St. Joseph Church 3640 Schuylkill Road, Spring City, PA, 19475 610-948-7760 Fax: 610-948-8509 [email protected] Rev. Charles R. O’Hara, Pastor Rev. Donato P. Silveri, In Residence January 18, 2015 Catholic School Holy Family School 610-933-7562 221 Third Ave., Phoenixville Principal: Ann Marie Braca Parish Religious Education Program PREP Director: Andrea Jackowski September- May Sunday: 8:45 – 10:35 AM Grades K-8 610-792-4535 [email protected] Baptism: Sunday 12:30 PM by appointment. Marriages: Couples contemplating mar r iage must contact the pr iest at least 6 months in advance to make an appointment to discuss marriage preparations. Ministry to the Sick: Anyone unable to attend Mass due to illness should call the Rector y to make arrangements to receive Holy Communion. Hospital visitations are made as time permits. If any family member is hospitalized please inform the Rectory to arrange a visit and to be remembered in our prayers. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held daily fr om 8am until 7pm. On Tuesday Evenings, a Holy Hour will begin at 6:00 pm with Private Prayer, followed by the Rosary at 6:15 pm; The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be said at 6:30 pm. Devotion Prayers and Litany of Sacred Heart will begin at 6:45 pm followed by Benediction. Mass Schedule Daily Mass: Monday -Friday 8:00 am Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 am Holy Day Vigil: 7:00 pm Holy Day: 8:00 am, 12:00 pm, 7:00 pm Confessions: Saturday 3:00 - 4:00 pm RECTORY OFFICE HOURS MONDAY 12:30-4:00 PM TUES.-THURS. 8:30AM-4:00PM FRIDAY 8:30AM-12:30PM January 18th, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday, January 19 Theresa Roberts i i i i Inscription Mass, First Eucharist/White, Sunday, January 18th, 11:00am in the Church. Rockfalski, Neary, Paladino & Salinas First Eucharist Parent/Child Retreat, Red, Sunday, January 18th, 2:00pm in the Church. Tuesday, January 20 Saint Blaise Blessing of the Throats, Monday, January 19th, 8am Mass. Req. by: Diana Kelly A Biblical Walk Through Mass, Monday, January 19th, 8:45am & 7:00pm in the Narthex. Wednesday, January 21 i Holy Hour, Tuesday, January 20th, 6:00-7:00pm in the Church. i Charismatic Prayer Group, Tuesday, January 20th, 7:15pm in the Church. i Reg. by: Families of Rhoton, Charles C. King Margaret Braca Req. by: Cooney Family Thursday, January 22 Tara Chell MOJO Meeting, Tuesday, January 20th, 7:00pm Rectory Basement. Building Committee Meeting, 8:30pm, Rectory Basement. Loranca Family Eucharistic Minister Lectors Friday, January 23 Diane Leonhardt Req. by: Jack & Eleanor Slanga 1/17 4:30 K. Cabot, C. Mungin E. Slanga 1/18 7:30 A. Lightman, Salinas, K. Thum P. Thum 9:00 J. Pomager, Reese, R. Tamburro A. Barrett 11:00 A. Benton, T. Chuck, S. Scowden C. Staab *********************************************************************** 1/24 4:30 K. Cabot, C. Mungin H. Coggins 1/25 7:30 A. Lightman, Salinas, K. Thum J. Kelly 9:00 J. Pomager, Reese, R. Tamburro D. Haynes 11:00 A. Benton, T. Chuck, S. Scowden M. Benton A Biblical Walk Through Mass, Monday, January 19th, 8:45am & 7:00pm in the Narthex. Newly Baptized Samuel Henry Garrett Maeve Gertrude Barrett Daniel Jackson Standish Chase Joseph Shivak Layla Elizabeth Trego Anna Rose Kroboth Julian Parker Pickersgill Juliana Paisley Herbert Giuliana Locricchio Arya Marie Doman John Eric Culver III Payton Catherine Gertenitch Michael Henry Gertenitch Anthony Joseph Gertenitch Vincent Mastrangelo Zander Mastrangelo Leiliana Spenser Sharpless 1/042 January 18th , 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time (MOJO) The Men of St. Joseph meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month. We are looking for new members. Join us! NEXT MEETING: January 20th in the Rectory Basement at 7:00 pm. We would like to update our Parish Membership records for 2015. If you have moved, changed a contact number (home or cell), or have a new email please contact the Rectory to let us know. You can phone or email us this information. It helps us greatly to have current information should we need to send any correspondence to our Parishioners. Thank you for your help! JETS Meeting on Sunday, January 25th, 6:35pm in the Rectory Basement. Super Bowl Sunday Hoagie Sale. Pick up on Sunday, February 1st. All orders must be prepaid. Order envelopes are in the Narthex with all the information. Holy Family School News: Catholic Schools’ Week is right around the corner, and Holy Family School begins the celebration with an Open House followed by our first ever International Festival! We invite you, your neighbors and friends to visit our school on Sunday, January 25 from 10 am to 1 pm. Come and meet with our teachers, tour our facilities, and talk with current parents about the great things happening here at our school. Following our Open House, our Home and School will be hosting an