ST. EDWARD CHURCH 144 North County Road Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Phone (561) 832-0400 Fax (561) 833-3359 E-Mail: [email protected] • Web Site: Page Two January 18, 2015 Pastor: Msgr. Thomas J. Klinzing, JCL, JV Assis ng Priest: Rev. Joseph Mader Rev. Glen Pothier, JCL, DTh Parish Ministry: Pastoral Ministry: Sister Elizabeth Ann McCormick, SSJ Sister Florence Bryan, SSJ Sister Joan Dawson, OSF Director of Faith Forma on: Mrs. Deanna Bartalini E‐mail: faithforma [email protected] Pastoral Musician: Ms. Maralyn Coscia …...………....832‐0400 E‐mail: [email protected] Organist: Mr. Marcio Bezerra………….…..…832‐0400 Food Pantry Ministry………….………...…832‐0400 Eucharis c Ministers….………………...….832‐0400 Lectors………………….……………..………....832‐0400 Ushers Coordinator: Mr. Bob Slater……....832‐0400 Women’s Guild: President: Ms. Theresa Montalbano….…...832‐0400 E‐mail: [email protected] Altar Servers: Coordinator: Mr. Pat Shandorf..…..…….....832‐0400 Parish Office: Mrs. Maggie Shepherd…………………………...832‐0400 E‐Mail: [email protected] SACRAMENTS Celebra on of the Eucharist Monday through Friday: 7:30 AM & 8:30 AM Saturday: 8:30 AM Saturday Evening Vigil Mass: 5:30 PM Sunday: 7:00, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12 Noon Bap sm Please call the Parish Office for informa on. Reconcilia on Saturday: 4:30 PM Any me by appointment Sacraments of Reconcilia on & Holy Eucharist Candidates for these Sacraments must be enrolled in a two year program beginning in the First Grade. Please call the Parish Office for more informa on. Marriage Regula ons Saint Edward Parish reserves the celebra on of the sac‐ rament of marriage to registered parishioners and their immediate family members. All couples intending to marry at Saint Edward must meet with the pastor, and no date is promised or set before this mee ng. The law of the church states: “Catholics are to be mar‐ ried in the parish church of residence of the bride or groom.” Please know that Saint Edward does not rent the Church to non‐parishioners for the celebra on of the Sacrament of marriage. Confirma on Candidates for this sacrament are those who have been bap zed, have been properly instructed in our Religious Educa on Program and are capable of renewing their bap smal promises. A student candidate must be at least a ninth grader. This is a two year program begin‐ ning in the seventh grade. First Friday On the First Friday of every month there will be exposi‐ on of the Most Blessed Sacrament a er the celebra on of the 8:30am Mass un l Noon. At noon there will be Benedic on. Please plan to spend some me in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament on the First Friday of eve‐ ry month. Announced Masses for the Week SATURDAY, January 17th 8:30 AM Special Int. Fran Sherwood by Denis Dubuc 5:30 PM †James Criscione, Jr. by Silvia & Anthony Racioppi SUNDAY, January 18th 7:00 AM †Margaret Mc Hale La Manna by Margaret La Manna 9:00 AM †Maryellen Lewis by Mr. & Mrs. James Vance, Jr. 10:30 AM Parishioners & Benefactors 12:00 Noon †Silvana Brancato by The Williams Family MONDAY, January 19th 7:30 AM †Francisca Antunez, Juana & Claudia by Lila Maguina 8:30 AM †Pedro Morrison by Melanie & Chris Hill TUESDAY, January 20th 7:30 AM †Lillian Jones by Peggy Mormino 8:30 AM †Barbara Benz by The Parker Family WEDNESDAY, January 21st 7:30 AM †Rita Sherman by Tim Racine 8:30 AM Special Int. Calvert Lester by Frankie Stevens THURSDAY, January 22nd 7:30 AM †Colleen Eggen by The Azqueta Family 8:30 AM Special Int. Kris n Stevens by Frankie Stevens FRIDAY, January 23rd 7:30 AM †John Harold Johnstone by Dr. Roy Cacciaguida 8:30 AM Special Int. Gabby Coatsworth Wilson by Frankie Stevens SATURDAY, January 24th 8:30 AM †Ann Mergens by Dr. & Mrs. William Mergens 5:30 PM †Walter J. Phillips, Jr. by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schmeelk SUNDAY, January 25th 7:00 AM †Robert Van Buren by Margaret La Manna 9:00 AM †William T. Rielly by Elizabeth Rielly 10:30 AM Parishioners & Benefactors 12:00 Noon †Stella Mar nelli By Mr. & Mrs. James Vance, Jr. & Family A Message from the Pastor Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will! Today the Church celebrates the Second Sunday in Ordi‐ nary me. Our readings today remind us that through Bap sm we have been joined to the Lord who calls us to be his disciples. May I suggest that we ask ourselves “How well do we listen to the voice of God? How