1 INDIAN ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT An Affiliate of the Academy of Management Newsletter Fall/Winter 2014 Contents Message from the President………………………………………………….…………2 News, Awards, Recognitions ………………………………………………………......3 Call for papers AOM 2015…………...……………………………………………………….…....4 4th IAM Biennial Conference 2015……………………………………….………..6 International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets…………………….…...7 Journal of International Management…………………………………………..….8 Recent or Upcoming Books, Special Issues, and Articles ………………………….. 10 Photos………. ………………………………………………………………………..11 Contact………………………………………………………………………………..12 www.indianaom.com 2 Message from the President Dear Friends and Fellow IAM Members: I am pleased to present the first e-newsletter of the IAM. As we get ready to welcome a new year according to the Gregorian calendar, it is time to reflect on some of the key happenings in our world. In 2014, India held parliamentary elections and the electorate decided it was time for a change. A new government headed by Shri Narendra Modi has been handed the reins, once again confirming that the world’s largest democracy works, however messy it might seem to the outsider. I am sure all of you join me in wishing our nation all the very best, as it goes from strength to strength. At the IAM, we too have grown from strength to strength. Our members continue to publish pathbreaking articles in leading journals, present their research at top international conferences, and help prepare new generations of managers and academics around the world. This newsletter is designed to update members on the activities of fellow members, as well as keep us posted on upcoming conferences and special issues of journals related to India. I am confident you will find it interesting and useful. Before I sign off and let you pore over its contents, I want to mention a couple of very important upcoming events. First, we are getting ready to host our fourth (yes, fourth) biennial conference. This one will be held at IIM Lucknow’s NOIDA campus from December 13-15, 2015. After XLRI, Jamshedpur, IIM Bangalore, and IIM Ahmedabad, we are excited to be coming to the nation’s capital for this edition. Please make it a point to attend and also to submit papers/symposia, etc. (please see the detailed announcement elsewhere in this newsletter). Next, organizations such as ours are sustained by the hard work and commitment of its members. I want to take this opportunity to thank each and every member who has contributed over the years to the Academy’s success. It would be unfair on my part to mention names as there are so many members who have worked hard to make sure that IAM continues to thrive, and I would feel terrible if I missed out someone’s name! So, to each and every one of you – a big heartfelt ‘dhanyavaad.’ Finally, related to the issue of member participation, it is that time again – we need to elect a new batch of leaders of IAM. In the next few months, you will receive more information about the elections. Please consider running, or nominating someone deserving, for one of many open positions. The new group of office-bearers will assume charge at the conference in December 2015. Jai Hind! Arup Varma, President www.indianaom.com 3 News, Awards, Recognitions EVENTS The Indian Academy of Management in collaboration with the National HRD Network Bangalore Chapter, the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, and the India UK Forum conducted a day long faculty development workshop on doing research. Dr. Pawan Budhwar, Professor of International HRM and Associate Dean for Research at the Aston Business School, led the workshop and was supported by Dr. Shruti Sardeshmukh from the University of South Australia, and Dr. Mukta Kulkarni from IIMB. The workshop was attended by 70 faculty and executive Ph.D. students from Bangalore based business schools. The key topics covered in the workshop were framing the research problem, developing the manuscript and responding to reviewers. The workshop received positive feedback and the participants were keen on having more such workshops which would allow them to build their research capability. EDITORIAL Pawan Budhwar took over as the Editor-in-Chief of British Journal of Management (2014). Gerard George, Deputy Dean of Imperial College, London took over as the editor of Academy of Management Journal (2014). KEYNOTE SPEECHES Pawan Budhwar delivered a keynote speech at the Academy of Management’s HR Division International Conference in Beijing, June 2014. The title of his speech was ‘Comparative HRM, Convergence-Divergence & Future Research in Asia’. www.indianaom.com 4 2013 EMERALD/IAM SOUTH ASIA MANAGEMENT RESEARCH FUND AWARD Theme: Creation and dissemination of knowledge for the social good with a specific orientation toward benefit for South Asia. The winning project was “Subtle Sexism in Public Organizations: Understanding Bureaucratic Attitudes and policy Correlates for Gender-Equality at Workplace” by Sangeeta Goel from MDI Gurgaon. Two highly commended projects included “European Debt Crisis and its Impact on South Asia” by Monica Singhania from the University of Delhi, and “Out of the