Second Sunday of Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 CHRIST THE KING PARI PARISH SH Pastor: Rev. Joseph G. Ring Parish Ministry: Deacon Al Laabs Administrative Assistant: Miss Bridget Heffernan Business Manager: Mrs. Mary Saladino School Principal: Mrs. Pamela Fahey Music Director: Mrs. Linda Younkin Parish Office: Phone: 217-546-3527 Fax: 217-793-6393 Email: [email protected] Web page: Coordinator: Janurary 18th Second Sunday of Ordinary Time HERE AM I, LORD; I COME TO DO YOUR WILL Nancy Hood Parish Office and Business Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:30am—4:00pm School Office: Phone: 217-546-2159 Fax: 217-546-0291 Web page: School Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 7:15am—3:15pm (during School Year) Mass Schedule: Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:30pm Vigil for Sunday Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am and 11:00 a.m. Week Days: Mon & Fri: 6:30am, Tues-Thurs: 8:30am Holy days: Vigil: 5:30pm Day: Daily Mass & 5:30pm Reconciliation: Saturday – 3:00 to 4:00pm; before Mass on First Friday or by special arrangement. ADORATION is 7am-5pm on First Fridays “HERE AM I, LORD; I COME TO DO YOUR WILL.” This refrain from today’s responsorial psalm is a fitting mantra for all believers as Ordinary Time opens before us. The first reading recounts the story of Samuel, who is told by Eli to respond to the Lord’s call with the words “Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.” The Gospel passage today recounts the call of the first disciples, who declare that they have found the Messiah. This wonderful set of scripture readings reminds us to stand ready to listen to the call of the Lord Jesus. As these words are proclaimed today, let us make the words of the psalmist our own and declare that we are open once again to the invitation to become more dedicated disciples of the Lord. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, copyright © J. S. Paluch Company Second Sunday of Ordinary Time PARISH ORGANIZATIONS/CONTACT PERSONS Parish Finance Council ....... Richard Corkery Parish Resource Library ..... Mary Lawson Altar and Rosary Society ... Sylvia Brinkoetter --Rosary Leaders ............... Pat Curry and Joanna Laabs Holy Name Society .............. R. Allan Hamilton Wed. Bible Study ................ Mary Kay Hinkle Thurs. Bible Study .............. Kristin Luker Friday Word Among Us....... Jean Heroux Funeral Luncheons ............ Joanna Laabs Adult Faith Ministry ............. Susan Brinkoetter —Welcome Committee....... Kay Morris —Pro-Life Chair .................. Claudia Connelly CTK Over Fifty Club ........... Terry Lucas Legion of Mary ................... Mary Ellen White Liturgy Committee .............. Fr. Joe Ring --Art & Environment ............ Amy Madonia --Eucharistic Ministers ...... Jerry & Mary White --Lectors .............................. Parish Office: Bridget Heffernan --Ushers ................................ LuAnn Johnson --Server Training .................. Eric Woratschka --Server Schedules .............. Parish Office: Bridget Heffernan Music Director .................... Linda Younkin --Handbells ......................... Peg McDermott --Organists .......................... Mark Gifford, Brian Blasco, ............................................... Bernie Killian St. Vincent de Paul ............. Bob Bunn Caregivers .......................... Pat Bertrand and Carlajean Rebbe Children's Share the Word Cheryl Held & Beth Waldman R.C.I.A. .................................. TBA PTO ....................................... Heather Jenkins PSR Grade School (1-8) ...... Pam Fahey, Principal School Board ...................... Chris McDowell Vacation Bible School ......... Theresa Maggiore, Kathy DeSalle Preschool Playgroup……….Robyn Sundquist Parish Bulletin……………….Bridget Heffernan* Pastoral Council…………….Fr. Joe Ring, Pat Hemmer, Paula Kaplan, Mike Rogers, Mary Harmon, Theresa Hansen, Therese Borgsmiller, Beth Beasley, Colleen Brown, Greg Donathan *Please submit announcements to