willing are we to do God’s will? Our Gospel tells us: The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, “What are you looking for?” They said to him, Rabbi” (which translated means Teacher), “where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and you will see.” So they went and saw where he was staying, and they staying with him that day. This passage from the Gospel of John, the Fourth Gospel, is wri en in very simple Greek. And the sentences are simple and straigh orward in structure. “What are you looking for?” Where are you staying?” “Come and see.” What could be simpler? The exchange is apparently so ordinary, you may wonder why John included it, but once one has read the whole gospel, one comes to real‐ ize that John’s simple language is much deeper than it sounds at first. “What are you looking for?” Is actually one of the deep‐ est ques on one person can ask another. To paraphrase, “What—really, down deep—are you seeking as your life your life? Power? Pleasure? Wealth? Relief from loneli‐ ness? Relief from pain, hunger? Knowledge? Truth? Love?” “Where are you staying?”‐‐when asked by persons who are curious about or a racted to Jesus—is a ques on that is really asking, “Where do you come from, Master? What is the source of your life? Who—really, down deep—are you?” For the word translated “stay,” menein, means something deeper than what is your address. In the Gospel of John this word refer to a person’s source of being and ul mate purpose. And Jesus’ response‐‐“Come and see” –really, when you know the whole story, means, “Follow me as a com‐ mi ed disciple and you will come to really see (understand and believe) in a whole new way.” This is a great me, at this point in the Church Year, to read the Gospel of John and come and see who Jesus is and from where he derives his existence. It really will be an awakening from blindness, a way of seeing that leads to a whole new way of being. Right to Life Thursday, January 22 is the anniversary of the Su‐ preme Court decision, Roe vs Wade (1973). Today in the United States all dioceses observe a “Day of Pray‐ er for the Legal Protec on of Unborn Children.” Here at Saint Edward we will celebrate the Mass “For giving Thanks to God for the Gi of Human Life.” Prayer for the Unborn Our Lady of Guadalupe, we turn to you who are the protectress of unborn children and ask that you inter‐ cede for us, so that we may more firmly resolve to join you in protec ng all human life. Let our prayers be united to your perpetual motherly intercession on behalf of those whose lives are threatened, be they in the womb of their mother, on the bed of infirmity, or in the la er years of their life. May our prayers also be coupled with peaceful ac on, which witnesses to the goodness and dignity of all human life, so that our firmness of purpose may give courage to those who are fearful and bring light to those who are blinded by sin. Encourage those who will be involved in the March for Life; help them to walk closely with God and to give voice to the cry of the oppressed, in order to remind our na on of its commitment to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all people. O Virgin Mother of God, present our pe ons to your Son and ask Him to bless us with abundant life. Amen Mass Inten ons UNSCHEDULED MASSES FOR LIVING AND DECEASED Special Int. Yotaro Kobayashi By Ann Corbe †Helen Petrina By Ann Lydon †Michael Floyd (3 Masses) By John & Denise Ward †George H. LeMieux By Mr. & Mrs. Brian P. Burns †Norman Murphy By Joseph Flanagan Special Inten on Alfonso Caminas By Mercedes Cassidy Special Inten on Alfonso Caminas By Msgr. Thomas Klinzing SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time; Week of Prayer for Chris an Unity begins Monday: Mar n Luther King, Jr. Day; Julian Calendar Theophany (Epiphany) Tuesday: St. Fabian; St. Sebas an Wednesday: St. Agnes Anniversary Mass Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, Bishop of Palm Beach, will preside at the celebra on of our 31st Annual Anniversary Mass for Married Couples on Saturday, Feb‐ ruary 14, 2015 at 10:30 AM, at Holy Spirit Church in Lan‐ tana. Cake , Coffee and punch will be served in the par‐ ish hall a er the Mass. All couples who will be cele‐ bra ng 25, 40 or 50 or more years of marriage in the calendar year 2015 are invited to par cipate. To a end, please contact the parish office and register your names as soon as