margins: the role of informal work in contemporary production systems” by Anjula Gurtoo from IISc Bangalore. Details of the 2014 award will be shared soon. More details are available on the following Emerald site: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/research/awards/indianmgmt.htm#sthash.Rr4TT6Gk.dpuf PAPER AWARDS Mohan Thite, Pawan Budhwar and Adrian Wilkinson won the Impactful HR Research Award for paper entitled "Global HR Roles and Factors Influencing their Development – Evidence from Emerging Indian IT Service Multinationals" presented at the 3rd National Human Resource Development-TITAN HR Showcase programme on the 19th and 20th September 2014. Tanusree Jain, Ruth Aguilera, and Dima Jamali won the best paper award in the CSR and Business Ethics Track at the Conference of Latin American Council of Business Schools (CLADEA, 2014) for her paper titled, "Does Corporate Social Orientation Vary by Industry Type? Evidence from an Emerging Economy." Call for Papers: AOM 2015 Indian Academy of Management PDW Chair: Arup Varma, Loyola University Chicago, [email protected] The Indian Academy of Management (IAM) invites scholars interested in India related research to submit innovative and thought-provoking proposals for its Professional Development Workshops (PDW) at the 2015 Academy of Management Meetings in Vancouver. The IAM aspires to build a platform for global community of scholars by creating and expanding opportunities to connect and explore management research and teaching ideas related to India. www.indianaom.com 5 The 2015 Annual AOM Meetings is of great interest to us as it focuses on the theme ‘Opening Governance’. In the present dynamic, uncertain and increasingly becoming complex global economic in general and that of India in particular, it is a great opportunity for researchers interested in India related management research to come forward and share their understanding about the same and how their expertise can help others to manage both creatively and effectively in such challenging times. This call invites submissions along the following broad themes: How are organizations operating in India (e.g., vision and mission statements) are managed? Highlight the nature of effective leadership systems and their linkages to performance outcomes within the rapidly growing Indian business set-up. What is the impact of digital technologies such as crowdsourcing in mobilizing collective efforts for organizational change in India? What are the different open governance initiatives pursued by organizations and managers in India for specific value creation? What is the impact of such initiatives on different managerial functions and how are such initiatives perceived by different stakeholders? What are the impacts of the new forms of governance on processes and outcomes of multicultural or multinational teams operating in India? What strategies can be adopted to enhance inclusiveness among members of diverse teams via the utilization of creative and innovative modes of operandi? How are different levels of decision makers leveraging the power in new forms of governance to bring about positive changes? What all can be done to share about the emerging modes of effective governance based on professional practices and ethical code of conduct between the diverse business and organizational context of India? The above listed themes are indicative and we encourage academy members to be imaginative and innovative to propose ideas and questions, which are novel and are of relevance to AOM and IAM members. These can include: Developmental workshops for junior faculty and doctoral students Round table discussions on specific research areas/topics Feedback on preliminary research ideas by experienced journal reviewers Any other creative forms of scholarly activities Proposals for sessions organized in collaboration with other divisions, associated or affiliated societies of the Academy of Management will be highly appreciated. The deadline for proposal submissions is 14 January 2015 5PM EST. Please submit your proposal through the online submission system. You are welcome to contact Professor Arup Varma (Email: [email protected]) for initial enquires and coordination before submitting your final proposal. www.indianaom.com 6 Call for Papers: 4th IAM Biennial Conference 2015 The Indian Academy of Management invites submissions for its 2015 conference. The conference will focus on contextual matters, as they relate to the impact of the Indian context, including formal and informal rules, on businesses and markets. This conference will address such issues through the various conference tracks. It is important that each paper must include exclusive or comparative focus on Indian context. Submissions may take the form of competitive papers, work-in-progress, panel proposals and proposals for doctoral colloquia. All submissions will be reviewed based on originality, rigour and relevance. Given the contextual slant of the conference, academic contributions are invited in the following tracks: Conference Theme Managing in the Indian Institutional Context Leadership, strategy and organization Management of human resources & firm performance Conference Dates 