the parish office in writing or email no later than Monday noon. Thank you. IT IS TIME TO RENEW your subscription to the Catholic Times newspaper. Bishop Paprocki asks that every parish household receive the paper either in print or electronically. Please use your special envelope this month. At $15 annually, you will stay informed of Catholic news across our diocese and around the world. When every household renews their subscription, the parish will not have to pay the balance due. Rest in Peace Please remember in your Masses and prayers the repose of the souls of: James Moffett Jr. Imogene Sanders Dr. Brent Deland Doloris Speller Alberta Lucas son of Mary Jane Moffett brother of Dan Moffett aunt of Barb Butler husband of Carol Deland wife of James Speller mother of Terry Lucas May their souls and all the souls of all the faithful departed Rest in Peace. January 18, 2015 STEWARDSHIP Gracious and loving God, we understand that you call us to be stewards of your abundance, the caretakers of all you have entrusted to us. Help us to use your gifts wisely and to share them generously. May our faithful stewardship be the hallmark of our discipleship, a visible sign of our commitment to Christ. We pray with grateful hearts, in Jesus’ name. Amen. Budgeted Amount Each Weekend $22,880 January 11th Collection $19,720 Catholic Times $3,288 Children’s Envelopes $57.00 Time: “A kid broke my friend’s Legos so I made him new ones.” Talent: “I share at school.” July 2014 – December 2014 Budgeted Amount $572,000 July 2014 – December 2014 Collection Total $594,060 January 10th & 11th Attendance: 4:30pm - 454; 8am - 140; 9:30am - 307; 11am - 342 = 1243 RIGHT TO LIFE SIGNATURE CAMPAIGN Thank you to all who participated in the Springfield Right to Life signature ad campaign the last two weekends. The ad will appear in the State Journal-Register tomorrow, Monday, January 19, 2015. Next weekend, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Your generosity to the Collection for the Church in Latin America is invaluable to the future of the faith in this region. Your donations will fund catechesis, marriage and family life programs, and seminarian formation. Please give with a joyful and generous heart in next week’s collection. OUR CHRIST THE KING SCHOOL FUND DRIVE is underway this month. In your January packet of envelopes you will find this special envelope. Your support of our annual fund drive is a key part of our budget, and allows us to keep our tuition and fees at minimal increases next year. Our budget goal is $10,000. Please be generous to meet our goal! Baptism: Please call the parish office to schedule a Baptism. Attendance at the Baptismal Instructional Class for parents is a requirement. Marriage: Arrangements for weddings must be made at least six (6) months in advance. Please call the parish office to make all necessary arrangements. Diocesan Victims Assistance Coordinator Pat Kornfeld—Catholic Pastoral Center: 217-698-8500 New Parishioners: Welcome! Please take a moment and cut out the Parish Information slip on the ad page in this bulletin and mail it or drop it in the collection basket. You may also go to for registration information, or call the parish office. We look forward to meeting you! A WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE by our St. Vincent De Paul is underway the next two weekends. Please bring new or gently used, clean winter clothing and blankets to the Ushers Room. All items will to the St. Martin DePorres. CHRIST THE KING PRAYERLINE If you have a special intention or someone for whom you would like prayers offered, please call Catherine Beedie at 787-1677, Ann Francis at 546-1800 or Frances Gathard at 546-4875. Second Sunday of Ordinary Time THE PASTOR’S PEN Last week I received from the Steier Group the results of the Campaign Planning Study, and shared this in a meeting with the pastoral council, finance council, school board and the two renovation committees. A summary of the report will be shared with all parishioners. The good news is there is support