International Festival. A $10 donation buys a family entry into a world of diverse foods and entertainment. It should be an exciting day! In-house registration for the 2014-2015 school year is currently in progress. Open registration begins January 25. Don’t miss the opportunity to provide your child with an extraordinary educational experience! For more information or a personal tour, call us at 610-933-7562 or email us at [email protected] ******************************************************* Holy Family School Needs You REDNER’S MARKET REMINDER Redner’s Market offers 1 % back on all sales receipts when you use your Save-A-Tape card. Only tapes imprinted with “Save-A-Tape” logo are eligible for cash back rebates. Drop the complete tapes in the box in the vestibule. We are still collecting Box Tops for Education and Campbell Soup Labels for Holy Family School. Please put them in the Redner’s box. Join us at the Holy Family CYO "Night at the Races" - Saturday, January 31st, at 7 PM at Griffin Hall, 3rd Avenue, Phoenixville. Doors open at 6:30pm. Tickets are $20 per person, horses $10. Hot and cold entrees, beverages, horse races, games, and DJ. Tickets, horses, ads, and sponsorships can be purchased online at or through any Holy Family CYO coach or player. Are you a retired scientist? Do you Benefits the sports programs for our parish children at have a scientific mind and a willingHoly Family CYO. ness to help budding, young scientists? We need your help! Holy Family School is looking for judges for our upcoming science fair. Projects will be displayed for RCIA-New Group forming, starting judging from January 20 through January 22. If you have an afternoon or an evening or two to help assess our on Monday, January 19th at the students’ skill at practicing the scientific method, please rectory 7:00pm. All Welcome. To call us at 610-933-7562 or email us at [email protected] for more information. register please call the rectory @ 610-948-7760. 2/042 January 18th, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Daily Scripture January 19 January 20 January 21 Heb. 5:1-10 Heb. 6:10-20 Heb. 7:1-3, 15-17 Mk. 2:18-22 Mk. 2:23-28 Mk. 3:1-6 January 22 January 23 Heb. 7:25-8:6 Heb. 8:6-13 Heb. 9:2-3, 11-14 Mk. 3:7-12 Mk. 3:13-1 Mk. 3:20-21 January 24 St. Joseph Devotions Charismatic Prayer Group "Prayer, praise, worship and song in the power of the Holy Spirit! We meet every Tuesday at 7:15pm in the Church. All are welcome! Questions? Please call Ray (610-933-5244) or Andrea (610-7924535). Praise You, Jesus!" January 25 Jon. 3:1-5, 10 1 Cor. 7:29-31 Mk. 1:14-20 IMMACULATA UNIVERSITY PRESENTS “THE WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES” ARTIST Artist is from Chester County First Saturday Devotion & Mass Held on Saturday, February 7th, for Our Lady of Fatima Devotions and Rosary in Honor of Our Blessed Mother followed by Mass at 7:25 am in the Church. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament the Holy Family for the World Meeting of Families being held Held daily from 8am until 7pm. On Tuesday Evenings, a Holy Hour will begin at 6:00 pm with Private Prayer, followed by the Rosary at 6:15 pm; The Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be said at 6:30 pm. Devotion Prayers and Litany of Sacred Heart will begin at 6:45 pm followed by Benediction. in Philadelphia this September. His artwork is being used in Secular Servites of PA various materials connected with the meeting. During his Please also join us immediately following Holy Hour in the Church Foyer to learn more about our community. For any additional information, contact the Prioress: Mrs. Cecilia (Ceal) Prizer at 610-917-9470. Immaculata University welcomes Kennett Square, PA, artist Neilson Carlin to campus on Monday, February 2, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Green Room, Villa Maria Hall. The event is free and open to the public. Carlin was commissioned to create the icon image of presentation at Immaculata, Carlin will discuss his work, vocation, faith and family. He will also talk about the role of Beauty in the Search for God. Receiving a BFA in Illustration from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, he continued to hone his skills with private study under figure painter Michael Aviano in New York. Specializing in commissioned sacred and devotional art, Carlin has done artistic work for Catholic cathedrals and smaller parishes nationwide as well as for St. Rocco’s Roman Catholic Church in Avondale, PA. He also exhibits his painting at such places as the Arnot Art Museum, the Arts Club of Washington, and the State Museum of Pennsylvania. Carlin has received several awards during his career including First Place in 2003 and Second Place in 2004 at the National Art Competition for Artist’s Magazine. In 2008, he was the recipient of the First Place award in the Nationwide Juried Catholic