possible—but no later than Feb‐ ruary 4th, 2015. We ask that all par cipa ng couples arrive at Holy Spirit Church by 10 AM —thirty minutes prior to the start of the Mass. Thursday: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protec on of Unborn Children Friday: St. Vincent; St. Marianne Cope Saturday: St. Francis de Sales Molly Maguire, LCSW is available for counseling at St. Edward Church. This service is offered through the Office of Catholic Chari es. For more informa on or an appointment please contact Molly at 561‐891‐ 0379. F F aith ormation Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will. Psalm 40 Faith Formation Class Schedule, Grades 1‐8 Class time is 10—11:15, so please plan on either the 9:00 or noon Mass so your children can at‐ tend Mass as well as class. February 1, 8, 22; March 1, 8; April 19, 26 Catholic Spirituality Our The DVD series on the development of our Catholic spirituality will resume on January 20th at 9:30 am –11:00 in the Guild Room. The journey picks up in the 13th Century, the cen‐ tury of Francis, Bonaventure and Dominic, and moves into the Rhineland mystics, the English mystics, and on to Ignatius, Teresa of Avila, and John of the Cross. Finally, we will explore with our leader, Father Anthony Ciorra, a leading expert on Catholic spirituality, developments in modern spir‐ ituality. All along the journey Father Tony helps us take the ultimate journey from the head to the heart—the longest journey. Please bring your child into the Parish Hall for class after Mass. Though Coffee and Donuts is going on, they will not be permitted to get food before class. We will continue to have bagged snacks for the classes in the hall. Rediscover Catholicism by Matthew Kelly at St. Edward! Step 1: pick up a book in the parish office Step 2: read the book by Jan 20 Step 3: join the conversation on Jan 21 in the Parish Hall at 10 am or 7 pm For more information contact Deanna Bartalini, Director of Faith Formation, 561-832-0400 or [email protected] The Gospel of John Our next study will be on the Gospel of John. We’ll begin on Thursday, Jan 15 at 9:30 a.m. in the Guild Room of the Parish Hall. The study will end on March 19. This is a “homework optional” study with lecture and discussion each week. Please contact Deanna at 561‐832‐0400 orfaith‐ [email protected] or to register for the study. Join us on Wednesday mornings beginning Jan 28 at 9:30 am in the guild room for this video series on our Catholic Faith. No registration necessary! All are welcome! Contact Deanna Bartalini, [email protected] or 561‐832‐0400 for more information. Saint Edward Catholic Church Dedication and Consecration of the Altar Sunday, January 25, 2015 2:00 p.m. Mass Bishop Gerald Barbarito will preside Reception to follow immediately after in the Parish Hall The Parishioners Of St. Edward’s Church Would Like To Extend Special Gratitude To These Charter Supporters John C. Cassidy Air Conditioning, Inc. 561-863-6750 20% OFF Any Service Repair GULDEN REAL ESTATE - 220 Sunrise Ave., P.B. - Dorothy Engels-Gulden, Realtor - 655-1460 KOFSKI ANTIQUES INC. Furniture•Silver•Porcelain•Lighting•Garden Statuary•Decorative Accessories 315 S. County Rd, 655-6557 MARIKO • FINEST FASHION JEWELRY • 329 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach • (561) 655-5770 Maus & Hoffman 312 Worth Ave. 655-1141, Clothing men • women Hickey Freeman Oxxford & Brioni Quattlebaum Funeral Home - 5411 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach, Florida 33417 - (561) 832-5171, Serraes Construction Company - 848-6607 Tropical Cleaners & Laundry—178 N. County Road, Palm Beach, FL (561) 833-9673 The Parishioners of St. Edward’ s Church Thank These Additional Advertisers For Also Making Our Bulletin Possible AMICI MARKET 155 North County Road, 561-832-0201 Angelos’ Jack Sheehan’s Drive-In Cleaners Delivery Serv. Avail. 1510 Lake Ave. 833-3333 ANITA GABLER, Realtor Associate, Brown Harris Stevens of Palm Beach, 561-676-1168, [email protected] Bistro Chez Jean-Pierre - 132 N. County Road, 833-1171 BEAULIEU LAW GROUP, P.A., Stacy N. Beaulieu, Esq. - Board Certified - Marital & Family Law, (561) 819-6208, BRUCE OUELLETTE DDS Parishioner - General, Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry since 1983, 2431 S Dixie, 561-659-5566 Sunday Brunch at The Breakers Circle Dining Room, 10:30a.m.-2:30p.m., One South County Road, Reserv. 