to proceed with the campaign. Responding to your input, some modifications need to be made to the project, and better communication of our plans must be done. Stay tuned! At the pastoral council meeting this past Tuesday we worked on identifying the strengths and growth areas for our parish. This process will lead us to establishing our pastoral priorities. This week I begin working with the school board on crafting a new long range strategic plan. I am grateful to Chris McDowell leading the board as chairman. Soon you will be receiving in the mail your 2014 Contribution Statement. Thanks to all who contribute financially to CTK, giving back to God a portion of your treasure. It is time for everyone to assess themselves as a faithful steward of the Lord’s gifts. After Mass today please take home a Little Burgundy Book on stewardship. Over the next 4 weeks, I ask every parishioner use their book with its daily six minute reflections on stewardship in the light of the Gospel of Mark. It begins with Sunday, first week, so start with it today. Cut out and use the stewardship prayer below to begin or conclude your daily meditation. We are reminded that stewardship is not optional for a follower of Christ. Stewardship is not about raising money. It’s a whole way of life, based on the belief that we are truly daughters and sons of God. Our goal is that all parishioners more fully embrace a stewardship way of life. Last weekend I wrote about our big corps of altar servers (75). Over the years they have all been trained by Eric Woratschka, and he gives them refresher so that we can have the best servers at Mass. A big thanks to Eric for his generous stewardship of time and talent in this important ministry. And thanks to the new servers, now coming on board at weekend Masses. Many of them are the younger siblings of our older servers. Their stewardship, giving of their time and talent for the good of the parish, is an inspiration to all. An additional thanks is in order to the parents of our servers that get them to practices and Masses, especially the early Masses on Mondays and Fridays. Keeping track of all our liturgical ministers is no small task. All the scheduling is done on a new online program, Ministry Scheduler Pro. I, and with the staff’s input, decided to use this for ease of scheduling, sending out reminders, and for parishioners to get their own subs. And an app on their phone and mine makes this so cool! Previously we had multiple people scheduling greeters, and servers and Eucharistic Ministers. Consequently, families in multiple ministries were scheduled at different Masses on the same weekend. Now Bridget, our parish administrative assistant, oversees all this. The monthly fee we pay for this online program saves hours of labor and headaches. This is an innovative solution to a scheduling over 200 parishioners. And this is in line with the core value of Innovation, given in our Vision Statement for CTK. I am so pleased that 20 of our eighth graders, 1 seventh grader, along with 5 SHG students (CTK alums) and 9 adult chaperones are going on the March for Life pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. this week. They leave this Wednesday evening and will return Saturday. Please keep them and all pilgrims in your prayers. Have a blessed week, YÜA ]Éx January 18, 2015 ATTENTION CTK PARISHIONERS! You are invited to join us for a night of fun and fellowship at our 12th Annual "Raising Up CTK" Live and Silent Auction on from 5:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 28th in the CTK Gymnasium. General Admission Tickets are $25 per person. Tickets will be on sale following all the weekend masses February 7 & 8 and February 14 & 15. Admission to the auction includes the opportunity to purchase a variety of wonderful auction items, an appetizer buffet dinner, dessert, nonalcoholic drinks. A cash bar of beer and wine will also be available. Please plan to purchase your tickets to join us! Reserved Seating is also available. Please visit our CTK School website at and