Arts Exhibition. For more information on Carlin’s presentation, please contact Campus Ministry at Immaculata University at 610-647-4400, ext. 3570. Saint Joseph Girl Scout Troop has begun their cookie sale. Call Mary Frank with your order @610-310-4675. Cookies are $4.00 per box. We can deliver cookies to you. The girls are raising money for a trip to 3/042 Europe. Thank you. January 18th, 2015 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Family-Alive! The Mystery of a Cup of Wine and some drops of Water The Preparation of the Altar and the Offerings: So much is happening at this part of the Mass – singing; ushers collecting envelopes; the procession of the gifts of bread and wine; etc. etc. Most of us see the priest lifting up the paten with the host and the chalice with the wine, but we may miss a gesture that happens in between these two motions. Before lifting up the chalice, the priest goes to the side of the altar, fills most of the chalice with wine, but then adds just a few drops of water. Here are the words that are said as this is done: By the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share in our humanity. The water, representing us, drops into the wine, completely mingling with it. In a sense, it now abides in the wine which represents Christ. When pondering this gesture with children we ask them: after the water has been poured, can we retrieve it? Can we separate the water and the wine? Why, no! Ah! This is how close to us Jesus wishes to be! The disciples in today’s gospel ask Jesus – Where do you abide? How would you answer that question? A Biblical Walk through the Mass- continues Join - Parish Family Alive! for A video presentation exploring the biblical roots of the words and gestures of the Liturgy. You can join in at -any session Mondays – January 19th, January 26th, and February 2nd – 8:45 am and 7:00 pm in the Narthex – Evening Sessions repeat the content of the Morning Sessions – In order to help us prepare for the World Meeting of Families and the visit of Pope Francis, a catechism on family life entitled, Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive, has been prepared. Each month, our parish is reflecting on one chapter from this catechism. For previous months’ reflections, visit: wmof. You can order a copy of the catechism at January 2015: Chapter 3: The Meaning of Human Sexuality “Love is Our Mission” because God created us for a reason: to love us, and for us to love one another (Chapter 1). God’s covenant with Israel and the Church reveals what God’s love is like: tender and passionate, but also steadfast and sacrificial (Chapter 2). In Chapter 3, we learn that the bodily, earthly world has spiritual significance. Tangible things - sacramentals, acts of charity, sacred art and culture, our liturgical feasts and fasts - have the capacity to reveal the glory of God. Marriage, as one of the sacraments, reveals this to us in a special way. The bodies of the spouses, in the complementarity of their masculinity and femininity, have the unique role of revealing God’s nature as a communion of life-giving love. How can a man and a woman imitate God’s love together? How can they live in a way that is intimate and committed, joyful and merciful, forgiving and fertile? Through their participation in the life of the Church, this kind of love becomes possible. God’s love is not an audition, or a temporary experiment, or a self-seeking negotiation. In the same way, marriage is never a private, inward romance, but always discovers its true nature in relation to God and his wider purposes. A sacramental marriage is called to be a little parable of God’s love, always ordered to joy and service. All Catholic sexual ethics flow from these ideas. In our next chapter, we will reflect in depth on marriage, followed by the next chapter about celibacy. –Dr. Christopher C. Roberts and Meghan Cokeley Did you know? Local families have the oppor tunity to host a visiting family for the World Meeting of Families through HomeStay. Learn more about this exciting way to help Philadelphia “welcome the world” at 4/042 DiARCANGELO LAWN CARE SHALKOP GRACE STRUNK FUNERAL HOME AND CREMATION SERVICES, INC. Your Parish Funeral Home Charles H. Shalkop, F.D. 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FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-337-0988 WEAVER Heating & Air Conditioning Cremation Center, Ltd. "Caring and Compassionate Service" SERVING YOUR PARISH IN ROYERSFORD & SPRING CITY 329 N. Lewis Road, Royersford Mike Weaver, Owner & Supervisor [email protected] 212 Ridge Road (Rt. 23) Spring City, PA 19475 Ph: 610-935-3077 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 Fax: 610-935-8320 All Souls Cemetery West Brandywine Twp. Lots Available Free Literature 610-948-1950 Gregg S. Catagnus, F.D. Jason Pozar, Supv. 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