659-8488 W. Michael Campbell AIA ARCHITECT 732-919-2750 21 Years - Architect - St. Catharine’s Church, Spring Lake, NJ [email protected] CELEDINAS & REESE INSURANCE Serving Palm Beach Since 1929 Representing America’s finest insurance companies including ACE Private Risk, Chartis, Chubb, Fireman’s Fund & PURE (561) 655-8744 CHESTERFIELD HOTEL 659-5800 53 Luxurious Rooms, Breakfast Club, Lunch Specials, Happy Hour, Live Music COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE, Michael L. Smyser IV, (Parishioner/Lector) 561-329-4300 CORCORAN Group, Bayne/Collins Team For All Your Palm Beach Real Estate Needs! [email protected]/[email protected] (Parishioner) 561-376-4547 DCI DI PASQUA CONSTRUCTION, INC. Roofing/Repairs/Remodeling/Generators/Mold Remediation. Office - 561-275-2406. 24 Hr - 561-502-0997. CGC#1510588 • CCC#1327717 • CUC# 1224833 • MRSR#1436. Free 50 Yr. Factory Backed Roof Guarantee. Exp. 12-20-14. DISCOUNT TIRE — Over 850 stores nationwide. Visit for a location near you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 514201 St. Edward For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 The Parishioners of St. Edward’ s Church Thank These Additional Advertisers For Also Making Our Bulletin Possible Donna Kelly MakeUp. Paramount Bldg. 139 N. County Rd., Ste. 7 • 561-346-6373 • [email protected] EURO HOMES, INC. Luxury Home Builders, Palm Beach (561) 655-5533 Expicare Nursing Agency, Serving Palm Beach with private nursing care for over 30 years. All caregivers are employees. 561-736-1422 WALLY FINDLAY GALLERIES, 165 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, FL 33480 - Phone (561) 655-2090 Fax (561) 655-1493 - Web page: - CALL FOR HOURS Former USTA #2 in Texas - TENNIS LESSONS or HITTING PARTNER - $30 Hr. Palm Beach Resident, Joey. Call (561) 762-8787 Frontal-Temporal Dementia WPB caregivers support group - Friday 1:30-3:00 (561) 202-1779 Linda A. Gary Real Estate, 420 S. County Rd. & Worth Ave. 561-655-6881 Green's Pharmacy & Luncheonette of Palm Beach 832-4443 GREG GIULIANO CONSTRUCTION INC Luxury PB Homes and Condos 561-301-1591 [email protected] HAIFA LIMESTONE Worlds Most Exceptional Stone Quarries. Desmond Keogh 561-683-0082 MILDRED HOIT • 265 Sunrise Ave., 561-833-6010, Ladies Sportswear & Accessories. ISLAND SERVICES - Care for pets, people and home. Local references. (561) 383-1338 KAUFMANN de SUISSE JEWELERS, designers of the “Flowing Lines” collection, since 1954, 210 Worth Ave, 832-4918 LOURDES NOREEN-MCKEEN RESIDENCE — Quality Senior Living served by the Carmelite Sisters. 561.655.8544 Independent — Assisted Living — Skilled Nursing — Respite — Rehab Care MOBILE DENTISTRY — We come to you! Dr. Richard Bauer, D.M.D. • (561) 310-6556 • MURRAY & GUARI TRIAL ATTORNEYS - Personal Injury - 366-9099 John T. Murray, M.D., Ear, Nose & Throat, Palm Beach 659-2266 NATIONAL POOL SERVICE 585-8866 “The Leak Fixers” All Repairs & Services Residential/Commercial-Retail Store C. ORRICO Clothing - Women - Men - 336 S. County Rd. - 659-7820 CLARE O’KEEFFE REALTY & DESIGN — Specializing in the Palm Beaches (561) 832-3682 CHRISTOPHER TAYLOR OWEN, Attorney at Law - Wills, Trusts, Estates and Guardianships. 101 North J Street, Lake Worth, 561-540-6290 (New York Office: 212-725-7969) PALM BEACH HEARING AIDS, providing quality hearing aids & service since 1980. 220 Sunrise Ave., Palm Beach. 561-832-9829 PALM BEACH SOCIETY MAGAZINE 240 Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, FL 33480 561-659-5555 PASQUAL ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY 4600 Linton Blvd. Delray Beach. (561) 900-9080 Pastel, Classic Clothes for Children, Paramount Center 655-7995 PERFECTION PLUMBING SERVICES-Repairs*Replacements*Upgrades*All Plumbing Services* 561-398-5703 R.S.V.P. We pick up, pack, insure & ship anything, any size, anywhere. 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Florida Sales of $3 Billion Annually | Palm Beach Real Estate Market Report | Market and Trend Indicators WHITE LION — MOVING • PACKING • STORAGE, Palm Beach (561) 997-2400. Broward (954) 781-9900, 1 (800) WHITE LION: Preferred movers of Realtors, Assisted Living Facilities and Interior Designers. WOOLEMS, INC. — Builders of Luxurious Residential and Commercial Projects (561) 835-0401 • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 514201 St. Edward For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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