11-13 December, 2015 Internationalization of Indian firms and markets Key Deadlines Governance issues in the Indian institutional context Governance of SMEs & family firms Entrepreneurship, innovation and new venture management Inter- and intra-organizational social networks Managing public service organizations Managing knowledge networks Management of foreign firms in India Potpourri Full paper submission: 1st July, 2015 Acceptance notification: 1st Sep, 2015 Early registration: 15th Oct, 2015 Type of Submissions Invited Competitive papers: max 25 pages Working Papers : max 15 pages Abstract : 500 words Panel proposals : max 10 pages Symposium :10 pages Proposal for Professional Development Workshops (to be held on 11 December, 2015): maximum 10 pages Proposals for Doctoral Consortium (to be held on 11 December, 2015) Conference Committee Chairs: Prof. M. Akbar (IIM, Lucknow-Noida), Prof. Archana Shukla (IIM, Lucknow-Noida) Members: Prof. Arup Varma (Loyola University Chicago), Prof. Pawan Budhwar (Aston Business School) Contact: [email protected] Submission guidelines: http://www.indianaom.com/4th-iam-biennial-conference-2015---call-for-papers.html www.indianaom.com 7 Call for Papers: International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets Special Issue: Internationalisation and Competitiveness of Emerging Economy Firms http://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/cfp.php?id=2647 Guest Editor Prof. Murali D.R. Chari, Lally School of Management, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Enhancing competitiveness of emerging economy firms has been held up by scholars as an important motivation for the international expansion of emerging economy firms. Competency seeking, for example, has been attributed as a more pronounced motive for the international expansion of emerging economy firms, whereas competency exploiting is typically considered the dominant motive for the international expansion of advanced economy firms. There is, however, a dearth of studies that have documented empirical evidence on the relationship between international expansion and the subsequent strengthening of emerging economy firm competitiveness. This special issue seeks to promote and publish research that addresses this void. Theoretically grounded empirical studies are preferred. Carefully developed theoretical papers are also welcome. Studies can be focused on firms from one or more emerging economies. To maintain consistency and shared understanding, countries classified by the International Monetary Fund as emerging market and developing economies would be considered as emerging economies for the purpose of this special issue. Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following: How does foreign expansion enhance the competitiveness of emerging economy firms in their home country markets and in international markets? Does the relationship between foreign expansion and the subsequent enhancement of emerging economy firm competitiveness vary by international entry/expansion mode such as exports, joint ventures and wholly owned operations? Can we empirically document the relationship between different modes of international expansion and various measures of emerging economy firm competitiveness (e.g. market share, productivity relative to competitors, and profitability relative to competitors) after allowing for time lags necessary for the development of competencies? Does foreign expansion into advanced economies and other emerging economies contribute differently to the competitiveness of emerging economy firms? Notes for Prospective Authors Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper was not originally copyrighted and if it has been completely re-written) All papers are refereed through a double blind process. All papers must be submitted online. Please read our Submitting articles page Important Dates Manuscript submission: 28 February, 2015 Reviewer reports: 1 June, 2015 Revised paper submission: 1 September, 2015 Final paper submission: 1 October, 2015 www.indianaom.com 8 Call for Papers: Journal of International Management Special Issue: Management of Human Resources in MNCs from the BRICS Countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa): Emerging Patterns, Challenges and Research Agenda Guest Editors Pawan S. Budhwar (Aston University, Birmingham, UK), Rosalie L. Tung (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, CANADA) Arup Varma (Loyola University, Chicago, USA) Ever since the publication of the Goldman Sachs report (Wilson and Purushothaman, 2003), the world has been carefully watching the growth and developments in the BRIC nations. South Africa sought membership to the BRIC Forum and was officially admitted as a member nation in December 2010. Since then the group has been renamed BRICS to reflect the five-nation membership. Not surprisingly, we have witnessed a number of critical developments in these five markets, such as creation of massive new markets for foreign firms; ever-increasing levels of both outward and inward FDI to and from them; and lately, the growth of MNCs from these markets which are challenging global players and even acquiring them. While research exists on