez placed 1st for a $1500 TAMUK Scholarship, Pablo Mar nez placed 2nd for a $1000 TAMUK Scholarship, and Marissa Flores placed 3rd for a $500 TAMUK Scholarship. Of the 20 students who par cipated, 18 scored in the top 25 and received $25 iTunes gi cards. Congratula ons to all those students who competed as well to their sponsors Silviano Ramirez, Carlos Garza, Jose Michi, Gregorio Lopez, and Melissa Tullos for their hard work and prepara on for this great victory! New Teachers’ Orienta
on Day 2 at Veterans HS Cafeteria For all Faculty and Staff, if your income is $53,000 or less our IRS 7 AM - 4 PM Cer fied students will be able to prepare your basic tax return every Wednesday beginning January 28th and ending February 25th. Any High School Science Fair at and all informa on inpu ed is confiden al and will not be disPace High School cussed with anyone. See Ms. Sylvia Reza for more informa on. Varsity Girls Basketball at PSJA Southwest Tutorial Procedures have been changed. They are as follows: Students eat dinner from 4:05 PM - 4:30 PM Tutorial Times: Monday - Friday 4:30 - 5:30 / Saturday 9AM - 12PM  All Teachers must sign‐out and turn in Student Sign In Sheets in the tutorial binder a er school. Lesson Plans for tutorials are to be turned in every Thursday. Reminders
VideoRequestsaretobesubmitted through the Work Order System via the Pace Website.UnderRequestTypeselect
“Approvals” and then “Video
They will be placed behind mesheets with Student Sign‐ins. Every Student must have a permission slip on file. Turn in all per-
mission slips to Chris an Mercado.  Lesson Plan Forms and Permissions Slips are located on the Pace website under “Teacher Docs” Timesheets, Lesson Plans, and Permission Slips are due January 23. Transporta on for Saturday tutorials begins January 10. Provide a list 3 days in advance of students to be picked up. Transporta on for a erschool tutorials begins Monday, Feb 2. Viking News #17 Vision Statement James Pace Early College High School will foster a safe, nurturing, intellectually challenging environment that ensures success for all students by developing pride, accountability, character, and excellence in the classroom, in the home, and in the community. A endance Procedures: Any student absent during 1st period Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or 2nd Period on Wednesday must have their teacher call a parent or guardian before 9 AM. Call Log documenta on will be entered in the comment box on eSchools. Steps to enter comments are as follows: 1) Go to h p:// 2) Log into Grade Book 3) Find student that is absent on your roster and click on his/her name. 4) A Student Profile is generated 5) Click on the “Add New Note” link located on the top right corner of the quick view tab. 6) Write any note regarding a endance and/or issue. 7) Make sure the “Published” box is checked off and click “Save” 8) The Note will be added to any previous and future notes for that student. There will be a TANGO mee ng on January 12th at CAB 220. If you are interested in a ending to learn more on Tango please see Chris an Mercado to make arrangements for coverage by Noon on Monday. BISDdoesnotdiscriminateonthebasisofrace,color,nationalorigin,sex,religion,age,disabilityorgeneticinformationin