click on our Auction link to learn more about how you can sponsor a table, buy an ad, or donate to the auction and support our school. Auction information is also on our CTK Parish website. For auction donations or questions please all Theresa Maggiore at 217-899-0548. Thank you for supporting the March for Life fundraising! Because of the generosity of our parishioners and school families, we surpassed our fundraising goal! This will enable the CTK students to go for $175, instead of $325, which is awesome! Please pray for our CTK group of 36 pilgrims traveling to Washington D.C. to attend the March for Life on January 22, 2015. We appreciate your generosity and prayers!! Second Sunday of Ordinary Time MINISTRIES MINISTRIES SERVER SCHEDULE SERVER SCHEDULE January 19—January 25, 2015 Jan 19: January Monday 12—January 18, 2015 Luke & Ben Raes Jan6:30 12: am Monday Jan6:30 20: am Tuesday Kaya de Castro/ Sydnie Edwards School Students Jan8:30am 13: Tuesday Jan8:30am 21: Wednesday School Students School Students Jan8:30am 14: Wednesday Jan.8:30am 22: Thursday School Students Students 8:30am School Jan. 15: Thursday Jan. 23: Friday 8:30am School Students 6:30 am Luke & Ben Raes Jan. 16: Friday Jan. 24: Saturday Vigil 6:30 am Kaya deDahlquist, Castro/ Sydnie Edwards 4:30pm Caroline Aili Eggleston, Drew Thomas Jan. 17: Saturday Vigil Jan. 25: Third Sunday of Ordinary Time 4:30pm Vince & &Lindsay Mikaila Salvo 8:00am Matthew MictchellMadonia/ Moseley, Kelly Rockford Jan. 18: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time 9:30am Daniel & Louis Connelly, Courtney Windisch 8:00am RyanPuckel, Canny/ Kayla Maya Seck, Fetter/Grace Lucy Souva 11:00am Brett Seck LECTOR 9:30am SCHEDULE Lucy & Peter Harmon/ Anne Mosley Jan.11:00am 24: SatMatthew Vigil Garst/ Laura Lucas/ Matthew Smith 4:30pm Vince Toolen (1st) Timothy Murphy (2nd) LECTOR SCHEDULE Jan. 25: Sunday Jan. 17: Sat Vigil 8:00am Carlajean Rebbe (1st) Ann Forrler (2nd) 4:30pm VinceSivak Toolen (1st) Jerry White 9:30am John (1st) Dan Long (2nd)(2nd) Jan. 18: Sunday 11:00am Marilyn Loschen (1st) Brent Judd (2nd) 8:00am Sr. Mary Gael Daly (1st) Mary Shelia Tracy (2nd) MUSICIAN SCHEDULE 9:30am Pat Griffith (1st)with Kathy Mosley (2nd) Jan. 24: 4:30pm Teens Linda and Mark 11:00am Patrick Smith (1st) Thomas Tarter (2nd) Jan. 25: 8:00 am John Curry with Cory Brown MUSICIAN SCHEDULE 9:30 am Adult choir with Linda and Bernie Jan. 17: 4:30pm with with MarkJohn G 11:00 amCantors VarneyKathy & Marion GREETERS FOR JANUARY Jan. 18: 8:00 am John Curry with Brian *(see below) 4th Graders 9:30 & their Families am Adult choir with Linda and Bernie 4:30pm Bob11:00 Beyer/am Julie Beyer/ Ann Francis Teens with Linda and Brian 8:00am Paul Brennan & Mary Lou Brennan/ Colleen Brown GREETERS FOR JANUARY 9:30am Rose Maire Bosco/ Donna Boyd/ Sandra Blank 4:30pm Bob Beyer/ JulieConlon/ Beyer/Carol Ann Francis 11:00am Claire & Mikey Cummins 8:00am Paul BrennanMINISTERS & Mary Lou Brennan/ Colleen Brown EXTRAORDINARY FOR JAN. 4:30pm Deborah Stoll/ LuAnn Johnson/ Jane 9:30am Rose Maire Bosco/ Donna Boyd/ Sandra Clark/ Blank Augustine Lyons/ Marilyn 11:00am Claire & MikeyNwajei/ Conlon/Dick Carol Cummins Lawler EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS FOR JAN. 8:00am Kathy DeSalle and Daniel De Salle/ 4:30pm DeborahBrenda Stoll/ LuAnn Johnson/ Jane Clark/ Heaton/ Sergio Pecori Nwajei/ Dick Lyons/ Lawler 9:30am Augustine Claudia Connelly/ MaryMarilyn D White/ John Sivak/ Joe PatDe Bertrand/ 8:00am Kathy DeSalle and and Daniel Salle/ Rod Hollenstine Brenda Heaton/ Sergio Pecori 11:00am Carole Oldani/ Walsh/ Kevin Wright/ 9:30am Claudia Connelly/ MaryMary D White/ John Kay Gottrich/ Rebecca Jones Sivak/ Joe and PatFOR Bertrand/ Rod Hollenstine ROSARY LEADERS JANUARY 11:00am CaroleMeyer Oldani/ Mary Walsh/ Wright/ 4:30 Penny 8:00Kevin Freda Burg Kay Gottrich/ Rebecca Jones 9:30 Shirley Stevenson 11:00 Dr. David Mack SHARE THE WORD FOR JANUARY ROSARY LEADERS Jan 25: Jerilynn Shipley 4:30 Penny Meyer and Beth Waldman 8:00 Freda Burgwe will have children from a *Each month, specific grade and their families to be either 9:30 Shirley Stevenson greeters or gift bearers. Call the parish office 11:00 Dr. David Mack or email us at [email protected] if it’s SHARE THE month WORDand you would like to sign your child’s Jan 18: Denise Edwards & Sue Brinkoetter up. January 18, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS January 19—January 25, 2015 MON., Jan. 19 – Weekday 6:30am 7:05am Helen Campbell Morning Prayer TUES., Jan. 20 – Saint Sebastian 8:30am Ruthann N. Murphy WED., Jan. 21 – St. Agnes 8:30am William Hoecker Sr. THURS., Jan. 22 – Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children 8:30am Anna & Bill Bernard FRI., Jan. 23 – St. Vincent 6:30am 7:05am All Souls Morning Prayer SAT., Jan. 24 – VIGIL 4:30pm Charlie & Mary Moyer SUN., Jan. 25 – Third Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00am For the People of the Parish 9:30am Dick Reid 11:00am Joseph & Henrietta Rubyk May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen LIKE OUR PARISH FACEBOOK PAGE! Christ The King Parish Updated every day with news of the Church in our World and much more! COMING SOON… THE 2015 ANNUAL SCHOOL AUCTION! (See below for details.) Second Sunday of Ordinary Time OREMUS Wednesday morning Bible Study is offering Oremus: Let Us Pray, an 8-week study from Ascension Press using Scripture and prayer. If you would like to join the group, please contact Mary Kay Hinkle, [email protected] or 7879750 to enroll. The cost will be $18.00. We will meet in the library in the Parish Center on Wednesdays, 9:30-11 a.m., from January 21 to March 11. The Oremus study program teaches you the essen als of an effec ve and frui ul prayer life. Over the course of eight weeks you will discover how God speaks to you, even in the smallest encounters. Following the Tradi on of the Catholic Church and the wisdom of the saints, you will learn how to express yourself to God in prayer, and how to hear his voice. *********************************************** The Chiara Center, Springfield, offers many opportuni es for spiritual growth - an Ah Day of Quiet which you can schedule to fit your calendar, a Food & Faith (evening featuring dinner and an excellent presenta on on Thursday, January 29 by Ed Wojcicki, past editor of Catholic Times), a Recovery weekend retreat (February 20, 21, 22), tours of St. Francis of Assisi Church and Chiara grounds, and/or retreats tailored to your group. Call us at 217-523-0901 or visit for more informa on. It’s not safe, it wasn’t her choice, ... and it still hurts. 64% of abortions involve coercion, which can be intense, even violent. 52% rushed, 54% uncertain 84% not adequately 65% suffer trauma. informed. Clinical depression: Suicide rates: 65% higher risk 6 times higher Share hope & End the injustice healing Free posters, fact sheets, resources healing options & more at: Pray for 21 of our eighth and seventh graders who are going on the March for Life this year in Washington D.C.! God bless their pilgrimage! USCCB’s 9 Days for Life Novena The U.S. bishops annual novena 9 Days for Life takes place Saturday, January 17 – Sunday, January 25. Pray for the respect and protection of all human life with new intentions, brief reflections, and more each day. Download the novena online, or participate through Facebook, email, text message or an app. Join at! January 18, 2015 CTK DONUT SUNDAY! Please join us for our monthly Donut Sunday, next Sunday, January 25th, after the 9:30am Mass in the Parish Center. See you there! Parish & School This Week Monday ♦ NO SCHOOL & NO PSR– Martin Luther King Jr. Day Tuesday ♦ ♦ ♦ Bridge Club 1pm , Roesch Hall (Parish Center) Adult Faith Committee Meeting, 7pm Library School Board Long Range Meeting, 6pm, St. Peter’s Room Wednesday ♦ Oremus Bible study, 9:30am, Parish Library ♦ Legion of Mary—1:00pm, Parish Library ♦ Word Among Us -Bible Study, Parish Library, 9am Thursday Friday ********************************************************************** School Menu this Week January 19-23 MON- NO SCHOOL-Martin Luther King, Jr. Day TUES.