HRM practices of MNCs from developed countries and their subsidiaries – including their operations in developing economies (e.g., Schuler et al., 2009), there is a dearth of publications on HRM systems in emerging market MNCs (EMNCs). Given the increasing awareness of the impact of HRM on organizational performance, the context-specific nature of HRM, the trend towards cross-vergence of HRM systems across the globe and the scarcity of reliable research evidence on HR policies and practices of MNCs from BRICS nation, it is both timely and topical to pursue a special issue on this topic. Apart from the creation of useful information and knowledge for researchers, practitioners and policy makers, this special issue is expected to test the relevance of existing theoretical frameworks (e.g., OLI – ownership, location, internationalization; global standardization versus localization perspective; resource based view of the firm; institutional theory) to examine the nature and emerging patterns of HRM systems in MNCs from BRICS nations. Further, due to a combination of factors such as the heterogeneity of the BRICS nations, the motives for the growth of their respective MNCs being different, and the ownership of MNCs from these nations being different from developed nations MNCs, this special issue is expected to provide researchers the opportunity to examine and confirm the usefulness of new theoretical perspectives such as the LLL (linkage, leveraging, learning) (Mathews, 2006), dynamic capabilities perspective (Cazurra and Genc, 2008), ambidexterity perspective (Luo and Rui, 2009), ambicultural mode (Chen and Miller, 2010), reverse diffusion, spring board strategy (Luo and Tung, 2007), liability of country of origin, liability of foreignness and late mover disadvantage (e.g., Contractor et al., 2007; Guillen and Garcia-Canal, 2009), and hybridization or move towards the best practice model; contributing to developments in the fields of international HRM, international management, comparative management, and organizational learning (e.g., Tung, 2008; Horwitz and Budhwar, 2014). The aim of this special issue is to create an opportunity to fill the above highlighted gaps in the existing body of literature by assembling conceptual, theoretical and empirical developments related to the topic of ‘management of human resources in the MNCs from BRICS nations’. HRM is generally acknowledged to be context-specific; and to better understand the nature of HRM systems relevant for EMNCs in different settings, it is important to analyze the business environment of the country of origin of these MNCs and the country of their operations (e.g., Khavul et al., 2010). Also, over the years, there has been an ongoing debates in the field of international HRM on topics such as the suitability of specific approaches to IHRM; global standardization versus localization of HRM policies; transfer of HR across subsidiaries and global sharing of best practice; global talent management; reverse knowledge transfers; the role of country specific HR centers in coordination and transfer of knowledge across the MNE operations; and convergence-divergence or cross-vergence of www.indianaom.com 9 HRM across subsidiaries of MNCs operating in different parts of the world (see, e.g., Budhwar et al., 2009). However, the majority of these debates have been tested in MNCs from developed nations. In light of the rapid growth of MNCs from BRICS countries, a number of questions need addressing, such as what is the role of the HRM function in the internationalization of EMNCs? What IHRM approach(es) do EMNCs adopt? Are these similar to or different from those of developed countries MNCs? What kind of theoretical frameworks are suitable to investigate the emerging patterns of HRM systems in MNCs from BRICS nations? Do EMNCs emphasize global standardization, localization or glocalization of HRM systems? What are the key HRM challenges facing MNCs from emerging markets? This special issue is designed to address the aforementioned issues. The following are illustrative questions/themes that are consistent with the spirit of this special issue. Authors are encouraged to contribute papers with wider perspectives, as long as the papers are in line with the broad theme of the proposed special issue. What is the nature of HRM systems of foreign firms originating from emerging markets, specifically Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa? What are the major factors that affect HRM policies and practices from EMNCs in their overseas operations? What theoretical frameworks are relevant to examine and highlight the context-specific nature of HRM in EMNCs? Are HRM systems of MNCs from BRICS countries convergent with systems of developed nations? How do MNCs from BRICS countries share their best HRM practices and transfer them between headquarters and subsidiaries? What is the experience of expatriates from MNCs of BRICS countries, and to BRICS countries? How can HR policies and practices affect organizational performance of EMNCs? What is the role of HR in the formation and implementation of global strategic alliances (e.g., mergers and acquisitions)? Key dates for the SI: Submission Deadline: 31 July 2015 Review Completion: 30 April 2016 Publication: 2016/17 For enquiries please contact: Pawan Budhwar - Email: [email protected] References: Budhwar, P., Schuler, R. and Sparrow, P. (2009) (Eds.) Major Works in International Human Resource Management. London: Sage (4 Volumes). Chen, M.J. and Miller D. (2010) West meets East: toward an ambicultural approach to management. Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(4): 17‒24. Contractor, F.J., Kumar, V. and Kundu, S.K. (2007) Nature of the relationship between international expansion and performance: The case of emerging market firms. Journal of World Business, 42: 401‒417. Cuervo-Cazurra, A. and Genc, M. (2008) Transforming disadvantages into advantages: Developing-country MNEs in the least developed countries. Journal of International Business Studies, 39: 957‒979. Gullién, M.F. and Garcia-Canal, E. (2009) The American model of the multinational firm and the new multinationals from emerging economies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 23: 23‒35. Horwitz, F. and Budhwar, P. (2014) (Eds) Handbook of Human Resource Management in Emerging Markets. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (In Press). Khavul, S., Benson, G.S. and Dutta, D.K. (2010) Is internationalization associated with www.indianaom.com 10 investments in HRM? A study of entrepreneurial firms in emerging markets. Human Resource Management, 49(4): 693-711. Luo, Y. and Rui, H. (2009) An ambidexterity perspective toward multinational enterprises from emerging economies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 23(4): 49‒70. Luo, Y. and Tung, R.L. (2007) International expansion of emerging market enterprises: A springboard perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 38: 481‒498. Mathews, J.A. (2006) Dragon multinationals: New players in 21st century globalisation. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 23: 5‒27. Schuler, R.S., Sparrow, P. and Budhwar, P. (2009) Major Works in International Human Resource Management. In P. Budhwar, R. Schuler and P. Sparrow (Eds.) Major Works in International Human Resource Management – Volume 1. London: Sage, xxiii - xxviii. Tung, R.L. (2008) The cross-cultural research imperative: The need to balance cross-national and intra-national diversity. Journal of International Business Studies, 39(1): 41-46. Wilson, D. and Purushothaman, R. (2003) Dreaming with BRICs: The path to 2050. Global Economics Paper Number 99. Goldman Sachs Global Economic Website, www.gs.com Recent/Upcoming Books, Special Issues and Articles BOOKS C. Lakshman. 2015. Doing business in India: A framework for strategic understanding. Elsevier Asian Studies Series. Thite, M., Wilkinson, A. and Budhwar, P. (2015) (Eds) Indian Multinationals: Taking India to the World. Oxford University Press. Horwitz, F., & Budhwar, P. (Eds.). 2014. Handbook of human resource management in emerging markets. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Varma, A., & Budhwar, P. (Eds.) 2013. Managing human resources in Asia-Pacific. London, UK: Routledge. SPECIAL ISSUES Friedman, W. A., & Jones, G. 2014. Business, networks and state in India. Business History Review. Vohra, N., Budhwar, P., & Roy, K. 2015. Rethinking management theory and practice in the present Indian economic context. Thunderbird International Business Review. Budhwar, P., Tung, R., & Varma, A. 2016. Management of human resources in MNCs from the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa): Emerging patterns, challenges and research agenda. Journal of International Management. ARTICLES You can find the updated articles on http://www.indianaom.com/publications.html www.indianaom.com 11 Photos Just a teaser here from AOM 2014 ...more are available on http://www.indianaom.com/pic-gallery.html Here’s wishing everyone a very happy winter holiday and a prosperous 2015! www.indianaom.com 12 Contact The Indian Academy of Management, an affiliate of the Academy of Management, is a platform for scholars doing research related to India, to exchange ideas and share resources. Founder and President: Dr. Arup Varma, Loyola University Chicago, USA Founder and Past President: Dr. Pawan Budhwar, Aston University, Birmingham, UK This Newsletter is produced for and by the members of the Indian Academy of Management. We have two issues a year, Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer. Newsletter Editor: Dr. Aarti Ramaswami. Please email your content suggestions to [email protected]. Content suggestions may include: conference or event announcements, calls for projects/papers/book articles, awards/honors/promotions/recognitions, memorial announcements, new publications (articles, books, book chapters, etc.) on India (AMJ format), teaching innovations related to India, position announcements, India related research center announcements, photos from recent events, and any other news relevant for our members. Listserv Moderator: Dr. Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam. For posting directly on the listserv, please send your email to [email protected]. Website Administrator: Mr. Krishna Chaitanya Balthu. Email: [email protected]. www.indianaom.com
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