-HAMBURGER OR CHEESEBURGER ON **Bun, Tater Tots, Baby Carrots & Ranch Dip, Applesauce WED.– CHICKEN & **NOODLES, **Roll, Steamed Broccoli, Grape Tomatoes & Ranch Dip, Apple Slices w/ Cinnamon THURS.-*TACOS, Lettuce Cup & Cheese, Corn, *Oatmeal Muffin, Grapes FRI.- CHICKEN OVER MASHED POTATOES & GRAVY, **Roll, Green Beans, Peach Cup YOGURT W/ MOZZARELLA STRING-CHEESE STICK, PBJ, PEANUT BUTTER OR CHEESE SANDWICH OFFERED DAILY The Annual Recommitment to Life Rally, sponsored by the Springfield Right to Life Civic Committee, will be held TODAY, Jan 18th, at 2pm in the state capitol rotunda. This rally commemorates the 42nd anniversary of Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion. The keynote speaker will be Andy Moore of Americans United for Life. Called to be Community Bible Study is coming soon. It will be held on Mondays from 4-5pm. Call Pat Dreveny to register at 679-6570. Second Sunday of Ordinary Time January 18, 2015 READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Heb 5:1-10; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: Heb 6:10-20; Ps 111:1-2, 4-5, 9, 10c; Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: Heb 7:1-3, 15-17; Ps 110:1-4; Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: Heb 7:25 — 8:6; Ps 40:7-10, 17; Mk 3:7-12, or any of a number of readings for the Day of Prayer Friday: Heb 8:6-13; Ps 85:8, 10-14; Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Heb 9:2-3, 11-14; Ps 47:2-3, 6-9; Mk 3:20-21 Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20 NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS First Reading — The Ninevites turn from their evil way in response to Jonah’s message (Jonah 3:1-5, 10). Psalm — Teach me your ways, O Lord (Psalm 25). Second Reading — The world in its present form is passing away (1 Corinthians 7:29-31). Gospel — Jesus proclaims, “Repent, and believe in the gospel.” The new disciples abandon their nets and follow him (Mark 1:14-20). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. “If you are called, reply, Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.” What is God calling you to in your Sacrament of Marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends is February 6 – 8. To register or for more information call 314-469-7317 or go online to Pro-life Corner "All [the clients] were told about the procedure itself was that they would experience slight cramping similar to menstrual cramps, and that was it. They were not told about the development of the baby. They were not told about the pain that the baby would be experiencing or the physical effects or the emotional effects that it would have on them. They had no idea who was going to be there to help them when they fell apart afterwards. They were taken into the room then, and, as I said, there was no counseling done. These women basically had no idea what they were getting themselves into." -- Testimony of Deborah Henry, former Abortion Provider PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH Vono Medical Supplies 217-522-2403 400 N. 1st Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Licensed in the State of IL For further information, please call the Parish Office. ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months YAP FAMILY PRACTICE, LTD We are here for you! DENNIS YAP M.D. Board Certified Family Medicine 2979 Lindbergh Blvd., Springfield, IL 62704 P# (217) 679-2163 Fax (217) 679-2174 544-6464, ext. 44205 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. an Official Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA Parish Information Fill Out, Cut Out, Place in collection basket Name_________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ City_________________________________________ Zip_____________ Phone______________________________________________________ Email_______________________________________________________ ___New Parishioner ___New Address ___New Phone ___Moving, please remove from parish list Where?_____________________________________________________ 171050 Christ the King Church (B) ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Lucia Santini, M. Mus. Pianist and Teacher PRIVATE LESSONS AVAILABLE Mon-Fri 9:30-5:00 Sat 10-2:00 Religious Books, Goods & Catholic Supplies Candles & Church Supplies 313 Monroe 217-744-3610 Springfield 217-525-0079 FORMER FACULTY ROOSEVELT UNIV. CHICAGO, IL “See me for all Your family insurance needs.” Ed Blasius “Business Mailing Solutions Since 1982” 2025 W. ILES 546-6228 2308 E. North Grand Ave-Springfield 523-0330 217.547.1300 Reliable In-Home Care Laura Carmody Franchise Owner 6 Convenient Locations ALLAN HAMILTON 528-4400 A Family Serving The David M Groesch AuD 2534 Farragut Drive, Springfield, Illinois 62704 (217) 726-6101 “Gets you back where you belong” Community Since 1971! WHITE OAKS WEST ANIMAL HOSPITAL 2801 W. White Oaks Drive, Springfield Office 698-0280 Emerg. 698-0870 GREGORY B. HURST, D.V.M. Saint Joseph’s Home of Springfield A Tradition of Caring (217) 529-5596 Southwest 726-6200 3901 Yukon Dr. (behind Green Toyota) Northeast 744-0500 1901 N Dirksen Parkway MORGAN INSURANCE 955 S. Durkin Dr. Ste. E CTK '78 Springfield, IL 62704 GHS '82 217-414-3399 Medicare Supplements and Advantage 3150 Chatham Rd. South of Wabash Sat & Sun OPEN EVERY DAY 7:30 am - 9 pm Breakfast till’ 1 787-5222 GEORGE ALARM COMPANY 4481 Ash Grove, Ste. B Springfield, IL 62711 Jim Hillestad & Timothy Nicoud Jr. Parishioners Chad Lucas, Partner Kevin C Frontone, AAMS® Financial Advisor 2629 Chatham Road Montvale Junction Springfield, IL 62704 217-698-9693 Kirlin-Egan & Butler Funeral Home McCullough-Delaney & Butler Funeral Home “Helping you say good-bye with dignity & respect.” 525-1334 917 So. Ninth “Dedicated to Protecting You” Lic #128000030 217-544-4646 Parishioner Certified Public Accountants & Business Advisors Member SIPC Visit us on the web at Residential • Commercial • Rural Licensed & Bonded R.W. TROXELL & COMPANY INSURANCE SINCE 1887 Home • Auto • Business • Financial Planning (217) 787-4949 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. MIKE AIELLO • GARY HOECKER • JIM REAVY ALEX REAVY • TODD SOWLE • JENNIFER CALL TIM DaROSA • CHRIS LEMING • MARK PETRILLI Parishioners 528-7533 Lauterbach SNORTHRUP ORLING ★ Tires ★ Auto Service Parishioners 1569 Wabash Ave 546-2600 ATTORNEYS Emily B. Cour • Brian D. Jones James G. Fahey • Michael C. Connelly Stephen J. Bochenek • Jennifer M. Ascher Lisa A. Petrilli • Michael G. Horstman Jr. 1 North Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 200 Springfield, IL 62705 Jeff Nelson - CTK Parishioner Highly Effective Math Tutor 17 Yrs Experience Tutoring ALL H.S. Math Subjects Parents Call 217-638-4665 Algebra, Geometry, Statistics, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, SAT & ACT Prep for College Exams Alan Brinkoetter Building / Remodeling * Carpentry / * Kitchens & Baths Kay A. Gottrich, LCPC • Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor 975 S. Durkin Drive, Suite 202 • Springfield, IL 62704 217-726-9882 • [email protected] MARRIAGE, FAMILY, ADULTS, CHILDREN CHRONIC PAIN, TRAUMA, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY Providing Ethical & Compassionate Care For Those Who Are Hurting * Siding, Windows & Doors Basement Finishing All Types of Remodeling 217-433-8426 CENTRAL ILLINOIS ALLERGY & RESPIRATORY SERVICES, Ltd. Allergy / Pulmonary Disease & Sleep Disorders Glennon H. Paul, M.D. David C. Crabtree, M.D. David N. Wright, M.D. Pradeep S. Kulkarni, M.D. Jerry S. Reedy, M.D. 543 W. Miller St., Springfield, IL 62702 217-522-5596 • General Contracting • Construction Management • Design-Build 217.522.2826 | Open 7 Days a Week Convenient Drive Thru Same Day Service - Mon-Sat. 1825 W. Jefferson 2701 W. White Oaks Dr. 4349 Conestoga next to Meijer 171050 Christ the King Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time On January 24th from 2-4pm, an Open House will be taking place at St. Joseph’s Home to allow the community an opportunity to view the new dining rooms. Tours will be given from 2-3:15pm with a reception following in the new Shelter Care Dining Room. From 3:15-3:45pm, staff and volunteers at St. Joseph’s Home will be available to answer your questions about Admissions, Nursing, Activities, Coterie Women’s Group, Carpenter’s Club and upcoming projects at SJH while we enjoy light refreshments. Make a resolution to listen to AM 1410 & 88.9 FM WIHM Catholic Radio in the New Year. Tune in to daily Holy Mass, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and the Rosary. Plus programs such as, Catholic Answers Live, Open Line, the Journey Home, and more. For a program schedule and a free CD call (314) 752-7000 or toll free at (877) 305-1234. SAVE THE DATE! Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University is a 9-week workshop designed to help you understand the forces behind financial stress, teach you how to create a budget you can stick to, set financial goals you can achieve, and make things right for you and your family—financially, emotionally, and spirituality—for good. You will learn how to get out of debt and stay out of debt and how to better communicate about money. Starting , Jan. 22nd, at 6:15 p.m. at the Cathedral’s Atrium. For more information, contact the Office for Marriage & Family Life @ 321-1139 or [email protected]. On February 7th the Knights of Columbus 4179 on Lake Springfield are hosting a Valentines themed Murder Mystery Dinner. Admission is only $30 per person, and includes: hors d'oeuvres, dinner, desert, and of course, entertainment. Visit for more information and to secure your seat (under the newsletter link). This event is strictly limited to the first 100 respondents so don’t delay! January 18, 2015 “Glorifying the Lord by your Life” I’m going to begin my column by using that title since you have heard me say those words for over seven years now at the end of Mass. Let me explain its significance. When the New Roman Missal was translated into English, Pope Benedict added as an optional ending for each Mass: “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” The Pope wanted to emphasize that what we do at Mass should change how we live our lives after we leave the Church and rejoin our families, friends, and community at large. So in other words, after giving God thanks and praise, listening to His Word, and being fed by the graces of Eucharist, we should be different and our actions should witness God’s role in our lives as we live in the day to day world. So I want to celebrate stories of how individual members of our parish and groups acting together witness to God’s love in their lives and how their actions bring the light of Christ’s love to others in our community and parish. You have heard Fr. Joe talk this past Sunday of how in Baptism we have put on Christ and are charged to bring His light to others by our actions and words. The real secret of being a disciple of Jesus is to realize how much he depends on our hands and our hearts to make his presence felt in our world. I will love celebrating how so many of you make his presence felt in diverse ways and light up our parish with His love. Peace! WxtvÉÇ TÄ _ttuá ~ , 3/31/68 Martyr Martin Dr. King’s birthday, which is observed this year on January 19th, is an invitation to reflect on how the scriptures speak to the contemporary world—our very own. His speeches recall the sounds and images of Advent—he quotes or paraphrases Isaiah rather frequently. And the message that he brings and the story of his assassination point to Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Borrow a book or rent a video of Dr. King’s speeches. Enjoy the poetry as you heed the prophecy. “Somewhere we must come to see that human progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. It comes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals who are willing to be co-workers with God.” - Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution Dr. Kin ary 19t speak t speeche quotes messag pointto or rent as you “Somew never r through dedicat with G
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